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Evenlyn’s Journey

Page 9

by Barron, Melinda

  Her heart was beating so hard she feared she might have a heart attack. “Please, Logan, no.”

  “Inky,” he said. “I’m not sure what’s going on inside your head, but right now, I want you to get in the cage. I won’t shut the door, not today, but you have to do this for me. Either that, or say your safe word and we leave.”

  She tried to get hold of herself. It was just a cage, she told herself, just a few bars that wouldn’t even be closed. She was a big girl. She’d done hundreds of things that pushed the envelope in her life. In the search for perfect feature stories she’d jumped out of airplanes, rushed into a burning building during fire training school, learned to shoot a gun, done ride-alongs with the police in Denver and Clearwater, and even let a magician saw her in half.

  “Why are you standing here?”

  “I’m sorry, Sir Logan,” she whispered. “I’ll behave.”

  “Then get in.”

  Evelyn put her bound hands on the footboard of the bed and lowered herself to her knees. As she did, her gaze centered with the hole where her head would go at some point while he had her restrained in the device.

  Her stomach did a few more flips, and then she was down, looking at the opening. It seemed so small. She was pretty sure her heart rate was over two hundred by the time she was inside.

  The door clanged shut, and she screamed like she’d just seen a mouse.

  “Don’t you love that sound?” Tucker said with a laugh. “Kneel down, and we’ll see if I need to do any adjustments.”

  She gulped in air, worried she’d hyperventilate. It wasn’t Logan who had shut the door; it was Tucker. It wasn’t locked, she reminded herself, and Logan wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

  But was Tucker talking to her? She was already on her knees. She looked at the grate in front of her. Logan was now kneeling, his crotch at her eye level.

  “It’s good for the mouth,” she heard him say to Tucker. Then, Logan said, “Turn around and put your ass against the bars, Inky.”

  She did as he asked, praying this would end soon. She was surprised that the openings in the grate were large enough for her to put her feet through. The cage was perfectly made for sex. She could take him in her mouth or in her pussy, while caged under the bed.

  Logan stood, leaving her alone. She wanted to ask if she could get out, but she didn’t want to make another blunder, since she’d already screwed up royally today. She waited for him to tell her to crawl out, but he didn’t.

  Instead he bent down so he could look in. “Stay here. I’m going to load a few things in the truck, and I’ll be back. The door’s unlocked, but I expect you to stay inside.”

  “Yes, Sir Logan.” She was sweating. She wasn’t as frightened as she had been at first. This trip made her wonder if she and Logan were a good fit. She didn’t want to be locked in a cage. She wanted to be able to move around if she wanted out.

  In other words, you want to be in control. You can’t have it both ways. Either be woman enough to submit to him, or tell him you’re a pussy and be done with it.

  Evelyn thought back to her early days of submission. She’d played with boyfriends, but it had never really been anything harsh. Until she’d met Carl. He’d been the first man to use a whip on her ass, the first one to put clamps on her, and the first one to treat her like crap.

  That doesn’t mean Logan’s going to do it, she reasoned with herself. She’d known Carl for a very short period of time when she’d started playing with him, and she sure hadn’t reacted like she had just now. She’d gone along with it all.

  “I’m not a pussy,” she said out loud. What happened was over. It would never happen again.

  “What was that?” Logan leaned over to look at her.

  “I said I’m not a pussy.”

  “But you got one,” he said with chuckle. “You can get out now.”

  Evelyn came out slowly. She had to put her weight on the bed to stand, since her hands were cuffed and the leash hung from the middle.

  “Tucker’s going to demonstrate a piece of furniture I’m interested in. Are you going to be good, or do I need to put you back in prison?”

  “I’ll be good,” she assured him.

  “Glad to hear it.” He put his lips against her ear. “We’re going to talk about your refusal on the way home.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “There will be punishment.”

  “A spanking?” She gave him a sweet smile.

  “Not quite. It will be something you’re not going to enjoy.” He led her toward where Tucker stood with the two women. Near them was a large circular block of wood. At least Evelyn thought it was wood. It was black. At different spaces around the circle were anchors to secure chains or ropes.

  There were four steel bars in a perfect square around the circle. They were at least six and a half feet tall and attached with cross beams at the top.

  “Slut two, in the middle.” The woman sat in the center of the circle.

  “Do it, slut one.” The woman started to work, first attaching a spreader bar to the other woman’s ankles. Next she took a chain from one of the bars. Evelyn hadn’t even noticed it was there. She attached it to one of the cuffs, then did the same on the other side.

  “Slut two’s ready, Master T,” slut one said. Tucker reached into his pocket and pulled out a remote. He hit a button, and the bound woman’s feet started to lift into the air. Before long she was suspended upside down between the two bars.

  “Of course you can do it right side up,” Tucker said. “But I like them this way.”

  “Get me a flogger,” he barked at the woman standing next to him. After she’d handed it to him, he started to use it on the suspended woman. She moaned and groaned, jerking against her bonds.

  She begged Master T to let her come. In response he slapped her ass and pussy harder. He stopped without giving the woman release.

  “She’s on a one-orgasm-a-day diet,” Tucker said. “She’s already had one today. She’ll have to be frustrated until tomorrow.”

  The woman cried out in dismay. Tucker slapped the flogger against her pussy again.

  Evelyn stared. Unlike being in the cage, this piece of equipment made her nipples hard. She imagined Logan striking her while she twisted between the bars. She also imagined the pain the woman would be in if she weren’t allowed to come for another day, especially after receiving delicious slaps against her pussy.

  She looked at Logan, who studied her. He must have seen her look of desire. An evil grin lit his face.

  “We’ll take it.”

  * * *

  “Let’s talk about your reasons for not wanting to get in the cage,” Logan said as he drove the truck down the road. He was well aware that they were taking things fast, and her reaction showed he was pushing her in a direction she’d never gone before. He needed to understand what was happening in order to keep things going. “Are you claustrophobic?”


  “Allergic to steel?”

  “No, Logan,” she said in exasperation.

  “Then explain it to me.” When she didn’t immediately answer, he continued, “Inky, this can’t work unless we talk. I thought I’d made that clear.”

  “It just scared me,” she blurted out. “I can’t explain it. Maybe if you get a couch, we can have a psychiatric session about it.”

  “Reel it back in, Inky.” He took a second to glance over at her. Her fists were clenched in her lap. What the hell was this all about? “Tell me now, Inky, and remember my rule. Total honesty.”

  She was silent for a few moments, and then she asked him what he knew about her time with Carl.

  “Just what you and Mac told me.”

  He watched her take a drink from her cup. She exhaled loudly, as if she were preparing herself for battle.

  “You know Carl wanted me as a slave. When I refused, he told me he could make me do it.” Her voice shook, and Logan wanted to drive the truck to Denver, and beat the crap out of the l

  “One Sunday evening, he”—another deep breath—“he manhandled me into a closet and locked the door. He told me he could keep me in there for as long as he wanted, that nobody gave a shit about me, and if I didn’t show up for work, they would just fire me.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered.

  She continued to talk, and he wondered how long she’d wanted to tell this story to someone, how long it had eaten at her.

  “But he didn’t know Suzanne. She’s a lot like me, submissive in the bedroom, but in charge in the outside world. He called in to the paper Monday morning, told them I was sick. Suzanne was my boss at the time.”

  She took another drink before she continued. “She told me she tried to call the house and my cell. When I didn’t answer, she went to Carl’s house, with two big Doms in tow. He told her he didn’t know where I was.”

  Here she laughed, a soft one that made him loosen his grip on the wheel. His Inky was strong, which made him want her more. “They forced their way into Carl’s house. He threatened to call the cops. I heard the noise and started pounding on the door. I heard one of the Doms tell Carl to open the door, or he was going to beat the shit out of him.”

  She was silent for a few moments, and he didn’t push her. “That’s when I left Denver. I hated men, especially Doms. It took me three years to work out that it wasn’t all men I hated, just Carl. It wasn’t until you that I realized I needed a Dom.”

  “I promise I’ll never lock you in a closet, Inky.”

  “Just a cage,” she countered.

  “There’s a difference.” He turned onto her road. “I can fuck you while you’re in the cage. Or I can feed you my dick.”

  He backed the truck up to the steps leading to her deck. After he’d put it in park, he looked at her. “That woman who was with Carl at the party, was it the same woman who was with him three years ago?”

  “No.” She put her hand on the door handle. “Carl goes through women like water. The new woman is Sabrina’s cousin. I don’t remember her name.”

  “Stay here.” He got out of the truck. Once near the back, he pulled out his cell phone and dialed Mac. If Carl had tried to force Evelyn into things, he’d try to do it with other women. Those women might not have the means to get away from him. After he’d greeted his friend, he explained the situation.

  “This could be the information you’re looking for to get Sabrina’s cousin away from him.”

  “Thanks,” Mac said. “I will keep you informed on what happens.”

  Logan closed the phone, then crossed to Inky’s side. After he’d opened her door, he said, “This is where I wish you had a door to the basement. Jesse’s going to come help me unload. You’re going to be doing your penance for disobeying me while we were at Tucker’s house.”

  “While Jesse’s here?”

  “Evelyn, you are going to find yourself on the business end of a crop more often than you want, if you don’t stop questioning my decisions. Now get out, and get your clothes off.”

  “Okay.” She sounded upset, but she did as he asked. “Go inside and make sure your ass is nice and clean.”

  “You’re going to—”

  “Evelyn! What did I just say?”

  “I’m out of practice,” she whined.

  “You’re going to have a red ass if you don’t do as I tell you. You have five minutes.”

  As she mounted the steps to the house, he heard her mutter something about it not being a crime to be curious.

  He wondered if they might be taking things a little too fast. They’d known each other for years, but knowing people and being involved in a BDSM relationship were miles apart. He knew some Doms who did what they called soft training, where they had rough sex with their new subs for months before they started doing actual scenes.

  He and Evie hadn’t scened yet, so maybe that’s what he was doing. Only he wasn’t giving it months, only a few weeks. Maybe not even a few, because he had his first scene planned for next Saturday evening, after the bed was delivered, which brought up a whole different problem. That asshole Carl. If Logan ever got the chance, he was going to introduce the snake to his fist. Jerks like him gave Doms a bad name.

  He needed to think about the punishment for today. He’d already had one planned, but her disobedience at Mattson’s place called for another, one that would let the lesson sink in about following directions.

  A plan came to mind. The first penalty would pull her out of her comfort zone, embarrass her. She would remember it for a long time, and it would be something he could utilize in the future.

  The second part would be toned down from what he’d originally planned. It was punishment, but he wanted her centered on him, and not thinking about anyone else while it was happening.

  He went to the back and unsecured the load. There were a few big boxes, but most of them were little ones. He rummaged around until he found what he wanted. After that, he called Jesse to set the next part of his plan in motion.

  In the house, he prepared the couch, attaching cuffs and leather leads to the legs and back. When he was done, he found her in the bedroom, fully dressed. She was sitting on the bed and staring out the windows.

  “You do as I asked?”

  “Yes, Sir Logan.” She got down on her knees, and he shook his head. She frowned as she stood. “I did it again, doing things before you tell me. Sorry, I have to work on that.”

  “That’s right.” He let the silence draw out, mostly to see if she would do as she just said, in other words, wait for him to give an order. “If you did as I asked, why are you dressed?”

  The shocked look on her face was pure perfection. “Get naked, like I told you to do, then bend over the bed.”

  He opened the box. He and Tucker had made sure everything he would need was in there, including lube and batteries.

  “I’m going to fill your ass with this nice big plug Tucker sold me.”

  “Yes, Sir Logan.” The uplift in her voice let him know she approved. She might like this part, he thought as he lubed up the plug. But she was going to hate the second part.

  “Spread your cheeks.” He felt himself harden as her puckered hole was exposed.

  Logan placed the tip of the plug against her opening and pushed. Her obvious pleasure—a mixture of moans and the way she moved her hips in acceptance—made his dick stir even more. He reminded himself this was punishment and not pleasure. After the punishment was finished, he would fuck her. Maybe. He might make her wait, which was punishment in itself. But that would be punishing him too.

  He pushed the plug in to the next inch. There were two more to go. Evie was moving her hips. He was surprised she wasn’t begging him to give it all to her. He worked the plug in very slowly, enjoying her reaction. Her soft moans made it hard to take it slowly.

  “You like having your ass filled, Inky?”

  “Yes, Sir Logan.” She wiggled more in invitation. He didn’t reprimand her for her obvious enjoyment. The punishment would come in a few minutes.

  When it was fully inserted, he slapped her butt. “Go downstairs and kneel on the couch.”

  She walked slowly, wiggling her butt twice, and he knew she was trying to accustom herself to the fullness in her ass. He gave her a few moments, then followed her down the stairs. She was in the center of the couch, her legs spread and her arms resting on the back.

  Logan made quick work of securing her, using the cuffs he’d put in place. When she was secure, he slapped her ass. Then he pulled out his phone. He made sure he was in front of her, so he could see her face when he said, “Jesse, I’m ready for you.”

  A look of utter horror crossed her face as he ended the phone call.

  “Logan, no, I mean Sir Logan, I’m begging you…” He could tell she was on the verge of tears.

  He bent so that his face was next to hers. “Humiliation, Inky. You hate it, and it will be an effective tool. This is what will happen when you disobey. Jesse is a good Dom to use for this puni
shment. Don’t worry. He knows what he’s getting himself into.”

  In an effort to calm her, Logan stroked her hair. “I don’t usually whip subs for punishment, because it’s too much fun. But in this case, I think it’s needed. I’m going to use one of my new floggers.”

  “Please, don’t do this.”

  “Have you been a bad girl, Inky?”

  There were tears on her face now. She nodded.

  “I think I have the right to punish you as I see fit, after you broke your promise to me.” He kept his voice soft and soothing, trying to calm her. He was shocked when she nodded her head. He’d expected her to continue arguing with him. They were in a big gray area here, since he hadn’t collared her. This was pushing the limits in more ways than one.

  “The flogging won’t take long, and then Jesse and I will carry the boxes in the house while you do the second part.”

  “Yes, Sir Logan.”

  He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face so he could look into her eyes. “I need to know that you’re doing this because you want to, and not because you think I want it.”

  “I am, Sir,” she said. “I know I broke my promise, and I am prepared to take my punishment.” Her nervous laugh made him wonder. “I don’t like this, though.”

  “Punishments are used as deterrents,” he reminded her. “You’ll remember this the next time you open your mouth when I’ve told you to keep it shut.”

  “Yes, Sir Logan.”

  He’d left the flogger on the couch. Now, he picked it up and held it in front of her mouth. “Kiss it.” After she’d done as he asked, he moved behind her.

  The first few slaps were light, meant to warm her up, even though he’d already slapped her ass earlier in the day. When he knew she was ready, he laid down ten hard strokes. Her cries of pain let him know she was feeling the mixture of pain and pleasure she’d felt earlier in the day.

  He had started again, and was on number fourteen, when Jesse came in. His friend had left for Evelyn’s house when he’d called him earlier.

  Logan stopped the flogging.

  “Inky, say hello to Master Jesse.”


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