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Royal Mess (Devil's Knights 2nd Generation Book 3)

Page 9

by Winter Travers

  “Well, it’s not entirely mine. It belongs to Uncle Leo and me, in a roundabout way.” With the business that Leo and I did, sometimes things weren’t as straight forward as having our exact names on the paperwork. It was easier that way if things were to ever go south.

  “Well, if you ever have a property that you need to put in someone else’s name, I volunteer as tribute,” Slider chuckled.

  “Tribute for what?” Mom called. She stood at the bottom of the steps with a casserole dish in her hands and a bag over her shoulder.

  “You’ll know when it happens,” he chuckled.

  I moved down the steps and grabbed the bag from her. “I tried calling you the past two days. You didn’t answer.”

  “You pissed your mother off, Marco. I’d never seen her so mad. That Banachi blood in her came out to play for a little bit.” Slider jogged down the steps and grabbed the casserole dish.

  “It wasn’t that bad,” Mom grumbled.

  “Come on, Fayth. I thought you were going to rip my head off yesterday when I asked you where the remote was.” Slider quickly stepped to the side when Mom took a swing at his shoulder.

  “It was not that bad,” she repeated.

  Slider jogged up the stairs by King. “You better make your mother happy, Marco. Buy her a plane or something.”

  King and Slider walked into the house.

  “So, do you want a new car or a private jet?”

  Mom rolled her eyes. “You of all people should know that doesn’t impress me at all.”

  “Which is why you’re the best mom in the world.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Now that is the way to my heart, flattery.”

  I hitched the duffle bag over my shoulder. “Does that mean you’re done being mad at me and you won’t try to hit Slider when he asks you where something is?”

  Mom scoffed. “I can’t promise that last thing because your dad pisses me off every day when he asks where something is and it’s right in front of his face.” She shook her head and moved up the steps. “I love the man with all my heart, but would it really hurt him to try and remember where he puts something? I swear to God, he wouldn’t have clothes on his back if it wasn’t for me finding them for him all of the time.”

  If I moved the attention to Slider annoying the hell out of Mom, she would forget she was even mad at me in the first place.

  “So, how long have you had this mansion tucked away in the woods of Rockton?” she asked.

  I held open the front door and motioned for her to walk in. “Oh, a couple of years.”

  She rolled her eyes and stepped inside. “Your coyness does not work on me, Marco. All of the tricks you know, I knew before you were born.”

  I closed the door and dropped her bag. “I don’t know. Things have changed since you took Slider’s last name.”

  Mom rolled her eyes. “Maybe you could take some time with your dear ol’ mom and tell me just what those things are while you also tell me some other things.”

  “Other things?” I asked.

  She tipped her head back and eyed me warily. “Yes, other things.”

  “We’ll talk before you leave, Mom.”

  “I’m assuming you know that isn’t going to be in a couple hours, right?”

  I nodded and put my arm around her shoulders. “Years of being with the Knights taught me a lot, Mom, and one of those things they taught me when you get all the Knights together, it’s a party every time.”

  Mom reached up and patted me on the cheek. “I’ve missed you, Marco.”

  “I missed you, too, Mom.”

  “Now get a glass of wine in my hand and give me a tour of this place.”

  Now that, I could do.


  Chapter Eleven


  “You seem happy.”

  I shrugged and grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch. “You’re here.”

  Indiana laughed. “I don’t think your happiness has entirely to do with me being here.”

  We were in the media room drinking non-alcoholic wine and watching one of the “Fast and the Furious” movies. One of the guys had turned it on but had abandoned it when Meg had called dinner time.

  Bristol and Meg were like two peas in a pod and had come together to make an amazing meal.

  “Maybe it’s because I have this giant house and its staff at my beck and call?” I suggested.

  Indiana shook her head. “You’re talking like I don’t know you, Royal. I know none of this is important to you. I remember those couple of months when you and Grit had to live out of your car because you got evicted.”

  I waved my hand at her and laid my head back on the couch. “I hated him back then. It was his fault we were out of money. I was only eighteen and was working at the local burger place for pennies. Grit was in and out jail and wasn’t making any money. Three days after he got out, he spent all the money I had saved on booze and pills.”

  “And girls,” she drawled.

  My brother was not the best guy by far.

  He had many faults, and for a long time, I didn’t think he would ever change. A year ago, he had finally started acting like a responsible adult and had given up being a douchebag.

  Now, he was dead.

  How ironic it was that he finally started acting right, and that was when life caught up with him.

  I sighed and felt a wave of grief wash over me. “I just wish he was still here, Indiana. I know for a long time he wasn’t a good person, but I really thought he was going to get on the right track.”

  A sad smile landed on Indiana’s lips. “I’m so sorry about what happened, honey. At the end of the day, he was your family, and I know how hard it is for him to not be here.”

  He was my family, but it felt like I had a huge houseful of family now. “You know, for years I always expected to get a phone call that he was dead or something happened to him. I was ready for it. I guess I just wasn’t ready for it now, Indiana.”

  She reached out and patted my hand. “I know, Royal. Death has a way of catching you off guard and dragging you through the gutter.”

  “None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for me thinking that dating Rider Meeks was a good idea.”

  Indiana laughed. “Uh, yeah. I still can’t quite wrap my head around why you thought that was a good idea.”

  “I don’t think I was thinking with my head, Indiana. I know it’s been awhile since you were in Destin, but Rider Meeks isn’t too hard to look at.” I had been blinded by Rider’s good looks, and then, I thought I could change him.

  That had been a big lesson to learn. No one would change unless they wanted to change.

  Rider Meeks was not looking to change at all.

  Indiana rolled her eyes. “No man is handsome enough for all this drama, Royal.”

  That was the damn truth.

  “I’m pretty sure there is nothing that is worth all of this drama,” I laughed.

  Indiana clasped my hand in hers. “Did you ever think when we were growing up that we would be sitting here in some huge mansion with the mafia and a motorcycle club surrounding us?”

  My eyes connected with hers. “I don’t think anyone could imagine this happening. This is the stuff that movies are made of.”

  Indiana laughed. “I think we should gather everyone’s story and pitch it to Hollywood. I’m sure Marco has some kind of connection we could use.”

  “I’m pretty sure after this little shindig that Marco is never going to talk to me again. I told you when I called that you could only come for a couple of hours.” I had never imagined that Indiana would bring the whole clubhouse with her. My jaw had dropped when all the cars and motorcycles had pulled up.

  “Meg told me something the other day. It’s easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.” Indiana laughed. “I’m pretty sure she got that off the internet somewhere, but it sounded pretty good either way.”

  “I agree with that, but I reall
y just wanted you to come hangout for a little bit with me.” Honestly, I just wanted to see Indiana. It was so weird how I would be fine and then I would remember that Grit was gone, and all I wanted to do was cry. Indiana being there with me helped to fight off the grief. Indiana understood all of the complicated emotions I had when it came to Grit. I loved and hated him at the same time.

  “You guys coming to eat?” Meg stood in the doorway of the media room with a wine cooler in her hand. “Bristol made her cherry almond bread.”

  My stomach growled.

  Indiana’s eyes widened, and she stared at my stomach.

  “Was that the kid saying he wants cherry almond bread?” Meg asked.

  “I can’t believe you heard that all the way over there.” Talk about embarrassing.

  Meg waved her hand. “I could tell you all sorts of stories about the weird things my body did when I was pregnant with Remy.”

  “But I’m sure he wouldn’t want you telling those stories, babe.” King moved behind Meg and wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “He wouldn’t even know,” Meg murmured.

  “He would,” King laughed. “What are you up to in here? I saw you sneak away from the kitchen.”

  Meg reached up and laid her hand on King’s cheek. “You know I eat while I cook and by the time it’s time to eat, I’m more than full.” She winked at Indiana and me. “One of the perks of being the chef.”

  “I was just making sure you got enough to eat. Pie is in there grabbing everything he can and shoving it in his mouth.”

  Meg laughed. “It’s always like that kid never eats.”

  “I think that means we better grab something to eat before it’s all gone.” Indiana stood and held out her hand to me. “Let’s get some food in your belly, mama.”

  I grabbed her hand and let her hoist me up from the couch. “I don’t think I have room for anything more in my belly. This kid is taking up every inch.”

  “I think you need to figure out what you’re having so you stop just calling it kid or baby,” Indiana laughed. “I need to know if I’m going to be an auntie to a boy or girl.”

  “We aren’t going to know until I push this little baby out.” I rubbed my hand over my stomach. “Though I’m not exactly little.”

  “Oh, please,” Meg scoffed. “You’re young enough and in such good shape that you’ll bounce back to your prebaby body in no time.”

  “Besides,” Indiana agreed. “You pop that baby out and then you’ll be on a pole for hours every day.”

  “That sounds a little odd,” I laughed. “And you know you’re gonna have to give me lessons in pole dancing before I can start teaching other people.” Indiana had sold everyone else on the idea of me being an instructor at Pole Stars, but I wasn’t too sure if that was actually a good idea. I had messed around on a stripper pole a couple of times when I was tipsy, but I didn’t really know what I was doing.

  Indiana waved her hand at me. “You’ll be a pro in no time. All you’ll have to do is the beginner classes.”

  “A beginner teaching the beginners,” I laughed. “I don’t think we should make that a known fact.”

  Indiana rolled her eyes. “After two weeks, you’ll hardly be a beginner. You gotta have faith, Royal.” Indiana put her arm through mine. “Now, let’s get some food in your tummy so that baby can eat.”

  Meg and King moved to the side, and we squeezed past them.

  We followed the noise coming from the kitchen, and I was a little taken aback by the large group that was gathered in the dining room and trickling into the kitchen.

  My eyes unknowingly scanned all of the faces, and I was a little disappointed when I didn’t see Marco.

  Indiana grabbed a plate and handed it to me. “I didn’t see him either,” she whispered.

  “Uh, who?” I asked, dumbly.

  Indiana grabbed another plate and stepped up to the kitchen island. We both filled our plates and managed to find a seat at the dining room table.

  “I didn’t have to avoid anything, did I?” I asked. I remember the last time I had eaten at the clubhouse, and Indiana had told me what I shouldn’t eat because Marley had made it.

  Indiana shook her head. “Marley didn’t come with. Though,” she laughed, “she did send along two casseroles.”

  I looked down at my plate and frowned. “Uh, did I take any of it?”

  “We separated her dishes from all of the others and threw them away when we got here,” Cyn called. “It’s much easier to not eat her cooking when she isn’t here. Everything on your plate should be good to go.”

  Thank God. I didn’t want to eat something bad and possibly throw up all over the dining room table.

  I listened to everyone chat and laugh while I shoveled some absolutely amazing food into my mouth. The one thing I loved about being pregnant was no one looked at me twice when I ate like a linebacker. A second helping of everything and half an hour later, I was sitting at the dining room table in a blissful food coma.

  And I still hadn’t seen Marco.

  I know I had already told him thank you for letting Indiana come over, but I still felt bad that basically the whole club had come.

  The empty chair next to me moved, and then, Marco was there.

  “Eat enough, mio amore?” he asked softly.

  There he was. Where had these butterflies in my stomach came from? Marco’s beautiful chocolate brown eyes stared back at me and I sighed. “Yup.”

  He grabbed my plate and set it in front of him. He ate the lone stuffed mushroom that I had left on my plate.

  “Maybe I was saving that for later,” I laughed.

  Marco licked his fingertips. “I watched you for ten minutes. You had no plans to eat it.”

  “Is that all you’re going to eat?” I asked. I wasn’t going to touch on what he had said about watching me for ten minutes.

  “I’ll get some more in a little bit.”

  I rested my elbow on the table and held my head up with my hand. “You might want to get up there sooner or later. Pie is on a mission to eat his weight in stuffed mushrooms and cherry almond bread.”

  Marco chuckled. “Some things never change.”

  I sighed and smothered a yawn.

  “You should get to bed, mio amore.”

  “Why do you call me that?” I asked boldly. There was my inner Sophia coming out. Blurting things out without realizing what I was saying.

  He shrugged.

  “Really? No explanation?”

  He glanced out the window. “I’m having three doctors come tomorrow.”

  “Are you changing the subject?” I laughed.

  “Yes. I’d appreciate if you would go with it.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Why are three doctors coming tomorrow? I really only need one, and I think I’m going to be doing all of the work.”

  “You can pick which one you like the best,” he explained.

  “Only you would send for three doctors so I can pick which one I like.” Considerate Marco was peeking his head out. “I’m sure they’ll all be fine.”

  “You pick. I want you comfortable.”

  “Will you talk to them with me?” I wasn’t too sure what I should be asking and it felt right to ask Marco to be with me.

  “Whatever you want, Royal. Though I don’t know what to ask.” He glanced down at my stomach. “I was an only child.”

  I laughed and laid a hand on the swell of my stomach. “Looks like we’re in the same boat. I wasn’t an only child, but I was the youngest. I have zero experience with babies, and I have no idea about giving birth other than what I learned in health class.”

  “Did you have a doctor in Destin?”

  I shrugged. “Yes and no. I just went to the clinic for my check-ups, and each time it was a different doctor. All they did was just make sure the baby was doing okay and that was it.” I figured that was all I really needed anyway. As long as the baby was healthy, I was fine, too.

  “Well, I think whoever you pi
ck should be the doctor you keep for the baby and yourself after you give birth.”

  “That would be great if I had insurance, Marco. Or even money,” I laughed. “Just as long as your doctor helps me deliver this baby, I can worry about after later.”

  “I’ll pay for it, Royal.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Please don’t throw your money at me, Marco. I don’t have my hand out.” I didn’t mean to sound like I needed help from Marco. I was more than thankful for what he’d already given me and didn’t expect anything else.

  “I don’t think that you do, Royal.”

  I sat back in my chair and shifted away from Marco. “Then I don’t need your help after the baby comes.” I wasn’t a charity case. I had made it this far, and I had no doubt I would be fine. “Can we talk about something else, or maybe you should go get something to eat.”

  Marco looked at me. “You’ll still be here when I get back?”

  I chuckled. “Do you want me to still be here?”

  He nodded. “Yes.”


  “Yeah, I’ll be here. I don’t want to be lame and go to bed before eight.” Even though I could have fallen asleep right then and there.

  “Two minutes and I’ll be back.”

  I flitted my hand at him. “Go before there isn’t any food left.”

  He reached out and brushed his fingertips over my cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

  He seemed pretty concerned about me leaving while he was gone.

  “He totally wants you.”

  I looked across the table at Greer. “Not this again.”

  She smiled wide. “Girl, that man wanting you is absolutely impossible to miss. A blind man could see it.”

  “There’s nothing to see,” I hissed.

  “She’s right,” Indiana added. “I tried to not notice it, but I did. He reached up and brushed his fingers against your cheek, Royal. Not every man does that.”

  “I bet Frost and Apollo both do,” I protested. It wasn’t that spectacular Marco had touched me.

  “But I bet you’d never had it done to you before tonight,” Indiana chirped. She grabbed her glass of wine and smiled. “God knows I didn’t have it until I met Frost.”


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