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Stanton Series Box Set: Stanton Series (Box Set)

Page 75

by T L Swan

  “Where to love?” the driver turns to me and smiles warmly.

  My eyes flick to the door of the Ivy. “Umm, Rose Bay please.”

  I am furious, how dare he keep another secret from me? He obviously doesn’t give a damn about my feelings. My phone rings and the name Lambo lights up the screen.

  Should I answer it? I tap my tooth as I think. Shit.

  “Hello,” I snap.

  “Get your fucking ass back here now!” Joshua growls.

  My blood boils … is he serious? “You have got to be kidding,” I snap. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

  “Because I knew you would be a drama queen.”

  “Drama queen,” I yell.

  “Well, seeing as you are on your way home without your guards and you have just jeopardised your career by assaulting a lunatic, yes I would say you are a drama queen. Get your ass back here now!” he screams and then he hangs up.

  I start to hear my pulse in my ears and I put my hands over my mouth. Shit, he’s right. If that lunatic presses assault charges my career is screwed. What an idiot. He’s right, I am a drama queen. I close my eyes in disbelief at the turn of events. Why is my first instinct to run? I sit in silence as I stare out the window. Should I go back?

  I can’t believe this shit, bloody TC. Abbie said she was trouble. My phone rings and I jump and look at the screen. Bridget.

  “Hello,” I answer.

  “Tash, what the hell is going on? Abbie and Cameron are having a screaming match and Joshua just told Ben off when he told him he couldn’t catch you. Where in the hell are you?’

  I shake my head in anger. “Did you know that TC is bribing Joshua for millions of dollars?”

  “What?” she stammers.

  “She has video footage of her and Joshua having sex before we got together and Abbie the bitch knew and didn’t tell me.”

  “What the hell?” she whispers. “That’s why she and Cam must be fighting. Cameron must have told her and she let the cat out of the bag.”

  “What’s Joshua doing?” I ask.

  “Looking super pissed off with his hands on his hips and talking to the guards.”

  “Sorry to bail. I just can’t believe he didn’t tell me,” I sigh.

  “You can’t blame the poor bastard. Look how you reacted.”

  Regret hits my stomach and I blow out a breath. Why didn’t I stay and talk to him like an adult?

  “I know,” I sigh. “I can’t come back, I’m too embarrassed. I feel like an idiot.”

  “Do you want me to come home with you?” she asks

  “No, you stay with the others and ring me tomorrow,” I sigh.

  “Ok, chick, love you.” She hangs up.

  The cab pulls up out the front of my apartment ten minutes later and Max is waiting out on the footpath. He opens the door for me and ushers me out.

  “You know better than to run off like that,” he sighs.

  “Get lost Max, don’t lecture me unless you want a black eye,” I snap as I storm toward my apartment.

  He smirks as he pulls out his phone. “Hi Josh, I have her … no, she’s fine.” His eyes flick to me. “Do you want to speak to her?” He turns his back to me and I frown. “Ok.” He answers and he hangs up.

  “Why didn’t you put me on the phone?” I ask.

  “Um, he didn’t want to speak to you,” he answers nervously.

  “What?” I snap as I narrow my eyes. Oh, that’s it, I storm toward my apartment with renewed vigour. He didn’t want to speak to me … well I didn’t want to speak to him, asshole. I get into my apartment and ring Bridget straight away.

  “Hi,” she answers.

  “Joshua just didn’t want to speak to me, when he’s the asshole,” I snap.

  “Hmm,” she answers.

  “He is the one keeping secrets and now I’m the one not being spoken to. He can kiss my ass!” I scream.

  “Ok,” she murmurs.

  “What does ok mean?” I scream.

  “Ok, I think you are acting crazy. It was before he even was with you. You just lost your grandmother so of course he wanted to protect you.”

  “But do you see my point?” I scream.

  “Stop yelling. Yes, I see your point,” she snaps. “Just don’t worry about it till tomorrow, I don’t think Joshua is.”

  I frown. ”Why do you say that?” I ask.

  “He has just come back from the bar with a tray of tequilas,” she whispers.

  “Oh really,” I fume.

  “Yes, really, and since I have been on the phone he has drunk three of them.”

  “Oh really,” I fume again.

  “I will stay with him and the boys and ring you tomorrow,” she replies flatly.

  My stomach drops. “Ok, don’t let him out of your sight,” I snap.

  “Alright,” she snaps. “Calm down.” She hangs up.

  I strip off and head straight to my therapy of choice, a steaming hot shower where I sink to the floor and wallow in self-pity.

  “Shhh, shhh.” I wake as I hear laughter echoing through my apartment.

  I look at my bedside clock. 4.45 am, frigging idiot. Then I hear Bridget’s laugh and then Cameron’s voice. Oh great they have all come back here. I feel a wave of relief hit me. I have been over-analysing my drama-queen behaviour all night and Bridget is right, I should have stayed and talked to him. With the relief that he is here I snuggle back into my pillow to try to go back to sleep. My door opens and I hear them all laughing. I smile to myself while I pretend to be asleep. What are the idiots doing? I look in the mirror doors and Joshua is hanging by one arm from the door frame holding something out and Bridget and Cameron are hysterical with laughter behind him, pushing each other into the room as if I am a monster.

  “It’s not working,” Joshua laughs.

  “Hold it out to her,” Bridget giggles.

  “I’m just going to throw it at her head,” Joshua whispers loudly.

  Bridget burst out laughing. “I’m telling you, once she gets that McDonald’s she will forget she ever had the shits.”

  Oh my god, they have McDonald’s and are trying to hold it out to me to be funny. I find myself smiling into my pillow, trying to act asleep.

  I feel something small hit my head and Cameron and Joshua burst out laughing again as Bridget sshhs them.

  I feel something hit me again and then again while they kill themselves laughing. Cameron is on the floor on his hands and knees trying to compose himself.

  “We are so funny.” He laughs as he slaps his hand onto the carpet.

  What the hell? I put my hand to my head in question. Oh my god, they are throwing fries at my head.

  “What the fuck?” I yell.

  The light turns on and Joshua bounds onto the bed and Cameron throws his whole packet of fries over the two of us.

  “Cameron,” I scream.

  Joshua smiles cheekily as he lies next to me on the bed propped up on an elbow. He picks up a chip from the bed and eats it.

  “I bought you a Big Mac as a peace offering.” He holds out his hand and in it is a mangled Big Mac with half the wrapper missing.

  I frown at his hand. “I’m good,” I mutter.

  “It’s really good, I had three,” he slurs.

  I can’t help it. I smile. “You had three Big Macs?” I ask.

  He does an over-exaggerated nod, boy he really is drunk.

  “Oh hell,” Bridget whines. “The room is spinning. I don’t feel so good,” she slurs.

  “How much have you idiots drunk?” I ask.

  “Way too much,” Joshua sighs as he closes his eyes and throws the back of his forearm over his eyes.

  “Joshua, put the food in the bin before you go to sleep,” I snap.

  He shakes his head. “No,” he says flatly.

  “Just save it for breakfast,” Cameron answers as he walks into my lounge room and flops onto the lounge.

  Joshua immediately starts to drift off and Bridget goes to the ba

  “I’m going to throw up,” she moans.

  I stand in annoyance and go to my linen press and grab a blanket and throw it over Cam on the lounge and grab a bag and start picking up the fools’ fries that are scattered throughout my bed. Joshua is out cold, asleep on his back, and Bridget is in the bathroom throwing up.

  I walk down the hall to her. “Are you ok Didge?” I ask.

  “No, call me an ambulance,” she mutters from her seat on the floor.

  I smile. “Come on into my spare bed.” I try to pull her up.

  “No, just leave me here. I’m fine.”

  “Are you sure baby?” I wipe her forehead.

  “Mmm.” She puts her head onto her arms over her knees.

  I hate that spinning room feeling. I leave the lights on for Didge and go back to bed and I screw my face up in disgust as I enter my room. Joshua smells like he has been tipping the tequila all over himself … and he’s been smoking, he stinks.

  I smile as I drift off to sleep, at least he’s here. Drunk as a skunk and incoherent … but here nonetheless.

  I’m hot and crowded on my bed, and it is still very dark. Those expensive drapes are without a doubt the best thing I have ever purchased. I feel Joshua’s large erection in my back as I lie on my side and I can tell by his breathing he is still asleep. Bloody hell, he’s always up for it … conscious or not. I wriggle away from him. I’m exhausted and need to sleep some more. Fifteen minutes later I feel Joshua’s hand grab my hipbone and bring my body back down to meet his.

  “Mmm,” I grumble as I try to move away from him. He’s got to be kidding. I am way too tired. “Don’t,” I mumble again.

  He kisses my neck from behind and grinds his erection into my behind as he grabs my hip … when did he take his clothes off?

  “Don’t ever say don’t to me,” he whispers as he kisses the back of my neck again and pulls me harder back onto him.

  My eyelids are still too heavy to open and I smirk. “Joshua, I’m off you, remember.”

  I can feel him smile into my neck. “I’m off you too. Fuck now, fight later.”

  I smirk. “Shut up and go back to sleep.”

  “No, I need sex now. I don’t wait.” He bites my neck from behind and I flinch and giggle.

  “Eeww. Stop it,” Bridget snaps.

  My eyes fly open, shit, Bridget is in bed with us. I flick my arm out and sure enough she is lying on the other side of the bed in the darkness with her back to us.

  “Bridget, I didn’t know you were here. What are you doing in my bed?” I giggle as I elbow Joshua in the ribs swiftly.

  “Being repulsed by bad porn apparently,” she murmurs flatly into the darkness.

  I giggle into my pillow and Joshua reaches over the top of me and roughly ruffles Bridget’s hair.

  “Stop it,” she snaps as she shoos him away.

  “Didge, leave now, your sister is about to get nailed.” Joshua and I laugh, he’s teasing her.

  “For fuck’s sake. You are gross!” she yells.

  “Cameron, get in here, your brother is being an animal,” Bridget yells into the lounge room with her husky I’ve-had-too-many-tequilas voice as she flicks on the lamp.

  I laugh again and Joshua pretends to try and jump on top of me to further infuriate Bridget. I squeal in laughter.

  Cameron sleepily walks to the door in his boxer shorts as he rubs his hands through his hair. “What’s going on?” he asks.

  “Joshua is saying he is going to nail Natasha.”

  He stretches and raises his eyebrows as his eyes flick to us. “Sounds fair,” he mutters as he walks in and flops across the bottom of our bed.

  Joshua immediately tries to kick him off. “That means get out you two.” He grabs me again in an over-exaggerated cuddle and I laugh.

  “Stop it,” I whisper as he bites me again.

  I screw up my face. “How much did you drink last night? You were so drunk.”

  Joshua kisses my shoulder and closes his eyes again as he ignores my question.

  “It was all Stan’s fault, oh my god, how many trays of tequila did we drink?” Cameron stammers.

  Joshua shrugs as he keeps his eyes closed. “It was Didge,” he murmurs.

  “Liar.” She sighs with her back still to us.

  Ten minutes later nothing has changed, Cameron is across the bottom of my bed snoring with his back to us and Bridget is asleep next to us with her back to me and Joshua is right behind me, grinding me into next week.

  Mmm, he does feel really… really good.

  “I need you, my precious girl,” he whispers into my ear as he brings me by the hipbone back down onto his erection.

  I turn my head towards him and smile into the side of his face. “Stop,” I whisper as my hand brushes through his stubble.

  “I can’t,” he whispers as his tongue starts to lick my neck in a long deep stroke. Each stroke of his tongue is deeper … longer and I know he is doing it on purpose to simulate going down on me. My eyes close as I lie still. This is wrong. I am supposed to be angry with him so why is my body starting to pump with arousal. Joshua’s hips are moving by themselves and I know I won’t be able to hold him off … and I don’t want to.

  “Go have a shower, baby, and I will meet you in there,” I whisper.

  He smiles into my neck. “Hmm,” he whispers as his fingers swipe over my clitoris.

  I pull away. I am so not having sex in the same room as Bridget and Cameron, even if they are asleep.

  “Shower,” I repeat.

  He nods and kisses the side of my face and gets out of bed slowly so as not to wake the others.

  “Hurry up,” he whispers, then he bends and bites me on the behind and leaves the room.

  I roll over and smile into my pillow. Ten minutes later I must have drifted back off because I wake to Joshua lifting me out of bed in a towel and carrying me like a bride to the bathroom. The shower is still going and the room is steamy.

  “You fell asleep,” he whispers darkly as he puts me down on the bathroom floor.

  I rub my eyes sleepily. “Hmm,” I groan.

  “You’re going to pay for that,” he smirks as he lifts my nightgown over my head. He smells like soap and toothpaste. He sits on a towel he has put onto the side of the bath and pulls my legs to either side of his. His eyes are riveted to between my legs and he bends and inhales me deeply, and my eyes close in reverence. He is so damn hot. He inserts three fingers into me brutally and I flinch at the tight sensation.

  “I need to be rough,” he whispers into my stomach.

  My lips become wet and swollen. He arranges me to straddle him as he holds his thick length up and then pulls me down onto it by the hipbone hard.

  “Ahh,” I whisper as the sharp sting burns me.

  “Did that hurt, presh?” he whispers darkly as he watches me.

  I nod nervously as my eyes drop to his lips.

  “I’m going to hurt you some more baby, I’m in the mood for pain.” He pulls me up and slams me down onto him and my legs start to open by themselves. “Bring your legs up to the side of the bath, I need you in a squatting position,” he whispers into my chest as he bites me.

  “Josh, it will be too deep,” I whisper half-frightened.

  “Not possible, I can never be too deep. Do it,” he snaps in a whisper. “Your body was built to take me like this.”

  I slowly bring my legs up and he breathes heavily into my neck and really starts to pump into me as he holds my shoulders from behind.

  “Fuck you feel good!” His eyes watch my lips.

  My head drops back in pleasure—he’s so damn good at this

  “Do you feel how deep I am inside you?” he breathlessly sighs as his body pumps mine.

  “Yes,” I whimper. Oh god I’m going to come already.

  “Feel how the muscles deep inside you contract around my cock as I pull out,” he huskily breathes. My eyes close at the sound of his velvety aroused voice.

  He pi
cks up the pace and really starts to slam me onto him … god he wasn’t joking when he said he needed it rough. This is hard core if ever I saw it.

  “Mmm, I could just fuck you all day, my precious girl,” he whispers as the sweat starts to bead on his brow. Our bodies are sliding with the perspiration covering our bodies. My eyes drop to every muscle that I see in his upper body as his arms lift me up and down onto him.

  My knees are up around his shoulders and he bites my neck hard and, that is it, I scream into his shoulder as he rips the orgasm from me, and my body lurches forward from the overwhelming power. He then sees that as his green light and he really lets me have it, up and down, up and down, so hard that I don’t think I can handle it any longer.

  “Josh,” I whisper, “I can’t … keep…”

  “Shut up and fuck me,” he whispers darkly as he bites me hard again, and his brutal hits into my flesh start to liquefy my insides. One, two, three hard pumps and he lurches forward as he comes in a rush and I feel the heat of his semen burn me from the inside out. I drop my head to his shoulder as we both struggle for breath. I smile into his body as his aggression turns gentle and he starts to gently shower my face with soft kisses. How can one person go from being a sex-crazed animal one minute to being gentle and tender in the next? I lean into him as exhaustion hits me once more. My vagina is throbbing with over-use and he is still deep inside me. We sit in silence as the steam continues to fill the bathroom.

  “I’m angry with you,” he whispers into the top of my head.

  I pull back and look at his face. “You’re angry with me.” I frown.

  He nods and lifts me to ease himself out of me and puts me onto the ground.

  “Why didn’t you tell me about that girl and the sex tape?” I frown.

  He glares at me and brushes past to get into the shower. “Because I knew you would over-react.” He pumps the soap dispenser and starts to wash himself double time.

  I stand naked outside the shower and put my hand on my hip. Is he kidding?

  “Over-react,” I repeat. He is unfucking believable.


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