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The Traveling Killer and Jason Smith

Page 14

by S Jay Starring

  He ran up to the building and headed to the floor that was high enough to see the place where Kate disappeared.

  It was a 30-story apartment, but the floor which could see the scene, there were only 5 floors, including the rooftop. Jason took the elevator to the rooftop, followed the signal ….

  There was nothing…no one there…

  He hurriedly ran down to the 30th floor and stopped at the front of one room. He knocked the door loudly, his right hand was holding the gun at the waist tightly. Kate's smartphone signal was in this room, meant she might be in the room with the killer. Jason should prepare for fighting.

  But someone who opened the door was a naive middle-aged woman. She shrieked when she saw Jason had a gun and he had to let her see the police badge before leaving. Not this floor...

  Jason hurriedly ran to the next down floor and he noticed that her signal point was moving a little. The killer might found it already.

  Then he stopped in front of one room that the same position from the middle-aged woman’s room above.

  Jason knocked the door loudly, then waiting for someone to open with heart racing.

  But the person who opened the door was an old man with a little dog in his arms. Not this room….

  Jason scurried because the signal from Kate's smartphone began to move again and it was in the corridor. He rushed down to the next floor to block the way that her signal headed.

  Maybe Kate could escape and run away, he thought.

  But Jason found only a young man walked toward him. Wrong floor again...?

  The young man was shocked to see Jason suddenly appeared from the corner. He looked at Jason's face doubtfully because he was sweated and dressed like a gangster but carrying a woman handbag. Then they continue walked in their own way.

  Jason kept going toward and the young man kept walking to the elevator.

  “Wait,” suddenly Jason blurted out and the young man stopped. “Do you have smartphone?” He asked after watch Kate’s signal from his smartphone.

  The young man has a slightly puzzled face. “Yes, why?”

  “How many?” Jason asked back.

  The young man looked at Jason’s face more doubtfully and began to look at the elevator.

  Jason knew immediately that this man had some suspicious. “Show me the thing that not belong to you,” Jason said seriously, pulled out his sonic gun and aimed. He might be the killer. Jason looked at the young man thoroughly his left ear was normal.

  The young man was pale and shook, he slowly picked a smartphone from his pocket pants. Jason immediately recognized it was Kate's stuff.

  “I...I found it on the floor in my room, I didn't steal it. I don't know how it came to my room. So, I’ll take it the police,” he stammered.

  Take it to the police? Oh…who would believe this crazy fairy tale.

  The wormhole would pass through this building and Kate’s smartphone would drop on the way because her skirt pocket was shallow. This meant he couldn't follow her signal anymore.


  A clacking sound slightly louder and louder, while Kate's consciousness began to awake. She slowly opened her eyes with numbness but she couldn't see anything like something was blocking her eyes. It wasn't very thick. She still could see the light. But at her mouth was like something tied tightly until the corners were might be a cloth.

  The sound of clacking still continued. It was a sound that Kate was familiar with but that wasn’t as important as what happened to her. Kate tried to recall her memory about what she was doing earlier. She hurled herself to push Bella West from the light of wormhole, causing her was sucked in instead.

  She had to close her eyes all the way to prevent to get hurt. When she reached her destination, she opened her eyes and saw a room with a light bulb that was no larger than a desk lamp, and there was a desk, notebook computer and bed. Suddenly she felt a lot of pain at her neck and couldn't move. She fell down and hurt her back many times until passed out.

  She didn't know how long she was unconscious but now she started to feel pain on the wrists and ankles. It was handcuffed and she was on her stomach, unable to pull her hands and legs together, meant that she was pinned.

  She lifted her head, tried to remove the head cover but couldn't. It might be a pillowcase or a shirt or something. Her heart was beating fast and gasp with confused. That moment, she immediately realized this feeling was call fear. The killer got her instead of Bella West.

  “Woke up?” Someone said. Kate just stayed still, the fabric that tied her mouth made her uncomfortable to speak but moaned.

  “You Know what? You made me furious,” A man’s voice was full of angry.

  Kate felt that his voice was approaching her.

  “You and your stupid partner interrupted my plan and my time table,” His voice was gloomy and full of emotions.

  Kate felt that the bed she lied on was waving. It meant he came up on the bed with her. Kate could only gasp, tried to control herself and emotion. She didn't want him to know how fear she was.


  The sound of something rang closed to her right ear made her startled. She remembered it. This was the sound she heard before passed out.... The electric shocker.

  “If you don’t resist, we’ll have fun together,” He used his hand to touch her face through the pillowcase that covered her head. It’s so disgusting. The only thing Kate could do was struggled away from his hand.

  “Looks like you won't obey, right?” He said before used the electric shocker to shock at her neck several times.

  The pain and electricity caused her no strength to resist. She could only moan and cry.

  “Now we can have fun, right? I’ll do it with you all night, properly for meddling my plan,” His heavy breath was right beside her ear. His hands began to move along her body, waist....then moved up to the chest. His breathing sounded more passion. Kate tried her best to move her body away from him, but the thing she could do was only twitch a little.

  He straddled her and used both hands to grab her breasts. “I like your breasts,” he whispered in her ear with a wheezing sound.

  Kate could only let him molested her. She only threw her body that was pinned desperately.

  Her wrists and ankles were handcuffed scratch. He started to tear off her shirt button. Press his crotch on her hips. It was disgusting to feel that something was poking on her hip. Kate could only scream in an unknown language, even though she knew that he hasn’t stopped.

  “Yeah, let scream. You know what, it makes me horny,” He whispered in Kate's ear, no matter what she wouldn't let him do it easy. Anyway, he took his face close to her ear like this might be a chance for her. Kate gathered all the strength she has got and hit his face by her head. She didn't know which part of his face was hit but she knew that she hurt him a lot because he hurriedly moved out of her body and shouted.

  “You f*cking dead!! You hurt me, F*ck, F*ck!!” He cried out angrily. This would cause his horny ran out.

  Even though Kate tried to fight well but she needed to pay for it. The killer kicked her ribs hard many times. She tried to curl herself to protect her stomach but couldn't do it. He both kicked and stamped on her body and her head countlessly.

  Kate could only lie still and cried in pain, only prayed for him to be tired and stop by himself.

  And after a while, eventually he stopped. Kate could feel that he had gone down from the bed. Heard the sound of his breathing far away, but it didn't make her relieved.

  She couldn't see and didn't know what would happen next. In her mind only thought about Jason, she wanted him to found her so bad but this would be difficult.

  Previously, Jason and Kate were desperate to find Jessie Lee and for her, with this situation, it would be the same.

  The killer must kill her, but death wasn’t scary than the thing he would do before killing her. He would rape her, torture her for that she had meddled his plan for catching Bella West and warn
ed Piper Mason didn't walk to the place he wanted.

  “You think you’re smart, right?” He said in a calm voice.

  “You and that stupid man want to catch me? There is no way,” he continued. “No one could stop my revenge. They have to be in fear,” His voice was raging and Kate heard his footsteps approaching her before shocking her madly with the electric shocker at her spine. And before she passed out again he stopped and straddling above her and this time Kate heard the zip down.

  “Want to give me a middle finger? I’ll give you more,” He gasped.

  The killer snatched her skirt and pressed her firmly enough, couldn't give her another chance to fight him back. She felt her hips had something rubbing, and one of his hands was fondling her breast.

  Kate could only scream and scream with muffled sound. She tried to wriggle, tried to pull her hands out of the handcuffs that had been holding her wrists tightly. She could feel there was something of him moving near her private part, and she could only scream in awe with fear.


  The sound of smashing the door loud several times, caused him to stop.

  “OPEN THE DOOR!!!” The voice of a man roared from the outside.

  The killer quickly got out of her and quickly collected the necessary stuff put in a suitcase as if he was always preparing for escape at any time. Grab a desk lamp to attach on a small notebook and held it in his hand, wore sunglasses. Then the sound of clacking rose again with a bright white light.

  “TOM LIGHTBULB!!!! OPEN THE DOOR!!!” The voice of Jason roared fiercely, but there was no one replied. He heard the woman cry from the inside very light, but he knew that was Kate's.


  Jason kicked the door to open and saw the white light that suddenly blurred his eyes. He didn’t dare to shoot the gun because he didn't know where Kate was. He had to wait until the light of the journey with wormhole disappeared. Then he saw Kate lying face down on the bed, tied up her arms and legs and had a pillowcase cover the head.

  Jason hurriedly ran to her. She was still screaming in panic.

  “Kate,” He called her name and gently touched her body. But Kate who was still in a state of fear, startled and wriggled.

  “Kate, Kate, it’s me, Jess,” Jason tried to calm her down. It took a little while before she stopped wriggling and realized that the person who was with her wasn’t the criminal.

  “I’ll take the handcuffs off,” he said and looked around the room. The killer would also take the key. He looked at the chain that was tied her handcuffs to a bedpost. That would be possible to use a sonic gun to cut it.

  “Kate, I’ll use a sonic gun to cut the chains, you just stay still,” he told her with a calm voice before using the gun to shoot, then the chains broke both at the wrists and ankles. Kate could move the body.

  Jason brought her to sit and slowly pulled the pillowcase from her head out, the picture that made him feel compassionate for her because she’s got bruises on the face and tears.

  “I’ll take the cloth that strapped on your mouth off, Kate,” he told her and gradually pulled out the cloth that stretched until the corners of her mouth turned red. He gently wiped her tear away but it hasn't stopped.

  “You're safe, Kate,” Jason cheered up and tried to arrange her clothes. Then took her hairpin to gently unlock the handcuffs.

  Kate sobbed and twisted her face.

  “Jess ... I'm scared,” She cried out and hugged Jason tightly. He felt that she trembled, both hurt and scared.

  Chapter 15

  Jason and Kate appeared at Emma's lab. They saw many other agents were standing together, including Ted, Todd, Julia, Lily and Nora. Jason still held her tightly.

  “Oh ... Kate, Are you okay, dear?” Emma took off her lab coat to cover Kate’s body, she still trembled.

  “My clothes ...” Kate said sobbing. “There may have evidence, his DNA,”

  Everyone in the room looked at each other, no one thought that in this situation she was still worried about the case.

  “I’ll take you,” Julia said, grabbed Kate's arm and took her out of the lab. Lily and Nora followed them for help.

  “You're okay, right? Mr. Smith,” Emma asked and Jason just nodded.

  “I want a team to collect evidence from the killer's room,” Jason said calmly. “He escaped before I saw his face, but he left a lot of evidence. Including Jessie Lee's body in the fridge,”

  Emma nodded and called the team to collect evidence. “Are you going to travel again? Mr. Smith,” she asked.

  Jason nodded tiredly. He didn’t know whether he could travel again or not. He has never traveled more than twice a day. He only knew that he didn’t vomit anymore.

  “I’ll go with you. In case I can help,” Todd said.

  When the team was ready, they traveled back to Jason's universe to collect evidence in the room of the killer. It was a monthly rental room in the same high building that found Jessie Lee's body from B11 on the rooftop.

  The killer checked in before founding the bodies of the three women about a week, and he left a lot of signs of death.

  Bloodstains in the bathtub, on a wall and ceiling that have not been cleaned. Reek of blood spread all over the bathroom. The corpse in the refrigerator along with the left ear and heart had been cut and put in a zipper bag.

  There were 3 refrigerators in the room, because of this Jason couldn’t find him from renting a freezer anymore.

  The staff took a bedding sheet, pillowcases and some clothes that the killer has left in the closet. They also took the left foods and drinking water bottle and the blood drops on the floor.

  “Mr. Smith, are you alright?” One of the officers asked because he saw Jason was numb and stagger.

  “I'm okay,” Jason said. He was tired and exhausted. The third time of the day for traveling by wormhole made him tired more than usual.

  Todd gave him chocolate. “It can help. At least you can travel back,” Jason took the chocolate and nodded to him as a thank you. He felt a bit guilty that he used to complain Todd wasn’t care about Julia.

  To collect the evidence took more than 2 hours, this was almost 11 pm. Jason knew that the happy Friday of forensic science officers was completely collapsed, including his, Kate’s, Todd’s and many others.


  Jason walked into the nursing room of ACPSP of B07, where he had been carried with pity into the bed before be injected several times, then the eyes pain gradually better and he could open his eyes.

  This was more than midnight, but Julia was still sitting on a chair in front of the nurse counter.

  “She’s sleeping. The doctor gave a strong sleeping pill to let her stay calm without waking up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare from the incident,” Julia told Jason.

  Jason nodded, that would be good for Kate tonight.

  “Tell me, Mr. Smith, why this bad thing happen to her?” Julia asked in a serious voice and looked at Jason with sharp eyes. Her lips were thin and her light brown eyes looked like they were not very satisfied with him.

  Jason stunned. He was still confused and tired from traveling. “She was kidnapped by the killer instead of Bella West,” he replied.

  “Why did you let her be kidnapped like that?” Asked Julia.

  “It’s beyond my power. It happened very quickly. The killer’s wormhole opened and Kate ran to Bella West, to help her from being pulled in. I couldn't reach them,” Jason said. He thought about the situation that he had just stood still with shock.

  Julie looked at his face. “Do you know you're not her boss? We work with each other by partner system, Mr. Smith. Both of you have to take care of each other and be responsible for what happens to your own partner,”

  How did she know he liked to order Kate to do things? Being the chief of Ted and Todd for many years made him had a bad habit.

  “When my husband died I talked about what happened and Kate regretted and admitted that it was because of the wrong inf
ormation she had got. But you just excuse, Mr. Smith. Why you let Kate help Miss. West alone, don’t claim that it beyond your power. You are a cop I think you have trained to deal with the unexpected things or issues. You should be more aware and quick, our job is not for amateurs,” Julia said in a sharp voice.

  Jason was silent. Now, he understood why Todd and Kate were dumb when Julia complained to them. Because what she said was correct and that he didn't even dare to look into her eyes. How could he excuse, because in that time he was overconfident and thought Bella West would come to the park on Sunday, but when he saw her, he stood still.

  “I hope Kate can remember the details of the killer. That information will be useful for finding him or at least may know which parallel universe he came from,” Julia said before standing up.

  “Her physical examination did not find any traces of rape. Good night, Mr. Smith,” She went out of the nursing room.

  That's good news. Jason was relieved but still stood in front of the nurse counter for a while. Thought about the comments that Julia said, he should go along with Kate to help Bella West or watched her back for wasn’t being pulled by wormhole, or they should be pulled in both that probably could catch the killer.

  Jason walked to the bed that Kate was inside. He opened a white curtain that prevented anyone from seeing her condition. There were a few bruises on the body and a bit on the face. Burns from electric shock on the neck. At least now she stopped crying and sleeping deeply.

  Jason sat down on the chair that he moved it closer to one side of her bed. He dragged it a little loudly but luckily she didn't wake up.

  “Do you really think I can help the case?” Jason asked her softly and set himself to sit as comfortable as possible on that small chair. Think that tonight he would stay with her. Then very quickly he fell asleep from exhaustion.


  A new day began, then Jason was woken up by a little noises of morning life around him. He opened his eyes drowsy. The sound he heard was different from the normal time that he familiar with; a catering cart’s wheels against the stone floor followed by a soft voice of chatter. He heard the word of antiseptic and paracetamol, it was a drug name.


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