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Stanton Series Box Set: Stanton Series (Box Set)

Page 105

by T L Swan

Joshua puts his head in his hands and Robert wraps his arms around his broken son. They stand in an embrace, both in tears about a circumstance that they have no control over, both gutted by a woman they loved and trusted. For the first time I see Joshua as a broken child and not the powerful man that he is. This is devastating for him.

  Cameron walks to the door and I see his face drop. I stand and quietly leave the room and as I turn the corner I see Scott and Wilson. Oh my, all of the Stanton men are here in LA.

  My man needs some time alone with his family.

  It’s Sunday and Adrian, the girls and I have arrived back at Adrian’s apartment after wedding-dress shopping all day. Joshua has spent most of the weekend at our house with his father and brothers and I have been making myself scarce by hanging out with my gang… um, our gang. It’s weird. I adore Adrian and I know Joshua thinks the world of the girls. The boundaries of our friends are being blurred. I think Joshua’s little speech to Max the other day has cemented in my head what I have always felt. This is my treasured and very much deserved family unit and if you’re not in the team, then jump ship, because it won’t be tolerated. I haven’t really had any time with Joshua alone to talk but he has come to bed in a good mood every night if you know what I mean. I don’t know what that means but I think we are definitely taking his mind off his problems when in bed together.

  “Just weeks till you’re married, Tash.” Adrian smiles

  I flop onto his lounge. “Makes me nervous just thinking about.”

  “I love that dress,” he replies.

  I put my hand over my heart and I pretend to swoon. “Oh my god, so do I. I can’t believe we found that on our first day shopping.” The girls sit on the floor opening the boxes that the newly purchased bridesmaid’s shoes are in and my eyes flick around the surroundings of Adrian’s beautiful luxury apartment and I smile.

  “Remember how you told me I needed a bathroom renovation on the first time we met?” I ask.

  Adrian puts his hand over his face in embarrassment. “Oh, don’t remind me. I know, how rude,” he murmurs as he shakes his head in disgust at himself.

  “I thought I might have hated you then.” I smirk.

  He shakes his head. “I knew I offended you.”

  “Totally. I thought to myself who does this guy think he is: Donatella fucking Versace?” I reply.

  He smiles broadly.

  I hold my hand up in the air and gesture around the space. “But now I see your apartment I know that you put Donatella to shame. You have amazing taste, Adrian.”

  He looks around his beautiful apartment proudly. “I do, don’t I?” He winks cheekily and Abbie sticks her finger down her throat in disgust. “Pity I don’t pick men as well as I pick furnishings and wedding dresses.”

  I smile warmly to hide a tinge of sadness. Adrian has been a little down this weekend and I know that Joshua and Cameron having their large family around is only reminding him of what we all know. He doesn’t have a family anymore and even though the Stantons are totally messed up at the moment, everyone is alive and dealing with this nightmare together. I want Adrian to go back to Nicholas. I know he still loves him and I also know how totally unproductive and heartbreaking it is taking the high road to loneliness. They both deserve better.

  The girls stand and start to parade around the lounge room in their shoes.

  “We should have gone higher.” Bridget frowns as she looks down at her feet. “My legs look short and dumpy.”

  Adrian rolls his eyes. “I told you there are 167 stairs to climb down and I am not scraping your ass off the steps when you fall over.”

  Abbie holds her hand up in the shape of a bird’s beak and opens and closes it a few times to simulate him nagging.

  “Did Joshua get his suit?” I ask as I walk into the kitchen and flick on the jug. “Who wants tea?” I call. Joshua wanted to pick his suit through the week with Cam and Adrian. I wasn’t invited.

  “You will be happy with the result. He’s the easiest man on the planet to style,” he calls.

  I smile. “That’s because he looks orgasmic in everything,” I mutter as I exit the kitchen.

  “That does help,” he replies under his breath.

  Abbie’s phone beeps a text and she smiles. “My lift is downstairs. Are we leaving the shoes here?” she asks as she points to the boxes.

  “Yeah. Who is your lift?” Adrian frowns.

  Abbie’s eyes flick between us. “Oh, just this guy I met. He’s really nice and really hot. I am just going to hang at his house tonight,” she replies nonchalantly.

  Bridget and I exchange looks and narrow our eyes at each other. The only guy I know who has interested her is the damn cop.

  “You’re not seeing the frigging cop are you?” Bridget frowns.

  Abbie frowns. “No. Maybe.” She winces. “Sort of.” She shrugs in a who-cares gesture.

  “You rang him?” I exclaim. “Abbie, you can’t date this frigging guy. He’s investigating a murder that your fingerprints are involved in. This is a recipe for disaster.”

  Adrian frowns. “Huh? What did I miss? Who is this guy?”

  Bridget shakes her head. “You are not going out with this fucking guy. Abbie stop it. Adrian, this guy came to the house to see Joshua and Ben about TC.”

  Adrian rolls his eyes as if in pain. “Of course he did,” he mutters deadpan.

  “Listen here, my beautiful but boring friends. The cop whose name is Rick is smoking hot and I’m turning into a fucking nun in that mansion.” Her eyes flick to me. “It’s alright for you. You get to have sex everyday with Mr Multiple.”

  I smirk. Ok, she’s got me on that one. She points to Bridget. “And I know for a fact the Ben banged the hell out of you for about four hours last night.”

  My mouth drops open and my eyes flick to Bridget. “What?” I shriek.

  Bridget’s horrified eyes meet Abbie’s. “He did not!” she exclaims nervously and she starts to wobble uncontrollably in her heels as she gets distracted.

  “See you can’t walk in those heels. How are you going to walk in anything taller?” Adrian butts in with his observation.

  “Oh yes he did and you fucking loved it if your moans are anything to go by,” Abbie replies.

  Adrian bursts out laughing as my eyes narrow at Bridget.

  “You and Ben,” I say.

  She frowns. “It was Carson.”

  I narrow my eyes again. “Liar, Carson went to the Philippines for a week on Friday for business.”

  Adrian laughs again. “That’s why Ben has been in such a good mood.”

  Bridget’s eyes light up and she momentarily forgets her denial. “Why, what did he say?”

  “Bridget!” I yell. “This is true.” I knew it. I knew she didn’t leave her phone in the kitchen.

  “Oh god, yes it’s true. We are just fooling around a bit—it means nothing. But we are not telling anyone,” she sighs, defeated.

  “Why not?” Adrian asks as he gets up to get the tea.

  “Ben thinks that it will jeopardise his job if things don’t work out,” she replies.

  I nod. Something like that had crossed my mind - not that his job would be in danger but that he might resign.

  Bridget lies back on the lounge. “Oh my lord, he’s so hot in bed,” she whispers so that Adrian can’t hear from the kitchen.

  I smile broadly and Abbie puts on her jacket. “Well a hot cop is just what I need. I hope he brought his handcuffs home.”

  I frown. “Don’t tell me you would let a stranger cuff you?” I ask, horrified.

  “Totally,” she replies. “It’s all the better being a little scared and I haven’t had sex for six weeks.”

  Adrian returns from the kitchen carrying a tray of tea and coffee. “Maybe it should be him that is scared then,” he mutters.

  Abbie smiles her sneaky slut smile. “He should totally be petrified.” Her phone beeps again and she smiles as she reads it. “Oh and he’s being all dominant with the messag
ing,” she purrs.

  “What did he say?” I frown.

  “Hurry up and get that hot little ass down here. I have plans for it.” She smirks.

  Unable to help it we all break into broad smiles.

  “Yeah I’ll pay that. He’ll do.” Adrian smirks as he blows on his hot coffee, then stands and kisses her on the cheek. “Be safe, babe,” he murmurs.

  Abbie inhales like a kid in a candy store and breezes out of the apartment and I smile broadly.

  “What are you smiling at?” Bridget frowns.

  “Do you know how worried I have been about her? She hasn’t slept with anyone for weeks and has been all agreeable. I can’t handle it. I wanted my annoying sex-crazed disobedient friend back, and today she finally arrived,” I reply.

  Bridget smiles. “This is true.” Her eyes flick between Adrian and me. “Can you guys keep quiet about Ben and me please. It’s only early days and I don’t want to bring it out until we know what’s going on.”

  I frown. “How did this happen? Last time I saw you two together you had a massive fight and then you left with Carson.”

  She picks up her coffee from the tray. “Yeah, well then I felt like shit and I couldn’t stand the thought of him going home with that big-boobed bitch and, let’s face it, Carmichael is a huge nob,” she replies.

  “Huge,” I mutter.

  “Gigantic,” Adrian agrees.

  “So I rang Ben and asked him to pick me up from the club we were at.” She shrugs.

  Adrian is now lying on the lounge. “And then what happened?” he asks.

  Bridget drinks her coffee and shrugs again. “We had a huge fight in the car and were screaming at each other and he told me I’m not allowed to sleep with anyone else because it’s all he could think about doing and couldn’t and he couldn’t handle watching me do it with someone else.”

  Adrian and I smirk at each other.

  “So I just jumped him in the car.” She smiles. “I thought to myself, fuck it. I want him and he wants me, so who cares. I thought to myself what would Abbie do in this situation so I just straddled him at the traffic lights and started kissing him until he couldn’t refuse.”

  Adrian holds his coffee cup in the air to symbolise well done.

  I smile and frown. “So you had sex in the car?” My horrified eyes meet Adrian’s. “At the traffic lights?” My eyes widen. “Bloody hell Bridget that’s dangerous.”

  “No, he took me back to his apartment to show me what he is really capable of.”

  I smile again as I listen. I like this story. “And?” I question.

  Bridget points at Adrian. “Not a fucking word. You’re swapping to our side of the friendship fence.”

  Adrian laughs and holds up his hands in self-defence. “Of course.”

  Bridget simulates sliding down the lounge. “Seriously, he is off the charts.”

  I smile broadly. “I knew he would be.”

  “So how many times have you been with him?” Adrian asks.

  Bridget seems embarrassed. “Every night since.”

  My mouth drops open. “He has been sneaking into your room like a frat boy?” I frown.

  She screws up her face. “Sort of.”

  Adrian laughs. “How do you sort of sneak into a room?”

  She rubs her face with both hands. “Not a word, you two!” she repeats.

  “Yes!” we both yell in frustration.

  “Every night I go to bed and then I ask him to come and say goodbye to me before he leaves and then when he gets to my room I just sort of talk him into staying. He has been getting up and leaving at four in the morning so he can arrive back at eight.”

  I smile in satisfaction. I knew those two would be so good together.

  “That’s how he saw the burglars the other night. He was leaving as they were coming in.”

  I frown. “Shit,” I whisper, horrified. “So if Ben wasn’t leaving they would have got in.”

  Adrian reads my mind. “Security has been doubled, babe. Don’t worry.” Adrian puts his foot onto my lap in a comforting gesture and I rub it through his sock as I think.

  “What are you doing tonight?” Adrian asks Bridget.

  She smiles shyly. “I’m going out for dinner with Ben. He has the weekend off and then I am staying at his house.”

  Both Adrian and I smile at her obvious excitement.

  Adrian and Bridget then start talking but I am lost in my own little world. They would have got in. The power was cut and Ben wasn’t on duty. They would have killed Joshua. I sit up in a rush, thinking I need to go to him. I need to make sure he’s safe.

  “What are you doing?” Adrian frowns.

  I shake my head. “I’m worried they are going to get Joshua.” I sigh as once again I rub Adrian’s foot, deep in thought. “I can’t even bear to think of that.”

  “Tash, I promise you, I have got this. Security has been doubled and, to be honest, the police think it was a random burglary anyway. Please remember there are ten million dollars worth of cars in Joshua’s garage,” Adrian replies.

  I nod. “True,” I whisper.

  Bridget smiles. “Tash, you know Ben wouldn’t have had the weekend off if he was worried about Joshua’s safety.”

  God, I’m over-reacting as usual. “Yeah, you’re right. That’s true.” I nod, feeling a little better.

  Adrian gets a text and, after reading it, texts a reply and Bridget stands and looks out the window. “I’m off too. I can hear Ben calling me.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh god, is this going to get soppy?”

  Bridget smiles broadly. “Perhaps.” She walks over and kisses Adrian’s forehead and then mine on her way to the door. “See you tomorrow guys.”

  “Bye,” we both call.

  My phone rings and the name Lambo lights up the screen.

  “Hi babe.” I smile.

  “Hello, my beautiful girl,” Joshua smiles down the phone. “Did you get your dress?” he purrs.

  “I did.” I smile like a schoolgirl.

  “And?” he asks.

  “And you are going to have to wait till our wedding to see it.”

  “Mmm.” He sighs sexily. “I’m waiting for you. What time are you coming home?”

  “Um.” My eyes flick to Adrian as he watches television. “What are our plans for the night?” I ask.

  “I got us a box at the Lakers,” he replies.

  I screw up my face. That sounds exactly the opposite of what I want to do tonight. “Is Adrian coming?” I ask and then I hold my hand over the phone. “Are you going to the basketball?” I mouth.

  Adrian frowns and shakes his head.

  “No, I just texted him and he doesn’t want to come,” Joshua replies.

  “Why don’t you go with your brothers and dad and I will hang with Adrian. You can pick me up on the way home.”

  “Why? What are you guys doing?” he asks.

  I shrug. “Nothing probably. We’ll eat something I suppose. I’m just not really in the mood to get dressed and go out. You go and have fun with the boys.”

  He thinks for a moment. “Are you sure?” he asks.

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, I’m not a baby.”

  “Um, ok. I just don’t want you to think you are not invited.”

  I frown. “Don’t be stupid. Ring me when you finish.”

  “Ok, is Max with you?”

  “Yes, he’s outside with Jason,” I reply.

  “Ok, presh. See you in a couple of hours. I love you,” he speaks quietly down the phone and I know he has just walked away from the others so they can’t hear him.

  “Ok.” I smile.

  “Tomorrow we find apartments for our guests,” he replies.

  “Yes.” I smile gratefully. “That is a good plan.”

  “So I can fuck you wherever I want to,” he whispers.

  I smile deviously. “You already fuck me wherever you want to, Mr Stanton.”

  Adrian puts his hands over his ears and pretends to vomit. Oop
s, I forgot he was listening.

  “So I do. I meant location,” he whispers darkly.

  Four hours later Adrian and I are in a Mexican restaurant and on our fourth frozen margarita. Our guards are seated up the front. We are dagging it up in our jeans and clothes from today. I must look like a wreck and it feels bloody good not to be getting chased by idiots with cameras. We are eating the biggest serves of nachos I have ever seen.

  “I know we have gone over this but why don’t you ring Nicholas?” I ask.

  He sips his drink. “I nearly did last night actually.”

  I smile as I wipe my mouth with a serviette. “What stopped you?”

  “I don’t want him to think that I am after anything,” he replies.

  “Can’t you be friends?” I frown.

  He shrugs. “Maybe, I haven’t scoped that out.”

  My phone rings and the name Jesten lights up the screen. I roll my eyes and answer the call. This is about the fourth time he has rung me and I can never answer it because I am always with Joshua.

  “Sorry, I have to take this,” I whisper to Adrian.

  He waves me off in an I-don’t-care-I’m-drinking kind of wave.

  “Hello, Jes,” I answer.

  “Tash, I wish you’d answer your damn phone. I have been trying to get in contact with you.” He sighs in relief.

  I frown. “What’s wrong?”

  “We haven’t spoken since you chose the dickhead over me and I thought…” He goes silent as he rethinks his wording.

  I narrow my eyes. “He’s not a dickhead!” I snap.

  Adrian smiles as he licks some salt from his glass and clinks his with mine.

  “Who is it?” Adrian asks with a frown.

  I write the name Jesten on my napkin and he smirks at my annoyed face.

  “Jes, if you care to remember, last time we saw each other, you had the audacity to tell Joshua that I loved every minute of the sex we had and you knew that was a downright lie. We have never even kissed, Jesten,” I blurt out angrily. “Why did you do that?” I ask, hurt. “I thought we were friends?”

  “You would love every minute of it,” he replies, ignoring my last question.

  “Oh god, are you even listening to me?” I respond.

  “I had drinks with Simon last night,” he volunteers.


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