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The Princess of Chaos

Page 8

by Candice M. Wright

  “Zero, call Kaz and get him to bring a cage. Tell him he’s on guard duty today,” I order, never taking my eyes off Megan.

  “You good?” I ask her, waiting for her to nod. I hold out my hand. “Phone?” She shakes her head, making me scowl.

  “It's back at Carnage. It's not like you guys let me pack before you dragged me out here.” Ah, good point. I consider my options. It would take a prospect ten minutes to get her a brand-new phone with all the bells and whistles on it, but something tells me she wouldn’t appreciate it as much as having her own back. Ah, fuck. I pull out my phone and send a text to Orion, the Kings of Carnage newly appointed president and Megan’s brother. I tell him Megan is fine and to send her things over sometime later today, including her phone so she can message them. She had been Skyping them nightly using my laptop so she could sign to them. I never even thought about her needing a phone until now.

  “Is there anything else at Carnage you specifically need?” I ask her before hitting send.

  She shakes her head no. “Everything else is at home.”

  “This is your home now, Megan.”

  She shrugs her shoulders and turns back to Grim, effectively shutting me out. I let it go for now but she better get used to it.

  “Kaz is on his way. Said for you to meet him at the gate when you’re ready,” Zero informs Grim, sliding his phone back into his pocket. “I’ve gotta head to the garage.” He tugs Megan’s hair, making her look at him. He places a quick kiss against her lips before pulling back and smacking her on the ass, making her squeal.

  “Be good.” He turns and heads out before she can say anything else. It doesn’t stop her from flipping him off though.

  “Come on, Raven, let's get this shit over with,” Grim grumbles, snagging her hand and guiding her towards the door. Just as he pulls her outside, a couple of other members stumble into the room bleary-eyed.

  “Pres,” Wizz greets me with a nod of his head. He’s one of seven prospects we have at the moment and is a genius with a computer.

  “Get me a coffee, Wizz, and bring it to my office.”

  “On it.” He heads off to the kitchen, leaving me with Fender, one of the old-timers.

  “You’re up early this morning, Pres. I thought you’d be balls deep in that Carnage pussy still.” My hand is around his neck as I smack his head down hard against the bar, holding him in place.

  “That is my old lady you’re talking about, Fender. I hear you speaking shit about her again and I will cut out your tongue, understood?”

  “Understood,” he gasps out when I squeeze his neck hard.

  “Come on, Pres, he didn’t mean anything by it.” I look up and see Boner stumbling over, zipping his jeans up after tucking himself away.

  “He needs to learn to keep his fucking mouth shut.” I toss him on the floor and look down at him with my don’t-piss-me-off face.

  “Just a joke, Pres. Boner’s right, I didn’t mean nothing by it.”

  I let it go even though I know he’s full of shit. But Megan's right, it's going to take time.

  “Megan is Chaos, always has been, always will be, despite the shit this club put her through. Perhaps, for a change, we could show her some loyalty instead of treating her like a fucking pariah.” He doesn’t say anything but offers me a nod instead.

  I walk off as Boner reaches out his hand to help him up. I head upstairs to my office and slam the door. There is always some asshole around willing to fuck up a perfectly good morning.

  I sit in my chair just as there is a knock on the door.

  “What?” I yell, not ready to deal with any more bullshit. Wizz opens the door with my coffee in his hand.

  “Got your coffee, boss man,” he snarls. If he was truly just a prospect, I would have backhanded the fucker for that shit. He deposits it on the table then plonks himself down in a chair on the other side of the desk.

  “Get over yourself, Wizz. Everyone here was a prospect at one time or another. It’s a rite of passage and you guys get more leeway than anyone else would because of who you are. If you blow your cover because you don’t like being someone’s errand boy, I will kick your ass myself.”

  “Relax, Viper, I’m not going to blow my cover, and fuck you for saying so. You know me better than that,” he grumbles.

  “Tell me what’s got you acting like a damn drama queen then.”

  “You have no room to talk. Ever since Megan showed up, you’ve had your panties in a twist.” He holds his hand up to silence the retort I was about to fire at him. “I'm not saying it’s a bad thing. For what it's worth, I think she might be good for you guys. I haven’t seen Grim this animated since we got home.”

  I nod in agreement, his words echoing my own thoughts. “I guess time will tell. So, what have you found?” I ask him, wanting to get down to business. The sooner I finish up here, the sooner I can track down my girl.

  “The books are a fucking mess. I don’t know if that was intentional or incompetence, yet. Either way, it’s making things harder to track. What I can say is that there is a huge discrepancy in what’s coming into this club and what’s being fed back out.”

  “So someone’s skimming,” I summarize

  “Skimming is too tame a word. Whoever it is got cocky. They’ve been taking huge chunks of change, which should make it easier to find. I just have to wade through all the other shit first. It wouldn’t go well for us if I ended up pointing the finger at the wrong person.”

  I sigh, frustrated but knowing he’s right. I’m not the most patient guy in the world and it doesn’t sit well with me that I’m standing idly by while someone tries to mess with my club.

  “Fuck.” I run my hands through my hair, pissed off with the world. Some days I almost wish I was back in the sandbox. At least there I knew that my brothers were protecting my back not trying to stick a knife in it.

  “Just keep working your magic. The sooner you find out who’s messing with us, the sooner you can swap out that prospect patch for your real one. How are the others getting on?” I don’t interact much with them because it would look suspicious if the Pres spent too much time with the prospects.

  “Same as me, really. Frustrated for sure but they can see the big picture. What you're offering us here is a family, but like any family, there’s always a bad seed. Don’t worry, Viper, we’ll find them. Me and the guys can manage just fine. We've had it worse.” He smirks at me, making me smile. He’s not lying, some of the shit we had seen while overseas will haunt us forever.

  “Okay, get out of here and keep me posted. Kaz is on Megan duty today. Let the others know.” We made it a rule to know where each other is. Can't be too careful when you have people so willing to take you out.

  “No problem.” He stands and heads to the door, turning just before opening it.

  “Have you spoken to Wanda yet?” I tip my head up and groan at the ceiling, feeling a headache coming on.

  “She’s on my list.”

  “Well, don’t leave it too long, Vipe, she isn’t going to be happy that Megan’s here.”

  That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one.

  “I know and in a way, I get it. She lost her old man and her son in one night but none of that was Megan's fault, so she is just going to have to deal with it.”

  “Just like that, huh?” The fucker looks far too amused.

  “Yeah just like that. I’m the president, she won’t go against a direct order,” I tell him, sounding far more convinced than I actually feel.

  “Whatever you say.” He laughs as he heads out. I pick up a pen and lob it at him, but it hits the door as he closes it behind him. I might just leave the fucker on prospecting duty for the next six months. Let’s see how fucking funny he finds this shit then.

  I turn on the computer and log in. This thing has more security than the fucking Pentagon but if someone thinks they can sneak in here and mess with my shit they are sadly mistaken.

  I read over the crap I have to do tod
ay and wonder if Grim has the right idea getting wasted in the morning.

  All thoughts of Wanda slip from my mind as I work, trying to straighten out the books as much as I can to make it easier for Wizz to do his digging. I see what he’s talking about straight away, it’s like whoever is doing it isn’t even trying to hide the fact that they are pocketing the club’s money.

  What has me confused, though, is where most of the money seems to be disappearing from. Euphoria might be a popular strip club, but it is still just that—a strip club. The records that Wizz sent over show it’s making over a million a month. At first, I assumed it was from when Chaos was funneling drugs through there. People came for a little blow and a little blow. The girls were not meant to be turning tricks, and I’m not naïve enough to think that shit doesn’t happen occasionally, but that’s not what this is. In fact, looking at the spreadsheets, the drugs side of things seems to have been tied up neatly, maybe a little too neatly as every penny seemed to be accounted for. But why?

  Aside from all that, if Euphoria really is making one million a month then where the fuck is it? Because according to these records, barely a thousand is being banked.

  Chapter Nine


  I discreetly enter the code for the alarm before Kaz takes the keys from my hand, leaving me to sip my coffee and take him in. He’s tall, tatted, and built like a tank with an air of menace hiding underneath his messy blond hair and easy smile. I don’t remember Chaos ever having prospects like the few I’ve seen loitering around. They all seem to look older, stronger, and a fuck of a lot smarter than the ones that came before them.

  Kaz pushes through the door, and a little flash of light signals his arrival, bringing a smile to my lips. Most people get a little bell or something but thanks to the lack of hearing, I need something more visual.

  The soothing scents of jasmine and lavender invade my senses, making me feel right at home. This place is my sanctuary and even Stokey’s attempts at destroying it have failed.

  Kaz leaves me with Grim, who stands so close I can feel his body heat against my back, while he checks out the rest of the shop. It's unlikely we’ll be attacked by an errant candle or a rogue set of aromatherapy oils but after the month I’ve had, I suppose it's better not to take any chances.

  I look around at the pale lilac walls lined floor to ceiling with chrome shelving. Each wall is littered with sense-stimulating products ranging from mellow to invigorating. Soothing candles, sumptuous cashmere throws, and seductive silk pashminas are just a few of the items designed to either smell, feel, taste or look captivating.

  Having one of my senses taken from me made me realize just how important the remaining ones are. Sure, my items might run on the more expensive end of the price scale, but they’re worth it. I only sell the best of the best and people come from miles around to buy them, among other more exclusive items.

  The large bay window storefront lets a shitload of natural light in the room creating an inviting atmosphere. The dark cherry wood flooring gives the room an elegant and expensive feel. Not bad for a girl who at one point had nothing.

  A nudge to the shoulder has me looking up at Grim who is now standing beside me with a frown on his face.

  “Are my balls going to shrivel up and drop off? This place screams ‘I am female, hear me roar.’ It kind of makes my dick want to tuck itself up inside me and hide.”

  I burst out laughing, not expecting that to come out of his mouth. He quirks a smile at me that he tries to hide by taking a sip of his own coffee.

  “Don’t worry, Grim, your cock and balls will be just fine. And if not, I’m bound to have some cream around here to make them feel better.” He mock scowls at me but carries on drinking as Kaz reappears.

  “Place is clear.” He nods at Grim before walking outside and taking up a guarding stance by the door.

  “Lord give me strength,” I mutter to myself. Following him out, I grab him by his sleeve and yank him back inside. He doesn’t resist, which I appreciate. We both know I only managed to move him because he let me.

  “You can't stand out there looking like a lone member of a kill squad. You’ll scare off all my customers,” I tell him, stomping my foot a little like the mature adult I am.

  He smiles at me. “Kill squad?”

  “Customers?” Grim adds, making me frown at him.

  “Yes, customers.” I walk to the door and flip the closed sign over to tell the world we’re open.

  “I have someone who has been filling orders while I’ve been gone and he let my regulars know I was taking some time off. They’ll be glad I’m back,” I explain to Grim.

  I turn back to Kaz and wave my arm up and down to encompass the colossal size of his body. “Yes, kill squad. You might have the kind of face that mamas love but your body screams lethal predator, the kind that has daddies reaching for their shotguns. Well, unless it’s my father. He’d either try to steal your gun or offer me up in exchange for it.”

  When Kaz looks like he’s going to interject, I wave him off, refusing to give in to the bitterness that comes from thinking about either of the men that once held that title.

  “You can go sit in the back and leave me here with Grim. I swear I will release the biggest, girliest squeal if someone untoward comes in. Or I can grab you a chair and you can sit by the door, but on this side of the glass. Once people are inside, they’ll stay for the products, especially as you look like you might fuck them up if they don’t.”

  “Untoward? Seriously?” He laughs, looking up at Grim who appears equally amused. “I thought she didn’t speak?” Kaz smiles, stopping only when he notices I’ve frozen stock still. “Hey, what's wrong?” he asks, making Grim look down at me with a frown before understanding dawns.

  “She doesn’t usually. I guess that means she likes you.” Grim frowns at the last part and, dare I say, looks a little jealous.

  Kaz smiles down at me softly and I can't help it, I smile back. Grim’s right, there is something about Kaz that my subconscious decided to trust before the rest of my brain could catch up.

  “Well, I’m going to take that as a compliment. And your instincts are correct. If you need anything and you can't reach Viper, Zero, or Grim here, find me, okay?”

  I nod, still a little surprised at how easily I gave him my voice, the voice I hid from even my best friend for the longest time. “Okay, Kaz,” I agree, hoping my voice sounds as grateful as I feel.

  “Right, I’ll grab a chair and sit over there by the door. You and Grim go do what you gotta do.” He turns and heads back behind the counter.

  A hand on my jaw has me looking up to face Grim who is staring down at me with a little more clarity in his eyes as the alcohol in his system starts to work its way out.

  “I haven’t spoken more than a handful of words in years to outsiders and only when absolutely necessary. And now I’m just having conversations with random people willy-nilly. I… I guess I surprised myself,” I tell him truthfully.

  “You seem to be surprising a lot of us lately, Megan.” The look in his eyes is intense like he’s trying to figure out all of my secrets, but I don’t turn away, scared to break this odd moment between us.

  “It's not hard to surprise people when they have a tendency to underestimate you. I guess, in a way, it's better than being placed upon a pedestal. I‘ve always been viewed as the lowest of the low, so I had no expectations placed on me, except my ability to fail. With nowhere to fall from, the only option I had was to go up. That suited me just fine because I climbed out of the pit they pushed me into and when I got up there, I waved down at the fuckers from my castle in the sky.”

  He laughs at my analogy but I know he gets where I’m coming from. He’s already seen some of it. I’ve been labeled the unwanted princess, the traitor’s daughter, and the Carnage bitch, but the only title that matters now is that I’m the president and VP’s old lady, which, in the club’s hierarchy, makes me a much more formidable foe than before.

>   The light above the door flashes just as Kaz comes strolling back with a chair in his hand. Jack, a regular of mine, stands frozen in the doorway with his mouth hanging open just a little as he takes in the tall and delicious males I’m surrounded by. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand in an exaggerated fashion, making me laugh.

  I do so love your new accessories, Megan. Where can I get some? he signs to me.

  You have more men than I have pairs of socks, Jack. I really don’t think you need any more, I sign back with a smile, heading behind the counter as Kaz takes up sentry duty by the door and Grim stands to the side, watching us interact.

  Nonsense. I have one for every day of the week but sometimes it's nice to have a few spares. One on one is fabulous but two on one is even better. He winks, making me blush and give myself away.

  He laughs. Oh, you naughty girl.

  Behave, I sign, not sure he even knows the meaning of the word. Jack has been coming here since I opened. Born deaf, he was ecstatic to find a fellow signer as he ambled around my shop, declaring he needed one of everything before spreading my name around the deaf community. Thanks to Jack and his word of mouth recommendations, I built quite a following far quicker than the average new shop owner, and I’ve never looked back.

  What are you looking for today? Anything specific or you just in the mood for something new? I ask.

  I need some of that cucumber salve and some more coconut oil. Also, those aphrodisiac candles or fuck sticks, as I’m now calling them. I’ll take whatever you have left of those. I don’t know what’s in them but I swear, they make me feel like I’ve dropped an E or something. I can fuck for hours and I never lose my hard-on, he tells me, making me shake my head. There is no filter with Jack, making me glad that Kaz and Grim have no idea what he’s saying.

  I only have four left in-store but I know I have another two dozen at the warehouse. I’ll get Wyatt to courier them over to you.

  Hmm… Wyatt. He can hand-deliver them if he likes, Jack tells me with a wink.


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