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Wicked in a Kilt (Hot Scots Book 2)

Page 10

by Anna Durand

  My fingers slipped between my folds, where I was slick and hot and achy. Caught by Aidan's eyes, I couldn't look away from him as I stroked my fingers up and down, two fingers on either side of my cleft, caressing my folds. My clitoris throbbed, begging for attention. As Aidan's mouth fell open and his heavy breaths huffed out of him, I rubbed harder and faster, skirting around my clit, knowing once I touched that nub I'd lose it. Pleasure cascaded through me, intensifying with each stroke of my fingers, heightened by the attention of the wicked Scot lying beside me.

  His eyes darted, his gaze switching to my groin, to where my fingers worked my inflamed flesh. My hips gyrated and my legs moved in restless rhythm with my fingers. He tore his focus away from my loins to fixate on my face again, and his was a look of such desperate longing I couldn't deny him what he clearly wanted more than anything in this moment.

  "Watch me touch myself," I said. "Please. I'll keep my eyes open and watch your face."

  He exhaled a heavy breath, nodding, and leveled his gaze on my hand moving beneath the nightie.

  With my other hand, I eased the fabric higher, revealing a glimpse of my sex, even as I whisked my fingers over my flesh, my breaths shortening into sharp gasps.

  Aidan sucked in a long, deep breath. Eyes almost closed, he smiled with intense satisfaction. "You smell like everything I've ever wanted."

  Mindless, I scraped my middle finger up my cleft and onto my clit, rubbing the rigid nub with ruthless strength and speed, frantic to achieve release. It roared through me and my back bowed up off the bed, but I kept stroking hard and fast, wringing out wave after wave of pleasure. When I collapsed in a heap, my hands slack on my thighs, Aidan was staring at me with slitted eyes, his mouth tight.

  "How was it?" He ground out the words.

  "Good," I said, between heavy breaths. "But nowhere near as good as when you touch me."

  Ducking his head, he shifted his hips in an uncomfortable movement and exhaled a shaky breath. "Excuse me."

  He scrambled off the bed, staggering toward the doorway.

  "Wait," I said, and he hesitated with his hand on the knob. From the way he was almost limping, favoring his crotch, I had a suspicion about his need to flee. "Are you running away to relieve your needs in the bathroom? Like you did this morning?"

  Body rigid, he growled out a frustrated breath. "Aye."

  "You don't have to leave the room." I pushed up into a semi-sitting position, my legs outstretched and my hands on the bed, holding me up. "I want to watch."

  "No you don't," he said, tipping his head from one side to the other, shoulders bunching. "Ye donnae want to see my — "

  "Come on, I've seen your penis before."

  He growled again, letting his head fall back. "Not that. Ye donnae want to see my — to see me — what happens when I — "

  "When you come? I can handle seeing you ejaculate."

  "Cannae control it." He shoved a hand through his hair, clenching his fingers and mussing his hair. "After watching you… Never been this hard before."

  "It's okay." I rose onto my knees, still flushed all over from my orgasm. "Let me see you pleasure yourself, Aidan. It's only fair, since I let you see me."

  He twisted his head around to fix his surprised gaze on me. "Are ye sure?"

  I nodded, beckoning him with one hand.

  With halting steps, he reached the bed.

  Smiling, I patted the mattress in front of me.

  Aidan settled onto the bed. His erection bulged large and hard inside his jeans, the reddened tip peeking out where the rivet was undone.

  I took hold of the zipper and eased it downward.

  Rather than stopping me, he hauled in a deep breath and let it out slowly, his eyes fluttering shut. His rigid cock popped free, bouncing in the air.

  "Would you like me to…" I trailed off, uncertain of speaking the words. I burned to enact my fantasies from earlier today, when I'd watched him shuck his clothes and I'd gaped at his erection with a deep, carnal hunger growing inside me. What would it feel like to take his cock in my mouth? What would he taste like? I wanted to give him pleasure so much my chest grew heavy, burdened by the weight of my desires.

  "Aye," he said, grinning at me, eyes sparkling, "I'd love you to do that. But not this time. We can save that for after we fuck."

  "If we do."

  "When," he corrected, eyes crinkling with humor.

  "Still arrogantly certain, eh?" I sat back on my heels. A brazen impulse took hold of me and I thrust out a hand to grasp the base of his erection. "Sure you don't want some help?"

  His grin broadened for only a second before my firm grip on his shaft made him scrunch up his face.

  "Ahhh…" He clenched the sheets as I dragged my hand up his erection. "Calli…"

  A drop of liquid oozed out of the head of his penis. I bent over his lap to rolled my tongue over his rosy tip. The salty yet earthy flavor of him suffused my mouth.

  "You win," he hissed. "Have your bloody way with me. But do it quick, I may not last long."

  "If I do something wrong, you can tell me."

  "Willnae do it wrong. Follow your instincts and do it quick."

  I hopped onto the floor to kneel between his legs and closed my mouth around the head of his cock. Since I'd never done this before, I relied on instinct and the encouragement of his noises to guide me. I drew his thick, sleek shaft into my mouth in one long thrust. He gasped, his entire body as stiff as his erection. With my tongue, I sucked and lapped at his flesh while I withdrew my mouth, only to swallow him once more. One of his hands dived into my hair to cup the back of my head, urging me on with gentle pressure. I consumed him again and again, my mouth ravenous for him, desire surging inside me again with a new kind of need. A need to give him the kind of pleasure he'd given me. To watch him come apart while I milked his cock with my mouth and tongue.

  His hips bucked each time I plunged his shaft inside my mouth. He gasped, grunted, his face scrunched and tight with a pain that stemmed from the frenzied need to come.

  With my hand around the base of his shaft, I pumped in concert with the thrusts of my mouth, licking and suckling as if I'd die without the taste of him on my tongue.

  A throaty shout erupted from him, as his body convulsed and he exploded in my mouth.

  "Mm," I said, sitting back and smiling. "You taste good."

  He gaped at me, panting, seeming shocked by my statement. "It's not fair. I haven't tasted you yet."

  "Oh, you'll get around to it."

  I knew with total certainty he would. My Scotsman was stubborn and committed to toppling each of my rules one by one. I could sleep with him. Breaking my first rule had no effect on my ability to uphold the other two. After what I'd just done for him and to him, I no longer had the luxury of denying how much I wanted him — how much I wanted his body.

  Casual sex. Sure, I could do that.

  No, I couldn't. Could I?

  Chapter Thirteen

  A little while later, after Aidan had cleaned up in the bathroom, we lay on the bed together on our sides so we could face each other. I was tucked under the covers in my nightie, while he lay on top of the blanket with all his clothes on. I still couldn't believe what I'd done. Letting him watch me masturbate, that was outrageous enough. But pleasuring him… I'd enjoyed it way too much.

  I couldn't believe I'd done that. Me. I'd never touched a man's penis before, much less taken one in my mouth. His reactions, the expression on his face, it had all spurred me on and eradicated my inhibitions. I loved making him lose control, the way he made me lose it. Only fair I get my turn.

  Still… What we'd done, what I'd done, skirted way too close to a line I'd sworn to him I wouldn't cross. Was I prepared for the consequences if I shattered my first rule? I already liked him. Could I stop this from turning into more than sex?

  Anxious to avoid thinking about the ramifications of my actions, I dived into what seemed like a safer subject. Nestling into the covers, I asked, "What are y
our brothers like?"

  "I've told you Lachlan used to be uptight before Erica. He's still overbearing, but a lot more fun than he used to be. Rory's got a caber up his erse, but women seem to like him." Aidan propped his head up on one hand. "Of course, Lachlan and Rory both used to be more like me."

  "Caber up his erse?"

  "A caber's a bloody great wooden pole. Scotsmen like to chuck them around to show how manly they are. Not me, but others like Lachlan and Rory. And an erse is…" With one hand, he reached behind me to palm one buttock. "An erse."

  "More Scottish-isms. I'm learning a new language." I punched my pillow to get situated better under my head. "You said your brothers used to be like you. What happened?"

  "Lachlan married a right bitch." Aidan screwed up his mouth. "Suppose I shouldn't say it, but she wasn't a nice person. Don't know what she did to Lachlan, but he wound up terrified to love anyone else. When he met Erica, he offered her a one-month fling but vowed he'd never love her and couldn't offer anything more substantial. He couldn't help it, though, he fell for her."

  "What about Rory?"

  Aidan rolled his eyes heavenward, then back to my face. "Ah, Rory. He married three different women who each shoved that caber a bit further up his erse. One left him because he was too boring, being a solicitor and all. The second cheated on him several times. And then there was the third, who left him for another woman."


  "It's no bloody wonder he has no interest in dating anymore." Aidan rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "He does run off on so-called business trips on occasion, though. When he comes back, he's much more cheerful — for a time, at least. Makes me wonder if he's off having one-night stands, to satisfy his needs without risking another disastrous relationship."

  "He can't be happy with that lifestyle."

  "Clearly not, or he wouldn't have the caber up his erse." Aidan smiled ruefully. "The man needs a good woman to shag some sense into him."

  "An American of his own?"

  He hooked a finger under my chin and brushed a kiss over my lips. "Couldnae hurt, eh?"

  "Don't get any ideas. I'm not your key to happiness."

  "How do you know?"

  "Take my word for it." I slid a hand over his chest, relishing the solidity of him. "Not sure I'd want to meet Rory if he's that much of a jerk."

  "He's not a jerk," Aidan said. "Sometimes he's the old Rory again, smiling and joking, like at Lachlan's wedding. He helps people with their legal problems even if they can't pay him and he donates his money and his time to worthy local causes."

  "All right, he sounds like a good guy in spite of the caber." I gave him a teasing smile. "What about your sisters? How do they feel about marriage?"

  "Not sure about Fiona and Catriona. They don't talk about it. But Jamie…" He rolled his eyes heavenward once more, shaking his head. "Jamie wants to fall in love at every opportunity until she finally meets her Prince Charming. Last night, she announced she plans to come to America, stay at Erica's house in Chicago, and look for an American man."

  "She's younger than you, right?" When he nodded, I frowned. "Not sure a young woman from another country should be alone in Chicago, especially if she's hunting for a man."

  "I agree," he said, "which is why I tried to talk her out of it. She's determined, though, and she'll empty her bank account to pay for the trip. Since she's between jobs, that doesn't seem like a wise choice."

  "What will you do about her?" I asked.

  "Called Lachlan last night. He's going to give it one more go at convincing her this is a bad idea."

  "If he fails?"

  Aidan shrugged one shoulder. "Our only idea is I go back to Chicago to keep an eye on her."

  The thought of Aidan leaving made me a little queasy. There had to be another way, something that wouldn't require him to leave. For some reason, I couldn't stomach the idea. Not yet.

  "What if," I said cautiously, "you didn't have to go away? What if your sister could come here?"

  "Here?" His forehead wrinkled. "There are no rooms available in this area."

  "I know, but…" I hesitated, feeling a bizarre mixture of excitement and trepidation at what I was about to propose. "Jamie could stay here here, in this house. In the guest room."

  Aidan watched me for a moment, confusion warring with something like desire on his face. "If she's in the guest room, where would I be?"

  "On the sofa."

  His lips puckered, he nodded slowly. "Ah, of course. The sofa."

  "Were you hoping I'd invite you to sleep in my bedroom?" I nudged him with my knee. "We're not there yet."

  He looked dejected, but only for a couple seconds. Then his sly smile returned. "Not yet? You're implying we may get there."

  "Don't read too much into everything I say." I rolled onto my back, hands clasped over my belly. Why had I said not yet? I'd meant to say never, but that's not what had come out of my mouth. "I'm trying to keep your sister from getting into trouble."

  "And I appreciate it." He sidled closer, his head inches from mine, still braced on one hand. "Tell me, why do you care so much how my family feels about marriage?"

  "I suffer from an insatiable and inappropriate curiosity."

  "Hmm." He studied me with keen interest, his eyes narrowed. "You say you won't fall in love with me, but you can't marry me. One is a choice, the other implies an impenetrable barrier. Eventually, you will be divorced, which means you could marry me."

  "Yes, I suppose I could." I hesitated, unsure how much to say. "But you're better off without me. I'm bad news."

  He made an irritated noise. "Stop telling me you're bad. I don't believe it and I never will."

  "Stop being so stubborn. Why can't you accept my decision?"

  "Because it's clear that's not what you want. I wouldn't be here if it was." He laid a hand on my arm. "Why don't you want to care for me? Am I so frightening?"

  "No, of course not. I feel safe with you."

  "Donnae understand. Is it your husband who scares you?"

  I shut my eyes, covering my face with my hands, letting them slide back down to rest on my chest. My gaze on the ceiling, I said, "Not him. It's way too soon for me to share my deepest fears with you."

  Silence. Deep and long and nerve-wracking.

  When I could no longer take the silence, I peeked sideways at him.

  He watched me, impassive, reminding me of my brother whenever he got fed up with me for not answering a question. I didn't like that look from Aidan. I wanted him to smile or reassure me or… something. My skin crawled from an unsettling realization that I yearned to tell him everything, because he listened and cared and seemed to understand me better than he had a right to, considering how short a time we'd known each other. I shouldn't say more.

  Five days. That was the extent of our acquaintance. Five days and counting.

  "You're exhausted," he said, caressing my arm with feathery sweeps of his fingers over my skin. "Sleep now, worry later."

  Too tired to argue, I curled up against him with my face on his chest. As I drifted off to sleep ensconced in his warmth and his strong but yielding body, I wondered about my actions so far. I vowed to resist him, but at every turn I surrendered without hesitation. A small but strengthening voice inside me asked why I was fighting my desires. We were consenting adults. I had no reason to avoid enjoying the full benefits of Aidan's company. Maybe…

  All thoughts spiraled away from me, banished by the blissful emptiness of sleep.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The next evening while Aidan was in the shower, I flopped onto the sofa and called Tara. She'd left a message on my phone earlier. I hadn't heard ringing because I'd forgotten to take it outside with me, too distracted by Aidan and my conflicting desires where he was concerned. Tara's phone rang five times before she answered with a breathless, "Hi, cuz. What's up?"

  "You called me earlier." I noted the way she was breathing hard and winced. "Oh God, please tell me I didn't interrupt you and Blak
e, uh, enjoying wedded bliss."

  "What?" After a half second of silence, she laughed. "No, nothing like that. We're on the beach and you interrupted us having a splash fight. This is our last day in Hawaii and we plan on getting totally silly in every way possible."

  "Sounds like a plan. How's paradise?"

  "Awesome. Love the sun and sand, but it turns out I suck at surfing." Her voice took on the same knowing tone she'd adopted at the wedding reception. "Have you seen Aidan lately?"

  "Yes." I couldn't bring myself to lie to her about this. I had enough guilt over keeping other secrets from her. "He's, um… staying with me."

  "He moved in?" She almost shouted the words. "Calli Bethany Douglas, are you shacked up with a stranger?"

  I held the phone away from my ear until she'd finished. "No, he's staying in the guest room. His motel room got a burst pipe and there wasn't anywhere else for him to go."

  "Mm-hm. Naturally, you told him 'hey, sleep naked in the room right next to mine.' Makes perfect sense."

  "He — I — "

  Tara snickered. "Take it easy. I'm not judging, just surprised. You've been kind of a hermit for a a long time."

  "Aidan's nice and I like spending time with him."

  "Spending time?" Her voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. "Is that code for doing the bump and grind?"

  "No, you dirty-minded newlywed. I'm not having sex with him." I twirled a lock of hair around my finger, a sliver of guilt piercing me. "Not exactly."

  "Oooh," she said, and I could almost hear her rubbing her hands together, "this sounds juicy."

  "Let's just say he's a very tempting guy."

  "Maybe he's your one guy out of billions."

  "If you're implying I'm falling for him, forget it. I don't believe in love at first sight." Or love in six days.

  The distinctive rushing of waves created a lulling background to our call. I pictured my little cousin on the beach in a cute little bikini, soaking up the sunshine amid the tropical glory of Hawaii. Down the hallway, the sound of the shower stopped. My image of Tara transformed into a vision of Aidan on a tropical beach, naked, sprawled beside me on the warm sand as he reached out to caress my nude body.


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