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Cleo's Rage (Devil's Riot MC Book 4)

Page 14

by E. C. Land

“Thanks, brothers, we weren’t expecting to tell anyone for a few weeks so, keep it to yourselves,” I tell them.

  “You got it, Rage. Now, Gadget is staying behind, so be sure to not let any of the women out of the clubhouse. Station a prospect at each door, we don’t want a repeat with what happened to Izzy,” Twister says, eyeing Gadget.

  “No problem there. I’ll station myself in the main room with all my equipment to watch the security systems both here and at the docks,” Gadget says assuredly.

  “Good, now let’s get out of here and get ready to go. Prep to be ready for anything. We don’t know if anything will happen or not but, in my eyes, it can’t be a coincidence for Javier to be attacked at the same time as us having a run,” Twister says, slamming the gavel down, adjourning for now.

  In two hours, we could be facing life or death. All I gotta say is if they ambush us, it’ll be their deaths coming for them. Stepping out of the room, I head to my room wanting to spend a little more time holdin’ my woman close.

  Pulling up to the docks, we’re definitely ahead of schedule. Leaving Cleo had been hard. I didn’t wake her up when I took off. I did leave her a note though letting her know I’d be back later. The ride here was uneventful though right now, my gut is telling me things aren’t right. Moving toward the cargo hold, no one is around.

  I hold my hand up, signaling the guys behind me to stay put. I may be the Road Captain, and this is Hades’ job being the Enforcer, but military experience is telling me to hold back.

  “Someone’s up ahead,” I whisper not wanting my voice to carry any further than to my brothers.

  “Thorn, you go around the other way to see if you can scope anything out,” Twister orders.

  Thorn takes off, leaving quietly. When he’s out of sight, I signal without words for Hades and Burner to follow me, leaving the rest of the guys to stay behind.

  The first ping of a bullet hitting the cargo container is just the start. Dashing through the rows, I feel the sting of a bullet hitting my arm and another in my leg. Fuck that hurts. Rushing through, scanning the area, I spot the fucker who aiming at us. Well, at least one of them. I don’t know how many are out there. Aiming the gun in my hand, I hit the dumbass square in the chest, sending him to the ground with one bullet.

  “Brother, I don’t know how many are out there, we gotta fall back,” Burner suggest.

  “Fuck that, I’m gonna finish this shit right here,” I growl, moving forward and scoping out the area as I keep walking. Spotting Thorn, he signals how many he’s seen so far. At least five more of these motherfuckers around. Nodding my head, I relay the information to Hades and Burner.

  “You alright, Rage?” Twister asks catching up to us.

  “Yeah, Prez, I’m good. We got at least five of these douchebags we need to take out,” I say.

  “Let’s split up into three’s and find them,” Hades growls. Why he would suggest three, I’ll never know.

  Nodding my head, I move forward, figuring whoever is coming with me will catch up.

  Finally, I spot two of them with Dragons Fire MC cuts on. Dumb fuckers need a lesson is staying out of our territory for the last time. Turning to glance behind me, finding both Hades and Burner, I lift a brow gaining a nod from each of them at my silent question. I turn my head back around, lifting my gun. Finding my target, I hit one as another bullet hits his buddy. Two down, three to go. The sound of a gun going off somewhere else signals another one going down, meaning we have two more left.

  Moving forward, Burner and Hades right behind me, it doesn’t take us long to find one of the last two considering he runs right toward us. His eyes widen as he skids to a stop the second he realizes his life’s about to end.

  The dumb ass lifts his gun, pulling the trigger at the same time I pulled my own. A burning in my shoulder has me dropping my gun. Motherfucker got me. Damnit, Cleo’s gonna kill me for taken’ three bullets today.

  Thankfully, two of them are grazes, the one in my shoulder is not. It’s lodged in there. Grimacing, I lean against the container behind me, the blood loss beginning to get to me. Looking down, I find my shirt is covered in blood.

  “Rage, you good man?” Hades asks, pulling out a knife and ripping into my shirt with it. Once he has the shirt split in half, Burner helps with removing it, only to ball it up to press against the wound.

  “We’re gonna have to get you to a hospital, brother,” Burner states.

  “Fuck if I’m going anywhere but back to the clubhouse. I’m not gonna die. Dragon can take the damn bullet out there,” I wince at the pressure he applies to my shoulder.

  “Fine, but you can’t ride, asshole,” he grunts. Movement to the right catches my eye. Grigory.

  “I miss the party already?” he asks, coming to stand by us.

  The rest of the club members soon find us, dragging the asshole with them. “We need to get back to the clubhouse,” Twister says, eyeing my shoulder.

  “We can’t leave the shipment behind,” I tell him.

  “You’re right, we're not. Half of us will stay behind to load it up. Grigory, hate to ask but would your men be willing to help?” Twister turns to ask Grigory. Studying him, you can feel the darkness pouring off of him. No wonder he used to be the personal torpedo for the head of the Russians and known as the boogeyman. He’s as deadly as they come.

  “Yeah, Twister, they can do that. I’ll even follow to be sure nothing else happens. These fuckers fucked themselves this time. No one fucks with the Russians,” he starts spewing words in Russian none of us understand.

  “Thanks, man. The club will owe you one,” Twister says, holding his hand out to Grigory.

  “I’ll let you know if I’m ever in need of the club,” Grigory states, taking Twisters hand.

  “Well then, if alls good, can y’all get me the fuck out of here,” I grumble, ready to get home to my woman.

  “Yeah. Rage, Burner, Hades, and Dragon, you all head out with him and get his ass patched up. When the rest of us get back, we’ll have church,” Twister informs us.

  Nodding my head, I move to stand up straight. Even with my knees weak, I refuse to lean on anyone as I move toward my bike. I don’t give a damn if I’m bleeding out, I’ll be riding her home. Home to my woman.



  It’s strange to wake up alone. Since Rage brought me home, I’ve rarely woken up in bed without him. Furrowing my brows, I remember him coming back to his room and climbing in behind me but neither of us said a word as I drifted back to sleep. Stretching my arms across his pillow to pull it into me, I feel a piece of paper.

  Lifting my head, I pick it up to read it.

  Lavender, you were sleeping peacefully and I didn’t want to wake you. Had to go on the run this morning. Don’t leave the clubhouse and stay inside. Listen to Gadget until I get back, should be late tonight. Love you, be good. ~Travis

  Smiling, I put the note Rage took the time to write on the nightstand right as the need to puke hits again. Rushing to the bathroom, I make it just in time. Ugh, if this part doesn’t end soon, I don’t know what I’m gonna do.

  When the feeling subsides, I get up, brush my teeth, and change into a pair of yoga pants and put on one of Rage’s long sleeve shirt. I’m still curious as to why we’d had to come to the clubhouse so early. It’s kinda frustrating to be kept in the dark. Does it have anything to do with my stalker? Or with whatever’s going on with the club? Another thing which is frustrating me is the fact I can’t have any coffee. Sure, they say one cup is okay but honestly, I’m not taking any chances. I’ll settle for a hot cup of tea with honey in it.

  Stepping out of the room, I make my way to the main room, stopping at the sight before me. Blinking, I take in all the electronics set up. Holy mother grail of nerd orgasms. That’s a lot of computer screens. Sitting in the middle of all of them is none other than Gadget, staring at the different monitors.

  “Morning,” Gadget calls out never once taking his eyes off the screens in f
ront of him.

  “Morning,” I grumble finally stepping out of my stupor. “Why does it look like you’ve transformed this room into something you’d find in Iron Man’s basement?”

  Gadget burst out laughing. “I’ll take that as a compliment for my system. Granted, I don’t have shit on Tony Stark. Man’s a fuckin’ genius,” he chuckles.

  “Well, if Tony were here, he’d be impressed. Why do you have it all set up out here?” I ask making my way toward the bar so I can grab a mug and heat some water in the microwave.

  “Need to be able to see what’s on the cameras and be in here with you beautiful ladies,” Gadget responds.

  “Beautiful ladies?” I lift my head, grinning at him.

  “Yeah, darlin’, you, Lynsdey, Izzy, and Kenny,” Gadget says, his brows furrowing together as he pulls out his phone. Shaking my head, I go back to fixing my tea.

  “Morning,” Izzy calls out as she enters the main room heading in my direction. She has a hand placed on her stomach, wincing as she rounds the bar to grab her a coffee cup. “I swear this kid is gonna end up kicking me hard enough I pee on myself.”

  “I have to agree with you. JC would kick but never like this one. He or she has decided my bladder is their trampoline,” Kenny grumbles right behind her.

  “Oh, I don’t want to hear it you two. I carried two and didn’t pee myself when they decided to do somersaults,” Lynsdey says, carrying two infant car seats. Lifting a brow in question at the sight. “It’s easier to put them in their car seats to carry them around together when I’m by myself. They’re both still so small, I don’t want to take the chance of ever dropping them,” she says almost embarrassed to admit her fears.

  “There’s nothing wrong with the way you put them in their car seats. One baby is hard enough by themselves, add another one, it’s twice the work,” Gadget speaks up, having been eavesdropping.

  “Thanks, Gadget, any word when the guys will be back? I have things that need to be done and don’t have time to be on lockdown,” Lynsdey says. I quietly keep my thoughts of lockdown to myself as my friends begin to go on about how there is still so much to do before the charity event and none of us have time to be sitting around here twiddling our thumbs like a bunch of old woman in a nursing home. I, for one, am not complaining, considering the threat hanging over my head.

  A knock at the door interrupts us. Weird, no one ever knocks on the door. It’s always unlocked. “Do me a favor ladies, move to the hallway with the bedrooms in it.” Gadget orders, standing from his geek station and moving for the door. The four of us hurry to do as he says. I pick up one of the carriers to help make it easier for Lynsdey.

  From the mouth of the hallway, we all try to hear what’s being said but other than understanding a handful of curses, we can’t make anything out. When Gadget comes into view, fury rolls off him. “Listen up, it’s only me here with the prospects, so what I’m about to tell you to do, do it without question. Got me?” Gadgets words send a shiver down my spine. Nodding, we go down the hall and he puts us all in one of the rooms together. “Now, don’t leave this room no matter what you hear,” he growls, closing the door behind him.

  “What the hell is going on that he would order us to stay in here?” Lynsdey whispers, rocking her babies.

  “I don’t know much other than Twister telling me shit was getting heated with the Dragons Fire MC and we’d be put on lockdown,” Izzy says.

  We all sit, silently waiting for Gadget to come back. Gunfire can be heard from where we are, then silence again. Oh god no— Gadget. Please let him be okay. Where are the rest of the guys when we need them? What about the prospects?

  “Come out, come out, wherever you are? Cleo, I know you’re here somewhere,” a distorted voice calls out. All three of my friends turn to me with wide eyes. They know me almost as well as Rage does, if not better. So of course, when I move to stand, they try to stop me. “If you don’t show yourself, I’ll be sure to kill not only your friends but their children as well,” the voice calls out yet again.

  “I can’t let them kill you all. Please tell Rage I love him.” Tears fall down my cheeks as I move to the door. Turning the knob, I step out as quietly as I can.

  “There you are, bitch.” The person turns to face me at the sound of the door closing. “Get over here, it’s time for you to pay what’s due to me.” They snatch my arm tight in a grip I’m sure will leave a bruise. At the moment, I’m sure a bruise is the last thing I need to worry about. Dragging me through the main room, I spot Gadget and Ace on the floor bleeding. A gasp escapes me at the sight.

  “I told that man of yours he couldn’t keep you from me.” Stepping outside, I get a good look at the person. They’re covered head to toe but it has to be a woman, but who? Cristy? The only part of them I can see is their eyes and they don’t look the same. Color contacts maybe?

  “Move your ass, bitch, I ain’t got all day. Those dumbasses could be back any minute.” Shoving me forward, they point a gun at me. “No funny business. Head toward the tree line.”

  Once at the tree line, I spot a Polaris Ranger ATV waiting for us. I stop reluctantly— further in the distance, I can hear motorcycles coming our way. If I can prolong enough, I might be able to hold this crazy lunatic off. My plan is stopped by the gun she puts to my head.

  “Don’t even think about it,” she screeches.

  “Please, let me go. I haven’t done anyt—” Pain explodes in my head from the force of her hitting the side of my face with the gun.

  “You’ve done everything. Now, get the fuck in before I kill you right here, leaving your body for them to find in their own backyard. I want to have my fun first, so move.”

  I do as she says, getting in the passenger side. My face hurts from the hit to my cheek. Reaching up, I touch it and pulling back, I see blood. She must have cut my cheek.

  “You’re gonna take a little nap. Don’t want to spoil the fun before we get there,” she says. I barely look at her when the gun comes down on my head. My vision blurs, then she does it again and all I see is darkness.



  By the time I get to the clubhouse, exhaustion has me draggin’. I can barely keep myself upright due to the blood loss. The parking lot doesn’t seem right. Ace, who’d been ordered to stand at the front door, is missing.

  Shooting a look to the others, I get off my bike a stalk toward the door, pulling my gun out as I go. Opening the door, I stop in my tracks seeing Gadget and Ace on the floor surrounded by blood. Ice fills my veins and I forget about the blood loss. I rush for Ace as Dragon goes to his twin.

  Putting a finger to Ace’s throat, I drop my head— he’s gone. Motherfucker, whoever did this is gonna regret it. He was a good dude, who would’ve made a good brother to the club.

  Looking over to Dragon, I see him putting pressure to Gadget’s wound.

  “Call an ambulance,” he growls out, not taking his eyes off his brother.

  “Already on it, man,” Burner states.

  “The girls,” I state. Moving down the hall, I call out for them, waiting for them to answer me. One of the doors opens and Kenny, Izzy, and Lynsdey all come out sobbing, holding on to each other.

  “Where’s Cleo?” I bite out, not meaning to sound harsh but my woman is missing.

  “Th . . . The . . . They took her,” Izzy sobs barely able to get the words out.

  “How long ago?” I ask more gently this time.

  “Maybe five, ten minutes ago. I’m not sure. Sh . . . She didn’t want to go but whoever it was threatened to kill the kids and she refused to listen.”

  My breathing picks up as I take in Izzy’s words. Fuck. Fuck. Motherfuckin’ fuck. It’s gotta be her stalker who got to her. And of course, my woman would go to protect these children. She wouldn’t see a child hurt because of her. Damnit. I hang my head in shame— I failed her yet again.

  I need to get a grip on the fury beginning to swirl around me. “Alright, I want you three to take the kid
s either back in the room you were in or one of your rooms and stay there. Watch a movie and let me and the rest of the guys handle shit out here,” I tell them turning to move back to the main room. I can hear the sirens coming now. Thank fuck.

  Minutes later, the room is swarming with officers and medics. Police begin to question us while the medics work to save Gadget. Ace was pronounced DOA.

  “Sir, you’re bleeding. We need to get you checked out,” one of the medics says, coming toward me.

  “You can go help your buddies with Gadget, he’s more important. I’ll live,” I growl in his face.

  “We need to call the Prez, get the club back here fuckin’ quick,” Hades says quietly enough no one besides us hears him.

  “Do we know who did this?” Dragon growls, staring at the medics.

  “It better not have been the Dragons Fire,” Burner grinds out through his teeth.

  “It wasn’t them, Cleo’s missing. We need to get the pigs out of here soon. I need to find my woman. The longer they take, the longer it will take me to find her,” I growl and all three sets of eyes turn in my direction.

  “The other girls and kids are okay?” Hades asks.

  “Yeah, told them to go watch a movie and stay there for now,” I say turning my attention to the pig walking my way.

  “Good,” Hades mutters under his breath.

  “We’re about wrapped up here since you guys don’t have any answers for us, and have stated no one else was here,” the pig states eyeing the three of us before zeroing in on the wound on my chest. I should’ve probably put a shirt on but right now, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about it. “That being said, if you do think of something give me a call,” he hands me the card.

  “Dragon, why don’t you round up the women and take them with you to the hospital,” I suggest knowing he won’t be able to focus with Gadget in the state he’s in. He snaps his eyes over to me asking with his eyes if I’m sure. Nodding my head, “Yeah man, we need someone at the hospital with him and you can take the girls. I know they’re probably in whichever room pissed at not knowing.”


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