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Justina: Daughter of Spartacus (Justina Saga Book 1)

Page 20

by Ryan Lew

  Fabricius smiled, then sat on the bed. “I am eager to hear what news you have,” he said. “But with Atilius and Lucilius in the next room, we best keep our voices to a whisper.”

  They took their time getting to their room. It was Lucilius’ idea. He wanted to make Antonia spend an especially long time on her knees. When they opened the door, they found Antonia sitting on Atilius’ bed.

  “It appears your slave does not know how to listen to orders given,” Lucilius said.

  Atilius moved past Lucilius, grabbed Antonia and pushed her to the ground. “I told you to be on your knees at the end of my bed,” he barked. Antonia quickly moved to that position.

  Lucilius sat on his own bed. “Your father, although respected, has gone soft on these slaves for far too long.”

  “You are not wrong, brother,” Atilius replied. He ordered Antonia to remove his shoes. She pulled the shoes of his feet and placed them by the side of the bed. When she turned back, Atilius rubbed his feet in her face. “This is where you will be for the remainder of your worthless life slave. You will be at my feet to do as I command.”

  Lucilius laughed.

  Justina tried not to pay attention to the laughter coming from her brother’s room. Fabricius heard it as well and tried to distract Justina by offering her a foot massage. He removed her shoes and began to gently rub her foot. His touch was soft but firm, just as his lips had been. She closed her eyes. “This is where you belong,” she said, “at my feet. You can be my personal slave.”

  “Oh, I see,” Fabricius said. “Now you want a slave as your own? And just how would you command me?”

  “You are off to a good start. But you have on far too much clothing for my liking.”

  Fabricius was a little taken aback; still he was happy to do as commanded. He let go of her foot and started removing his robe.

  “Oh, don’t stop,” Justina said. “Can’t you do both?”

  Fabricius smiled and picked up Justina’s foot, massaging it with one hand and removing his robe with the other. Justina watched, a great grin on her face. Fabricius had a soldier’s body; a well-trained soldier’s body. His chest was tight and his stomach showed every muscle, as did his powerful arms. Fabricius caught Justina looking and smiled. “Is this what Domina wants?”

  “It’s a start.”

  “While I do as commanded, why don’t you share with me what father said?”

  Justina smiled. “He knows about you and me. He is not happy with arrangement, but he will not interfere if we believe our love is true. He will also keep secret from mother and loving brothers.”

  Fabricius returned her smile.

  “We have a new toy,” Atilius said. “I have been so busy training, I have not had chance to play with it yet. What games shall we partake with new toy?”

  Antonia looked down, slumped shoulders, knowing all her fears were about to be realized.

  “We have this dog in front of us, yet, she is fully clothed. Is this how you plan to allow your slave to be seen?”

  “My brother, you are correct. You assist me in the error of my ways,” Atilius said, then to Antonia, “When you are in my room, you are to be fully naked. Now, remove your clothing.”

  Antonia did not move. Her body began to shake.

  “Your slave does not seem to understand who is in charge. Maybe a firm reminder will help.”

  Atilius stood, and Antonia quickly removed her clothes. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to her feet. When she tried to cover her private area, he slapped her hand away. He eyed her up and down, then nodded his approval. Afterward, he made her turn so Lucilius could also get a good look. When she turned back to face Atilius, he suddenly slapped her hard across the butt. The sound echoed in the small room.

  “When you are commanded to do something, you will not hesitate. Do you understand?”

  Antonia nodded yes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Now slave, remove my top,” Justina said. “It has been a long day, and I need to be free of this clothing.” Fabricius put down Justina’s foot and moved closer to her. She raised her arms as he lifted off her top. She lowered her arms and covered her bare breasts as Fabricius tossed the top to the side of the bed. Her bravado had wavered a bit when the top started coming off, and she found herself slightly embarrassed.

  Fabricius took hold of her wrist and gently lowered her hand, revealing her full breasts. He smiled, then lifted his gaze to her eyes. “What is my next command, Domina?”

  “Lay on your back and shut your eyes.”

  Fabricius did as commanded, lying on Justina’s bed with his hands behind his head, a huge smile on his face.

  “Wipe that smile from your face, slave,” Justina said, then swung her legs up onto the bed. Fabricius stopped smiling. Justina slowly made her way on top of Fabricius, sliding her hands up his body as she moved. Touching, feeling every muscle. She stopped when she had made it halfway, straddling his pelvis. She then bent down and began to kiss Fabricius on the stomach, moving up to his chest, and then his neck. He turned his head to give her access, and she eventually made her way to his lips. Kissing him slowly at first, then passionately, as Fabricius took hold of the back of her head and pressed her into him. She was lying flat on top of him now and could feel him grow.

  As the two kissed, Fabricius moved from her mouth to her ear and whispered, “We must remain as quiet as possible. Are you sure nobody will come through your doors?”

  “The doors are sealed as are my lips. For now.”

  Having a girl take her clothes off was much easier than knowing what to do once those clothes were off. Atilius and Lucilius were both sitting on their beds. Antonia was back kneeling on the floor, her head bowed.

  “You know,” Lucilius finally said. “For many Romans, a slave is their first encounter.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “It is better to train and learn how to be a great lover on a slave. A slave will not gossip. A slave will not complain if you do not satisfy. Some of these Roman women will make a mockery of your efforts if not done properly.”

  “I have already been with many women.”

  “You have not been with any,” Lucilius answered quickly. “Do not worry. It is not a problem. You have not had opportunity. Until now,” he said motioning toward Antonia. “You have a desirable woman, naked in front of you. I shall stand watch outside of doors.” Lucilius stood and walked over to the door. When he reached it, he stopped and looked back at Atilius. “Remember, she is yours to do as you please. You do not ask. You take. You are a Roman,” he said and closed the door behind him.

  Atilius stood. “Go to my bed,” he told Antonia. She stood, not wanting to incur Atilius’ wrath and moved over to the bed. As she climbed on top, she began sobbing.

  “Lay on your stomach, but keep head up and eyes open,” Atilius said as he disrobed, then climbed onto her.

  Their bodies moved as one, like a wave rolling along the ocean. He was on top of her now. Moving in and out, pushing harder and harder with each thrust. Justina was doing her best to control herself, biting down hard on her lip to stop from moaning, but even that wasn’t working. When the wave finally crashed upon the shore, their bodies succumbed to the energy of the climax. Fabricius collapsed on top of her, sweating and breathing hard.

  “Apologies for performance,” he said through measured pants, “but I have yet to be with any woman.”

  Justina chuckled, trying her best to catch her own breath. “I have nothing of which to compare your performance.”

  “I am your first?”

  “You are,” she confirmed. “But I would not have had it be anyone else, my centurion.”

  “You do not have to do this just because your friend says you do,” Antonia said.

  “You need to keep mouth shut,” Atilius answered. While he had heard much about bedding a woman, he had never actually done it, or seen it done, and he was not sure what to do first.

  “Please,” Antonia begged him. “We hav
e known each other from childhood.”

  “And that is when desires started. Now, my mother makes dreams come true.” Atilius placed his hand on Antonia’s bottom, and she immediately started to cry. “Keep your voice down. I do not want discovery.”

  He was on top of her now, sliding himself between the cheeks of her buttocks. He had little idea where to put himself and even less idea how to get it there. But it felt good where he was, so he continued to thrust. Antonia cried out, so he placed his hand over her mouth to silence her. On one of his pushes, he felt himself enter something tight and continued to thrust. Antonia cried out through his hand. It was hard to enter, but he pushed and pushed, thrusting seemingly deeper and deeper. After a few seconds, he climaxed, spilling himself all over her behind.

  Antonia was crying uncontrollably. Atilius climbed off her and let her cry as he dressed. When she finally stopped sobbing, he commanded her to dress herself. She stood and pulled on her tunic; her tears were no longer falling.

  “You performed adequately,” he said. He was embarrassed, but tried to act smug.

  Antonia turned to him, her face as red as a ripe apple. “There is no wonder this family has always looked upon you as the slow one,” she said. “You are too stupid to even know where to put your tiny little cock.”

  Antonia’s words and the force with which she spoke them shocked Atilius.

  “I do not have anyone to gossip to,” she continued, “but I can tell other family members of what you just did and how pathetic you were.”

  “You will not speak a word of this to anyone,” he commanded. He tried to sound firm but was beginning to panic.

  “The only way someone like you gets a woman is if he owns her.”

  Atilius moved suddenly to Antonia and punched her in the stomach. She doubled over and fell to her knees, trying desperately to catch her breath. Hearing the sound, Lucilius opened the door to find Atilius grabbing Antonia by the hair and pulling her head back sharply. He clapped.

  “This will be one of your duties ‘til I marry,” Atilius said, inches from her face. “I will be inside you, no matter where I choose to stick my cock. This is your life from now ‘til the day you die.” He pushed her head away. “You were fortunate to receive my seed.” He looked up at Lucilius who was laughing.

  “Bravo, brother.” he said.

  “In fact,” Atilius continued, “tomorrow, as a gesture to my best friend, he will also be inside you and free to use you as he pleases.”

  They were laying next to each other now, hands clasped. Justina was on her side, outlining Fabricius’ muscles with her finger. “It is getting late. I should take leave,” he said. “But know we have many more days like this ahead of us.” He leaned over and kissed Justina, then stood. She watched him as he dressed. When he was finished, he walked back over to the bed and kissed her on the forehead. “Until then,” he said and left her room.

  “Now take leave,” Atilius said to Antonia. “I do not wish to lay eyes upon you until tomorrow.”

  Antonia hurried to the door, happy to be free from Atilius if only for a moment. As she opened the door and stepped out into the hallway, she saw Fabricius leaving Justina’s room. He looked at her for a moment, then moved past her on his way down the hall. Antonia watched him walk away. She wanted to tell him what had happened. She imagined him entering Atilius’ room and beating him until he was unconscious. Telling him that he didn’t deserve a woman as fine as she. Telling him that she belonged to him now, then taking her to his room. She imagined all that, but knew none of it would ever happen.

  She moved over to Justina’s door and softly leaned her head against it, not wanting to make a sound. If only she had listened to Cato. She placed her hand on the door, then kissed it. She stayed there for only moment, then let her hand fall and walked away.

  APRIL 7, 55 BC

  Chapter 38

  april 7, 55 BC

  When Justina entered the dining area, Livius and Alba were already seated. Justina was in a light-hearted mood. The best she had been in weeks and it showed. Livius was happy to see his daughter smile again. He was also happy to be free of the burden the secret had placed on him all these years. She passed Cato with a smile and headed to her father. She kissed him on the cheek.

  “Good morning, father. Mother.”

  “Good morning, daughter,” Livius said. “How did you sleep?”

  “Magically. Best sleep I’ve had in weeks,” she answered, taking a seat at the table. “And how did father sleep?”

  “I found that once a huge weight was lifted from my chest that breathing came easier. I too slept quite well.”

  Justina and her father shared a smile, as a house slave brought her food.

  Alba was visibly annoyed at the exchange. She glared first at Livius, then at Justina. “What brings you two such happiness? Your outburst yesterday will not go unpunished, Justina.”

  Justina took a piece of food, then looked up at her mother. “Father told me he will not tolerate Atilius’ treatment of Antonia under his roof. If this does not change, he will lose her as his slave.”

  Alba was surprised at the revelation. “Is that so, Livius?”

  “It is,” he confirmed. It felt good to once again have the upper hand. “We shall find something else for our son to treasure. So far, he is not showing us that he is mature enough to have his own slave.”

  “Are you sure you want to go against my wishes?”

  “I do. Antonia was not a gift from the two of us.”

  Alba’s face turned red. “Has the slave not endured enough in her young life? Now you want revelations to come forward, thus ruining hers and your relationship with our daughter.”

  “My decision has been made,” Livius said and took another bite of food. “I will let Atilius know of my intent when he arrives home tonight. He either treats her as I treat the rest of our slaves, or she becomes Justina’s gift.”

  “Then you force my hand. I feel it time your daughter learns about the actions of her father.”

  Livius did his best to look worried. Justina stopped smiling.

  Alba turned her attention to Justina and spoke bitterly. “I know you worship your father, think he a caring man. Has he ever shared with you the fate of Antonia’s parents?”

  “Why yes, mother, he has.”

  Alba’s mouth dropped. She had clearly not expected this answer and was at a loss for words. She looked at Livius. He smiled. She looked back at Justina. “He murdered Antonia’s father.”

  “I am quite aware,” Justina said interrupting her. “He also told me of your whoring days with slaves.”

  “Justina,” Livius cautioned his daughter, but he was smiling the entire time.

  Alba just looked at Justina. “A secret holds no power when it is no longer a secret,” Justina said to her mother and laughed. “May I be excused?” she asked Livius. “I am too excited not to share news with Antonia.”

  “You may go find her and let her know.”

  Justina almost leapt from her chair.

  Livius turned to Alba. “You will learn your place in this household or find yourself present here no more. Justina knows all my secrets and still accepts me as her father. You, on the other hand, act anything but a caring mother.” Livius returned to his breakfast.

  Cato allowed himself a smile.

  Alba sat there, her face blank.

  Chapter 39

  Justina looked everywhere, but she couldn’t find Antonia. She looked in the preparation area; she was not there. She looked in the slave’s quarters, she was not there. She even looked outside the house, but Antonia was nowhere to be found. Then it hit her, Antonia was probably in Atilius’ room, doing chores he had no doubt left for her. When she arrived at the room, the door was closed. She knocked, but got no answer, so she opened the door. What she saw made her scream.

  Antonia was lying on Atilius’ bed in a pool of her own blood. The dagger he had received as a birthday present was embedded in her chest. She ran over to
Antonia. Her eyes were open, and she was still breathing.

  “Who did this to you?” Justina asked.

  Antonia turned to face Justina. “You could not free me, so I freed myself,” she said. “I heard conversation at table only moments ago. You knew your father killed mine and yet you laugh at given information?”

  Justina took Antonia’s hand and squeezed it hard. “I was informed only last evening. I was bringing news of you being returned to father and free from Atilius. The laugh, a slight at my mother.”

  Antonia tried to take a deep breath but only coughed blood. “You take me from one monster and hand me over to the man who killed my parents,” Antonia managed to say. “I do not know which one is worse.” She was having a hard time getting enough air to speak. Justina moved in closer. “This house is full of lies. You need to open your eyes, Justina. Follow your heart. You do not act as Romans do. Romans are evil; you are not evil. I shall await you in the afterlife.”

  “No! Hold on! I will get help,” Justina said, then yelled for help as loud as she could.

  Antonia smiled. She tried to touch Justina’s face but could no longer control her arm. Justina screamed for help. She cradled Antonia’s face in her hands. Antonia managed one deep breath, then let out her last.

  “No!” Justina yelled and called out over and over again until her yells turned to sobs.

  Livius ran down the hall as fast as his legs would carry him. When he arrived at the room he found his daughter hunched over the body of Antonia, the dagger still visible. “Cato, find the Medicus,” he yelled. Alba arrived shortly after. She looked in the room and laughed.

  Livius glared at her. “Are you satisfied?” he asked. “You have crushed your daughter.”

  “I did not put dagger in heart,” she replied. “And you can refer to Justina as your daughter, not mine.”


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