No Longer Alone (House of Garner Book 1)

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No Longer Alone (House of Garner Book 1) Page 6

by Erin R Flynn

  “But not every female vampire does, or even female noble, right?”

  “No, most women in my family were nobles, not princesses.”

  “So how do you know I’m one and not just a noble?” I asked as he opened the door for me. I raised the rifle and moved into the store as I silenced my mind to search for corrupted.

  “None are here,” he promised me, pulling out a cart. “There are some a block away, but they’re not coming closer, so they won’t risk the sun to get you.” Well, that was a perk to having him around. “And you smell different. We can sense our princesses.”

  “But no princes?”

  “There have been some treated as such, but only after a princess makes him hers. Nobles serve in her court, but one is above the others. My father was my mother’s knight, the Alpha of the nobles she claimed.”

  “So you’re like Sir Darius.”

  He shot me a smirk. “No, not k-n-i-g-h-t. N-i-g-h-t. He was her Night, her protection, and the blackness that would swallow any up who tried for her.” He gulped loudly and looked away. “I have not a doubt they died together, him covering her when they sensed what was coming even if it was only seconds or more. I’d seen him do as much, every fiber of his being alive to protect her, love her.”

  “I want to say it’s nice they went together then but—I’m not good at this stuff, so I’m sorry.”

  “No, it is nice they went together,” he agreed but cleared his throat. “So what’s on our shopping list, Princess?”

  I opened my mouth to answer and closed it, considering something. “What do you normally get? I mean, um, you need—the fangs, so do you—you feed from me?”

  He coughed at where my stumbling ramble landed. “No, a noble lives to provide for his princess, as our bodies pull out impurities and make sure the blood she needs is always the best. I feed from humans or others down the food chain.” He cleared his throat as he led the way to canned goods. “A princess—it’s a gift when one shares her blood with her nobles or lovers, one to be treasured as she gives them power.”

  “Oh, so it’s not like a royal court and her nobles are like, um, with her.”

  He chuckled softly. “Oh, that was how a lot of human courts were too, believe you me, and some I even witnessed. But yes, most are lovers of their princess, as they need those bonds and trust to rule a coven and protect people, as blood is power.” He sighed. “It’s all complicated and even makes the top of my head pop off sometimes, and I grew up in it.

  “But most will not let a noble in her court or coven if they do not swear all they are to her, and the oath is a blood oath. I wouldn’t to Princess Eliza, which was why she basically showed me the door. She wanted an alliance with my mother and was… Unhappy when I didn’t fall at her feet and worship her as she felt she deserved. It’s all very complicated.”

  “Sounds kind of horrible,” I muttered as I went right for the canned meat and fish.

  “You’re not taking that one?” he asked as I tossed aside a few that were bulging.

  I shook my head. “Anything dented, disfigured, or leaking is out. Five years for low acidic food as long as it’s kept its seal. Yeah, we’re over five years, but it’s normally just a bit grainy and better than risking a lot in the fucking cults or gangs.”

  “I didn’t know that,” he admitted as he moved next to me to help. “And it’s not horrible. It can be and yes, anything can go really wrong, but I grew up in a coven full of love and life and goodness. Even with the court bullshit and politics, there was so much good, Inez, that my mother never regretted a day of the bad or crap to live the life she did.”

  “That sounds nice,” I accepted. I’d have to remember it was his life—even as every few minutes I wanted to thunk my head against something for even seriously considering this was all true—and watch my comments. “So um, I get fangs, right?”

  “You have them, you just haven’t used them yet. You will when it’s… It’s probably self-preservation and lack of stability that they’re not coming out or haven’t yet.”

  Yeah, fangs popping out would have gotten me in trouble a while ago. I mulled that over and how difficult things would have been as I worried my lip and kept checking cans.

  “Inez, when you nibble your lip like that, it makes me hard and I forget the food and only want to taste you again,” he murmured.

  I blinked at the cans of tuna and then slowly looked up at him, seeing in his eyes he was most definitely not thinking of the canned chicken in his hands. My heart raced as he slowly lowered his head to mine. I froze, wanting him but scared and not ready and needing that can of worms to hold off a bit more.

  He brushed his lips over mine, softly, gently, and sighed. “I only want your lips plump because I kissed you, not because you’re worried or upset, okay?”

  I nodded, fire burning in me again just from that one kiss. Fuck, what had I been missing all these years?

  He turned back to what we were doing, and I kept glancing at him as we worked. “Did you want me to kiss you once more, or are you upset I did it?”

  “Not upset,” I admitted, flushing again at being busted. “Thank you for before. I know you were upset at how it happened, and I’m still reeling on all of this, but it was—wow, so, um, thank you. I’ve heard horror stories of—you weren’t selfish or mean and—” I blew a raspberry. Fuck, I sounded like a goober.

  “I’m glad you feel that way.” He boxed me in against the shelf and pressed his lips to my ear. “Any time you want to feel that again, I am here for whatever my princess wishes, gladly. Anything I can give you, I will, and tasting you is a gift I would always want. Any pleasure you allow me to give you I will and treasure the moments I do. Always.”

  Okay, I sort of understood that whole legs turning to jelly thing that was in books now too. I had to lock my knees to stay standing when he moved away, wanting all of what he’d said, and I was sure there were layers I couldn’t even fathom. Shit.

  How long did condoms last for?

  He let out a strangled sound between a moan and a growl from further down the aisle. “A few years I believe, but you will never conceive unless you have an established coven and wish it so. The Goddess would never allow anything less when she knows the need and fire that rises when having and sharing blood.”

  “Shoot me now,” I whispered, realizing I’d asked out loud.

  “No, but it was interesting foreplay for you to shoot me. I know princesses who play with knives with their nobles and lovers, but never a rifle.”


  He threw back his head, laughing, and pushed the full cart towards the front, leaving me to keep working while he loaded up or figured out what was next. It was a good sound though. I mean, it was a good laugh, and you didn’t hear real ones much anymore.

  There wasn’t all that much to laugh at.

  Darius was serious about putting me first. I noticed that in how we picked out bath products. It wasn’t just I had more hair so he grabbed extra of the shampoo and conditioner I’d chosen, but even razors or deodorant he made sure to clean out what I wanted as if unwilling to risk I couldn’t get it later. When I admitted how much I had left behind and didn’t have in my rucksack, he was picking out brushes and more.

  “When you have more nobles, we will risk a mall trip to give our princess everything she needs,” he grumbled.

  “Do I have to take more?” I cleared my throat, realizing that implied I would take him. “Or I mean, do I have to take any?”

  I saw his lips twitch at my slip, but then he frowned, letting out a heavy sigh as he faced me. “You are princess. You are the boss, and I would never say you have to do anything. I would never tell you what to do unless it was to run from danger or get behind me so I could protect you. You understand what I mean?”

  “Yes, but I can protect myself,” I reminded him.

  He nodded but didn’t say he would still push me behind him, which I appreciated.

  “It is unwise to not take more noble
s. Not only for the blood you will need—and you will because you are strong—but for protection.” He reached out and tucked some hair behind my ear that had fallen out of my messy bun. “My princess shall have as many as she wants. If you take me to your bed, I will welcome whoever else you need as well without jealousy, as they will tend to you, and that I would like.”

  I worried my lower lip, and suddenly he was kissing me, murmuring that he’d warned me. Oh, and he wanted more, but we needed to get out of the city.

  Uh-huh, right, reality, not hormoneland.

  We disagreed on soups and spices. I wanted more than he did because they were there.

  “The US was hit hard, harder than a lot of other countries besides the other big targets like the Middle East or Russia, because they pointed the finger first and, from what I heard as it happened, sent the first bombs,” he told me. “So everyone fired back even if the US didn’t shoot at them yet. It’s forced everyone from any city for fear of radiation or corrupted and death.

  “However, there are a lot of cities like Raleigh where people fled in fear but weren’t targets yet. Most moved to one coast or another, as there’s water to purify and not contaminated like most lakes. So there should be many more stores to raid, and we can get more when we have more of us and vehicles. For now, weapons and supplies for some real comfort is what we focus on.”

  “Fine,” I agreed after a few moments. “But that also means I don’t need twenty boxes of tampons, Darius. If we can find more soup and freeze dried spices, we can find more tampons and pads.”

  “Of course.” He gave me the barest of kisses. “Thank you for accepting my counsel, My Princess.”

  Well, that was one way to get me to agree. Sure. I almost teased him, but he seemed truly elated I’d listened to him. I decided not to pick on him when he smiled like that, as I didn’t understand all that was going on.

  We found a police station that hadn’t been raided yet—a miracle on its own—but we realized why when it was full of corrupted that had probably been the police there. Sad, but we put them out of their misery. I had to think it was misery if their souls couldn’t pass on.

  And now I knew how to make their ghosts dissipate, so I was all for going hunting and taking out the baddies.

  By then it was almost time to really get gone, and we made a quick trip back to that Dick’s to get more camping supplies. I gave him a crazy look when he actually picked out an air mattress, but he winked at me and promised he had an idea. Fine, I realized it could plug into the electric car I could charge, but even more than that, he stopped at a house right before the highway and busted open their garage.

  I didn’t get it until he pulled off several solar energy batteries from the wall that had all the right plugs for energy. Smart, very smart.

  It was so nice having help and not doing it all alone. For real. I would never have thought of that.

  He shrugged when I admitted that. “I was born before electricity was available everywhere, but fuck, I miss it. And running water. I miss a really killer shower.”

  I opened my mouth to agree, but I had no memory of them. I’d only gotten some shit ones at survivor camps or communities I was scared to stay at.

  We headed out to the same lake I’d met him at—but on the other side, as there were still some corrupted bodies that hadn’t gotten eaten. They didn’t turn to ash in the sun or whatever, but they did decompose at an accelerated rate.

  Gross, but I was also grateful for that. The cities would smell twice as bad if there were bodies all over.

  He set up the folding grill we’d added, and just to be a brat, I told him I was going to cook soup since we didn’t have much time before the baddies showed up. He just laughed, amusement dancing in his eyes that I poked at him.

  And then he took off his shirt, saying he was going to take a bath.

  “Inez, if you keep staring—”

  I blew a raspberry. “You saw me, like all of me. I can’t even see you at all?”

  He moved closer and leaned down until we were almost kissing, but then I heard the zipper of his jeans. “Look all you want, My Princess. I was going to say if you stare, I might demand you tell me if you like what you see.”

  I swallowed loudly. “That’s actually not unfair.”

  “Now threatening to carry you off to bathe with me might be pushing it.”

  “It would,” I whispered, looking away but not down at him. “Sorry. I’ve never—I don’t think I’ve ever done this.”

  “Take all the time you need. It would kill me to rush you, but know I ache for you too.” He moved away, and when I looked at him, he was walking towards the lake with the container of toiletries he’d brought from the van.

  He was really good at pushing all my buttons but not pushing me. Granted, it had only been like a day, but it still helped me add more crumbs of trust to his pile.

  Plus, you know, I’d shot him and he didn’t seem to want to get even, so there was that.



  After we both bathed—and I had trouble not peeking when I knew she was naked—and ate, we loaded weapons so we were ready just in case. I had assured her I would know if corrupted or any other foe were coming and much further out than she could, but she’d only known me a day and I didn’t take offense when she still wanted to prepare.

  “Could you show me how to use more of my powers?” she asked hesitantly after charging up the solar batteries I’d taken from someone’s garage wall. It made me think we should find more when we went back to that sporting good store.

  I opened my mouth to agree but then cleared my throat. “I could, but you aren’t feeding as a vampire needs, so it sounds very self-serving to offer. And it’s actually dangerous for you if you’re not feeding.”

  “Right,” she chuckled. “Wow, sorry, didn’t realize how that sort of sounded like a pickup line. Or it would if you offered, I guess. Never mind. I was just—my mind is spinning, you know?”

  “Yes, I do,” I promised. “I can’t exactly feel what you are, but I felt the same when the fucking apocalypse started, so yeah, I suppose it’s similar.”

  “Yeah, though I have to admit that knowing there are actual zombies makes it a bit easier to accept there are other anything besides humans.”

  That actually made sense and once again showed how logical and bright she was. I took the cooking pot and dishes from her to wash in the lake and left her to handle the blow up bed. I didn’t want her even that far from the weapons. Or me, but I knew how fast I could get back to her.

  “We’re not really just going to go to sleep, right?” she whispered when I came back as if the idea was too crazy to say any louder. “I don’t think I’ve not slept in a tree stand or something like it in forever.” She pushed on the air mattress. “This is nicer than what they had on the ship.”

  “You will have better and soon,” I promised, hating how she had suffered alone as she stared at what most would find inadequate as if it was the greatest comfort ever. “And yes, you will sleep. I don’t need nearly as much sleep. Their smell will wake me if I do doze. I swear to you it will.”

  She ducked her head. “I’m sorry, that just seems—it’s too much, and I’ve spent years so scared.” I didn’t know what to say to that. “Can we take shifts?”

  I wanted to push, challenge that idea, but she needed this, I could tell it… And I didn’t think I could deny her anything. “Okay, but I take first watch, as you need the rest.”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “If you don’t wake me up at my turn, I might shoot you again. I hate when people placate or con me even on something they would see as a kindness. I make my own decisions.”

  “Shit, you just made me hard,” I admitted, my cock aching for her as she laid down the rules with me. I cleared my throat when she blushed. “Sorry, I’m not used to people much anymore. And yes, I’m not one to placate either. I’d rather discuss anything as we did earlier.”

  “Okay, do you want my Kind

  I blinked at her. Wow, she really was hooked up. Nice. “I would, yes, thank you.”

  She snorted. “I get to sleep. The least I can do is let you borrow it.” She stood and went over to her rucksack. I added getting a new one for her to trade out tomorrow, as that thing was gross. She came back and handed it to me before moving to set up the unzipped sleeping bags as bedding.

  I couldn’t help but watch her pert little ass move around as she did. Crap, I was really in trouble. I wanted nothing more than to fill the quiet night with the sounds of her screaming in pleasure.

  She gently sat as if worried to pop the treasured find, but she didn’t immediately lie down, shooting me a few hesitant glances. My heart ached and soared at the same time when I realized where her mind was.

  “I crave the closeness too,” I whispered as I moved over to her. “May I lie with you?”

  “Please.” She seemed hopeful but yet lost and scared. This was all new to her.

  Fuck, to have lost years of memories, that I couldn’t even imagine. How she’d kept moving amazed me.

  I moved next to her and pulled her close, my dick twitching when she rested her head on my chest and let out a shuddering breath. It was still cold enough where we needed the light sleeping bag over us, and I moved my hand under it to rub her back.

  “That makes me start feeling hot again,” she admitted, her voice breathy and full of desire.

  “Do you want me to stop or do more?” I asked, genuinely unsure of what to do that was best for her.

  “I don’t want to tease you.”

  I chuckled. “Please, tease me all you want, Inez.” I glanced down into her confused, gorgeous eyes that looked black as the night now but were a deep, enticing green in the light. “It means you’re interested. You would never tease me to be mean, so tease all you want and have fun with me because it means you want to.”


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