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I'm All Yours

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by Madhumitha Lakshamanan

  How do you think a girl was supposed to feel after knowing that her marriage with a stranger was in two weeks after both families met?

  Chapter 3-The Marriage Arrangement

  Shakthi's POV

  How do you think a girl was supposed to feel, knowing that her marriage with a stranger was in two weeks after both families met?

  Pathetic, right?! That was how I felt!

  I only knew that his name was Gautham and that he was an Auditor working at the same firm as mine. Two weeks were all I had! Just two weeks! The entire two weeks were to be spent shopping and preparing for the wedding. How would I get to know him in those two weeks?? Why two weeks? The bride and the groom are not allowed to even talk once the engagement is over. So all I had were a few days.

  I had to just get on with it. I reasoned I have my entire life to know him.

  But, was he fine with this? I was honestly surprised.

  He never told me anything about this when we met at the office and that was weird.

  I had been postponing my age of marriage as much as possible with reasons like studies and work, but then I couldn't find any valid reason to postpone it further or maybe my parents would have thought that it was better to get me married before I changed my mind, again.

  My parents! I laughed mentally.

  I would never ever go back on my decisions.They knew that very well.

  I was just curious to know the reason for this hurried and rushed up wedding.

  I took a long shower and all the memories of today replayed in my head.

  After my shower, I slipped into my t-shirt and pajamas and I decided to check out his Facebook profile. I could at least get to know something about him.

  I logged into my account and opened my friends list. I knew that it wouldn't be a tough job to find him on Facebook because we worked in the same place and were bound to have a mutual friend. My guess was right. I clicked on his profile.

  His profile photo was a side profile of his face. It was clicked with the night sky as a background with a full focus on his face, showing his highly defined nose, sexy and perfect jaw that made me drool. Of course, there were numerous likes for this sexy man.

  I slowly started to read the comments. One comment caught my attention.

  'Hope you didn't miss Anitha, buddy!' What?? Who was this Anitha? Was he talking about the Anitha at my office? Could it be her??

  Was Gautham in love with her or something? Was he being forced into this marriage?

  Shakthi! Stop being judgemental! Stop it!

  When I wanted to have a second look at the comment, I searched for it. The comment wasn't there. It was deleted!

  Gautham must have deleted it! There was something fishy!

  "Shakthi??" my mum called up.

  I closed my laptop and went to the kitchen to see what she wanted.

  She was cooking our dinner.

  "Yes mom?" I asked. She turned the stove off to face me.

  "Shakthi, tomorrow you will be engaged. Don't be shocked; you knew that this would happen soon."

  I was at least a bit shocked. But, the culture here was that the engagement takes place without the bride and the groom. I don't know the reason it. It was kind of absurd. But, it being a ritual, I had to accept it!

  The engagement took place and of course my relationship status did change from single to engaged. Days passed by in a blur of shopping and wedding preparations.

  We usually buy silk sarees for our marriage. The colour was usually red. The gold silk border of the saree had to be big. The wedding saree was to be bought by Gautham's family which was the usual tradition. When the saree arrived it looked breathtakingly rich and beautiful. I just couldn't wait to see how it was going to look on me on my big day!

  I had asked my mom to grant me at least two days for my personal shopping. I always wear these boring pajamas and t-shirts at home. I always wanted to wear these hot pants at home. So my shopping was mainly for that.

  I had pulled my cousin, Tanya along with me for shopping.

  I grabbed three to four hot pants. They looked really nice and comfortable. But, do I have the courage to wear these in front of Gautham??

  I had purchased some formal knee length skirts and a few shirts that matched the skirts, a few pairs of denims, lingerie sets and some night wears.

  And trust me, the next three days ran by without even a little contact with Gautham.

  There was a strict warning from my parents and elders that I was not allowed to see him or talk to him. As if I was dying to talk to him!


  There were just five days left.

  My marriage was to be held at my native, which was a district near Trichy.

  I was really excited to visit my house at my native. It had been seven years since I visited.

  Houses in this district are huge bungalows, the typical Chettinadu type.

  My house was no exception and it had the amazing traditional touch to it, having its nativity and culture intact. Usually, the wedding would be held at bride's house, because the houses are bigger than the marriage halls.

  But, in the recent times, marriages at houses were slowly reducing because people felt that it was easier to hold a wedding at a marriage hall and it would save a lot of time and effort.

  In order to make the arrangements for the wedding and to conduct all other rituals, we decided to leave Chennai at least five days before the wedding and the day had also arrived.

  When I gave the invitations to my friends, all of them were really excited and told me that they would be there at least two days before my wedding which made me feel really happy. But, Anitha had a scowl on her face when I gave her the invitation and it was evident that she wasn't happy at all. But, I just shrugged it off, thinking that she was jealous.

  My mom had asked me to pack all my things. It meant that my entire room had to go into many trolleys.

  I was becoming emotional. This was the last day at my home. I was born and brought up here and I was leaving this place. I was going to miss my room so much. It looked empty and soulless without my things.

  I was so engrossed in packing that my mom's loud voice startled me!


  "Mom!! You scared me!" I shrieked

  She lightly chuckled and asked, "Can you get me Gautham's residential address?"

  "Don't you know it?" I asked.

  It was weird that she didn't know his residence. Without even knowing the address, how did my parents visit his house so many times?

  "I know his parents' residential address, Shakthi. But, I don't know his new flat's address!"

  "What???" I choked. This meant that I was going to stay alone with him in that flat. We were not going to be in a joint family.

  It sounded creepy to stay alone with, just him. It would give us a lot of privacy, but living with his family had its advantages.

  There was no use thinking about things that wouldn't happen. It felt like I had no more control over my life. But, I was doing all this for my parents.

  "Shakthi!! Are you even listening to what I am saying??" my mom's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

  "Sorry mom! What were you saying?" I asked

  "It's okay! Forget it! Nothing important. But, just get me his address," she ordered and turned to leave my room when I stopped her.

  "Mom!" I called.

  "I have so much work left, Shakthi. What is it??"

  "You are forgetting something Mom."

  "Tell me what it is, dear! I have no time to spare! Be quick!" she said in a hurried tone.

  "I need his contact number to talk to him and get his address," I stated the obvious.

  "Oh my clever daughter!! Contact him through his landline number. I don't have his number," she said and left.

  Even if she had it, she wouldn't give it to me, because she would want to maintain the so called rule of 'don't allow the bride and the groom to talk.'

  I sighed and contacted the landline number and his
mom answered. I spoke to her for a few minutes and got the address.

  It was one of the famous builders' flats and it was getting me all excited. Such flats are quite expensive. It would easily cost crores. But, he managed to buy it.

  My own bank balance was just in crores. It became 'just' crores, until I came to know his address. This made me really curious about the money he earned. There was nothing wrong in wanting to know your fiancé's salary.

  What made me even more curious was that we both were in the same job and same company, but it seemed like his salary was more than mine. Auditors get paid more when they attend more of outstation audits.


  In a few hours, all of us had finished our packing.

  My mom kept packing until we left and only God knew what she kept packing.

  We had three more hours until the train arrived. I started to get dressed in skinny fit jeans and a comfortable t-shirt. I pulled my hair into a high pony-tail and let my bangs hang in front.

  Before we could leave, I had a last tour around my house. I was really going to miss it. I had memories attached to every nook and corner. Tears ran down my cheeks. My parents kept consoling me and it did make me feel better.

  The long, traffic disrupted drive to the junction was fun-filled along with my parents, brother, cousins, uncle and aunt.

  We reached the junction and settled in our seats after the train arrived. It was going to be an exciting overnight journey. In no time the train came to life. My heart was racing as the train started to move. The next time I came to Chennai, I would be married. This mere thought sent shivers down my spine.

  All the elders started to chat. My cousins and I teased each other and spoke.

  They teased me so much and it looked like there was no end.

  We decided to play. They had brought a deck of cards with them. I felt like a teenager again.

  But, it felt nice to behave like a teenager once in a while. There were seven of us. Soon the game became interesting.

  "When is Gautham's family leaving Chennai??" my aunt asked.

  "Today, in fact they are on the same train," Mom replied.

  "I just met them! They are in the same compartment," Dad answered.

  Should I react? It's better I don't!

  I refocused on the game, but that soon got boring. Some fresh air would really be nice. So, I took my cousin Tanya along with me. She started to tease me.

  "You are so eager to meet him that you walked out of the game!"

  I regretted bringing her with me. Why do they have to relate every single thing to him?? I knew she’d never stop, so I let it go.

  We walked to entrance of the compartment, near the door.

  A guy was already standing there with his back towards us. It looked like he was enjoying the breeze as well.

  So, we thought of using the other door. I leaned on the door as the clean and fresh air hit my face. It was a heavenly feeling.

  Tanya quickly got bored since I was ignoring her so called 'teasing'. She quietly went back to her seat and joined the others.

  I stood there, enjoying the touch of the wind. It sent my hair flying all over, but I didn't care. I took in the cool and fresh air.

  "Hmm," I moaned, purely enjoying the breeze.

  As I turned to lean on the other side of the door, I was shocked to see him standing in front of me and from what I saw, he was equally shocked.

  Chapter 4-Something Fishy

  "Hmm," I moaned, purely enjoying the breeze.

  As I turned to lean on the other side of the door, I was shocked to see him standing in front of me and from what I saw, he was equally shocked. It was Gautham! It was real!

  He looked entirely different. He was dressed in black denim jeans with a red polo t-shirt and his taut muscles were clearly displayed. The wind had messed up his dark hair. I felt his eyes moving over my body, making me self-conscious.

  His husky and deep voice shook me from my thoughts.

  "Why are you here??" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Excuse me?? Is it your father's property??" I asked, irked.

  He smirked and couldn't get cockier! What made him smirk? I was rude to him, but he was smirking? This man had a confusing personality!

  "Bold, are we?" he mocked and it made me roll my eyes.

  I didn't feel like prolonging this conversation, because I felt totally restless being around this man! He was so intimidating! Was I really ready to get married to him??

  When I just turned on my heel to leave, his voice stopped me again.

  "Are you traveling alone?”

  I again turned to face him. "No! I am with my family. We are going to our native and you apparently know the reason?" I explained, folding my arms across my chest.

  "Of course, our wedding," he scorned, air quoting those words and the mark of sarcasm didn't escape my ears.

  "Why, the sarcasm??" I was truly baffled

  "Did it sound like that? I wasn't being sarcastic," he lied.

  I definitely smelt something fishy. If he was hiding anything from me, he had to tell me. I was not a girl who would put up with nonsense.

  "Should I be knowing something??" I asked, looking directly in his eyes

  His body visibly tensed, but he quickly covered it up with his reply. "Of course not"

  Maybe, I was expecting a little too much from him for a third meeting!

  But, I made a note to talk to him about it after our wedding even if it was going to ruin our lives. I may sound rude, but let's face it; it was my life that was at stake!

  He started to shuffle, clearly on the edge.

  I decided to ask him something else to cheer him up. "So, what made you think that I was traveling alone??"

  "I thought that you were going for some outstation audit."

  His answer made me laugh my ass off and my stomach started to hurt so badly.

  He was puzzled looking at my reaction. He gave me an amused look. "What is it?? Why are you laughing so much?"

  "You thought that I would leave for an outstation audit with my wedding just five days away? Whom would you marry then?" Oops! The words were already out!

  Why would you ask that?

  "Yea, right." He rolled his eyes.

  Maybe, I should just leave.

  Thank God for the yawn that escaped my mouth, if not for that I would have faked one.

  "Looks like you are sleepy! You go and catch some sleep. We will meet soon!"

  "Yea ...soon!" I yawned again while he smiled at me. Not waiting any longer, I left the place.

  Not bad! For once we had a decent conversation. It was indeed a good start, but there was something that was eating him up. I was not going to force it out of him. He had to trust me and tell it himself. I know that trusting someone was not a joke, it takes time and it looked like we had all the time in the world. The hectic night came to a peaceful end.


  "Shakthi! We will reach within 20 minutes, dear! Wake up," my mom said.

  Where are we supposed to reach?

  I was in a train traveling to my native place! How could I forget it!

  In no time we arrived at our destination.

  It was seven thirty and the sun was shining.

  We carried all the luggage into the house. I was dying to look around, knowing I’d be leaving to live somewhere else in a few days.

  All of them retired to their rooms to get dressed up.

  Elders had so much work to do while my cousins and I spent the day taking pictures, playing and having fun.

  It was a nice feeling that I had missed for a long time.


  I was having a nice and a sound sleep which was interrupted by my aunt. I heard her shouting, "Wake up, Shakthi! It's four already."

  Oh God! This was The Big Day .

  Chapter 5-The Big Day

  Shakthi's pov

  I did my usual morning routine followed by a nice, long and a hot shower which eased my nerves. I wrapped the towel
around my body and stepped into the room. I then picked up my wedding saree that was placed on my bed.

  After blow drying my hair, I applied my body cream and then put on my underwear.

  I started draping my wedding saree.

  I let out a frustrated sigh. Managing a silk saree was going to be really tough.

  I first wore the blouse which was also in red. It did enhance my complexion.

  I wore the petticoat for the saree. Then I slowly tied the saree taking care over every fold.

  After thirty minutes, I was done.

  I looked at myself in the mirror.

  It was close to perfect.

  In a few minutes, the person who does the bridal makeover arrived. She listened to me patiently. I didn't want to overdo my makeup. I told her every detail, how it had to be.

  It took her one whole hour to complete it and I struggled to sit patiently in one place.

  I took a look at my reflection in the mirror. She had totally transformed me. I looked beautiful, more than I could ever imagine.

  My eyes were neatly kohled and eye lined. She had used a dark red on the inner part of the lids and gold eye shadow on the corners. It looked elegant. Not overdone at all. Just perfect.

  My lips were coated with a nice shade of brick red lipstick, matching my saree. She had used a little blush to cover my cheeks, making me look more natural. My hair was neatly braided with a part of my bangs out.

  "You look so beautiful," she shrieked.

  "Thank you." I smiled at her.

  That was when I saw all my aunts and Mom enter. "Shakthi, you look so pretty!!" Mom exclaimed. Her eyes were filled with love.

  All my aunts complimented my looks. I was hoping they didn't say that to re-assure me.

  My mom made me wear all the diamond necklaces, bangles and the earrings.

  My hair was filled with jasmine flowers. Then, I had a look at myself in the mirror. I was a complete bride.

  It was almost six. I was going to get married in an hour and I began to feel anxious.

  All my things were carried by my brother and they locked up my room. As I walked down the stairs, memories flooded my mind.

  Tears rolled down my cheeks. "Don't cry, baby!!" Tanya, who was walking alongside me, said. She wiped my tears.


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