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Chaos & the Geek (Grace Grayson Security Book 1)

Page 17

by Elizabeth Stevens

  “I don’t know why I spent so many sleepless hours worrying about you and the girls going out,” Hawk said, matter-of-fact.

  I couldn’t help myself. I threw a cushion at him.

  “What?” he exclaimed.

  I pointed at Amber. “Your sister’s hot, dude. Deal with your kinks on your own time.”

  “You think my sister’s hot?” Hawk rounded on me. He was very close to the kind of face he used to pull back when we thought cooties were a legitimate threat.

  I shrugged. “I have eyes, man. I don’t need to apologise for that. And, if you were any decent kind of brother, you’d realise a lot of guys are going to be interested in that.” My voice came out hard and disapproving in an effort to not give away how I really felt, and Amber heard every note crystal clear.

  “So, is that supposed to change?” she sassed. “What’s the consensus, boys? Is that frumpy enough to leave the house? Or should that go and change into something more appropriate?”

  I frowned at her. “That’s not what I meant.”

  “No. By all means, Kit. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. If I recall, your particular preference is tall, legs for miles, bleach blonde, very little brains and clothes so tight they’re really only a second skin!” she snapped.

  None of us said anything – I think we were all too taken aback to come up with anything – and just watched as she struggled to get her coat on in her annoyance.

  “Do you–” Hawk finally started but she huffed at him.

  “I’m fine, thank you! I don’t know why I’m even…” She dropped the coat on the back of the couch. “I’m only going downstairs.”

  She slid her phone into her pocket, then stomped off to the lift. When we heard the doors close behind her, we all let out a collective breath.

  “I thought you guys were friends now?” Hawk accused.

  I took a deep breath and forced myself to look at the TV. “Yeah. We are.”

  “Siblings fight, man,” Rollie said encouragingly. “They’re fine.”

  But were we fine? It didn’t feel fine. Not when I wanted to kick them out and drag her to my room and give her a million reasons to never leave. And if I was honest, very few of them were sexual just then. It was unnerving, but I couldn’t argue with the certainty I felt in my heart or my head.

  I hadn’t been able to promise her anything on Monday, but I’d had a week to think about whether the risk was worth the reward. I’d unanimously – yes, with one voter – decided that I was willing to risk anything for how I felt about her. I’d convinced myself that the way I felt about her was the kind of feeling you only got once in a lifetime. I loved Hawk like a brother, but there was nothing fraternal in how I felt about his sister.

  The point was moot if she still only wanted to be friends. But at least I knew, if she ever changed her mind, how I felt about it.

  Of course, if our most recent interaction was any indication of our future, then I’d spent all week wondering for no reason.

  It still didn’t stop me from keeping a not so subtle eye on the lift doors all night as I most certainly didn’t wait for her to come back. Thankfully, Hawk was just as watchful so my stakeout wasn’t indicative of anything that would get my arse kicked.

  She rolled in at around one, obviously drunk but not messy. She kissed Hawk on the head on the way passed, said, “See, whole and still untouched,” then said good night to us all and went to bed.

  The team slowly dispersed over the next hour or so until I was left with an antsy feeling and a serious lack of wanting to go to bed. But I forced myself to not think about her and get some sleep. I was successful in so much as I managed to sleep relatively uninterrupted, but was thinking about her as soon as I opened my eyes.

  “I need something stronger than coffee,” I muttered as I dragged myself out of bed and to the kitchen.

  I set the coffee machine on then went to my study to turn on my computer. Saturday morning was a shit time to be working when I wasn’t expressly being paid, but if it took my mind off Amber then I was going to do it. I just needed to stop thinking about her long enough to get over her. That was a legitimate strategy, I was sure.

  “Something about camping?” I wondered vaguely as I headed back to the kitchen.

  “What?” Amber asked, just before I ran into her coming out of the kitchen.

  I looked down at her, my hand going to her on autopilot to steady her. Her hand rested on my naked chest. Her eyes widened and I licked my lip. She bit hers and my heart rate spiked.

  That sexual tension was crackling between us. It was like pretending this last week had only made it stronger. It was supposed to have put it behind us, we were supposed to have moved on. But every time I saw her smile at me, every time we inadvertently touched, I yearned for more. I told myself not to – she was my best friend’s little sister, she was worth ten times better than I was, and we’d called just friends.

  I watched her suck in a breath and bite her lip again like she wanted to say something but something was holding her back. My skin tingled as it remembered the feel of her against it, of her fingers tracing the lines of my muscles and my ink. My heart constricted as it remembered the way she smiled at me, wrapped in my sheets and looking up at me with a shine in those beautiful violet eyes.

  “Kit…” she breathed hesitantly. “I…I don’t want you to think I’m ungrateful or anything…” Her chest rose and fell as she breathed hard. “But I can’t do this anymore.”

  My stomach dropped. “You’re… You want to move out?”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “What? No.” She shook her head. “Us, Kit. I can’t…I can’t do–”

  I cleared my throat and looked away from her. “No. I know. That’s why we… That’s why we’re keeping our hands to ourselves. Just friends.” I took a step back, but she took my hand and I looked back at her.

  “No. That’s what I’m talking about, Kit. Keeping our hands to ourselves. I can’t… I don’t want to…”

  I had never felt such hope as what I hoped she was saying. “What…? What do you mean, Amber?”

  “I don’t want just friends, Kit. I want you.”

  I searched her eyes. “You want me?”

  As she squeezed my hand gently, she gave a breathy chuckle that had me fighting for control. “I’ve wanted you for years.”

  I felt my eyebrow quirk and the corner of my mouth go with it. “Really?”

  She nodded and her cheeks flushed slightly as she looked at my chest. “It’s not a new thing. Honestly, I’ve…” There was that confidence I loved. “I’ve always been awkward around you because I’ve always had a thing for you. The thing’s changed a little over the years, obviously. I wasn’t desperate for you to throw me on your bed at thirteen or anything. But…”

  I took her cheek in my hand and she stopped talking as she looked up at me again.

  I’d felt it on Sunday as she’d been so confident that it was me she wanted. And I felt it again. Why me? How me? I didn’t want to question my luck, but I couldn’t help it.

  “You didn’t hate me?” I asked.

  “Hate you?” she spluttered, smiling. “No. I… I thought you had a terrible lack of morals through most of your teen years. But I never hated you, Kit. I was just a little embarrassed I was crushing on someone who’d never look at me twice.”

  I felt like all my wildest dreams were coming true. I didn’t have to wait for the day I found out she really did hate me, because she never had. Not only did she not hate me, she wanted me as much as I wanted her. And the idea I’d never look at her twice?

  “That’s not true,” I said softly. “I mean… It probably was true then, because you were fifteen last time I really saw you. But it’s not true now. Everything I want to do to you now is totally legal.”

  Her eyes shone and she caught her bottom lip in her teeth. It wasn’t hesitance this time, it was desire. I watched her take a deep breath as a smile cr
ept across her face. “What exactly do you want to do to me, Kit?”

  Fuck. I shouldn’t have started this.

  No. I wasn’t the only one who’d started it. She’d made the first move. Again. She wanted me as much as I wanted her – the way I wanted her – and I wasn’t going to keep making excuses to myself anymore. She was gorgeous, she was funny, she was tantalising, she was sweet. Hawk was going to be epically pissed but, we’d already crossed the line once, he could hardly get angrier.

  I looked down at our joined hands and while I could picture every little thing I wanted to do to her, every touch I wanted to give her, every caress I wanted to draw out, every time I wanted to hear that breathy moan in my ear, again and again. But my lips wouldn’t make the words and there was only thing they wanted just then.

  “To start with, this…” I said softly as I leant down and pressed my lips to hers.

  Our fingers intertwined and she stepped closer. My heart hitched and, for one brief moment, everything felt perfect. For one moment, I honestly believed I could have that other life. And this time I wanted to stay with that feeling, with her, for as long as I could.

  Her hand slid up my chest and I felt goose bumps break out across my skin. My arm wrapped around her waist, bringing her closer to me. As she rose up on her toes, she cupped my cheek. She leant her forehead against mine and let go a breathy laugh. Her eyes were still closed.

  “To start?” she asked with a hint of cheek.

  This was the Amber I wanted, the one with the confidence who always called Hawk out on his crap, the one who didn’t put up with my crap. Only now, she could look me in the eye while she wasn’t putting up with my crap. I wasn’t about to dismiss her demons, but it seemed they didn’t have quite such a hold on her anymore. And I wanted to do whatever it took to keep it that way.

  I picked her up and put her on the kitchen bench, trailing kisses along her cheeks, her neck, her jaw. “To start. To finish. And everything in between.”

  Her smile made her eyes shine with not just fire but life. “That’s an awful lot, Christopher,” she said.

  I drew back only far enough to look at her, planting my hands to either side of her. “I couldn’t promise you anything before, Amber. And I don’t know how much you want me to promise you now. But I want to make a proper go of this. I don’t want to miss out on what could be the best thing in my life because I was too afraid of the future.”

  “I thought Pat was the best thing in your life?” she teased.

  “Maybe it’s my destiny to love all Graces,” I replied as I searched her eyes.

  “You love me?”

  I smiled at her. “I don’t know yet, but I’d like to find out.”

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and her leg around my hip, using them to pull me closer to her. “So would I, but what about my brother?”

  “I don’t know about that either.”

  “Hm. I get that.”

  Thank fuck. “You do?”

  She nodded slowly. “I don’t really want to be the one to tell him you scored his little sister’s virginity, do you?”

  I wrinkled my nose in thought. “Especially not when you put it that way.”

  “So, I’m proposing–”

  “Already?” I teased and she grinned widely.

  “Funny. No. I propose we wait a bit.”


  “Yes.” She nodded. “He’s not going to be the only one with questions.”

  “So, maybe we wait until we have answers to those questions?” I finished and she nodded.

  “Not long, just…?”

  “Give it a week?” I suggested.

  “A week. Sounds good.”

  “A lot can happen in a week,” I told her as I wound my arms around her.

  “Is that so?” she laughed.

  I nodded. “It is.”

  “Like what?”

  “How many orgasms do you think I could give you in that time?” I asked.

  Her laugh was pure and happy and lit me up inside. “Um. I couldn’t even begin to guess. I don’t know that you have to give me any.”

  I shrugged. “Well, of course. I don’t have to do anything. But I’d quite like to make up for lost time.”

  “Lost time?”


  She bit her lip like she wasn’t sure about voicing her next thought.

  “Tell me everything,” I begged.

  “What if I just want to feel you?” she asked, a slight flush creeping up her cheeks.

  I nuzzled into her. “You want to feel me?”

  She nodded as her arms tightened around me. “I want to feel you. Right here is fine.”

  I felt a smirk break unbidden. “You asking me to fuck you on the kitchen bench, darlin’?”

  She laughed as she pressed her face to my shoulder. “Sure. I’m asking you to fuck me on the kitchen bench, Christopher.”

  I leant back and made her look at me. My eyebrow quirked and I couldn’t have wiped the half-smirk off my face if I’d wanted. “You want it? Because I’m more than happy to oblige.”

  She drew me back to her, one hand trailing down my chest. Every nerve came alive and fucking sang for her. Her lips brushed against mine as she said, “I want it.”

  “Fuck,” I moaned. “Your wish is my command.”

  She kissed me hard and her hands dropped to my waist band. I took hold of her wrists.

  “Uh-uh,” I said against her lips. “You were in charge last time. My turn.”

  Exaggeratedly slowly, she raised her hands above her head, a cheeky humour in her eyes. “Have at it.”

  This woman was going to be the fucking death of me. And I was going to enjoy every single second I had with her first.

  I kissed her hungrily. I kissed her like I was never going to get enough of her. And she gave back as good as she got. She wasn’t shy. She wasn’t submissive. She knew what she wanted and it was hot.

  My hand skimmed up her leg and I realised she was only wearing that oversized jumper. My fingers trailed up further to her hip and I discovered that was really all she was wearing. I felt myself smile against her as I slowly dragged her jumper out from under her arse.

  “Not an accident, then?”

  “You complaining?”

  I shook my head. “Fuck, no.”

  I brought her closer to the edge of the bench and pressed against her. Her eyes closed and she licked her lip before wrapping her body around mine and kissing me

  “Wait. Wait. Wait,” I muttered, sliding out of her grasp.

  “What?” she asked, confusion and hurt marring her features.

  “Condom,” I told her, pressed a kiss to her lips, then ran to my room.

  When I got back, I didn’t go back around into the kitchen. I reached for Amber’s arm and pulled her across the bench to me. She yelped and laughed as I wrapped her body around me again with one arm while I ripped the condom open with my teeth.

  “Keen?” she teased.

  I nodded. “Embarrassingly keen.” I grinned.

  I pulled my cock out of my shorts and gave it a few swift strokes as I looked at her. She was so fucking beautiful. Outside, yes. But what made her beautiful on the inside just made her all the more gorgeous to my eyes.

  “You sure–”

  “Kit!” she huffed.

  “I was only asking about the kitchen, baby.”

  She wrapped herself tighter around me. “To start with.”

  My eyebrow rose. “To start?”

  “I want to try everything.”

  “I’ll do my best to accommodate.”

  I rolled the condom on, then took hold of her hip and brought her to the edge of the bench again. Pressing into her, I rubbed my cock through her folds. She moaned softly and her arms tensed around me.

  As I kissed her, I ran my fingers between her legs. She was wet and ready. I guided myself into her gently, kissing her deeply. She relaxe
d around my cock just as she held me tighter.

  I started thrusting, again astounded at how she made me feel. Nothing had ever felt more right, more perfect, than our bodies moving together. Her fingers threaded through my hair as I held her hips firmly, her legs wrapped around my waist. My thrusts came harder, faster, deeper, and she moaned against my lips, pulling me even closer.

  One hand ran up her back under her jumper. She pulled away only long enough to help me get it off her then our lips met again in frenzied passion. She nipped my lip gently before pressing her forehead to mine and looking into my eyes. There was total abandon in there, pure wanton desire and a hefty bold streak that called to something in me.

  “Harder, Kit,” she panted.


  She nodded. “Harder.”

  She wanted it? I was happy to give it. So, I did. I put my hand on the back of her head and kissed her as I pumped into her faster, harder. Her hand gripped my back, her nails digging into my skin, and her head dropped back, so my lips trailed to her neck.

  “Oh, God! Don’t stop, Kit. Don’t stop!” she moaned and you can bet I wasn’t planning on it.

  She was warm, she was tight, and she was very close to breaking every ounce of control I’d ever prided myself on. I was too close. I slid my hand between us and found her clit. She whimpered. It was so sweet and so sexy, it amped up the tightness in me, but I hoped it was going to be enough for her.

  It almost wasn’t. I finished first, but didn’t let up until I felt her tighten around my cock and her body contract around mine. She cried out in pleasure and was shaking around me as I gently slid my hand out from between us.

  I took Amber’s face in my hands and kissed her softly as I slowly slid out of her. Her hands rested on my chest as she kissed me back. Everything about her was languid and soft. Until she looked at me and I saw that had done nothing to sate the desire in her eyes.

  “What’s next?” the little minx asked and all I could do was laugh breathlessly.



  “Shit. Shit. Shit,” I muttered as I finally caught sight of why my phone had been vibrating like mad for the last half an hour


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