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Stanton Series Box Set: Stanton Series (Box Set)

Page 66

by T L Swan

  I get out my phone to check the number of the street the restaurant is on. We are going to O’Shea’s, an oyster bar and restaurant. It’s just up here. I stop out the front and peer in through the window and turn to my two security guards who are four or five metres behind me. After the graffiti in our office back home a month ago, with the words Joshua Stanton and Adrian Murphy Next written in blood on our office wall, Ben has been security crazy. Joshua and I are being guarded to a ridiculous degree. The police don’t know whose blood the writing was in, but it’s messed with all of our heads. If you are crazy enough to use your own blood to graffiti someone’s office it’s a nightmare. If it wasn’t his blood … that’s worse.

  “Just wait out here please. I will be fine,” I ask the bodyguards.

  Their eyes flick to each other and they nod. “Ok, no worries.”

  I open the large heavy doors and enter the restaurant tentatively as I look around. Nicholas stands up next to a table at the rear of the restaurant and waves. I smile and make my way over to him.

  God, what am I doing here? I nervously walk over. He is dressed in a grey suit, white shirt and grey tie, and his tall stature dominates the space around him. His longish dark hair , hangs just above his collar and has a curl to it and he is wearing a long five o’clock shadow. His piercing dark eyes penetrate mine. He brings the term Greek God into a new stratosphere. Fuck!

  He smiles warmly and holds out his hand to shake mine. I smile, take it and am immediately jolted by a strong charge of sexual energy. Oh, he’d be good alright. I feel myself harden, and my

  eyes drop immediately to try and hide my arousal. He smirks and keeping hold of my hand, he lifts it up and tenderly kisses the back of it.

  “Hello,” he smiles with my hand still in his.

  “Hello,” I smile as I nervously pull my hand from his grip. The intensity of this guy is off the hook.

  He holds out his hand to the table. “Take a seat,” he smiles.

  I sit at the table for two towards the back of the restaurant. It is adorned with six flickering candles at all different heights. The crowd is eclectic and the music is earthy. The restaurant is quite dark and the candles on all of the tables add to the ambience.

  “Would you like to order some drinks?” the waitress asks.

  My eyes flick to Nicholas whose eyes are firmly on me. He smiles affectionately and I blow out a breath and read the drink menu. Right.

  “I’ll have a Martini please.” I look at Nicholas.

  ‘I’ll have the same.” He smiles at the waitress and then back at me.

  She leaves us alone. I don’t think I have ever been so nervous—why does he make me feel like this?

  “I don’t like being ambushed into dates with people,” I say dryly as I pretend to read the menu.

  He nods. “I don’t like having to ambush you to see me either.”

  “So why do it then?”

  He smiles. “Because I wanted to see you and I knew it was the only way I could get you here.”

  “Ok, you have seen me, what now?” I raise my eyebrows in question as I look at him blankly.

  He smiles broadly. “Are you always such a charming date?”

  I smile in embarrassment. “No, you are getting the deluxe package.”

  He smiles and picks up the menu. “I see. How have you been?” he asks.

  “Ok. You?”

  “I’m good. Our last meeting has left me a little confused though.” His eyes search mine.

  I frown. Let’s just get right into it then. “Why?” I ask trying to feign nonchalance.

  “Because I had the best night I had had in years and then you walked me out to the car remember.”

  I look down nervously as my heart rate picks up. “Yes, I remember.” I rearrange the napkin on the table.

  “You kissed me.” His gaze penetrates mine.

  My eyes rise to meet his. “Yes,” I whisper.

  “It was insane.” He bites his bottom lip as he looks at me. “Off the charts. I know you felt it too.”

  My eyes flick around the room in uncomfortable tension. “Look, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have kissed you. I …” I shrug my shoulders as words escape me.

  He smiles sexily. “Don’t apologize, I’m not complaining.”

  My eyes meet his. “What are you doing then?”

  “Here you are.” The waitress puts our two drinks on the table.

  “Thank you,” I smile. My eyes flick back to the ridiculously hot, intelligent man across the table from me.

  “I want to know why you never returned any of my calls,” he asks.

  I look around the restaurant in annoyance. I don’t need this shit.

  “I’m sorry if you don’t get brushed often but I am not after anything and I don’t fuck around so …” I shake my head as I try to articulate my thoughts. “What’s the point? You live in France remember. Besides it was six months ago—why are you bringing this up now?”

  He puts his hand across the table and grabs mine, and I swallow as I look at our entwined hands. “I’m bringing this up because the thought of you has been haunting me for six months and I want to know if you have ever thought of me?”

  My eyes meet his. “Maybe,” I answer quietly.

  “It’s a yes or no answer,” he says dryly.

  “Yes,” I reply as I look at him again.

  He squeezes my hand. “What have you thought?”

  I swallow nervously and shrug my shoulders. “I wondered what would have happened if I called you.”

  He smiles a broad smile at me and raises his eyebrows. “You did?” he whispers. “So what did you think would have happened between us?”

  I shrug. “It probably wouldn’t have gone anywhere to be honest. I’m not into the whole casual sex thing and I’m guessing someone who looks like you is.” I smile.

  He licks his lips as he smirks. “To be honest most men do throw themselves at my feet and I feel nothing, not interested at all and then you come along with your masculinity, intelligence and don’t give a fuck attitude and throw me completely off balance and yet you want nothing to do with me. It’s … frustrating.”

  I laugh. “Is that how I come across? Masculine, intelligent and don’t give a fuck.”

  He takes a sip of his drink and nods. It is then I notice that he is still holding my hand across the table. I immediately pull out of his grasp.

  He smiles and looks at his outstretched arm on the table and pulls it back slowly. “You are different to most men I have met, Adrian.”

  I raise an eyebrow. “How so?”

  “You’re very masculine and yet have an inner gentle quality. You’re intensely sexual and yet you don’t sleep around, even though you are one of the best-looking men I have ever met. Your two best friends are straight and yet you are entirely comfortable being gay. You’re very intelligent and portray strength as you run the company and look after your two best friends, but it makes me wonder. When all is done and dusted, who looks after you, Adrian? Who satisfies you sexually … emotionally? Who loves you when you come home from work each night?” His eyes darken and drop to my lips.

  I sit back affronted and look at him in horror. Who says that on a first date?

  “That’s very deep.” I stammer. “You got all that info on me from dinner six months ago?”

  He smiles into his drink. “Perks to being a psychologist.”

  I smile as I drain my glass. “My best friend is in love with a psychologist and he reckons it’s the biggest mind fuck in history.”

  “Is that Joshua?”

  I nod and smile.

  “Is he back with Natasha?” he asks.

  “No, but hopefully they will work it out.”

  “You have an affection for Natasha?”

  I smile. “I adore her. Joshua’s life is crazy, super rich, and yet Natasha is this beautiful pure soul who has loved him since they were kids. They are first cousins and have fought this attraction since they were teenagers. I don’t know
two people more in love.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Wow.” He smiles as our meal arrives. “Have you ever been in love Adrian?”

  I swallow nervously. “I thought I was once.”

  He smiles wistfully and takes a mouthful of food. “Do tell.”

  I shrug my shoulders. “It’s quite pathetic when I say it out loud really. I entered my first relationship when I was fifteen and we were together six years. We were madly in love and I wanted to come out, but he didn’t. I couldn’t live my life pretending I was someone that I wasn’t, that he was just my flatmate. My parents knew about us so I thought it would be ok but, in the end, it wasn’t, he freaked out and ran. He even hooked up with a girl to prove to the world he was straight. I will never forget the night he came to me crying, to tell me that she was pregnant and that he was going to marry her.” My gut twists at the memory and I take a large gulp of my drink. “And now I have the honour of every time he gets drunk, him calling me and telling me how much he loves me and misses me and that he made the biggest mistake of his life and yet he can do nothing about it because he is now a father of three.” I look around the room in annoyance that he got me to say that out loud. “So when you ask me have I ever been in love, I tell you if that’s love I want nothing to do with it ever again.”

  He looks at me affectionately and grabs my hand over the table again and I squeeze it in a thankful gesture. I can’t believe I just told him that, I have never told anyone other than Josh and Cam.

  “I see.” He nods.

  “You?” I ask. Trying to take the spotlight off myself.

  He nods and takes a sip of his drink. “I was married,” he says quietly.

  Oh shit, that’s right. My stomach drops. “What happened?” I ask quietly, already knowing the horrible answer.

  “He died eight years ago in a snow-skiing accident,” he says sadly.

  I squeeze his hand again. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “What does that feel like? To love somebody so intensely that you want to marry them?” I ask as I smile.

  He shrugs. “Scary I suppose.” He smiles broadly as he puts his elbow on the table and leans on his hand. “You will find out one day. I wouldn’t write yourself off just yet. How old are you anyway?” He frowns.

  I smile. “How old are you?” I ask.

  “Probably too old for you,” he answers.

  I smile. “Without a question.”

  He smirks. “I’m forty-two.”

  “You are old,” I smile. “I’m twenty-seven.”

  He smiles warmly at me. “Let’s forget about age and pasts and futures and just enjoy some time getting to know each other while we are both in Sydney. What do you say?”

  “I don’t normally hang around with hot middle-aged men.” I smile.

  “I don’t usually hang around with blond Americans either so we are even.” He smiles at me with a rather beautiful twinkle in his eye.

  What the hell am I doing?


  I walk down the street toward the café near the hospital that I work at and my phone rings.

  “What time is your lunch break? I’m coming to have lunch with you.”

  I smile. It’s Jesten.

  “Jes, I’m on lunch now.”

  “See you in ten. I’m around the corner.” He hangs up. Shit, now I’ve done it.

  I wait in the meeting spot near the café and he walks around the corner, smiling broadly. He laughs and pulls me into an embrace and picks me up and spins me around.

  “Hey, hot Doc.” He holds me at arm’s length and looks me up and down. “You are especially smoking today.” He winks.

  I laugh and he pulls me into an embrace and we walk down the street with his arm casually draped around me. Why do I feel so comfortable with him?

  “Why have you been ditching me?” he asks.

  “I haven’t. I’ve just been really busy that’s all,” I sigh.

  We eat lunch in comfortable silence and I am painfully aware of the security trailing us. I have had lunch with Jes heaps of times over the last couple of months and yet now I’m freaking out that someone is going to tell Joshua.

  “Have you been going out much?” I ask.

  He nods as he shovels in his food. “Yeah. You?”

  I shake my head. “Not really. I have just been hanging at the hospital every chance I get.”

  “I’ve been training a bit. I’m fighting again next week.”

  I roll my eyes. “Please don’t talk to me about your ridiculous sport. It’s embarrassing that you would think I would be remotely interested.”

  He smiles broadly as he shovels in another mouthful of food. “My trainer rang me today to tell me that your ex-boyfriend is back in the country and that today he registered to fight.”

  I stop with my fork midair. “What?” I stammer as my eyes widen.

  “He is the only person who has beaten me so far and I have gotten a lot better since then.”

  I look at him, mortified.

  He fake punches his fist. “Can’t wait to take the idiot out.”

  Holy fuck … can’t be. I grab his arm. “You can’t fight him Jesten, he will kill you.”

  He narrows his eyes. “Thanks for your confidence but I’m thinking I might kill him instead.”

  My eyes widen in horror. “Jesten, I mean it, you have no idea how crazy he can get. When you told me to think of you when I had sex with him, he went berko.” I swallow nervously.

  He smirks. “Can’t wait to bait him again.”

  Oh. My. God.

  “So did you?” he smiles.

  I frown at him. “Huh?”

  “Did you think of me when you had sex?”

  “You’re deluded.” I shake my head. “No. Definitely not.”

  He fake punches his fist again as he smiles.

  If I tell Jesten that I am trying to get back together with Josh he will go crazy and try to kill him and if I don’t tell him he is going to try and kill him anyway. Who am I kidding? Joshua will kill him first in either situation. I put my head in my hands as I try to think of a solution to this dilemma. Shit, shit, shit. This is a frigging nightmare.

  My phone beeps a text and I look at the screen. Joshua. I smile broadly.

  What are you doing?

  My stomach drops and I look around nervously. Shit, is that a trick question? Have the bodyguards told him I am having lunch with a man and told on me. I swallow nervously and text back.

  Having lunch with a friend.

  What are you doing?

  I nervously wait for a reply.

  “Have you heard from him?” Jesten asks.

  I glance back at my phone as I wait for his text. “Huh who?” I mumble.

  “Your ex-boyfriend.”

  My eyes snap up from my phone to look at Jes. Shit, another trick question. If I tell him before the fight that I have been seeing Joshua it will only make him angrier.

  “Umm, you know, not really.” Why am I such a terrible liar?

  He frowns at me. “What does that mean?”

  My phone beeps a text and my eyes flick to the screen. Joshua.

  Just thinking about how hot you were last night.

  My face nearly splits open with glee.

  “Huh?” he asks again.

  I frown, oh shut up, you’re annoying me. I want to be sexting Joshua right now.

  “Jes, I don’t go out with anyone who cage fights. End of story.” I stand. “I need to get back to work,” I say nervously.

  “I’ll walk you back.” He gestures to the door and follows me out of the restaurant.

  My eyes flick to the bodyguard who is with Max, who is he? And what is he thinking? Is he a snitch?

  We get back to work and Jesten grabs me affectionately in an embrace. I stand rigid and evasive as I feel the glare of others on my back.

  “Tash, I want to take you on a date,” he whispers into the top of my head.

  Huh? What the hell? I pull back. “Jesten, you want to sleep with me a
nd I am not that kind of girl.”

  He smiles. “Can’t you be that kind of girl for one night? We would be so good together?”

  “Seriously, Jes, go out with someone else. I am not interested in you that way.” With that I break out of his grip and punch him playfully in the stomach. I turn and walk into the hospital and immediately take out my phone. Right, back to more important things. I sit in the foyer as I think what to text back. I narrow my eyes as I look at the ceiling deep in thought. Joshua is telling me that he wants sex only but after the tenderness last night I now know that’s just not true. And the whole wanting me to stay at Mum’s to keep me safe thing is his way of over-the-top caring, so he has blown the not-caring act out the window as well. Do I want to push him for some kind of communication with me about our relationship or should I just play along and not scare him off? I know he cares for me and I don’t feel anything but affection when I am with him. Let’s just see what happens. I smile and text back.

  It was you who was hot Mr Stanton.

  Is this a disguised booty call?

  I bite my lip and wait.


  I smile again and text.

  I’m thirty, seventy wanting to see you tonight

  What’s your closing argument?

  I smile as I wait for a reply.

  Meeting just started.

  Got to go.

  Ring you later.


  I smile at my phone. He’s ringing me later. This is going very well indeed.


  It’s 11 pm and I am in Tatiana’s office doing a backup of the hard drives for the company’s computer systems before we close them down. Adrian and Alex are in the office next door and the offices are dead silent and deserted. Why did I agree to do this shit job? The security guards are outside and I have allocated extra staff to watch over Tash at her mother’s house. I haven’t had a minute alone to call her back yet.


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