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Her Dragon Captor (Her Dragon King Duet Book 1): 50 Loving States, North Dakota Pt. 1

Page 11

by Theodora Taylor

  Damianos tilts his head with a thoughtful look. “There have been so many of these squabbles, it has been rather hard to keep track. Ah well, in any case, it is neither here nor there for a drakkon. We care very little about what any of you anthros or mutations do during the short time you are given to scurry about your planet.”

  Okay, no knife. Not even a fork. Rage face emoji. I would give anything right now to slit this uncaring bitch’s throat.

  I settle for tensing up, preparing to make a run for the door. There’s no way I’m going to let myself fuck this two-dicked sociopath again—

  But then a wave of heat completely interrupts that mental resolution. Like the universe is saying, “Fuck you, Ola, and the declaration you rode in on.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  As the heat smell fills the room, I let out a long string of curses.

  Damianos picks the tray up from my lap and sets it aside. His expression is blank, but the bottom half of him sure ain’t.

  The boys are back in town…both fully erect and extended.

  “You require breeding again,” he says above them.

  Yes, yes, I do. The new heat doesn’t waste any time. It washes over me in waves, swelling my breasts, and plumping my pussy.

  And it awakens my wolf.

  Damianos is a psychopath, a sociopath, and probably a few other path words the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders hasn’t come up with yet. But my wolf doesn’t care. She pants inside of me. Wanting him again. Wanting him to fill her womb.

  Not anyone, like they told us in health class when they warned us about the dangers of not getting the heat control shot. Him.

  Only him.

  “Would you like me to take you this time? Make it easier for your mind to reconcile?”

  The dark smoke of his offer wafts over my bent head, both irritating and surprising me.

  “No.” I realize the truth of that answer at the same time I say it.

  I don’t want to do this. But I also don’t want it to be out of my control.

  “Lie down,” I tell him, scooting backward to make room for him on the bed.

  He does and it’s a sight to behold. He’s so long, his feet and most of his calves hang off the end of the mattress.

  If he wasn’t him, and I wasn’t me, I might feel sorry for him.

  As it is, there’s no guilt to be found. Only disgust…but a lot less than I want to feel. And a lot of it directed at myself. Because I already know…

  This time I’m not even going to try to run. This time I’m just going to give into the heat. So easily. Too easily.

  But then I hesitate when my eyes land on the show going on between his hips. The primary cock lies pulsing on top of his scaled stomach, long and hard. The second one’s squirming again, though, like a wolf’s single dick never would.

  I’m suddenly grateful for the bed blankets I pushed away when I sat up to eat. I pull them to the base of his primary cock and leave the other one squirming underneath. I mean what the hell is that second cock even about? What biological purpose could it possibly have—

  Another wave of heat throbs through my body, as if to punish me for thinking about stuff that has nothing to do with me fucking this dude.

  Okay, never mind. “Let’s get this over with,” I say out loud.

  “It did not sound like you were merely getting it over with when you came thrice upon my primary seeder, then fainted as I filled you with my seed,” he points out, in that calmly superior tone of his. So, so infuriating.

  “Just lie there,” I grit out. “Don’t talk. Don’t touch me. Don’t say anything. Just come, spike, and get out.”

  To my surprise, he doesn’t respond. He just lies with his hands on his sides. Exactly like I asked him to.

  Which makes things a little awkward, actually.

  I have to brace my hands on his lower torso in order to pull myself up. The pale white scales covering most of his stomach…if I squinted from far away, it would almost look like human skin. But it doesn’t feel like it. His abs are slick and smooth under my thumbs, like liquid glass. They’re not cool to the touch though. His scaled stomach is broiling like there’s a fire burning underneath that I can’t see.

  Maybe that’s why his jizz felt so hot. Curious, I let my hands roam over smooth scales.

  His entire body trembles, like an earthquake. And his tongue whips out before retracting back in. Exactly like Fensa’s son's did. Though the dragon king’s tongue is round and short, not long and forked.

  The secondary dick is squirming even more now underneath my ass. And real talk, it’s not turning me off.

  Like at all.

  My pussy is sloppy wet now, nasty with need. And when I lift up and set down on top of his insanely large dick, there’s no pain. Just a quick, slick trip to the bottom. I take all of him with a long groan that has nothing to do with discomfort.

  Then I start circling my hips in what I want to be detached strokes.

  But they’re not. Oh Fenrir wolf, they’re so not. One stroke, two, and by the third stroke I can already feel the fire building.

  By the tenth, him just lying there is no longer enough.

  My whole body topples onto his. Needing more. Needing his skin against mine. “I changed my mind. Touch me. Oh God, touch me.”

  His arms come up in an instant like an automaton suddenly turned on. He envelops me in a crushing hug as his hips start moving between my legs. Deeper, he’s even deeper now and holding me so tight, my clit has no choice but to feel the crazy erotic rub of every stroke.

  I immediately come in this new position, gasping for air with broken lungs, my arms and legs flailing like someone trying not to drown. That’s what it feels like though. Like I’m drowning, and I barely manage to keep my head above water as he continues rolling into me from underneath.

  “My queen,” he says again. Then both of his hands drop down to my ass cheeks, pulling my hips to him hard, right before his crazy hot cum jets into me.

  Okay…okay…it’s done.

  I can feel myself calming, that frantic need-to-be-fucked feeling fading away.

  But he’s still holding me close. His head curls into my shoulder as his hips continue to pump into me from underneath, even though he’s already released. He doesn’t stop until he spikes inside of me.

  He yells out. And the sensation…oh, Fenrir wolf!

  I try to resist, but I instantly come again, crying out as a second orgasm lights me up.

  But at least I don’t pass out this time.

  Little gifts, I tell myself as I lie curled on top of his huge body.

  Sleep tugs on me. Wanting me to rest while my pussy extracts every bit of semen it can from this dragon dick. That’s how she-wolves are designed to mate. Lots and lots of energy conservation. When we’re in heat mode we’re not supposed to be awake if we’re not fucking or eating. But I can’t let myself rest.

  As my pussy spontaneously milks his dick, I think about how I woke up this morning. Sore and chained to the bed, but also clean and tended to.

  He must have tended to me. Like a wolf would have if I had mated within my own species.

  Was it possible that he cared about me for reasons that went beyond revenge or what had he called it? Our unfortunate compatibility.

  Enfolded in his large arms with his belly burning like a warm stove a question occurs to me. And I have to ask it.

  “What would happen if I apologized?” I ask him softly. “Apologized for what my fathers did and made them apologize, too? If I could arrange that, would you let me go?”

  There’s a long silence.

  Then he answers, “There is no apology your fathers could give that I would ever accept for their murder of my most revered father. Only their slow and painful deaths will satisfy my thirst for vengeance. And as for letting you go…”

  He pulls me closer, his mouth finding my ear. “One of us will have to die before I ever did that.”

  Chapter Eighteen
br />   EOS

  Something was not right.

  It was his mother’s birthday, yet he once again woke with an anxious flame.

  He’d had this not right feeling for days, and this morning his entire upper torso burned orange with unease.

  It had been over a solar rotation since they reunited with Blue Father, but his last instruction before Eos departed with Wolf Mother from the long-ago time continued to smolder inside his flame.

  “Golden Son…. Wolf Mother is your duty now. Your only purpose after you leave this place is to pay her great reverence by protecting her and the hatchlings growing within her womb.”

  Wolf Mother reminded him often that she was the mother and he was the five-year-old (it did not seem to matter to her that Eos stood nearly a head taller than she). And those two hatchlings were now twin girls, living outside her womb and growing at a much faster rate than Eos ever had. Also, Blue Father was returned to them within four moons of their arrival in this time. He could and would protect their family.

  However, none of that mattered as Eos rose from his bed with the solemn duty to protect his mother and sisters still burning inside of him. For that reason, he made the same actions that he had every early morn since the orange fear started crackling inside his flame.

  First, he gave his wolf two large glasses of water, gulping them down so that he would not complain about their early morning exertions. Second, he opened all of the downstairs windows. Blue Father and he told the Golden Twins and Great Wolf Mother that they did this to let in the early morning sun and tropical breeze. But in truth, they were more interested in the 360-degree view which allowed them to see anyone or any danger approaching from every direction.

  After this simple security measure was put in place, Eos walked out past the lanai for the third step of his morning routine. Springing into the air with such force, the palm trees closest to the house bent and swayed. Then releasing his golden wings first things first at the top of his jump, so as not to fall back to earth before he completed his transformation into his dragon form.

  His father would have called this unshelling, but Eos wasn’t quite sure what it was for him, the son of a wolf and a dragon.

  His father’s human form was a mere shell, something he folded his dragon into in order to breathe much easier on this overly oxygenated planet. “It is somewhat like a spacesuit for drakkon. A house for our bodies. However, we can survive in real form outside of it. Our shells were originally intended to help us blend in as we completed our original mission.” Blue Father had explained this to Eos after laughing his way through a self-laudatory documentary about how a driverless car company built the first space elevator to the moon. “We do not need our shells simply to survive as these slow-advancing humans do.”

  I was one of those slow advancing humans. I was also a wolf, the by-product of a genetic experiment done by the original Fenrir. His mother’s long-ago paternal ancestors had believed Fenrir to be a wolf god. But he was, in fact, another dragon. One who Blue Father referred to as the Royal Geneticist—though most other dragons called him the Terrible Destroyer, after he obliterated their planet to save both the human and wolf races.

  Eos was also a dragon. But he did not consider his human form a shell. It was part of him, just like his wolf and his dragon.

  In truth, it was very confusing.

  And it did not help that there were no others like him on Earth.

  Even his sisters were not quite the same. Blue Father’s cousin, the current dragon king was aware of his existence. But his father had given him severe warning about what would happen if Damianos or any other dragons were to discover the existence of Golden Twin Sisters. They would stop at nothing to claim them.

  They were only children. Small and too young to mate, even by the standards of dragons who were considered adults after the age of five.

  But that wouldn’t matter in this case. They were the only female dragons left in the known universe and dragons did not live by the same set of morals as wolves.

  “Decades are but a blink to drakkon,” Blue Father had warned him. “If any drakkon were to become aware of their existence, he would have no problem kidnapping them and keeping them imprisoned until they came of age. Then he would most likely keep one twin to mount and the other to sell to the highest bidder.”

  It terrified Eos to imagine such a future for his golden sisters. This was just one of the reasons he took on his dragon form to circle their island home every morn. Performing what the present time actors on TV, costumed in soldiers uniforms referred to as a perimeter sweep.

  And this was why his flame went cold with dread when he saw the boat in the distance.

  Eos found his sisters and father gathered in the kitchen when he landed outside their island home. They appeared to be making breakfast together for Wolf Mother’s birthday. Guilt sizzled inside his flame. Not only because he had forgotten about this most significant date, but also because he would have to interrupt his father’s and sisters’ happy preparations.

  “Eos! Eos!” His twin sisters came running when they saw him and threw their arms around either side of his waist.

  They wouldn’t turn two for several more moon cycles, but they already resembled five-year-old human children. They were both much more intelligent and much larger than he’d been at their same age. His mother often kissed them each soundly, then complained about how she wouldn’t even have kids for the five years she was promised if they didn’t stop growing so fast.

  This was yet another thing that separated him from both his mother’s and his father’s species. He aged much more rapidly than the wolves and humans, but not nearly as rapidly as his sisters. At the age of five, he still appeared to be more of human/wolf teenager than a full-grown male.

  “You have arrived at a good moment,” Blue Father called out to Eos from the stove. “We were jussst about to go up to Great Wolf Mother’ssss room with her breakfasssst!”

  He spoke quite jovially…only to lower the tray when he saw the color of his son’s flame. “What is it?” he asked, switching to their dragon language.

  “There’s a boat coming this way with three males,” Eos answered.

  Blue Father immediately deposited the tray on the counter and untied the apron he was wearing. It had the declaration “Dis Shit Gon’ Be GOOD!” written across its front. The apron had been a gift from Twin Sister of Great Wolf Mother—or Aunt Ola as she always insisted on being called. She’d given it to them the one and only time she was allowed to visit them.

  “Daddy! Daddy! What’s wrong?” the twins asked in a perfect replication of his mother’s language, without any hissed esses. Unlike Eos and their father, they had perfect control over their forked tongues.

  Instead of answering them, Blue Father exited the house at a full run and jumped into the air, much as Eos had done earlier that morn. And the next thing they saw through the open patio was his unshelled dark blue dragon flying into the horizon.

  “It will be all right,” Eos assured his sisters. Though he was not sure of that at all.

  They must be protected. That was all he was certain of as he followed in his father’s webbed footsteps. For that reason, he left his scared and confused sisters behind and released his own dragon as he took off after Blue Father into the sky.

  The men in the boat were wolves. One of which, Eos recognized right away as the male who told him to “Call me, Knud, man. I don’t need any of that title shit” when they were formally introduced after his sisters’ birth. He was a cousin of his mother’s, a healer who was married to the daughter of the man who had provided them with secret shelter upon this island.

  Eos could hear Knud and his brothers arguing from many wingspans away, and the thinnest of the three was waving a white flag.

  “Oh hell, here they come,” Knud said to his brothers, as they approached. “Told you the kid was doing a security sweep when we saw him earlier.

  “Fuck, they’re big,” the brother behind the
wheel of the speedboat said. He was taller and broader than the other two but had their same complexion of burnt gold skin. “Keep waving that flag, Rafes. Hopefully, they know what it means or else we’re about to get burnt to a crisp. Seriously, lift it higher, bro!”

  The one he’d called Rafes did as instructed but glared at Knud. “We wouldn’t have to risk our lives like this if you hadn’t helped them hide where no one could find or get to them.”

  “Hey, it was my father-in-law, not me. And they wouldn’t have had to hide if you hadn’t—”

  “You know what, they’re not going to stop,” the largest brother yells over their argument. “Maybe if we act like sitting ducks, they won’t roast us first and ask questions later.”

  “Maybe,” the two brothers answered. Neither of them sounded very hopeful.

  The boat stopped and Blue Father screeched at Eos to do so as well.

  Pulling his tail down beneath him, Eos hovered, flapping his wings to stay in place as Blue Father demanded to know why they were here in their dragon tongue.

  This was a language the wolf brothers obviously didn’t understand.

  “Oh, shit, we’re going to die. Today’s the day,” Knud said with a despondent shake of his head. The one called Rafes didn’t look much more optimistic.

  “Hey, how’s it going, guys!” Nago called up to them, obviously struggling to keep his voice casual. “Great to finally meet you two. Sorry, I couldn’t before, but I’ve heard great things—”

  Blue Father interrupted with a screeched command for Nago to stop rambling and tell him why they had compromised his family’s security by coming to their island.

  The meaning of Blue Father’s words must come across. Nago cringed and raised his hands even higher as he answered, “Look, we know you value your security, or you wouldn’t be living out here in the island boonies. We never would have tracked you down if it wasn’t important.”

  Nago then lowered his hands to say, “It’s Ola. She’s been taken. We’re pretty sure it was Damianos Drákon, and we need your help to get her back.”


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