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The Traveling Killer and Jason Smith

Page 10

by S Jay Starring

  “The places they found the bodies were behind a restaurant, stadium and lighthouse,” Kate said, used the finger to circle the areas with red color.

  “Then, the places where those women disappeared were skywalk between the bank building and the department store on the 4th floor, escalator down to the subway and the library....Ouch!” Kate used her finger to circle the areas, but Jason hit her hand.

  “You need to use a different color from the area that found the bodies,” Jason said seriously.

  Kate glared at Jason and flicked her right hand to chase the pain. “I would like you to be my partner, not my boss,” she complained.

  “Why I don't have a tablet?” Jason asked with a sullen face. Why Kate had good equipment, but he didn't have any.

  Kate sighed tiredly. “I'm going to take a toolbox and tablet for you next Monday, Mr. Jealous,” she said and Jason nodded pleasantly.

  “I have a theory, this room was suitable for locked them up. I believe he raped them on this bed before killed them in the bathroom for easy to cleaning blood,” Jason said while looking at the bed.

  “Then chilled in the freezer and then caught the next woman. The view from the balcony could see the locations where the bodies were found and where they disappeared. He really good at finding a suitable place to do these things,”

  “He probably has a high-performance binoculars, watching his victim normal life. It sounds creepy,” Jason said. He thoroughly explored the four-poster bed and saw the scuff marks on four bedposts. Obviously, it has been tied by a rope or chain tightly.

  “Heard that there is a beach on the top, let’s go,” Jason said enthusiastically.

  The rooftop of the hotel was decorated as an imitation beach. There were sand, seawater and coconut trees also wave swash the seashore lightly, but a few tourists were lying on the canvas beds. No surprise, the real beach was not too far.

  Jason looked at the scenery of the city around The Sky Beach Hotel. From there, could see all over the city and see the area of the scene as well.

  “Jess, I asked Mr. Lewis about Tom Lightbulb. He has no identity but there is a person whose surname is the same. Henry Lightbulb. He works as an engineer beside the city. The police’s asked him about Tom Lightbulb, but he doesn't know him and doesn't have relative use this name,” Kate walked to Jason.

  “And he proved himself that during the time Tom was here he was working in another city. And rarely came to this city since last year. The hotel staff didn't know Henry. Because the appearance is not the same as Tom. They said that Tom was small, well dressed in an expensive suit and always wear sunglasses,”

  “No one doubted because he paid big tips. Unfortunately, he never pays for the room. I asked for a picture from the security camera that could see the front desk while he was here. When we go out I will take it,” Said Kate.

  So, Lewis could help them quite a lot, even though he was dull, but it was good. Otherwise, they would be traced and captured in the way Jason did with Kate.

  “Collect the sand, Kate,” Jason commanded.

  Kate glared at him, upset. It couldn't help that she didn't take a toolbox for Jason. That’s why he commanded her frequently. But this time, Kate picked up a bottle that for collect the evidence from the small toolbox and stuffed it in his hand instead.

  “You take advantage of me, Kate,” Jason complained but Kate didn't care.

  ... Take advantage her butts... She flipped her hair on him and walked to the edge of the rooftop. The grey-colored city was still full of cars and people walked around. The huge eagle statue made this city looked powerful but unfortunately, it couldn’t protect the three women.

  After collected evidence and took a photo in the suite that Tom Lightbulb used for a murder, Kate and Jason took the police car back to the station.

  “Could you tell me about the case, please?” Lewis said. He begged Jason to explain what happened to those three women.

  “Okay, Mr. Lewis, I’ll tell you as much as I can,” Jason whispered to him while making a fake uncomfortable feeling. “This incident is top-secret. There are not many people on this planet know. But I’ll tell you because you cooperate with us very well. And my partner really likes you. She calls you Mr. Sweetie,”

  Lewis made an exciting face and smiled hopefully because Jason said Kate liked him.

  “It’s about alien stuff. I wondering if they have kidnapped those women to test something. The corpses that you found were the real them, but those who came to talk to you were fake. They are aliens,” Jason said seriously. And Lewis was paid all attention to listen to the story.

  “Then ... then what should I do, Mr. Smith?” Lewis asked.

  Jason patted his back gently. “You must not tell anyone about this. And let us continue to investigate in secret. We’ll appreciate that you’re helping us a lot and if our boss satisfies, you may get a reward,”

  Lewis smiled proudly. He might have a sweet dream about getting a reward. “I’ll do my best,” He promised firmly. Then Jason left him and walked to Kate who was waiting at the elevator.

  “What did you talk to him?” Kate asked wonderingly because they looked sneaky.

  “I just told him to keep this in secret,” Jason replied with suspicious. Then they left the police station.

  Even though the pictures from the security camera at the hotel couldn’t see Tom's face clearly because he wore sunglasses all the time. But at least they knew some of his external characteristics. He was a small man, shoulder-length hair and sometimes wore sun hat for men that made them couldn’t see his left ear.

  On the way back to the public toilet, Jason bought the fried meatballs at the barrow near the police station for appetizer, because traveling around the city made him hungry.

  “This’s extremely delicious. I want more,” Jason said, then ran back to the fried meatballs barrow.

  Kate followed him to pay because Jason didn't have the currency of another parallel universe. “Why I don’t have that kind of banknotes?” Jason complained while looked at Kate gave banknotes to the owner of the fried meatballs barrow.

  “Because you’ve just worked for a few days and you are with me, so there’s no need to have money. And we are going back,” Kate said before walked back to the same public toilet that they had used for travel. Kate called Emma to get them back.

  They wore sunglasses. “Jess, could you stop eating? Give me that fried meatballs bag I’ll carry it during the trip,” Kate said, reached the bag of meatballs but Jason grabbed it tightly. Didn’t want to let go.

  Kate sighed tiredly. “You must hold this,” She handed him a sick bag.

  Jason looked at the sick bag disgustingly.

  “.... Alright....” Jason moaned and accepted the condition, then took a sick bag and let the fried meatballs bag to Kate before they disappeared from the public toilet, left only a small dust spread out into a thin circle.

  Chapter 11

  Jason woke up on Saturday morning, drowsy, dazed not sure where he was. He looked at the empty white ceiling that illuminated by an embedded lamp for a while. Then realized that he was in a room for investigating agent of The Agency of Civil for Peacefulness and Security between Parallel universes (ACPSP) that he accidentally slipped in.

  He was tied down for helping Kate to solve the case that the killer has killed three women in many universes and dropped their bodies in other universes.

  Suddenly, Jason's smartphone rung distracted him back to consciousness again. “Yes,” Jason answered the phone with a hoarse voice.

  “Jess, do you want to have breakfast with me? I think it would be good if we have pancakes together this morning,” The other end asked.

  “Yes, you come to me in twenty minutes, Kate,” Jason replied, got out of bed and switched off the light on the ceiling. Last night he forgot to turn it off because he fell asleep quickly.

  That was Katherine Isaac, the woman Jason has met in his universe. She came to the police station and asked to see information ab
out three women’s bodies that had been found in strange places and times. And Jason knew her secret that Katherine Isaac in his universe already dead for ten years and her agency’s never exist. Therefore led to the preparation of exposure and arresting her.

  But the story wasn’t run that way because he was pulled into a wormhole and appeared in another parallel universe, they called it B07.

  Then he found that her strange agency has existed in the WHOLE group. The alliance of parallel universes with wormhole technology that took care and controlled the cases between parallel universes. And Katherine Isaac he’s met was the real Katherine Isaac in another parallel universe.

  He hoped that his universe would be able to join the group someday. He would no longer have to keep his secret life in another parallel universe anymore.

  “You don't look refreshing,” Kate said, looked at Jason's face.

  Jason put a large piece of pancakes that were soaked with maple syrup in his mouth while looking at the conversation partner, inactive. How could he refresh. Yesterday he traveled to another parallel universe, investigating case and vomited two times. When he returned to his room, he was exhausted and slept like a log wasn't even took a shower.

  “Just tired from wormhole traveling. Last night I only took off one sock,” Jason replied.

  Kate giggled. “You will gradually feel better if you eat a lot of food. Do you know, you done well, I’ve never seen anyone traveling with just trained one day like you, a little bit foolhardy, but brave,” she said, gave him her half fluffy pancake.

  It sounded like an admiration. ‘Foolhardy but brave'

  “Dessert is good for you, Jason,” said Todd, while lifting his fork with a thick piece of pancake on the top, brandishing it until honey that coated on it was spread across the table.

  Saturday was a rest day for them. Jason saw the officers in the black suit from yesterday. Many of them were wearing casual clothes and colorful, Kate as well. She wore a dress with red roses pattern and high heels that were much shorter than workday. Todd wore a fresh green polo shirt with blue jeans and yellow sneakers. Jason saw the logo on Todd's chest as a hen instead of a cock like his universe.

  Jason saw Emma was sitting at another table, away with her husband her son and daughter. She was trying to give her children some fruit, but they didn't like it. “Has she come with the family?” Jason asked.

  Kate and Todd looked follow. “Yes. There are many families here. It's more convenient because sometimes you may have to work overtime. They will get a family room, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen area. And everything is free,” Kate replied.

  It sounded good. In this building, there were everything like restaurants, supermarkets or department stores. Children would probably go to school conveniently because it was close to bus stops and other public transports.

  “I don't see Julia,” Jason said after looked around.

  “She may go to have breakfast at another shop or go outside. On weekends, I often ask her to join us, but she always refused,” Todd replied. He sipped coffee and had a milk foam stain on his upper lip. Kate handed him a napkin paper. “Since Jason’s died, she was quite isolated,” Todd continued.

  Couldn’t imagine how she feels. The loss of her husband would make her feel alone.

  “The electrical equipment in my room doesn’t have any wires but can be used. Yesterday, I went to B11 and the battery almost ran out, but this morning the battery is full,” Jason asked.

  “We have large electrical transmitters. Use high frequency instead of wires. Electrical equipment here can be used without having to plugin,” Kate replied.

  Wow…all hail Nikola Tesla.

  “Where do you want to go today, Jess?” Kate asked.

  Jason thought for a while. He didn't even know this place, even though it was the same city name. But there was technology that different as night and day. Every inch of this place would be new for him, didn’t know where to start.

  “Do we start from this building?” Todd recommended.

  “Right, you haven’t seen all over,” Kate agreed. “Do you want anything more? Food, stuff or ... razor,” She asked. And Jason felt that she was bothering by his beard.

  “Just ... walking around is fine,” Jason replied. He didn't have time to shave, because every time he returned to his room he always sleep like a log.

  Jason, Kate and Todd went to the elevator to go to the 22nd floor. It was a recreation area. There were department stores, cinemas, and spas. Jason could smell aromatic popcorn floated from afar when walked for a while. Glad that eating popcorn culture while watching movies was still the same as his universe.

  “Today, there’s a new movie, want to see, Kate?” Todd asked, pointed at a movie program of a superhero. Jason wasn't familiar with those heroes.

  “I'm tired of superheroes, Todd. They make new heroes all the time,” Kate said with a woman’s opinion and Todd seemed to be disappointed.

  After that, they walked to see many different floor areas. Floor 20-23 was an indoor stadium. There were many sports including a football field, tennis courts, badminton courts, basketball court, volleyball field, swimming pool and golf driving range.

  From the 19th floor down was the room for staff and officer. From the 24th floor up to 80th, would be an office, laboratories, and including rooms for high-level officials. Jason, Kate and Todd weren’t allowed to go up without a password.

  After took Jason to see all inside the building, they stopped at a coffee shop on the 8th floor. There were many varieties of trees plus the sound of rain and insect made a pleasant atmosphere.

  Jason saw Julia was sitting at the table near the transparent wall that could see the outside view. She was reading quietly, alone with hot coffee on the table.

  “Hello Julia,” Jason approached her. “May I sit here?”

  Julia glanced at him. “No,” she replied without hesitation.

  “Well... we just wandering Kate Todd and me, do you want to join us? It will be fun,” Jason asked after stunned because of her answer for a while.

  She closed the book so loud until Jason startled, then looked at his face.

  “Do you know? I didn't marry Jason because of his look. Your face may look like him but doesn't mean I'm going to hang around with you, Mr. Smith,”

  Nothing to say….

  “...well ...” Jason hesitated “I just ... see you sitting alone, so...I want to ask you to do something fun with us,”

  “I have fun, Mr. Smith with this book,” Julia held a thick book for him to take a look. ‘The law of tort between parallel universes and undue enrichment'.... what the heck of fun ....

  Kate and Todd, who went to buy coffees just came back and saw Jason was talking to Julia. They just pale and argued that who should call him back before made Julia more upset.

  “Here’s, Jason,” Todd called Jason at Julia's table. “Sorry for interrupted, Julia, we’ll go now,” Todd struggling pulled Jason's arm back to their table. Although Jason would still want to talk to her, but he finally followed Todd.

  “What are you doing, Jess,” Kate asked when Jason and Todd came back to their table.

  “Just talk to her. She’s sitting alone,”

  “She doesn't like anyone to interrupt her reading,” Kate said.

  “I just want to make friends,” Jason said. “She looks lonely,”

  Kate and Todd looked at each other. “Her husband just die,” Todd said.

  “Yes, I know. That why I talk to her. Maybe it can release her sad, she shouldn't be alone, living with pain. Todd, you’re her partner. You should help her,” Jason said seriously.

  “But you just have fun with Kate instead of helping her,” Jason continued.

  Todd made a shameful face.

  “Todd has tried his best, Jess. But Julia, she closes herself and refuses to let him help her. Todd asks her to hang around every time but she has always refused. She just sit and read a book like that, I understand she’s sti
ll sad but she doesn't want us to interfere or need our help, Jess,” Kate said.

  Jason still looked at Todd who was sitting in front of him. He didn't care about his partner who trained and took care of all his things. And he let the woman defended for him.

  “We all worry about her, Jess. But this kind of situation we have to wait for her to be ready. Ok, let's drink coffee,” Kate changed the subject because she didn't want the atmosphere going bad.

  It would be true. If Julia wanted to be alone like that, at least she still had a job for responsible and it would be the only thing that could heal her feeling.

  After coffee, they separated. Kate continued with Todd and Jason returned to the room.

  Today was the first day he could explore his room thoroughly. Never knew that in the bathroom had a hairdryer. And in the kitchen, there was a toaster hidden in the counter. All electrical equipment didn’t require a plug or socket and could be used immediately. Jason tried to toast, but the first two sheets couldn't eat because the fire was too strong.

  The smell of burned toast was all over the room until he had to open the door and breathe fresh air outside for a while.

  Then Ted came through to see him, so he helped him opened the air cleaner in the room. Despite it was a weekend, Ted still wore a white coat, just the clothes inside were a t-shirt with shorts and slippers.

  “You shouldn't be the cause of the fire. Mr. Smith. What equipment you can’t use you should ...well, Kate take care of you, right? You should allow her to tell you how to use it before,” Ted said, looked at him with blame before walked away.

  This man still unfriendly to him. Jason returned to the room and turned on the switch on the wall to make it transparent. Then enjoined with the evening future world landscape until dinner time’s coming. Kate and Todd came to pick up him to eat on the 8th floor as always.

  Jason has tried eating strange menus of this place didn’t understand why he felt the food at B07 was even more delicious than his universe. Or maybe his body was tired and hungry all the time due to the training and using wormhole for the past three days.


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