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Finding Home (Being Home Book 2)

Page 20

by Lissanne Jones

  “There is.” Autumn took a large gulp of the cold liquid in her glass, then set it down on the coffee table and turned to face her friend, tucking one leg up underneath her. “But you have to promise to keep this to yourself. You can’t tell anyone, not even Luke.” She thought about that. “Especially not Luke.”

  Evie frowned, taking a sip of her water and following suit by placing the glass on the table. “Okay, I promise. You can trust me, Autumn.”

  Autumn breathed in and out, trying to gather her courage. “Evie, I’m pregnant.”

  Evie’s mouth fell open, and her pale blue-grey eyes widened. “Oh, honey.” She hugged her friend, and Autumn fought back the tears. She didn’t want to cry anymore, but she clung tightly to the blonde. Once Evie released her, the two women looked at each other. “I take it Cody doesn’t know.”

  Autumn shook her head. “I only found out a couple of hours ago. I went to see the doctor this morning because I’ve been feeling unwell, and it was she who mentioned it. She did some tests but won’t have the results back for a day or two. I told Momma when I got back to the store, and she had to go to Colorado Springs to make some deliveries, so she went to a drugstore and got me some pregnancy tests.”

  Evie nodded. “Smart not to buy them here. Everyone in Aurora Springs would have known by sundown.”


  Evie took her friend’s hand. “So what are you going to do?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “I hate to say this, but Cody deserves to know, sweetie. I know you’re not dating anymore, but he loves you. He’ll want to be there to support you however he can.”

  “I know.” Tears finally welled up. “I just don’t know how to tell him, not yet.”

  “And he’s not your biggest issue, I know.” Evie was right. Cody wasn’t going to be the problem, Autumn’s father was. “I can’t imagine Jed’s going to be very pleased.”

  Autumn snorted. “That’s an understatement.”

  “What are you going to tell him?”

  “I have no idea. He’ll probably kick me out.” She paused for a few moments. “I can live with that, but I’m worried sick about Cody.”


  Autumn hadn’t told anyone but her mother about the threats to Cody’s life her father had made, but she couldn’t hold it in any longer and the words spilled out of her in a rush. “The reason I ended it with Cody is because Dad found out we were dating and threatened to kill him if I didn’t stop seeing him.”

  Evie gasped in shock. “Oh, Autumn. That’s terrible! Oh, sweetie.” She leapt up off the sofa and started pacing. “What is wrong with that man? How could he do that to his own daughter?” Stopping short, she gazed at her friend. “Do you really believe he’d do that? Hurt Cody?”

  “I honestly don’t know, but I’m not taking any chances.”

  A steely resolve crossed Evie’s face. “Autumn, you can’t let him rule your life like that. If you need to leave the house, you can move into Charlie’s old place. It’s fully furnished and just sitting there empty. Ruth can go with you if you like. I’d be happy to let you both stay as long as you like for free.”

  Cody’s well-being had been her number one priority, and his safety had been more important than even her happiness. “Thank you, Evie. Let me think about it and talk to Momma.”

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Autumn nodded at her friend. “Of course.”

  “How did Jed find out?”

  She hesitated for a few moments. “Gisele Dunne told him.”

  Evie’s face darkened. “Oooh, that fucking bitch! I should have let Cody arrest her last year.”

  She reached out and took the other woman’s hand. “Don’t get mad, Evie. It was bound to come out anyway.”

  “Probably, but you should’ve been the one to make that call. She’s such a hateful, spiteful bitch. I’m going to scratch her eyes out next time I see her.”

  “That may not be a great idea. The boys need their mommy here at home, not in jail.”

  Evie huffed. “Like Cody would arrest me.”

  “No, but Gus Collins might.”

  “Promise me you’ll think about everything I said.”

  She squeezed Evie’s hand. “I will.”

  “I know I promised not to say anything, but please let me tell Cody why you ended it. I won’t mention the pregnancy to him or Luke, I promise, just about what happened with your father. He’s hurting, Autumn, and it would go a long way if he knew it wasn’t because he did anything wrong or you don’t love him anymore.”

  Her already broken heart shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. “That’s what he thinks? Of course I…” Tears spilled down her cheeks and accepted Evie’s embrace. “Of course I love him, Evie. More than life itself.”

  The other woman released her but kept hold of her hand. “I know you do, honey. And I’m sure he knows it deep down, too.”

  “Yes, you can tell him. I know I should have, but I knew if I went to his place and told him he wouldn’t let me go. He’d have gotten mad and maybe done something stupid, like confront my father. I couldn’t risk it, Evie. I just couldn’t. If Dad hurt him—” She sobbed, and Evie reached up to wipe away her tears.

  “I understand, Autumn. It must have been a hard decision for you to make. But you deserve happiness, and if that’s being with Cody, then your goddamned father can just suck it up. Talk to Ruth about my offer. We’ll help you with everything and anything you need until you can get on your feet.”

  Autumn felt as though perhaps there was finally light at the end of the dark tunnel she and her mother had been living in for so long. Could they do it? Make a life of their own? They both had some savings put aside, but they’d have no jobs. They’d only be permitted to take their personal possessions, if they were lucky.

  Jed Grant would do his utmost to make their lives as difficult as possible if they finally gathered the courage to step out of his shadow.

  But maybe it was time. This baby could just be a blessing in disguise.

  She laid a hand on her stomach without even really thinking about it. The two women talked for a while about pregnancy and babies, but when Autumn heard the telltale sound of a truck outside, she stiffened in her seat.

  “It’s probably just Luke. Let me check.” Evie rose up and went over to the window near the front door. She peered out of it at the new arrival. “It’s Luke, and he’s alone.”

  Autumn closed her eyes and breathed out. “I should go anyway.”

  “Okay. Please think about what I said, though. Let me know when you’re ready. I’ll talk to Cody.”

  “Thank you.” She slung her tote over her shoulder and went over to the front door, kissing her friend’s cheek.

  “Call or come over anytime. Let me know how you’re doing.”

  The door swung open to reveal Luke. Autumn looked up at him, and his resemblance to Cody made her heart ache. Although he was a couple of inches taller, sported darker hair and a beard, and was right-handed, he and his twin could not have been mistaken for anything other than brothers, and gazing up at him made her miss Cody even more.

  Luke kissed his wife, then gave Autumn a broad smile. “Hi, darlin’. How are you doing?”

  She stepped into his open arms and hugged him tightly, his presence comforting. “I’m doing okay, Luke. How are you, Daddy?”

  “Good. Tired, as always, but good. Where are my boys?”

  “Sleeping,” his wife informed him. “Let’s keep it that way for as long as possible. You home for the day now?”

  “Yep. Told you I’d only be gone for a few hours.” He kissed her again, and after saying goodbye to her friends, Autumn left them in each other’s arms.


  Cody couldn’t remember a time in his life when he’d been as angry as he was right now. The previous night, Evie had told him and Luke exactly why Autumn had ended their relationship. Their suspicions had been correct; Jed Grant had found out she’d been dating him,
and he’d threatened to kill them both if she didn’t end it.

  He wasn’t particularly bothered by the threat against himself. He wasn’t afraid of old man Grant, and he wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him if Jed so much as pointed a gun in his direction. He was more scared for Autumn and her mother, trapped in that house with him.

  Evie had managed to calm him down long enough to listen to her entire plan by plonking a baby into his arms, and by the time she was done, he agreed it was sound.

  Didn’t mean he hadn’t wanted to go storming over to the Grant homestead to have it out with Jed once and for all anyway.

  But he hadn’t. Instead, he’d talked through various scenarios with his brother and sister-in-law while playing with his nephews, whose smiles and cackles of laughter had made his heart swell with love.

  He wanted the same thing. Autumn with a ring on her finger that he’d placed there. A baby boy who had his mother’s dark brown eyes. Now that he knew Autumn still loved him, that it hadn’t been her choice to call it quits, Cody knew he’d do whatever it took to get the life he wanted.

  The life they wanted.


  While he loved the idea of his woman moving in with him, he understood she might want to stay with her mother for a while. He’d just be happy to resume their relationship and be able to kiss her in front of the entire town.

  He’d called Stephen Blythe that morning to find out where Gisele was working. After explaining to her employer why he was attempting to track her down, Stephen had been similarly incensed and had asked Cody to pass on a message to Gisele when he found her.

  Cody swung his truck into the driveway of the house Gisele was showing to a couple. It was a large, two-story brick place, with a bright red front door and a manicured lawn.

  A large panel of stained glass was inlaid in the door, and he was sure that when the sun came through it was probably very pretty to look at. Bristlecone pine trees lined the driveway on either side of the house, shielding it from the neighbors.

  The three of them were standing out on the front lawn, a large ‘For Sale’ sign with Gisele’s photograph plastered on it hammered into the ground.

  He didn’t bother to take any particular care with his parking. Killing the engine, he got out of the truck and headed for Gisele.

  “You fucking bitch.”

  The couple who’d been touring the house looked nervously at him, their mouths falling open at his less than friendly greeting. But Cody was past the point of giving a shit. A quick glance at them told him he didn’t know them, and besides, he wasn’t there for them.

  They turned to Gisele. “Thanks for showing us around. We’ll give it some thought and get back to you.” The man took the woman’s hand, and they dashed to their car, driving away as quickly as possible.

  Gisele narrowed her eyes at him and put her hands on her hips. “How dare you, Cody Whittaker? I’m working! They were prospective buyers.” She tossed her hair over her shoulder, and it riled him up even more.

  “How dare I? How dare you!” His tone was cold and his voice loud, but he couldn’t help it. “What were you hoping to get out of telling Jed Grant about me and Autumn, huh? Did you think I’d come running to you for comfort?” He could tell by the smug look on her face that he’d hit the nail on the head.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”


  She dropped her hands, her arms now loosely by her side. The smile slid off her face. “Fine. So maybe I did mention something to Jed Grant, but I thought he already knew.”

  Cody breathed deeply, trying to calm his temper before he truly lost his shit. “You know full fucking well Jed didn’t know anything about us, but you had to open your big mouth and stir the pot. Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

  She stared at him expressionless, only blinking a few times. “I don’t know why you’re making a big deal out of this. Just make up with her if you’re that desperate.”

  “He threatened to kill me, Gisele.” Cody kept his voice as even as possible. “He told Autumn that if she didn’t end our relationship, he’d shoot me and then he’d shoot her. His own child. Can you imagine how she felt when he said that to her?”

  The blonde woman’s face fell, and for the first time he saw true regret. “Cody, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know…I mean, I didn’t think—”

  “No, you didn’t think. You never do. All you care about is yourself.” Cody’s hands balled up into fists by his sides. “You know what would be best for you? To leave Aurora Springs. Start your life over somewhere else. Maybe work on being a decent human being.”

  “But—but I have a job—”

  “Oh, yeah. Speaking of that. Stephen asked me to give you a message. You’re fired.”

  She blanched, and he felt just a smidgen of pity for her. But this was all her own doing, and all he could think about was how the woman he was madly in love with must have felt when her father threatened to kill him. And her. How hard it must have been for her to write that letter and slip it under his door.

  How heartbroken she must’ve been to have to end their relationship.

  His resolve hardened and he stared at the woman opposite him, refusing to back down. Not until he got what he’d come for—a promise she’d get out of their lives for good.

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “We’ll see about that. If Stephen wishes to fire me, he can do that himself.”

  “He’s waiting for your call.”

  “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, Cody! I can live wherever the hell I want. If I want to stay in Aurora Springs, I will and you can’t make me go.”

  “Just how welcome do you think you’re going to be in town when everyone finds out it was you who told Jed about us?”

  The blood drained from her face. She’d be completely ostracized once the entire town learned of what she’d done, and she knew it.

  “Fine. I don’t know why I’ve stayed in this backward little town for so long anyway. I’ve been offered a fantastic job in Denver that pays a whole lot more.”

  “Then I suggest you take it.”

  She clasped the clipboard she was holding to her chest. “You know what you can do with your suggestions? Shove them up your ass.” With that, she flounced off to her car and drove away without a second glance.

  Cody was happy to let her have the final word if it meant that Gisele Dunne would never be a thorn in his side again.

  Once she was out of sight, he got back in his truck and drove over to Luke and Evie’s place. The twins were asleep, so he joined his brother for a beer and told them about his confrontation with Gisele.

  “Good,” Evie declared. “The sooner she leaves town, the better. I mean, the absolute gall of her, having a go at you as though you’d done something wrong. Ugh. That woman!” She waved a hand about, and had her husband not had such good reflexes she would have clipped him in the nose.

  Luke took hold of her hand. “Be careful there, darlin’. I almost lost an eye.”

  She frowned at him. “You did not. I was nowhere near your eye.”

  He looked over at his brother. “Women. Can’t live with them.”

  Cody gave him a sad smile. “Can’t live without them.”

  “Aww, Cody.” Evie rose up and sat on his lap, sliding an arm around his shoulders. “You won’t have to for much longer. We’re going to get you two back together and you’ll get the happily ever after you deserve.” She kissed his cheek, and he gave her an affectionate squeeze.

  “I guess if things don’t work out with Autumn, I’ve always got you.”

  Luke’s hand, which was halfway up to his mouth with his bottle of beer, froze in place. “I don’t share.”

  “Of course you do. We’ve always shared everything.” Cody couldn’t help teasing his twin, and the look on Luke’s face made him feel lighter.

  “You touch my wife in any way that remotely resembles a sexual manner and I’ll end you.�

  Evie rolled her eyes. “For heaven’s sake, Luke. He’s teasing you. Stop being a caveman.”

  Cody grinned at his brother, and Luke punched his arm. “Go get your own woman.”

  He looked from Luke to Evie and back again. “I will.”


  Autumn sighed as she placed the last batch of pies into the oven. Focusing on baking and writing in her journal had been her saving graces since the split from Cody.

  It didn’t mean she wasn’t thinking about him every waking moment, because she was, and she was still miserable without him, but having other things to keep her busy had helped her from falling head first into despair.

  She still had a lot to consider about the future, and she had spoken with her mother at length about their options. The existence of the baby had changed everything, and they’d made the decision together to leave the Grant homestead and forge new lives for themselves.

  But how Cody would fit into that, she wasn’t sure. Could he ever forgive her for dumping him the way she had? She knew Evie had told him why she’d had to end their relationship. It had been a couple of days since she’d confessed everything to her friend, but she hadn’t heard a word from Cody.

  Not one.

  They normally made all their orders first thing in the morning, but Stella’s Diner was catering an anniversary party the next town over later that night and had placed a special order for desserts from Autumn and Ruth, so they’d decided to wait until late morning to make them so they’d be fresh out of the oven upon delivery.

  The pastries were cooling on wire trays scattered across the countertops, and the first batch of pies were already boxed up and ready to go.

  She heard the tinkle of the bell above the door, signaling a new arrival, but since her mom was out front she paid it no mind. She was just setting the timer for the oven when Ruth came bustling into the large kitchen, yellow package in hand. “I have something for you.”

  Autumn gazed over at her mother, and the excitement on the older woman’s face caused a smile to appear on her own. “You bought me something?”


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