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Finding Home (Being Home Book 2)

Page 4

by Lissanne Jones

  “I’ve been told that once or twice, yeah.”

  Loud laughter burst from her. Cody Whittaker may have been many things, but modest was not one of them. She kissed him, deep and slow, then let him go. “How about we eat dinner, and then pie for dessert?”

  He licked his lips. “What kind is this one?”

  “Come and see.”

  Leading him into the kitchen, she opened the airtight container she’d brought with her and revealed the contents. A heart-shaped cherry pie sat inside, the top decorated with small, heart-shaped pieces of pastry.

  He kissed her temple. “Wow. This looks so good I don’t want to eat it. Now who’s amazing?”

  After they’d finished their meal, Autumn served up two generous slices and added freshly whipped cream. Once they were done with dessert and she’d helped him load up the dishwasher, they talked for another couple of hours before he walked her to her car.

  “I really enjoyed tonight.”

  Placing her hand on his cheek, she ran her thumb over his face softly, his stubble tickling the pad. “So did I.”

  “Same time next week?”

  “No.” The word was out of her mouth before she could even really think about it. “I want more.”

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her up against him. “Are you free on Friday night?”

  “Yes. How about I make dinner this time?”

  “Works for me. Text me when you’re home safe.”

  “I will.” She gave him one last kiss and then got in her car before she did something foolish, like beg him to take her into his bedroom and strip her naked.

  Squirming uncomfortably in her seat, she waved at him once he was on his porch and then drove home.


  Late February

  Cody stood in front of the door to Luke and Evie’s cabin, but instead of just pushing the unlocked door open and striding in as he had in the past, he knocked.

  He’d stopped letting himself in after shoving the door open one evening and discovering Evie bent over the sofa, Luke driving into her from behind as they both moaned so loudly they hadn’t even noticed his appearance.

  He’d made a hasty exit, wondering how he could ever scrub the sight from his brain, and had come back an hour later, making sure to knock on the door before entering.

  He’d deflected his brother’s amused question about the knocking but had eventually told his twin what had happened that day. Luke had been laughing about it ever since.

  The door was flung open. “What are you now, a fucking vampire? You don’t need an invitation to come in, Cody.” His brother’s expression was one of sheer amusement.

  “Shut up. You really think I want to see you and Evie at it like rabbits again?”

  His brother smirked at him. “I think you’d enjoy watching.”

  Cody made a big deal of shuddering and closing his eyes. “I had to use bleach to wash away the image.”

  Luke laughed his ass off as Cody shoved him aside and went into the cabin. Evie came out of the kitchen, her brow furrowed. “What’s so funny?”

  Cody came over to her, pulling his sister-in-law into his arms. “Nothing. He’s being a dick. How are you feeling, Blondie?”

  She slid her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest, and let out a long sigh. “I’m okay right now. Craving cheesy potatoes, so I’m making a pan. You want to stay for dinner? I’ve got to run to the store anyway, so I can grab enough for three.”

  “You mean four, right?” Evie was now about three months pregnant with his nephew, and Cody was growing ever more excited with every week that passed.

  She stepped away from him, her face clouded with an emotion he couldn’t quite work out. “Ha!” She pointed a finger at her husband. “Ask him.” With a huff, she grabbed her wallet and keys, stopping only to kiss Cody’s cheek.

  He was mystified by her response. Spinning around, he watched her storm over to the front door. Luke was still standing near it, a big grin on his face. “Out of the way.”

  Luke crossed his arms over his chest and peered down at his wife. “Not until you kiss me goodbye.”

  Evie placed her hands on her hips. “I’ve already told you. I’m never touching you again!”

  Cody let out a snort of laughter at such a ridiculous declaration. Luke and Evie could barely keep their hands—and other body parts—off each other.

  She spun around and glared at him. “What are you laughing at?”

  He held his hands up in placation. “Absolutely nothing. I’m just here for the food.”

  Luke stepped closer to his pregnant wife, his arms sliding around her waist as he cuddled her from behind. He leaned down to whisper something in her ear, and whatever it was made her relax, her hand coming up to rest on his.

  He nuzzled her neck before dropping kisses on her skin. She smiled, but then it slid off her face.

  Evie turned around to face her husband. “I’m still mad at you.”

  He dropped a kiss on her nose. “I know you are. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She got up on her toes and kissed him, her mouth lingering on his.

  Once she was gone, Cody perched himself on the arm of the sofa. “What did you do this time?”

  “Nothing bad.”

  “Uh huh. Evie doesn’t get mad at you very easily, so you must have done something.”

  “Nice. Side with her.”

  “Of course I’ll side with her. She cooks for me. Well?”

  Luke didn’t speak for a few moments, his eyes twinkling. “She’s mad at me because I knocked her up with twins.”

  Cody’s jaw hit the ground. “You fucking with me right now?”

  “Nope. Went for the scan this morning and the doc discovered two heartbeats. Here.” Luke disappeared and returned clutching an ultrasound photo.

  Cody studied it carefully, and discovered his brother wasn’t lying after all. There were clearly two babies in the scan. “Holy shit.” His eyes widened as pure joy burst through him. “I’m having two nephews!”

  Luke laughed. “Congratulations, Uncle Cody.”

  The two men embraced, Cody holding on to his twin a little longer than normal before letting him go. “That’s so fucking awesome. I can’t believe it. Do Mom and Dad know?”

  “Not yet. I wanted to tell you first.”

  They grinned at each other before Luke wandered into the kitchen. “Want a beer?”


  They sat on the sofa, icy cold bottles of beer in hand, and clinked the necks of their bottles together in celebration. “Damn. I still can’t believe it. Twins.” Cody suddenly frowned at his brother. “Hang on, why is Evie pissed at you about that?”

  “Because she’s been nervous enough at the thought of having to give birth to one baby. Now, she’ll be giving birth to two.”

  “Ah.” Cody’s gut clenched at the very idea of any woman pushing a whole baby out of her body. And lots of women had more than one child. It was a mystery to him how any woman could go through multiple pregnancies and births.

  “Well, you’d better be extra attentive, then. She deserves lots of love and pampering. She’s going to be pushing two of your kids out of her…you know.”

  “Vagina?” He cringed a little, and Luke burst into laughter. “You can say the word, you know.”

  “Just take good care of my sister, or I’ll beat your ass for you.”

  That only served to make his brother laugh even louder. “I’d like to see you try.”

  “I can take you down with my eyes closed, old man.”

  Luke had been born half an hour before his brother, and Cody had never stopped teasing him about it. The two men downed another mouthful of beer before gazing at each other. “Twins. I can’t quite believe it myself.” Luke was clearly thrilled at the idea of twin sons, and his enthusiasm was infectious.

  “Now you’ll get to experience what Mom and Dad did with us. Twins are awesome!”

  Luke held his hand
up and Cody high-fived him. “There’s a scary thought.”

  “Can I name one of them?”


  “Why not? You’ve got two babies. You can name the one born first, and I’ll name the other.”

  “Fine. Ask Evie when she comes back. If she says yes, it’s okay with me.”

  They talked about the ranch and stuff that needed to be done, and Cody offered to come help his brother with a new cabin they were working on. When Evie returned, Luke shot out of his seat and grabbed the two recyclable shopping bags she held.

  She relinquished them without hesitation and came over to the sofa. Cody got up and hugged her as tightly as he dared. “Luke told me you’re giving me two nephews to play with. Thank you, Blondie.”

  She relaxed in his arms as he stroked her hair softly. “Ugh. Don’t remind me.”

  He kissed the top of her head and released her just far enough to look at her, keeping his hands on her hips. “Can I name the younger twin born?”

  Evie’s answer was swift and sure. “No.”

  Cody pouted. “Why not?”

  “Because I’ve already picked their names, that’s why.”

  Luke, who had come back into the living room at this point, narrowed his eyes at his wife. “You have? When did this happen?”

  “While I was in the car. I have the perfect names for the boys, and I’m not changing my mind.”

  “Care to share with me?”

  “Later. I want to keep it a surprise for everyone else until the twins are born.” She stepped away from Cody and went over to her husband, bestowing a kiss upon him. “I’m going to put dinner on, I’m starving.”

  “Why don’t you sit down and relax? I can cook.”

  She waved him away. “I feel fine. Stay away from my kitchen.”

  Cody rubbed his hands together. “What are we having for dessert?”

  Evie stopped, glancing over her shoulder at him. “Funny you should mention that. We’re actually having six for dinner. Autumn’s bringing dessert.”

  A beaming smile spread across his face at the mention of the woman he was dating. He couldn’t wait to see her again.

  She turned up less than an hour later, and he didn’t hesitate to greet her with a long, hot kiss.

  He didn’t give a shit that his brother and sister-in-law were watching, the former with no small amount of amusement and the latter with happy sighs, and Autumn didn’t appear to be the least bit perturbed by the display of affection.

  The four of them ate dinner together, then indulged in the delicious chocolate and coconut cream pie she’d brought with her. Once they were done, they moved out onto the front porch. Cody and Autumn took the love seat, while Luke and Evie made themselves comfortable on the swing.

  Cody noticed his sister-in-law had picked up the ultrasound photo Luke had shown him earlier, so he knew they were about to spill their good news.

  “How did the scan go today, you guys?” Autumn was cuddled up next to him. “Everything okay with the baby?”

  “Funny you should ask that.” Evie sat forward and reached across the porch. “Here’s the ultrasound photo. Take a look.”

  Autumn took the white piece of paper from her friend. She sat up straight and examined it carefully under the outdoor illumination, which included the fairy lights pinned up around the enclosure.

  Cody watched her face carefully, his mouth curling into a grin. Her brows furrowed as she gazed at the photo and traced her finger over it. “There’s the baby’s head. But wait a minute, there’s another head over here…” It took a few moments, but suddenly her head snapped up and she looked from Evie to Luke and back again. They were both grinning widely. “There’s two babies?”

  “Yep.” Luke nodded. “We’re having twins.”

  Autumn let out a shriek and leapt to her feet. Evie followed suit, and the two women hugged enthusiastically. Luke put his arms around them both. “Congratulations, Aunty Autumn. You’ll have two boys to snuggle.”

  Autumn kissed his cheek before throwing her arms around them both. Cody, not wanting to be left out, got up and joined the group hug. The four of them embraced each other, rejoicing in the news that two babies would be joining the Whittaker family later on in the year.

  By the time they separated, both women had happy tears in their eyes. “Go sit with your brother.” Evie shoved her husband over to the love seat and sat back down on the swing, taking Autumn with her.

  The two women started chattering about pregnancy and babies, so Cody tuned out, instead talking to his twin about upcoming projects on the ranch.

  It was late by the time the two couples called it a night. After exchanging hugs and kisses, and Autumn extracting a promise from Evie that they’d have a girls’ day out the following Saturday, Cody and Autumn left.

  He walked her to her car, wishing she could come home with him, but he’d already made a vow to let her call the shots. He wouldn’t rush her, no matter how much his dick wanted him to.

  Because he knew Autumn Grant wasn’t a woman he’d have a one-night stand with and forget about the next morning. And he wasn’t a man who wanted to indulge in such things anymore. He wanted his forever. A wife. A family. A life he shared with another.

  And Autumn might just be the woman he’d been looking for.



  Cody dismounted his steed, Sabre, and slid down to the ground. He grabbed the cooler he’d placed in front of him for the ride and secured the reins so they wouldn’t get caught up in anything nearby. The horse was happy to stay put and munch on some grass while his rider strode off in search of his twin brother.

  He knew Luke was working on the latest cabin they were building on the property. Since Evie had created an online presence and solid marketing plan for Luco Ranch, it had established itself as not only a fantastic venue for a getaway in the beautiful mountains of Colorado but had also become a firm favorite for brides looking to indulge in a rustic mountain theme for their wedding.

  The ranch was now booked out months in advance for both accommodations and events, and it had become necessary for more cabins to be built to cater for the ever-growing number of guests.

  Luke, Bill, and the ranch hands had been busy for months adding them here and there. Since a lot of the new guests were couples, they were customizing them to be cozy enough for two.

  Evie had put her stamp on the décor inside, creating a romantic ambience. It seemed their guests enjoyed their stays so much that most of them made bookings for a future visit before they left.

  Diana and Bill had also thrown some business Autumn and Ruth’s way by creating welcome baskets with handmade cookies and pastries the ladies created.

  Cody found his brother inside the cabin, installing the bathroom cabinet. “Hey, Luke.”

  Luke glanced up. “Hey! Come to give me a hand?”

  “Sure, if you need one. What do you want me to do?”

  The two men finished putting together the large cabinet and screwed it into place, Cody holding it steady while Luke drilled. Once it had been affixed to the wall, they stopped for a break.

  Sitting outside on the small, unfinished porch, Cody lifted the lid of the cooler he’d brought with him and extracted two bottles of beer. He didn’t miss the way his brother’s eyes lit up at the sight of them, and it made him laugh.

  “You know I don’t usually drink while on the clock, but I’m not going to say no to one today.” Luke twisted the lid off and chugged down half the bottle in one go.

  Cody merely sipped his, lost in thought. He’d wanted to speak to his brother in private, but now he had the opportunity he wasn’t sure how to broach the topic.

  “Something on your mind, bud?”

  Luke’s question had Cody gazing up at his twin. “Can we talk about something private?”

  “Sure. Nothing will be repeated to anyone, not even my beautiful wife. Promise.”

  Cody breathed out. Luke was not only his twin, but also his best frien
d and he knew he could trust him with anything. “Autumn and I haven’t slept together yet.”

  “You’ve only been dating for a couple of months, and it’s been hush-hush. Not surprising, since it would be hard for her to stay the night.”

  “Right. It’s not only that, but…” Cody trailed off and sighed.

  He felt a hand on his shoulder, squeezing softly. “But what?”

  “I think she’s a virgin.” His words came out in a rush, as though they’d never come out if he didn’t say them quickly.

  A few moments went by before Luke spoke again. “Does that bother you?”

  Cody looked at his twin. “No. Should it?”

  Luke shrugged. “I don’t see why. I’m sure Jed Grant threatening to shoot any man who went near her would be enough to drive most men away, although I did hear…”

  “Hear what?”

  “There was talk a few years back she was seeing someone and it was serious.”

  Cody narrowed his eyes. “Who? I never heard anything about that.”

  “Don’t know. Never heard a name. I overheard Mom talking to Ruth about it one day, and Ruth wasn’t happy about it. Said she didn’t trust the guy; thought he was up to something.

  “Apparently, he didn’t want anyone in town to know they were together, so he’d take her to Colorado Springs for dinner and a movie.”

  Cody chewed on that while he downed some more beer, then took a couple of sandwiches out of the cooler and passed one to Luke. They ate in silence, finishing off their beers.

  “I don’t want to hurt her, Luke.”

  His brother gave him a gentle smile. “You won’t, Cody. Just because she’s a virgin doesn’t mean she won’t enjoy it. Just go slow with her, make sure she’s comfortable.”

  “Of course.”

  “Are you sure she’s a virgin, or are you just guessing?”

  “She hasn’t said it outright and I haven’t asked her.”

  “So you’re just guessing.”

  “I want to sleep with her, Luke, but I don’t want to rush her.”


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