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Stanton Series Box Set: Stanton Series (Box Set)

Page 46

by T L Swan

  “Tash, Ben will be swapping with Max to guard you,” I mutter.

  She frowns as I pick up her hand and hold it in mine.

  She looks nervously at Ben. “Ben, I don’t mean to be rude, but I would rather stay with Max. I am only comfortable with Max.”

  Ben and Cameron both smirk at me. I narrow my eyes at them.

  “Then Max can stay with you, baby, that’s ok,” Adrian interjects. “Now that you are in the States, Tash, you need more protection that’s all. There is a nasty story in the paper today about you and you will be followed by photographers. They are really pushy. You cannot go anywhere without protection.”

  “What kind of story?” Her eyes widen as Adrian hands her the paper. She slumps into the chair to read it.

  A nurse enters the room. “Nurse, please let the doctor know I am checking out this afternoon.”

  “Joshua,” Natasha snaps. “Your treatment.”

  “Tash, I need to go home.” She frowns at me.

  “I am going to find the doctor.” Cameron stands and leaves the room.

  “Josh, I want you to do this drug rehab—it’s really important.”

  “I know, presh. I promise I will continue the treatment from home.” My eyes flick nervously to Ben. “The pap has access to me in here, baby. We are safer in a more protected environment.”

  She rolls her eyes. “I think you are being a bit of a drama queen, Josh.”

  “It is safer at Joshua’s house, Natasha. I will go and make arrangements for the transfer,” says Ben as he leaves the room.

  I pull her to lie down next to me on the bed and I hold her tight. “You ok, baby? That was a pretty awful nightmare you had last night.”

  She smiles warmly and kisses me and her lips linger on mine. “The wake-up call I got has erased all bad memories, thank you Mr Stanton.”

  I squeeze her tightly. “Good … Tash do you want to go travelling for a while? Take a couple of months, see the world.”

  Her eyes widen. “You are serious about this? Could you take time off?”

  “I don’t see why not.” I smile warmly.

  “Oh, I have to go back to Australia on the weekend. I need to be back at work on Monday.”

  My eyes widen, “Well that’s not happening. I need you with me.”

  “Joshua, I am going back to resign and there is not a thing you can do about it. My boss has been so good to me and two other staff are on holidays and I am booked solid all week. I will come back in two weeks.”

  “I will come with you then. I am not letting you out of my sight.” Bloody hell, this is a logistical nightmare.

  The doctor enters the room. “Cameron has just explained the situation to me. I understand you are checking out.”

  “Yes, I have to go to Sydney on the weekend, Doctor, so I will just pick up my treatment over there.”

  “I’m afraid that won’t be possible. You are unable to fly for at least two weeks—your heartbeat is too erratic. Let’s not forget that you almost died three days ago. You will risk a heart attack at that altitude.”

  “Josh, I will just come back in two weeks. It will be ok,” Natasha urges as she picks up my hand again.

  “I will send a nurse in to put a drip in for a couple of hours to rehydrate you and then I will hook you up to an angiogram for an hour and if the results are all good I will check you out this afternoon. Definitely no flying for two weeks.”


  It’s four o’clock. Josh has been hooked up to a drip for three hours. I’m tired and I just want to get the hell out of here. I stand and stretch, the nurse pushes in the heart-rate thingy and starts to stick things to Joshua’s chest.

  “I’m going to go to the bathroom outside in the waiting room, Josh.”

  He frowns and mouths the words, “Just go in here,” as he gestures to his bathroom with his chin.

  I smile and shake my head. “The private rooms outside are riddled with guards. I will just be a minute.”

  He shakes his head apprehensively. “Be quick.”

  I smile and leave the room. I head through the lounge area and I see Max.

  “Max, I think I want a coffee. Let’s go for a walk.”

  He frowns. “You can’t leave the room till the other guards get back.”

  “Where are they?”

  “They have gone back to check Joshua’s house and prepare for the transfer.”

  I roll my eyes. “This is ridiculous: prepare for the transfer. This isn’t an episode of bloody Star Trek you know.”

  He smiles. “I will go get the coffee. Do not leave this room.”

  I give him a salute. “Aye, aye captain.” As he leaves the room, security buzz through.

  “We have an Amelie Richards here to see Joshua Stanton.” Max looks at me for approval and I nod as I head into the bathroom. Great, bitchface is here. I suppose it is better she comes here rather than to the house to see him.

  I finish up in the bathroom and am washing my hands when she walks in.

  “Hello Natasha.” She smiles.

  “Hi Amelie. Thank you for coming. He’s in the room. Just go in.”

  “I didn’t come here to see Joshua. I came to see you.”

  I frown. “Really, what about?”

  “What has Joshua told you about him and me?” she replies flatly.

  My stomach drops and my heart rate picks up speed. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean exactly what I said. What do you think Joshua and my relationship is?”

  “That you are close friends,” I whisper as dread creeps through me.

  She tutts. “Did he tell you that we have been sleeping together since he got back from Australia?”

  I stumble back from her in shock.

  “You’re lying,” I snap.

  “Go ask him for yourself. You see Joshua is confused. He thinks it is you that he wants but the reality is he can’t let me go. We made passionate love as recently as Friday.”

  Pain lances through me as I step back from her in shock. That’s five days ago.

  “I don’t believe you!” I whisper.

  “Natasha, I think it’s time you realise the harsh truth. You cannot make him happy like I can. He is only with you out of obligation. Wake up and smell the coffee, dear girl. Joshua is in love with me.”

  Chapter 6

  I scurry out of the bathroom in a daze and find myself entering Joshua’s room. The nurse is still in there adjusting his machines. He smiles warmly at me as I stand at the end of the bed, my face is blank and expressionless and I fall into the chair against the wall as I keep staring at him in shock. This can’t be true. I don’t believe her. He frowns and puts his head on the side in a question as he looks at me. My eyes fall to the floor as I go over the words Amelie has just relayed to me: He’s only with you out of obligation. He loves me. We made passionate love as recently as Friday.

  The nurse smiles and leaves the room and he holds his hand out for me.

  “Come and lie with me, presh.”

  My heart stops, I stand and walk to the end of his bed.

  “Did you sleep with Amelie?” I breathe.

  His face falls and he starts to pull the cannula out of the back of his hand.

  “Natasha,” he whispers.

  “Did you or not?” I cry.

  He lunges for me and I jump back.

  “You’ve been sleeping with her all along?” My eyes fill with tears.

  “No!” He shakes his head.

  “So she is lying?” I ask.

  “Tash, baby. Listen to me.”

  “Answer the fucking question!” I scream. “She told me you’re in love with her.” I sob.

  He shakes his head urgently. “No Tash. I’m not. Listen to me.” He rips the cannula out and starts to frantically try to remove the suction things attached to his chest. An alarm from the heart-rate monitor sounds through the room.

  “DID YOU?” I scream.

  “I love you Natasha. I made a terrible mistake … It
was just once.”

  I step back from him in shock. Dear god.

  “Tash, listen to me!” He struggles to break free from the machine. “Cameron. Get in here,” he yells.

  I turn to the door as adrenaline courses through my body. He lunges off the bed to grab me again but is held back by the wires on the machine that he can’t remove. I dive away from him.

  The door opens and Amelie walks in.

  His eyes flick to her. “Get out!” Joshua screams.

  I step back again. It’s true, she was telling the truth. I look at her deadpan. “He’s all yours,” I whisper through my tears … and I run. Joshua dives for me. The machine alarms echo through the room and nurses come running from everywhere. I duck past them out the door and sprint for my life down the corridor.

  “Natasha … Natasha, come back. Get the fuck out of here, Amelie!” I hear Joshua scream from behind me.


  “Where are the fucking bodyguards!” he yells at the nurse.

  I run around the corner, dive into the waiting lift and push the button. I quickly look up at the numbers. Come on. Come on. The doors slowly close and I run my hands through my hair. Oh fuck, it’s going up, wrong way. The lift stops at the next floor and two nurses get in. I step to the back. What am I going to do? What am I going to do? My heart is beating so hard in my chest. He will be going off his brain, I remember Max told me that security has gone back to his house. I need to get out of this hospital before they get back or they won’t let me go, I will be cornered. The lift stops at the next floor and I step out into the corridor. My eyes shoot around as I look for an exit. I’m panicked—I just need to get away. I see a sign for a fire exit, the stairwell. I open the door and start to sprint down the stairs two at a time as I sob uncontrollably. I desperately need to get out of here. He fucking slept with her and then he slept with me. After everything we have been through … he slept with her. I probably have AIDS now or some other STD. I dry-retch as the thought poisons me from the inside out as I keep running. I scramble for air as my lungs burn from the exertion. Finally I hit the bottom and burst out the door. Sunlight beams onto my cold face and I feel a wave of relief hit me. Daylight at last. I run to the road like a mad woman and flag down a cab as I half run in front of it.

  “Stop … please … Please just stop,” I cry. The tears run freely down my face as I pant in exhaustion.

  The cabbie frowns at me and stops. “Get in. Are you alright?” His eyes shoot around as he looks to see who’s chasing me.

  I dive into the backseat and nod nervously as I run my hands through my hair.

  “Where to?” he asks.

  I look at him in the rear-view mirror and my eyes fill with tears again. Where to? I don’t even fucking know. Away from him … and his … deceit.

  Shit. I don’t have my purse. I quickly feel my pockets. I have twenty dollars coffee change from this morning.

  My eyes dart around. “How far is the closest McDonalds?”

  “Two blocks around the corner,” he says flatly with his wrist draped over the steering wheel.

  I nod nervously. “Take me there.”

  He nods, puts on the indicator and pulls into the traffic and moments later we arrive at my safe haven. I look around frantically as I walk in and my phone rings and I jump.

  Joshua… his name lights up the screen. My heart sinks and I start to sob uncontrollably. Everything I thought I knew is a lie. It’s not real. I run to the bathroom and put my phone on silent. It rings again. Oh shit … stop fucking calling me, I sob again. I burst into the cubicle and throw the lid down. I sit and put my head into my hands. My foot taps double time as I think. The phone rings again. I press reject. Fuck, what am I going to do? My passport and bag are back in the room. My phone rings again. I instantly reject it. I stand, turn and vomit into the toilet. The phone rings again. I press reject instantly. It beeps a text.

  Baby. Where are you? It’s not how it looks.

  Please. You are not safe alone.

  I sob into my hands. Not safe, what does that mean? Nobody could hurt me as much as you have.

  Natasha, please. You have no money.

  My lip quivers as I realise the sick truth: he is right. But if I go back he is going to feed me some bullshit story. Lie some more. Amelie can fucking have him, they deserve each other.

  Please Natasha.

  I’m frantic.

  I love you more than anything.

  I stand and start to shake my hands. Should I go back? Maybe I should just listen to him? It was just once. I cry out loud as the pain lances through my chest. Once is one too many times, asshole.


  Please tell me you are alright.

  Where are you?

  I pull my feet up into a foetal position. My phone beeps a message. I look at the screen. It’s Max.

  Natasha, it’s me.

  Let me come get you.

  Can I trust him? I put my hand over my mouth as I think. He texts again.

  Where are you?

  I will not tell him.

  I stand as I exit the stall and start to pace. I catch sight of myself in the mirror. Bloody hell, I look like something from a Halloween movie. Makeup is smeared all over my face.

  Natasha, trust me.

  You have my word.

  Fucking hell. What am I going to do? My hands shake as I put them over my mouth to think. My phone beeps again. Joshua

  Tash, I’m begging you.

  Come back. Let me explain.

  I grab my head in my hands. How can you explain having sex with someone else? There is no explanation. The harsh reality is that while I hit rockbottom on the other side of the world, after murdering my father, he was making passionate love to another woman. A woman he swore he had no feelings for. A woman who I know he loves and could no longer resist.

  A text beeps. It’s Max.

  Natasha, listen to me.

  He is tracking your phone as we speak.

  You need to tell me where to meet you.

  I have your passport and ID with me.

  Holy shit. He’s tracking my phone. Why does he have to be so damn smart? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. I shake my hands as my body courses with adrenaline.

  I text.

  I need to get back to Australia.

  He replies.

  I know, honey. He has men on the way to the airport.

  He’s beside himself.

  Are you sure you want to do this?

  I text.

  He’s been sleeping with Amelie.

  He replies.

  I’m not sure if that’s true.

  I text back.

  Forget it. I don’t want your help.

  He replies.

  Meet me at the Greyhound bus station

  1716E 7TH Street

  Los Angeles

  Take out your simcard and put it in the bin.

  Holy crap. Simcard in the bin. What do I need from my phone?

  I quickly run to the counter and ask the attendant. “Have you got a pen please?”

  She smiles and nods. “Sure.”Her eyes scan my face and I can see her brain ticking at my frantic appearance.

  I quickly take it and copy the address from Max’s text onto the back of my hand. And write down Bridget and Abbie’s phone numbers. I hand back the pen. “Thank you.” My stomach fills with dread as I remove the simcard and put it into the bin. I then turn and, running on total autopilot, walk straight out the door and hail a cab.


  Natasha’s haunted eyes search mine, the door opens and we both look in its direction. Amelie walks in.

  “Get out!” I scream.

  “He’s all yours.” Natasha cries as her face falls.

  I lunge for her as she dives out of the way. “Natasha … Natasha come back.” She bursts out of the door and runs down the corridor.

  The heart-rate monitor starts to scream as the nurses burst through the door. “Get the fuck out of here, Amelie.” She
looks at me in shock. “Where the fuck are the bodyguards?” I scream at the nurses.

  “What the hell is going on with you? You’re acting crazy,” the nurse snaps.

  “Unhook me … please hurry.” I glare at Amelie. How could she do this to Natasha?

  “And so she runs again,” Amelie whispers as she folds her arms in front of her.

  My anger hits a new level. “So help me god if you don’t get out of my sight I’m going to fucking kill you!” I scream and the nurses gasp at my threat. I am finally unhooked and I run down the hall looking for her. I’m frantic, and my heart rate is going through the roof. I find myself close to tears as I run up and down the corridor desperately searching the rooms for my love. She’s hurt … and it’s my fault … again. The lift opens and Cameron walks out. He frowns as he sees me shirtless frantically running down the hall.

  “What the hell are you doing?”he frowns.

  I put my head into my hands. “Amelie told Natasha. She made it sound like I was in love with her.”

  Cameron’s eyes widen. “Where’s Tash?”

  “I don’t know. She ran off before I could explain. She’s alone and she has no money. This is my worst fucking nightmare. She has been gone for ten minutes.”

  “Have you called her?” Cameron asks.

  My eyes widen. Shit, why didn’t I think of that? I run back to the room to retrieve my phone. Amelie is sitting on the bed.

  “Why are you still fucking here? I told you I want nothing to do with you. I told you that on Friday night,” I scream.

  “Joshua. You love me, I know you do,” she cries.

  “No I don’t, you’re delusional.” I shake my head and dial Natasha’s number as Cameron walks into the room.

  “I’ve had enough of you. What a bitch you are. How could you do that to Natasha?” Cameron yells.

  It rings out and I start freaking out. Pick up baby … please pick up, my heart starts to thump through my chest. “Where are the guards? Where’s Max?” I yell

  Cameron shakes his head as he grabs Amelie by the arm. “I said get out.”

  “I only listen to Joshua,” she snaps as she rips her arm from his grip. I dial the number again … it rings out again. What am I going to do? My glare turns to Amelie. When Tash comes back, I do not want her here. Max walks through the door with three coffees.


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