Chicago and the Making of American Modernism
Page 29
50 Fitzgerald, “The Camel’s Back,” 44.
51 Fitzgerald, “The Camel’s Back,” 48.
52 For a contemporaneous retelling of Nast’s political drawings, see Jeremiah Whipple Jenks and Rufus Daniel Smith, We and Our Government (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1922), 95.
53 Amanda Smith, Newspaper Titan: The Infamous Life and Monumental Times of Cissy Patterson (New York: Knopf, 2011), 34.
54 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 36.
55 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 37.
56 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 76.
57 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 102.
58 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 103.
59 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 108.
60 Megan McKinney, The Magnificent Medills: America’s Royal Family of Journalism during a Century of Turbulent Splendor (New York: Harper Collins, 2011), 145.
61 Ralph G. Martin, Cissy: The Extraordinary Life of Eleanor Medill Patterson (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971), 215–216.
62 Fanny Butcher, “Glass Houses Is a Good Novel with a Theme,” Chicago Daily Tribune, February 20, 1926: 13.
63 Charles Scribner’s Sons, “Scott Fitzgerald,” Chicago Tribune, February 27, 1926: 8.
64 McKinney, The Magnificent Medills, 145.
65 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 205.
66 McKinney, The Magnificent Medills, 145–146.
67 F. Scott Fitzgerald, “May Day,” in The Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald, ed. Matthew Bruccoli (New York: Scribners, 1998), 105.
68 Fitzgerald, “May Day,” 104.
69 Smith, Newspaper Titan, 216–229.
70 Joseph Medill Patterson, A Little Brother of the Rich (Chicago, IL: The Reilly & Britton Co, 1908).
71 “Note on A Little Brother of the Rich,” Publisher’s Weekly 74 (August 1908): 417.
72 H. L. Mencken, Life as an Author and Editor, ed. Jonathan Yardley (New York: Vintage, 1992), 14.
73 H. L. Mencken, “Oyez! Oyez! All Ye Who Read Books!,” The Smart Set 26, no. 4 (December 1908): 153.
74 Mencken, “Oyez! Oyez! All Ye Who Read Books!,” 154.
75 George Jean Nathan, “The Dramas of Fore and Aft,” The Smart Set 30, no. 3 (March 1910): 146.
76 H. L. Mencken, “Review of The Great Gatsby,” Chicago Tribune, May 3, 1925.
77 Ronald Berman, Fitzgerald’s Mentors: Edmund Wilson, H.L. Mencken, and Gerald Murphy (Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2012), 51.
78 Berman, Fitzgerald’s Mentors, 51–52.
79 Berman, Fitzgerald’s Mentors, 57.
80 Fitzgerald, “May Day,” 98.
81 Baker, Letters, 407.
82 Baker, Letters, 408.
83 Baker, Letters, 408.
84 Bruccoli, Correspondence, 126.
85 Bruccoli, Correspondence, 126.
86 F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise (New York: Cambridge, 1996), 202–203.
87 Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise, 203.
88 Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise, 203.
89 F. Scott Fitzgerald, “The Cut-Glass Bowl,” in Flappers and Philosophers (New York: Scribner’s, 1920), 126.
90 Fitzgerald, “The Cut-Glass Bowl,” 139.
91 Emile G. Beck, Memorial Volume of the Dedicatory and Opening Ceremonies of the World’s Columbian Exhibition, ed. Joint Committee on Ceremonies of the World’s Columbian Commission and the World’s Columbian Exposition (Chicago, IL: Stone, Kastler, and Painter, 1893), 266.
92 Fitzgerald, “The Cut-Glass Bowl,” 124.
93 Bruccoli, A Life in Letters, 60.
94 Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 21.
95 Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 10.
96 Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 51.
97 Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 64.
98 Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, 51.
99 Julia Kristeva, The Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection, trans. Leon S. Roudiez (New York: Columbia UP, 1982), 4.
100 Mary A. McCay, “Fitzgerald’s Women: Beyond Winter Dreams,” in American Novelists Revisited: Essays in Feminist Criticism, ed. Fritz Fleischman (Boston, MA: G. K. Hall and Company, 1982), 317.
101 Correspondence from Hemingway to Fitzgerald, September, 1926, Box 49, Folder 24, F. Scott Fitzgerald Papers, PL.
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