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Stanton Series Box Set: Stanton Series (Box Set)

Page 96

by T L Swan

  “I can’t believe this,” Cameron sighs.

  “Where is he? I need to see him,” Margaret whispers.

  “You heard him. He doesn’t want to see you.”

  “He will never forgive me, Cameron. What will become of our family?” she sobs.

  My heart drops and I know that my Lamborghini is somewhere in this house hurt. I put my hand over my mouth. Shit, what do I do?

  “The driver will take you to a hotel,” Cameron sighs.

  “Why can’t I stay here?” she whispers.

  “You know why,” he snaps. “Stop your shit.”

  She cries and then I hear her voice muffled. Cameron is obviously cuddling her.

  “I don’t want to leave,” she sobs.

  “Just go Mum. Please.” He sighs, their voices go out the front door and I sneak out into the hall. Where is he? He didn’t walk past the door, my eyes flick around the hallway and then to the end door, the garage. I walk down the hall and slowly open the garage door and close it behind me. It’s darkened so I flick the light on.

  I walk down between the cars, but I don’t see him. I walk to the other side of the Lamborghini. My heart drops—my beautiful man is sitting on the floor leaning up against the car, his head in his hands… crying.

  Tears instantly fall to my cheeks and I walk over and drop to sit silently next to him on the floor.

  I have no words.

  “Josh,” I whisper.

  He keeps his head down but pulls me onto his lap and I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “I’m here, baby. It’s ok,” I whisper into the top of his head.

  He sits deathly still as his head stays buried in my chest and the pain I feel coming from him is so strong.

  I don’t know what to say. What could I possibly say to make this situation better?

  For forty minutes we sit on the cold cement floor.

  Finally he speaks. “Can we run away?” He smiles sadly.

  I smile through my tears. “We can. Where do you want to go, my Lamborghini?”

  He shakes his head as he stands and pulls me up by the hand. “Anywhere but here.” He sighs.

  Chapter 10


  I sit still as I watch Joshua. He’s standing at the end of my desk going through the pile of mail in my in-tray.

  “I’m finishing early and going away for a couple of days,” he remarks casually as he flicks through the letters.

  “Where you going?” I ask.

  “Willowvale.” He throws the letters onto my desk and they land with a thud.

  “Why are you going on a Tuesday afternoon?” I frown.

  “I have to see an estate agent. Apparently bitch face is trying to buy a property adjacent to Willowvale.” He pinches the bridge of his nose and inhales deeply.

  I screw up my face. “Who? Amelie?”

  He nods and walks over to the window with his hands in his suit pant pockets and stares out at the view.

  I blow out a deep breath. “Fuck man, what next? Does Natasha know?”

  He shakes his head.

  I lean back in my chair as I think. “Why don’t you let me handle the real estate. You have enough shit on your plate at the moment.”

  His eyes stare straight ahead deep in thought.

  I run my hands through my hair. “I don’t think now is a good time for you to leave town.”

  “Why?” he asks.

  “I think you should sort this stuff out with your mother.”

  “What’s the point?” he replies in a monotone. “It’s not going to change anything… my whole life has been a lie.”

  “Joshua, stop it, you’re being melodramatic,” I snap. “Do you have any idea what I would give to have my mother back here on Earth?”

  He turns and his eyes meet mine.

  “Don’t take her for granted, Joshua. You will regret it one day.” I sigh.

  “Cut her funds,” he says flatly.

  “Payments?“ I widen my eyes in shock. “Joshua, it’s a couple of million dollars a year. This will seriously hamper her lifestyle.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Actually I want her bank accounts traced. Let’s see how she spends my money.”

  I shake my head. “Joshua, stop it. Why would you want to know that?”

  “Just do it,” he snaps.

  My phone beeps a text. Natasha.

  Wardrobe emergency!!

  The king has told me to pack for polo

  What the hell does one wear to polo?

  I don’t have a spotted brown dress

  I smile broadly. She’s referring to Pretty Woman. Joshua’s love is slowly turning into the sister that I never had. I love this girl. I quickly shoot back a text.

  Call you later


  The buzzer sounds as I throw my phone back onto the desk. “Mr Murphy.”

  “Yes,” I reply.

  “Your eleven o’clock appointment is here,” Brittany replies.

  I frown and open my diary screen on my monitor. I didn’t know I had an appointment this morning. “What’s the name?” I ask.

  “Nicholas Anastas sir.”

  My stomach drops, shit. I sit back in my chair and shake my head as my eyes flick to Joshua. He smirks.

  I blow out a deep breath. “Send him in,” I reply flatly.

  “I’m going,” Joshua smiles as he raises his eyebrows.

  “Sit down. You’re not going anywhere,” I snap. “I’m marching him immediately.”

  “Why don’t you take some of your own advice?” Joshua snaps.

  “Like what?” I ask.

  “About taking people for granted,” he replies.

  A knock sounds at the door.

  “Shut up, Stanton,” I murmur.

  He smirks and walks over and opens the door“Here you are, sir,” Brittany smiles as she opens the door for Nicholas.

  “Thank you, Brittany,” Joshua smiles, suddenly all perky. “Nicholas,” he says in a rowdy voice. “Great to see you.” He shakes his hand and holds his arm out in a welcoming gesture. “Come in, come in.”

  Nicholas turns and his eyes meet mine, and there he stands, six foot two of Greek God perfection. The instant physical attraction I have to this man overwhelms me—it’s so damn inconvenient. He is wearing a navy three-piece suit, his dark wavy hair tucks behind his ear, and he is immaculate from head to toe.

  I drop my head to hide my distress as my heart races out of control. Why does he affect me like this?

  “Hello Adrian.” His eyes search mine. This is the first time I have seen him since that dreaded morning when he said goodbye.

  I regain my manners and stand to greet him and shake his hand. “Hello Nicholas.”

  “How long are you here?” Joshua asks as I return to safety behind my desk.

  “Um.” His chest rises and his eyes flick to me. He’s nervous. “That depends,” he replies quietly.

  I pick up my pen and hold it between two hands. “On what?” I ask flatly.

  “On you Adrian.”

  I roll my eyes. “Don’t start your shit Nicholas, you know the score.” I throw my pen onto the desk angrily.

  Joshua narrows his eyes at me. “That will be my cue to leave then.” He shakes Nicholas’s hand. “Lovely seeing you mate. Call by the house. Natasha would love to catch up.”

  What’s Joshua playing at? I’m going to kill him. Nicholas nods, obviously flustered at my sudden outburst. We both stare after Joshua as he leaves the room.

  His eyes meet mine. “What’s with the attitude?” he says calmly.

  “I told you not to come here,” I reply.

  “Well I have and you are giving me half an hour.”

  “I’m at work and very busy for the next couple of days.”

  “Make time!” he snaps.

  I scratch the back of my head in frustration. “Take a seat,” I sigh.

  He sits down and looks around. “Nice office.”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  “How l
ong have you been here?”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Do you really want to know the answer to that question? Are you here to talk about my office?”

  He rolls his lips as his eyes hold mine again. “I’m sorry about before,” he murmurs.

  Hurt fills me, and I drop my eyes to my desk as I run my pointer finger along the edge.

  “I thought I was ready,” he replies quietly.

  I stay silent.

  “I had no idea I was going to fall in love with you Adrian.”

  I lift my eyes to meet his and hold my chin as I think.

  “I handled it badly,” he whispers.

  “Is that it?” I ask.

  He frowns. “What do you mean?”

  “Is that all you’ve got to say? As I mentioned I’m very busy today,” I reply.

  His face drops. “Why are you being such a cold bastard?”

  I fake a smile. “Really? You’re calling me a cold bastard. How ironic.”

  He holds his head at an angle. “Adrian please, can we just talk about this?”

  “No,” I snap.

  “Why not?”

  “Because it will get us nowhere,” I reply.

  “Do you still have feelings for me?” he asks quietly.

  My stomach drops. “No,” I reply flatly. “I’ve met someone else.”

  His face drops. “You’re lying,” he whispers.

  “Am I?” I ask.

  “I know you are. I know you wouldn’t have moved on from what we had so quickly.”

  Once again hurt rips through me. He knows me a lot better than I care to admit. I need to get away from this shit.

  “Nicholas, I don’t have time for this. Please leave.”

  “Can we have dinner tonight?” he pleads.


  “Why not? Just as friends.”

  “I have a business dinner on tonight,” I reply.

  “Can I be your date?” he asks hopefully.

  “Fuck. No. Stop it!” I snap.

  “Can’t we be friends?” he murmurs.

  “I have enough friends, I don’t want another friend.”

  “I’m not going anywhere until you agree to have dinner with me,” he pleads.

  “Stop it. You’re acting crazy. We are finished, and it was your decision! End of story,” I snap.

  His sad eyes look right through me. “I made a mistake,” he whispers.

  I close my eyes as pain once again lances through me. “You did.”

  “Just dinner,” he stammers.

  I stand in a rush. “Leave me alone, Nicholas. I can’t fucking compete with a dead man!”

  His face drops and his eyes tear up as his chest rises. I drop my head in shame that I just said that out loud.

  “Please Nicholas, leave me be. I can’t do this,” I whisper.

  He closes his eyes and swallows deeply. He stands and waits for me to look up at him… I don’t and two minutes later I hear my door quietly open and close.

  And once again the enigmatic Nicholas Anastas has left my life… and once again I am left feeling empty and gutted.


  Bridget and I lie by the fire that Abbie has just lit for us in the lounge room. It’s cool outside and has a distinct winter feel.

  “Why haven’t we been having the fire going all week? It’s frigging freezing in this museum.” Abbie frowns as she flops down next to us.

  “I don’t know if the boys even light it,” I reply. “They are not exactly domesticated.”

  Bridget looks around at our surroundings. “I can’t believe this is your life now.” She gestures at the ridiculously high ceiling and we all stare up at it in silence as we lie on the floor in the huge room.

  “What if you never come back to Australia, Tash?” Bridget whispers sadly.

  My heart sinks. That thought had crossed my mind more than once too. I don’t know if I will ever get Joshua to leave LA and the bad thing is, the longer I am here… the further my dream of living in Australia seems—I’m starting to like LA. Bridget grabs my hand and Abbie flops her legs over ours.

  “You guys going to be ok for the next couple of days here without me?” I ask.

  “Are you going to be ok is the question?” Abbie asks. “Joshua seems to be on the edge.”

  I nod. “He is on the edge, I’m worried about him.”

  “How’s frigging Margaret’s form?” Bridget sighs.

  “That’s my worst nightmare. I feel sorry for her,” Abbie replies.

  “She’s a trollop,” Bridget sneers.

  “Stop it,” I snap. “She’s Joshua’s mother; don’t speak about her that way.”

  “Don’t defend the mole,” Bridget snaps. “She has put you and Joshua through hell for years.”

  Cameron walks to the door and stands still as he watches us. “What are we doing?”

  “Cooking pancakes, what does it look like?” I reply flatly.

  He smirks and comes and lies down across me and puts his head on my stomach and joins us in our ceiling staring.

  “Is your mum ok, Cam?” I ask.

  “No, she’s messed up.”

  “Can you go and stay with her after we leave?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Nope. She can go to hell.”

  I frown. “But you were cuddling her the other day.”

  He sighs. “I can’t stand women crying, that’s all.”

  Bridget puts her hand over onto Cameron’s forehead and pats it. “You can be quite cute when you want to be, Cameron Stanton.”

  Abbie laughs and he flicks Bridget’s hand off his face. “Fuck off, don’t touch me,” he groans.

  The front door opens and closes and we hear Joshua’s voice. “Can you get Murray to get Natasha’s Lamborghini out of the garage please?”

  “Yeah sure. Where are you going?” Ben replies.

  “Natasha and I are going to Willowvale for a couple of days,” Joshua replies.

  “And when were you going to tell me this?” Ben snaps.

  “I’m telling you now,” Joshua answers angrily.

  “I can’t plan rosters if I don’t know what’s going on, Stan. We have more than one location to guard then.”

  “I didn’t tell you because I am not taking security. I need a couple of days alone with my girl,” Joshua replies.

  I smile to myself. I need a couple of days alone with you too, baby.

  They turn the corner and stop dead in their tracks when they see us.

  “Hey,” everyone calls.

  Joshua glares at us. “Interrupting something, am I?”

  I giggle. What must we look like in a pile on the floor?

  “Get your head off her stomach,” Joshua snaps.

  Cameron rolls his eyes and sits up. “Glad you’re home Happy Jack.”

  I smirk. Joshua really is a donkey on the edge at the moment.

  “You are not going anywhere without security,” Ben asserts as his eyes find Bridget across the room and he glares at her.

  “Watch me!” Joshua sneers as he angrily undoes his tie. “Are you packed?” he snaps at me as he reefs his tie so hard I am surprised he doesn’t break his neck.

  My eyes flick to the girls who are smirking.

  “Yes, “ I reply meekly.

  “Good, we leave in ten.” He then storms through the room and disappears up the staircase.

  Cameron smirks. “It sucks to be you, Tash.”

  Hmm, it sure does. I nod and slowly pick myself up off the floor and Ben stands exasperated with his hands on his hips.

  “Just have someone follow us discreetly down there, Ben. He needs some privacy at the moment,” I whisper quietly.

  Ben frowns. “Why? What’s going on?” he asks.

  Oh shit, he doesn’t know. “Joshua has some family stuff that is worrying him and he needs to get away. You stay here with the girls and send someone else.”

  “I can’t do my job properly if I don’t know what’s going on, Natasha,” he replies.

“I know, I’m sorry,” I sigh. “I will talk to him, I promise. Can you just make security minimal for a couple of days please?”

  A knock sounds at the door.

  “It’s not safe, Tash,” Ben replies as he frowns at the door and looks at his watch. He opens the door and

  two large muscled-up men stand before us. Ben raises his eyebrows in question. “Can I help you?” he asks.

  “Yes, I’m Detective Ford and this is my partner Detective Taylor. We are here to see a Joshua Stanton and a Ben Stathem.”

  Ben’s face drops. “That’s me. Please come in and I will get Mr Stanton.” He holds his arm out and the two detectives walk into the lounge room.

  I fake a nervous smile and my panicked eyes meet the girls. The three stooges get up from the floor, walk over and the detectives introduce themselves to everyone. Abbie shakes the first guy’s hand and then when she gets to the second guy, Detective Taylor, they seemingly forget we are all here.

  “Hello. I’m Abbie,” she breathes, appearing nervous. Bridget’s and my eyes meet—this is new. I’ve never seen Abbie get nervous before.

  He smiles warmly, taking her hand in his, and he seems all flustered too. “The pleasure is all mine.” His eyes hold hers. “My name is Rick.”

  I frown at their exchange. Rick is tall with blond curly hair and appears super fit… super freaking hot actually. Pity about the small fact he is here to interview us about a murder that he thinks we are involved in.

  Bridget and I frown at each other. Joshua comes back down the stairs with a renewed purpose.

  “Hello,” he says calmly.

  Rick speaks first. “Mr Stanton we are here to check in with you as required by the Australian Police Force.”

  “Yes, of course,” Joshua murmurs as his eyes flick to Cameron. “Come into my office.”

  Abbie bites her bottom lip in anticipation and Joshua, Ben and Detective Ford all head down the hallway. Cameron takes off upstairs, not wanting to be involved in any of this. Thanks a lot Cam. Rick, however, stays glued to the spot staring at Abbie.


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