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The Princess of Chaos

Page 5

by Candice M. Wright

  I stare at him, debating the merits of nut punching him, when the hands on my arms slide my jacket from my shoulders. Every possible scenario flits through my mind and none of the possible outcomes are appealing. My jacket gets tossed to Zero. He catches it in one hand before stepping back and making room for Viper who is now in front of me.

  “If you want me to stop, just tell me.”

  I hold my arm up in a classic stop signal but he shakes his head as he reaches for the hem of my T-shirt.

  “No, Megan. If you want me to stop, you need to tell me. Use your words.”

  So that’s the game he wants to play. Okay, fine let’s play.

  I raise my hands, flip my middle fingers at him, and smile caustically before raising my arms above my head. He pauses for a second, surprise on his face and dare I say, a hint of respect. He wipes it all clear as his rough hands pull my T-shirt over my head, tossing it onto the bed, exposing my black lace bra.

  Hands at my waist let me know Zero has moved behind me. My focus on Viper was so absolute, I didn’t even see him move. Viper’s hands move to the button of my jeans and pop it open before slowly sliding the zipper down. I don’t break eye contact with him. I need to let him know that he might be calling the shots but I’m no one’s bitch. When I still don’t say anything, he shakes his head and hooks his fingers into the waist of my jeans, sliding them over my ass and down my legs. He stands back up and Zero takes over, freeing my feet as he keeps me balanced. Viper’s eyes blaze up my legs to the apex of my thighs and to my mound that is scarcely hidden behind a scrap of black lace.

  Zero’s fingers trail up my outer thighs deliciously slowly, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake until they settle back on my hips. Their heat is so much more apparent now that my clothing isn’t between us. I can tell he’s waiting for Viper to decide what to do next, but he needn’t have bothered. I know that Viper won't back down any more than I will.

  I keep my eyes on Viper as I reach around and unhook my bra, letting my generous C-cup bust free. I toss the bra at him and smirk when it hits him in the face. I lick my lips, drawing his attention away from my eyes in case he can see how nervous I am. I move my hands to the pretty little ribbons that tie at the side of my panties and pull them. The material parts in my hands, allowing me to easily pull it away. I offer it to Viper with the sweetest smile I can muster, the little strip of fabric swinging from my finger, making his chest rise and fall rapidly as his breathing speeds up.

  I feel Zero’s ragged breath on the back of my neck and find a sick sense of satisfaction that I affect them as much as they affect me. A finger trails down my ribs to the curve of my hip, tracing over my tattoo. The black rose sits just under the curve of my breast. Its stem is made up of one of my favorite Atticus quotes—She wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword. I draw strength from those words now as I have many times over the years. They might be knights on chrome horses but I’m a motherfucking princess.

  I open my mouth and my words flow out, my anger guiding me. “If you touch me, I will kill you.” I glare at Viper as his eyes widen in shock but he doesn’t wince or flinch so I’m guessing my volume is even enough.

  “Fuck me!” Viper exclaims. I roll my eyes then climb onto the bed, aware I’m giving them even more of a show than before. I can't stand between them any longer, at least not without climbing one of them like a damn spider monkey.

  “Think I just made my view on that clear,” I tell them over my shoulder before lying down and pulling the blanket over me. I close my eyes and shut them out, all the while faking an outward appearance of calm.

  A calm which goes out the window a few minutes later when I feel the bed dip on either side of me. My eyes snap open to find an amused-looking Zero staring back at me.

  “I’m guessing you forgot the part about you sleeping in between us.”

  I try to shrug nonchalantly. “It's your funeral.” I’m about to close my eyes again when I feel his hand on my jaw at the same time I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a hot chest press against my back.

  “We won’t take anything from you that you’re not willing to give.” I’m sure his words were meant to bring me comfort but all they do is remind me of why I’m here.

  “You already did,” I tell them and close my eyes before he can reply.

  Chapter Six


  Viper and I don’t say anything until Megan’s breathing evens out, letting us know she’s fallen asleep.

  “So how’s this plan of yours working out, Viper, because I’m not seeing the benefits of your wisdom right now,” I tell him as I turn on my back and look up at the ceiling.

  “She’s a stubborn little shit, that’s what the problem is,” he grunts out.

  I snort at the irony. “You have no fucking room to talk, asshole. You are the most stubborn person I know. I get what you're trying to do, kind of, but you can't force her to trust us. If anything, you’ll make her pull further away.”

  “And yet she felt safe enough to sleep between us naked,” he points out, which is true. That means she trusts us at least on some kind of subconscious level.

  “Just remember you can only push so far before you do some serious damage,” I caution.

  “I’m not going to hurt her, fuck!” he yells.

  “Physically, no, but mentally we’re skating on thin ice. We took her from her best friend and her brothers. We brought her back to a place she loathes where she hasn’t exactly been made to feel welcome, then made her our old lady without even asking her, effectively tying her to us forever. The only reason she’s asleep between us naked is because, yet again, we forced her hand. Tell me, Viper, how many times do you think we can bend her to our will before she breaks?”

  He’s quiet for a moment, thinking over my words.

  “Fine. I’ll try to rein it in. I just don’t want any of the assholes around here starting shit with her,” he tells me, frustrated.

  “I know, but maybe playing it differently would mean I’d be lying here with my dick inside her as opposed to hoping it'll still be attached to my body if I accidentally touch something I shouldn’t during the night.”

  He’s quiet for a beat before he starts laughing. “Fuck. Okay, I’ll work on it.”

  I nod. It’s all I can ask for. At the end of the day, Viper is who he is. Asking him to change is like asking a zebra to wear spots.

  We don’t speak after that, each lost in our own thoughts. I think back to church earlier and all the disgruntled faces when we told them that Megan was now our old lady and, as such, she fell under club protection, not just mine and Viper’s. Anyone who fucks with her will not like the fucking consequences. Most agreed, even if it was somewhat reluctantly, but there are a few that I’m going to need to keep my eye on who remained silent and stoic. Nobody was stupid enough to say anything outright but then, Viper and I are considered wildcards.

  Rock let a lot of shit slide when he found himself the president of a club he never wanted to rule. Viper and I, however, are a different breed altogether. We were born for this shit. We might be soldiers, but we were bikers first. We have oil in our veins.

  Whimpering draws my attention back to Megan who seems to be huddling in on herself. I look over at Viper and see his attention is on her too.

  “If he wasn’t already dead, I would gut that motherfucker myself,” he mumbles about Crogan, mostly to himself, but I agree wholeheartedly.

  When she pulls her legs up into the fetal position, tucking them tight to her chest in some kind of protective move, I decide to risk a kick to the dick and turn on my side to face her. I slide my hand across her jaw and press my lips against her forehead. I mumble to her, inconsequential words, especially knowing she won't hear them, but hoping that the feel of my lips against her skin will bring her a measure of comfort.

  She moves in her sleep and tucks herself under my chin, almost like she’s trying to reassure herself that I’m still here. I hold her tight and feel
Viper move in closer behind her.

  “It seems that at least in her sleep she needs us,” he speaks softly before burying his face in her hair. While that’s true, I’d rather she slept peacefully than have her dreams plagued with nightmares.

  The next week proves to be a test of willpower.

  We moved what shit we would need over to the apartment we shared on the compound. Usually, it’s little more than a fuck pad, but it’s where Viper feels she’ll be safer, so who am I to disagree?

  The only one who hasn’t seemed to notice our change of residence is Grim, who’s been AWOL. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried, even more so with him refusing to answer my messages. I get that he’s struggling being back at Chaos and that he feels like his last chance to find his sister has slipped away. But Viper is getting antsy waiting him out and I doubt Viper will give him more than another day or two before he sends me to hunt Grim’s ass down.

  I catch Megan out of the corner of my eye, stripping off her jeans before she pads into the bathroom on bare feet and closes the door behind her with a click.

  All thoughts of Grim flee my mind. I sit on the queen-sized bed and rub a hand over my face and will my cock to calm the fuck down, but it ignores me as usual. Anytime I see those long-ass legs with their smooth, silky skin taunting me, all I can think about is what it would be like to have them wrapped around me.

  My attention turns to the door as Viper strolls through it with a six-pack in his hand.

  “Where is she?” he asks in greeting.

  “Bathroom,” I tell him and watch him walk to the fridge and place the bottles inside.

  Our apartment is different than the others. Originally, it would have belonged to someone like the super or manager when it was an up and running motel. Instead of being a standard room with a bathroom and a minibar, we had an actual apartment made up of three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a kitchen area. It actually started out as a two-bedroom apartment but we converted the living room into the third bedroom so that Grim, Viper, and I could stay together.

  Of course, that meant the main door opened into the third bedroom, but you’d find yourself facing down the barrel of Viper’s gun if you tried to enter without being invited.

  None of the rooms were designated; we didn’t care about shit like that. Like I said, for all intents and purposes, this was a fuck pad. But now that Megan is here, it seems somewhat lacking. What this place has that the cabin doesn’t, is an eight-foot fence topped with razor wire and manned by armed prospects.

  Megan walks out of the bathroom wearing one of my baggy T-shirts but I know she’s bare underneath. Viper finally relented and agreed to her wearing a T-shirt to make her feel more comfortable but she just laughed in his face at his reasoning. We all knew damn well it was because it was getting far too hard for us to have her naked between us and not lose control.

  He wouldn’t admit that, of course. To prove her point, she slept without any panties on.

  I’m pretty sure these two are going to be the death of me.

  She doesn’t say anything as she walks over to the bedside table, snagging the bottle of lotion from the top of it. I’m glad I had the foresight to ask one of the club girls to pick it up along with some other essentials. Viper switches on the TV that’s mounted on the wall facing the bed before stripping down to his boxers and lying down on the bed. I follow suit and leave a gap in the middle for the woman that is slowly fucking turning my balls blue.

  Every night this week without fail, Viper and I have made sure we were back here to sleep with Megan, partly to ward off the nightmares, but also to work on building trust between us. It was slow going but each day I could see another chink appear in her amor.

  I watch as she cocks her leg up onto the chair in the corner of the room and smears the lotion into her smooth, creamy legs.

  “She’s doing this shit on purpose,” Viper grunts out, watching her just as avidly as I am.

  “Oh, for sure. She knows exactly the effect she has on us.” I look down at my cock straining against the gray cotton of my boxers. “It’s not like I can hide it.”

  Megan looks up then and smiles innocently at Viper and me before climbing between us.

  Innocent my ass. This woman is the devil sent to try me. We’ve agreed not to make a move until she instigates it, we’ve pushed everything else, but not this. The ball is firmly in Megan’s court. And my balls are firmly in her pocket.

  I grunt as I adjust my dick and resign myself to another long fucking night.

  Like usual, she falls asleep in moments, her ass pressed against my hip, her hair fanned out over Viper’s shoulder.

  We talk shop for a while, then watch some comedy show, but it isn’t long before we lose interest in the TV and switch it off in favor of calling it a night.

  Megan is heading back to her shop tomorrow so she’s bound to wake us up at the ass crack of dawn.

  The sound of her whimpers pulls my attention her way. It’s always the same, every fucking night. None of her dreams seem to be very pleasant. She thrashes around before crying out and rolling over, burying her head against my chest, which she soaks in seconds with her tears.

  I place my lips against her forehead, just like I do every time, and pull her close until she calms.

  I know the second she wakes. Thankfully, it’s not because she knees me in the dick for holding her but because she slides her hand behind my neck and yanks me down, planting her lips against mine. I react on instinct and the salty taste of her tears on my lips isn’t enough to stop me from giving her exactly what she’s asking for. What I’ve wanted since I kissed her in the diner. Fucking finally. A sharp pinch on my arm has me pulling back abruptly, giving my sanity time to kick back in.

  “Control yourself, asshole,” Viper barks at me. His sharp tone lets me know he’s the one responsible for the pinching. My eyes squint when light spills into the room, making me realize that Viper has switched on the lamp beside him. I look down at Megan and see her watching me, chewing her swollen lips with a look of trepidation on her face.

  “Erm…” Wow, look at me being all eloquent and shit. She smiles at me, something about me being at a loss for words seems to comfort her. Slowly, as if worried about startling me, she lifts herself onto one elbow before leaning over and placing her lips back on mine for a second. Pulling away, she looks into my eyes as I fist the sheets. She keeps her eyes on me as she licks over the seam of my lips, darting her tongue inside when I part them on a gasp, before retreating. She sits up and climbs from the bed without looking back, padding softly to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. I turn to look at Viper who looks just as confused as I am.

  “Erm…” Yep, that’s still the best I’ve got.

  “Yeah, I have no idea either. What the fuck was that? It’s been a week and she hasn’t wanted anything to do with us and now, all of a sudden, she willingly makes out with you? I—” He shuts up when the door opens and Megan strolls back out, naked as the day she was born and completely at ease in her own skin as she makes her way back over toward us.

  And fuck me, she should be comfortable. She has the kind of body reminiscent of a 1950s pinup girl. Full, perky breasts with rosy nipples just begging to be sucked, a tiny waist that I’m sure my hands would easily fit around that give way to wide, flaring hips. Toned, well-shaped thighs that make my already half-mast dick harden completely as I yet again imagine them wrapped around my waist. And that waxed smooth pussy that has my mouth-watering.

  The icing on the cake—ink. Fuck me, is there anything sexier than a girl with ink on her skin? I swallow hard, hearing Viper groan beside me, not helping at all. She stands there for a second, taking us both in before she surprises the shit out of me by whipping the covers away from us, leaving Viper and me lying there with our dicks pointing north as they pitch tents in our boxers.

  “Megan,” Viper warns as she crawls up my body and plants her naked pussy directly over my boxer-clad cock. She doesn’t answer him, having
been focused completely on me she didn’t see his lips move. When she starts rubbing herself backward and forward over me, I grip the sheets so I don’t reach out and grab her hips so I can pull my dick free and thrust up inside her.

  “Vipe,” I say his name hoping like fuck he tells me what move he wants me to make here because as the material of my shorts becomes wet from my pre-cum and her arousal, I realize I’m two seconds away from losing my shit. When he doesn’t answer, I turn to look at him and see his hand wrapped around his cock, his eyes fixed firmly on her breasts as they sway with every movement.

  “Fuck it.” I lift my hands and grab her hips, pulling her harder against me, my grip tight enough to leave bruises and I’ll be damned if the thought of my fingerprints on her skin doesn’t turn me on even more. She doesn’t pull back or shy away from my touch, oh, no, not this little minx. She lifts her hands and cups her breasts, tossing her head back with a moan, the tendrils of hair tickling the skin of my thighs.

  “Jesus Christ,” Viper grunts out, his movements speeding up. I take control, sliding her up and down my cock faster and harder.

  “Yes!” She lets out a breathy moan of her own. I watch as Viper lifts the hand he’s not fucking himself with and places it on her ribs, below her breast, tracing the tattoo we both like so much.

  She lifts her head and opens her eyes at his touch. She looks from me to Viper before sliding her hand over his and linking their fingers, dragging his hand up and over her breast. The sight of my best friend’s hands, which I’ve seen stained with blood, being gentle against her silky white skin pushes me over the edge.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” I yell, pulling her against me so hard, I’m worried I’ll hurt her. Instead, it sets her off. Seems our little princess likes a little pain with her pleasure. Viper must realize this too because when she lets go of his hand, he pinches her nipple hard, making her scream out loud as she throws her head back and creams all over my cock.

  Viper grunts beside me, letting me know that he just followed her over the edge. None of us move for a while, our ragged breathing the only noise in the room, nobody wanting to break the haze of the moment. I think part of me is waiting for her to freak out, to come to her senses and realize what she instigated in her sleep-fueled brain and blame us for taking advantage. I watch as she looks down at me before looking over at Viper who is watching her with as much trepidation as I am. When she reaches over and runs her finger through the puddle of cum he shot over his stomach, he moans in surprise. When she lifts her hand and sucks her wet finger into her mouth, I feel my softening dick start to shout for an encore. She winks at him before climbing off my lap and walking back over to the bathroom, closing the door and locking it behind her.


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