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Accelerant- Sixth Extinction

Page 12

by James Morris Robinson

  Jeff had been there several months ago on an encounter with Jameela. She often met him at discreet locations like this one. They usually took a suite on the eighth floor, concierge level. Jeff often told Jameela that it was okay to relax every once in a while and that it could enhance the ability to complete missions.

  The Commander had sent him on official business this time. Today he would meet the Widowmaker for dinner in one of the Marriott’s six restaurants. Jeff stood on the balcony of his suite. Jeff felt the coolness in the air even though it was late summer. As he looked at the majestic Palace of Parliament, he remembered the incredible story of its origin. Construction had begun on The People’s House in 1983.

  Jameela would sip her coffee and tell Jeff the story of the revolution. Jeff would listen attentively as a young apprentice would listen to his master. “The People’s Palace has 1,100 rooms, with its majestic twelve stories designed by 700 Romanian architects. There are several questions you can ask and actually be told by your guide that they cannot officially answer. How many people died during construction? What percentage of this building is actually in use? How much did it cost to build this monster? Romania is poor and building this gigantic palace had to contribute to Romania’s bankruptcy. The cost of the largest chandelier in the palace could almost entirely wipe out poverty in most parts of the country. The fourth question is really interesting. How many floors underground? Where are the tunnels that lead to the secret floors? Jameela would run her hand through Jeff’s low cut hair. She would whisper in his ear, “Commander, this is the stuff revolutions are made of.”

  As he stood there the sunset over Romania and the Palace of Parliament seemed to come alive.

  Jeff thought the city’s elegant architecture really earned it its nickname, the Paris of Eastern Europe.

  Jeff performed ablution for the Salat al-Maghhrib. After the prayer, he asked Allah to look after the Romanians. He prayed, “Greed plagues all mankind. Islam offers the path and lights the way. May Allah bless all Romanians and mankind to detach themselves from intense desires for wealth.”

  Jeff walked downstairs and waited in the white marbled gigantic lobby of the Marriott for the Widowmaker. He stood in front of the hotel to get a ground view of the Parliament Palace. This front view was so popular, that the hotel was famous for it. As he headed for the front revolving doors, he heard someone call his name in a very polite Romanian voice. It was the Widowmaker, a charming gentleman.

  Jeff shook his hand and asked a question.

  “Are Blackstars real?”

  The distinct Romanian gentleman quietly laughed. “The real question is…can they reach the dark side of the moon?”

  Jeff was relieved. It was him...the legendary ‘Widowmaker.’

  Jeff ordered the Carpaccio di manzo con carciofi, which was homemade beef carpaccio with an artichoke salad. The Widowmaker ordered the Spaghetti con vongole e pomodorini, which was spaghetti with clams and tomatoes. Jeff finished his salad when he noticed the Widowmaker nervously looking around.

  Jeff asked, “I am curious, how did you come by the name, 'Widowmaker'?”

  The Widowmaker relaxed. “Well, my father worked on the B-53 bomb project in the United States in the sixties. My father was given the nickname Widowmaker by his friends after they found out about the project. I have sort of followed in his footsteps, so I proudly inherited the name.”

  “You must be proud of your father.”

  “Yes…the Widowmaker retired and died several years ago.”

  “I read the Genesis profile on you. I admired your work at M.I.T.”

  “Yes, my father sent me to the United States to complete my undergraduate degree in chemistry at M.I.T. I also worked as an explosive ordnance disposal specialist while in college.”

  “Your work was highly regarded by American bomb experts.”

  “Yes! Yes! I am told that. I also received my graduate degree in microbiology from M.I.T.”

  “So why did you leave a promising career in the United States. You could have been extremely wealthy by now.”

  The Widowmaker stopped chewing and grinned. “Who says I'm not?”

  They both laughed quietly.

  “Actually, my career went south when I agreed with the prominent D.C. Naval Research Laboratory physicist David Griscom’s official theory for why the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building seven collapses did not match the available facts. We both believe that the buildings were brought down by controlled demolition. Completely disillusioned with America’s lifestyle, media treatment of common people, and rogue politics, I moved back to Bucharest.”

  The Widowmaker masterfully put his fork with the pasta on his spoon and twirled the fork around until all of the pasta surrounded the fork and savored the taste.

  “Looks like you're a pro at that. I can make such a mess, so I just cut it.”

  “I do the same when I'm at home eating alone.”

  They had a great laugh. The laughter seemed to have a bonding effect. For dessert, Jeff insisted they both have key lime pie and piping hot Flat White coffee. They both enjoyed it and took a walk.

  Jeff placed his hand on the Widowmaker's left shoulder as they walked. “I had several suitcases delivered to your room, the moment you left to meet me, with gold bars valued at $325,000 each. The total bars in the suitcases exceed your four-million-dollar fee. Genesis appreciates your commitment and confidentiality.”

  The Widowmaker nodded with approval.

  Jeff reminded the Widowmaker, “I am under direct orders by high command at Genesis headquarters to remind you that, under penalty of death to you and your family, no one is to know of this transaction.”

  The Widowmaker grimly nodded 'yes' and responded, “Understood.”

  Jeff asked, “The location of the detonators?”

  The Widowmaker looked at Jeff and laughed. “I put them in your room the moment you left. Nice room by the way. Tell your boys at Genesis, the extra one is on me.”

  After shaking Jeff’s hand, the Widowmaker continued, “One more question. What is it like…what will your journey be like on the way home, on a container ship? You will pass many countries…yes?”

  Jeff chuckled. It certainly was a lot more work than being on a cruise ship. “I am Second Captain. My container ship is being loaded by longshoremen as we speak. I hop back on and I am in the wind. Bucharest to Shanghai will take about sixteen days. The container ship will leave out of the Port of Constantza. We will head south in the Black Sea, passing Bulgaria to the west, and edging out to the Mediterranean Sea with Greece and Athens to the west. We will head into the open ocean of the Mediterranean until we reach the Suez Canal. We continue on and slip through the Suez Canal and head in a southeasterly direction into the Red Sea with Egypt on our left and Saudi Arabia on our right. With Yemen on our right, we continue to head in a southeasterly direction. We take a right and head due east through the Arabian Sea. We will pass Sri Lanka on our left as we head towards Malaysia and Penang Port. We leave Penang Port, and as we pass Singapore, the helmsman will take a left turn and head east again into the Java Sea. Then we will make a hard turn north and head towards China. As we steam towards China, we pass Cambodia and then Vietnam. I will know we are almost there when we pass Taiwan to the right. Approximate distance as the crow flies in miles from Taipei, Taiwan, to Shanghai, China, is 422 miles across the East China Sea. Then we'll get a good night's sleep at home in our beds.”

  The Widowmaker smiled and waved as Jeff walked away. “Safe winds, my friend.”

  Jeff returned to the container ship, which was fully loaded with containerized cargo. The ship’s crew numbered thirteen. Tugboats escorted the container ship out of the Port of Constantza, on the western coast of the Black Sea. As they steamed out into the Black Sea, Jeff headed to the bridge to check in with the captain.

  Jeff was the first mate and sometimes referred to as the second captain. The captain often said that Jeff was his right hand and his friend. Jeff felt fortu
nate to be in the confidence of the captain. As the second captain, Jeff also handled the other eleven crewmembers. He reported matters to the captain and took direction from the captain and communicated any information from him to the rest of the crew. After being briefed by the captain, Jeff headed to navigation, as he would provide navigation support for the ship. The bridge deck also included the helm and navigation station. It was located on the third level of the five-story house section of the ship at the stern. Jeff knew the oceans they traveled and provided oceanographic details related to their route. Once on the navigation bridge, Jeff relieved the third mate in charge. The third mate headed to the house for a meal and sleep. Jeff checked range, bearing, course, and speed. He called the captain and informed him of time and distance to the closest port.

  Jeff could see down from his viewpoint into the holds of the container ship. He made a visual inspection of the vertical cell guides that organized containers across, from side to side. The cell guides were strong vertical structures constructed of metal installed into a ship’s cargo holds. Looking down into an empty container ship, it would look like the ship was divided into seventeen box sections with ridges. The crane operators used these sections to guide containers into well-defined rows during the loading process, which provided some support for containers against the ship’s rolling at sea. He saw several of his seamen checking containers and checking the twist-locks and lashing rods that secured containers above the deck. The above deck containers did not have the support of the cell guides so the seamen had to periodically check the higher stories of containers.

  As they steamed toward Shanghai, Jeff thought about having coffee and spending time with Kyle in several weeks.

  Chapter Thirteen — Arrested as Terrorists

  Jeff’s ship arrived in China. As Jeff told the Widowmaker, it was nice to sleep in one’s own bed. Jeff woke up suddenly. The alarm was blaring on his cell phone. The alarm flashed 7:04 a.m. He had overslept. He had an early morning appointment so he dressed quickly and jumped in a cab to head into a pretty busy day. The cab driver spoke broken English and pointed to the car trunk. Jeff reluctantly placed his suitcase in the trunk.

  Jeff had an appointment about twenty miles from where he rented a very nice two-bedroom apartment, on the 16th floor of a fairly modern building in Hongkou District. Jeff loved his place, as it was about a three-minute walk from Hongkou Stadium to watch football and soccer. Hongkou Stadium was a 33,000-seat stadium, home of the Chinese Football Association Super League. As Jeff got out of the cab in the district, he was reminded that unlike in Western cities, where high cab prices can prohibit the daily use, Shanghai’s taxis charged under five American dollars to go almost anywhere in the city.

  Jeff reported to Shanghai Machine and Parts Co. in the industrial sector of the district. He walked up to the front steel encased doors. He noticed the building did not have windows. Jeff thought we are on digital camera and satellite so I'd better smile. He knocked and the door swung open.

  “You are late, Commander.”

  Jameela was dressed in very business-like attire. She shook Jeff’s hand and motioned him in. She took the suitcase away from him and gave it to a guy who looked like he was ready for a major battle.

  “My ship got in real late last night.”

  “No excuse; you have had sleep deprivation training.”

  “Yes, Commander.” Jeff followed Jameela through the machinery shop. It was amazing how efficient these shops were. He saw three levels all at once. There were several hundred people at work producing clamp nuts, retaining rings, washers, and copper parts, high-quality fasteners for various uses in auto manufacturing, electrical power, chemical industry, architecture, and telecommunications. Jeff thought, made in China and shipped to the U.S.A. The American politicians and labor unions were worthless!

  As Jeff followed Jameela, he was reminded of their night together, imagining again her body against his and her legs around him. Jameela had such a sexy motion when she walked in those Prada pumps. Jeff was snapped back to reality when Jameela entered a code on the wall pad and a door concealed by drywall opened. Before their eyes, a military command center appeared. They walked towards a desk and were issued passes by yet another really mean looking soldier. Then they submitted to a retina scan. They walked down a long hall of steel and glass. Jeff looked through a crack in one door into a room which appeared to house seven to nine people.

  Was that the High Command? What are they doing here? Jeff thought.

  They proceeded to a door with the number 704. Jeff saw a few familiar faces. Kyle grabbed Jeff by the neck from behind and hugged him.

  Kyle proudly said, “Well done, commander.”

  Jeff then shook hands with several commanders he knew from his past training camps and missions. Then he walked and mingled as they all had coffee, tea, and biscuits.

  Suddenly a door opened on the left side of the room. Before their very eyes were the officers of Genesis. Everyone in the room was on their feet and at attention as fast as lightning.

  Jeff thought I knew it, I knew it was them.

  The most senior officer, Commander Mustafa, spoke firmly. “We wanted to personally thank Commander Jeff for completing a mission-critical component. He procured and secured the detonators. Getting the detonators safely into Genesis’ hands allows us to move to the next phase of ‘The Event’. On behalf of the Supreme Commander, we thank you.”

  The High Commander shook Jeff’s hand, “Alhamdulillah wa’ Shukru Lillah.”

  The High Council came forward and they all shook Jeff’s hand and left quickly. Security protocols dictated this.

  The next voice they heard was the instructor, a specialist in cyberspace attack. “Everyone refresh your coffee and take your seats. This meeting has begun. You are here for a specific reason which will be apparent shortly. Genesis computer geeks have warehoused a worm that will go live in a few days and stand ready to transmit our satellite signals via a special signal highway. Apophis will enjoy the ride. This is all we can say at this time. You do understand, you do not want to be captured with this info, so we will not burden you with it. Just know that our scientists have enabled a system that rides or piggybacks on our enemies’ satellite systems undetected.”

  Jameela addressed the sorted group of commanders. “The oil tankers that will sit in the international waters off Tybee will leave the day after tomorrow from Brazil’s Port of Niteroi. This is Brazil’s largest port. Genesis has built great relations with port officials and helped fund the port through difficult times with the Brazilian government. Genesis has become known as an organization which encourages economic growth with a government that discourages and complicates private investment.”

  Jameela asked an interesting question. “Our people will be in place to see these oil tankers off as they head for the United States. Can someone tell me how we synchronized travel so that all ships arrive within a safe distance of each other?”

  The room got very quiet. Dead silence almost. Jeff’s experience as a ship navigator helped him answer the question.

  “I got it.”

  “Go ahead, Jeff.”

  “The oil tankers are closer to each other as they are in all the south Atlantic already. They need to head north to America. The ships here must head across the East China Sea to the north Pacific. They pick up time by steaming through the Panama Canal, turning north towards the Gulf of Mexico and then on to the north Atlantic.”

  Jameela and Kyle smiled and clapped for Jeff at the same time. Kyle rubbed Jeff’s shoulder. “You are a regular Ferdinand Magellan!”

  “No…just an effective second captain on a container ship.”

  With admiration, Jameela said, “Well done Commander…well done.” She then turned dead serious. “There may have been days when we questioned your loyalty to Genesis as you challenged yourself to attain commander status. Today is not that day! We salute your completion of the program and obtainment of full commander status. Ongoing events
and crises created by the Americans and the Brits have created the necessity for a military response…a covert response. All of you will be involved in this game-changing operation. As we look out over the room we see port captains, operations managers, chief engineers, able-bodied seamen, and many others. We thank you for your dedication and patience as we prepare for the event. We will get specific info and intelligence to specific cells on a need-to-know basis. This is a reminder that this op remains pitch dark. Go home now, you will receive further instructions. Do not contact us. We will find you.”

  Later that day, Jameela was reviewing her mission briefs. She noticed an incoming call light on her Apophis Tablet. She pressed the tiny button on her Bluetooth headset.

  “Good afternoon, Mother.”

  “Please address me, my dear, as Supreme Commander…and it is morning here.”

  “I love you, mother.”

  “I love you too.”

  “Mission on schedule, commander?”

  “Yes…my lord.”

  “Stay safe soldier.”

  “Yes, Supreme Commander.”

  Kyle was to fly back to Charleston in four days as he was due back at his job in Charleston as a port captain. He was on personal leave because of a death in the family, or so he had said. Jeff was scheduled back aboard his cargo ship in one week.

  Jeff heard his cell-phone buzzing.

  “Kyle…what’s up?”

  “I thought we would have dinner tonight together at the Meichuan Muslim Restaurant.”

  “I'm game, bro. Eating in a halal restaurant is always a bonus when the food is so good!”

  Jeff and Kyle met at the restaurant. While they waited for their noodles and red date tea, Jeff confessed to Kyle that he and Jameela had something special going on. Kyle hugged Jeff saying, “Enjoy the moments when they present themselves. I might sound self-serving but I'm not. I might have led you to believe I like Jameela. The truth is I love my girlfriend in Savannah. In fact, she will get twenty-five percent of the appreciation fees that Genesis gives my family after we execute the event. Promise me that you will enjoy your last days with your family. Don't complicate it.”


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