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Dark Choices: The Quandary (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 41)

Page 18

by I. T. Lucas

  “You've had five drinks, and you’ve sampled every appetizer at least twice.”

  Rufsur grinned. “So you were watching me.”

  Edna shrugged. “I’m not one for idle chitchat, and I do not do well in social settings. I had nothing better to do.”

  He leaned down again. “Admit it, Edna. You like me.”

  Closing her eyes, she let out a long-suffering sigh. “Of course I like you. I wouldn’t have invited you into my bed if I didn’t. But I’m not a romantic, I’m a realist. You are leaving soon, and it’s best that we keep our distance.”

  “On the contrary. I think we should enjoy every moment we have and not squander the little time we have together.”

  She smiled sadly. “I wish I could adopt your attitude, live for today and not think about tomorrow, but I can’t, and I suspect that neither can you.”

  Rufsur nodded. “I get it. If we bond, we are screwed, and that’s not a remote possibility. I felt something last night, and I know that you did too.”

  “I’m glad that you understand. We have responsibilities which we do not take lightly, and unless one of us is willing to abandon them, we shouldn’t get involved.”



  “I’ll be right back.” Ingrid kissed Richard’s cheek. “I need to use the ladies' room.”

  “Take your time.”

  Watching her go inside the house, Richard pulled another beer out of the cooler and popped the cap.

  Women were strange creatures. Stella, who’d been flirty in the parking lot, had left him alone at the party and was not showing much interest in him. While Ingrid, who basically had brushed him off before and had been all businesslike when he’d arrived at the village, was all over him now.

  Make up your minds, ladies. There is enough man in here for all of you to share.

  Perhaps he could interest them in a threesome?

  Given what Leon had told him about immortals, Ingrid and Stella might not be opposed to the idea.

  Throughout the drive over, Leon had kept talking about how horny immortal females were, and how uninhibited. It had sounded too good to be true, exciting Richard even more than the prospect of immortality. He felt like a kid about to enter a candy store where he was allowed to pick whatever he wanted for free.

  Well, that was an exaggeration, but only slightly.

  If given a choice between living forever or dying from too much sex, he wasn’t sure which one he would pick.

  Except, the choice wasn’t his. The transition into immortality wasn’t guaranteed, while the immortal females were. Tonight’s selection was limited to Ingrid and Stella, but tomorrow was a new day, and he planned on spending it sitting in the village café like Leon had suggested. Supposedly, it was the central hub of the community and the best location to be seen by as many females as possible.

  When Kian walked up to him, Richard tensed. The guy intimidated the hell out of him.

  “I need a word with you.” The clan’s gruff leader pulled out a box of small cigars from his pocket.

  “About?” Richard tried to appear relaxed.

  He preferred to stay away from people like Kian. The guy was too serious, too full of himself, and hardly ever smiled. Life was too short to deal with assholes.

  Except, if he transitioned, his life would be very long, and he owed Kian for allowing him the opportunity to become immortal.

  “Your initiation ceremony is tomorrow night.”

  Richard nearly choked on his beer. “So soon?”

  “Since you only get two weeks to transition, you can’t afford to waste any time.”

  That was true. “Bowen said that he will be my initiator. He also said that since I’m an adult, it’s going to be a simple wrestling match in the gym with several of his buddies as witnesses. I was under the impression that only transitioning boys get a big party because it serves as a rite-of-passage ceremony.”

  “Usually, that’s the case. Since hardly anyone knows you here, Bowen assumed that not many would want to attend. But it so happens that the Clan Mother is visiting, and she wants you to have a big party. Not everyone will come, but many will. Even Kalugal and Jacki and their men are invited.”

  Richard had stopped listening after Kian said that the Clan Mother was going to attend. On the two-hour drive from the cabin, Leon had told him about the goddess who was the real head of the clan, but he’d never expected to meet her.

  According to Leon, there was no chance Richard would get to see her while he was still human.

  “Are you okay?” Kian arched a brow. “Suddenly your face has turned pale.”

  “The goddess herself is going to watch my humiliation? Leon told me that I won’t last sixty seconds against Bowen. He said that they’ve been hiding their real speed and strength from me.”

  “Leon is right, but no one expects you to last longer. In fact, sixty seconds is respectable. Your only goal is to spur Bowen’s aggression. After that’s achieved, which you will know by the length of his fangs, you should stop fighting. There is no point in getting more bruises than necessary.”

  “I don’t know if I can do that. I’m a competitive guy, and unless I’m pinned to the floor, I’ll keep fighting.”

  “That’s up to you. Just remember that it's supposed to be a friendly match. By agreeing to induce you, Bowen also takes it upon himself to become your life-long mentor, and by accepting him as your initiator, you pledge your loyalty and friendship to him.”

  “What does that mean? Do I become his serf or something?”

  Kian laughed. “No. The best analogy I can think of is the human tradition of assigning a good friend or a relative to be a baby’s godfather, someone who will take care of the child if something happens to the parents. Bowen will be your initiator and mentor, more like a big brother than a father, though.”



  Vlad was grateful for the warm welcome Wendy and Richard had received, but he couldn’t wait for the party to end and for everyone to go, so he could be alone with Wendy.

  Perhaps she was tired, and they wouldn’t make love tonight, but they were going to sleep in the same bed for the first time, and he was looking forward to it.

  There had been the one time when they’d both fallen asleep on Wendy’s bed, but that didn’t count. They’d been fully dressed and stayed on top of the covers.

  Which brought to mind another dilemma.

  What was he going to wear?

  His mother had brought some of his clothes over, but he didn’t own pajamas. If he wore anything at all to bed, it was usually an old T-shirt and his boxer briefs, but that wasn’t a particularly sexy look. He was too skinny for that.

  Then again, he could put on a pair of sweatpants and then take them off under the covers. That way, Wendy wouldn’t see his bony knees.

  Damn. He shouldn’t be thinking like that. Wendy loved him, and she didn’t mind that he was too thin, or too tall, and that his fangs were trigger happy.

  Hopefully, his other male apparatus would behave better. The last thing Vlad wanted was to add premature ejaculation to the list of his shortcomings.

  Leon and Bowen had advised him to take care of Wendy’s pleasure first, and he was determined to do just that, but they hadn’t explained how he was supposed to touch her intimately without climaxing at first contact.

  Talk about insecurities.

  The way he was going, he would probably freeze and not be able to get it up at all.

  Nah, that wasn’t going to happen. Just being around Wendy made him permanently hard. There was no way he would deflate just because of performance anxiety.

  “We are going home.” Jin gave him a peck on the cheek. “Good luck.”

  Did everyone know he was a virgin? Or was she referring to Wendy’s transition?

  “Thank you. And thanks for the party.”

  Jin waved a hand. “Callie organized everything, and the Odus did all the work. I just showed up.” She smiled, revealing
a pair of small fangs. “Thank God for pain medication.” She pointed at them. “These suckers are still growing and giving me hell. If not for the meds, I would be stuck at home with ice packs.”

  “I remember that well. It will get better soon.”

  “I hope so. Goodnight, Vlad. I’m going to find Wendy and say goodnight to her as well.”

  Jin and Arwel’s departure signaled the end of the evening, and others started leaving as well.

  When almost an hour later Merlin entered through the side gate, most of the guests were already gone, and the Odus were cleaning up.

  “Did I miss the party?” He lifted his forearm and looked at the huge watch on his wrist. “I don’t know why I bother to wear this contraption when I never actually look at it. Anyway, I came to say hello to Wendy and Richard. Can you introduce me?”

  “Sure.” Vlad waved at Wendy, who was saying goodbye to Vanessa.

  “Oh, she is lovely.” Merlin stuck his hands in his pockets. “Six months after her transition, you can come to see me about fertility potions.”

  Vlad chuckled. “We are actually having the opposite problem. I know that the chances of conception are low, but we would rather not take the risk. Wendy and I are too young to start a family.”

  “That shouldn’t be a problem. There are plenty of contraceptives available.”

  “Here in the village?”

  Merlin arched a brow. “Why would we have contraceptives here when everyone wants to get pregnant?”

  Vlad waved a hand. “And that’s the problem. With the two-week time limit, we are in a bit of a rush.”

  “Oh, I see.” Merlin lifted a finger. “I can help with that. Wait here. I’ll be right back.” He rushed out through the side gate he’d come in by.

  What a strange dude.

  “Who was that?” Wendy asked.

  “Merlin, the clan’s fertility doctor. He wanted to meet you and offered to give us fertility potions when your transition was complete.”

  She huffed out a breath. “We don’t need that. What we need is a contraceptive potion.”

  “I think that’s why he rushed out. When I told him that, he said that he can help and told me to wait.”

  “Did he say when he’d be back?”

  “He didn’t.” Vlad shrugged. “He might come back in half an hour or tomorrow morning. The dude is odd.”

  Stretching on her toes, Wendy planted a kiss on his lips. “I hope he comes back quickly and then leaves just as fast.”



  Wendy glanced at the side gate, willing Merlin to materialize. Everyone was gone already, and she wanted to take a shower and get ready for bed, but she also wanted that potion he’d promised.

  Not worrying about unwanted pregnancy would make her and Vlad’s first time so much better. Then again, the potion might not work immediately and require several doses or perhaps a start at a specific day of her cycle.

  A large trash bag in hand, Vlad walked up to what looked like an outdoor oven, opened the door, and emptied the contents of the bag inside.

  Wendy got closer to take a better look. “What is this thing? Is it a home energy reactor like Mr. Fusion in Back to the Future?”

  “It’s an incinerator. For obvious reasons, we don’t have trash collection in the village. So each home has one of these.”

  “So no recycling, eh?”

  “Limited. There are bins for glass bottles and metal cans in the parking garage, and once a week, they are delivered to a recycling facility. The rest is turned to ash.”

  “It’s like living on an island.”

  “Yeah, pretty much.”

  They were both nervous, and talking about trash was a safe topic. But if neither took the initiative, nothing would happen tonight.

  “Do you think Merlin is coming back?”

  “I can call him and ask.”

  “That’s a good idea.” She stretched on her toes and kissed Vlad’s awesome lips. “If he brings it tonight, ask him if it will work right away.”

  “What if it doesn’t? Do you want to wait?”

  Wendy shook her head. “No more waiting. It would have been nice not to worry about pregnancy, but since the odds of that happening are so low, it’s not a deal-breaker.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t want to wait any longer, either.”

  “Good. Do you mind waiting for Merlin by yourself? I want to take a shower and get ready.” She glanced at the living room where the Odus were still cleaning up. “When do you think they’ll be done?”

  “I hope it’s soon. Do you have any idea where Richard is?”

  Wendy grimaced. “I saw him leaving with Ingrid. I guess he and your mom didn’t hit it off.”

  “I can’t say that I’m disappointed, but it’s weird. She seemed interested in him in the parking garage, and then she just ignored him. My mom is mercurial, but that was odd even for her.”

  Wendy shrugged. “You know Richard. He might have said something stupid and pissed her off.”

  “Maybe it was Ingrid’s fault? She was all over him. My mother is not the type to fight over a guy.”

  “She only did that when it became obvious that your mom had lost interest. Richard must have said or done something to upset her.”

  “Or maybe she just didn’t feel it. Who knows? The heart has a mind of its own.”

  As the side gate cracked open, they both turned to look at Merlin rushing in, his lab coat flying behind him like a sail.

  “Oh, damn. I missed the entire party.” He pulled two bottles out of his coat pocket. “But duty called. The one with the pink bow is for you, Wendy.” He handed her the little flask. “And the one with the blue bow is for you, Vlad. Take one teaspoon before you get busy and enjoy.”

  Wendy shook the little brown bottle, trying to see what was inside. “Will it work right away?”

  “Only if you didn’t ovulate in the last forty-eight hours, and you didn’t.” He tapped his nose. “I can tell.”

  Gross. But whatever, he was a doctor, and smelling her was less intrusive than other forms of examination.

  “Is it as bad as I heard the fertility potions are?” Vlad asked.

  “I’m afraid so. I don’t add any unnecessary ingredients to make it taste better. But if you take it with a piece of chocolate or a spoonful of honey, it won't be that bad.”

  “How long does the effect last?” Wendy asked.

  “The potion prevents ovulation for about twenty-four hours, which means that you’ll have to take a teaspoon every day.” He winked.

  Wendy looked at the bottle in Vlad’s hand and wondered whether he even needed the potion or was Merlin tormenting him unnecessarily.

  Lifting his bottle, Vlad looked at the handwritten label. “Why do I have to take this if it prevents Wendy’s ovulation?”

  Merlin stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned back on his heels. “It’s an immortal thing. Since immortal females don’t ovulate unless their bodies detect a compatible male, when the connection is right, and the conditions are favorable, the male can induce ovulation in the female.” He smiled. “I don’t know whether it can happen with a female Dormant. But just in case it does, I covered all the bases.”



  When the house looked as if there had never been a party, the Odus departed, and Vlad headed to the bedroom that he and Wendy were going to share from now on.

  She was still in the bathroom, and he could hear the water running in the shower. What was taking her so long? She’d left him outside to finish up cleaning more than half an hour ago.

  Was she nervous? Afraid to step out and act upon her brave words from before?

  He certainly was.

  Since Richard wasn’t home, he could use the shower in his bathroom and not make Wendy wait even longer. And if the guy came back while he was still in there, he could wait. After all, they’d shared a bathroom in the cabin, so that would be nothing new.

g a clean T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants from his duffle bag, Vlad debated whether he needed boxer shorts as well.

  Yeah, he did. If he wanted to last while pleasuring Wendy, he needed to have several layers of clothing between them. With that in mind, he put the sweatpants back into the bag and pulled out a pair of jeans.

  It would be awkward to get in bed in them, but they would do a better job of compressing his erection.

  When he returned to the bedroom after showering and shaving and brushing his teeth, Wendy still hadn’t come out.

  What was she doing in there?

  Perhaps she was shaving her legs or something?

  Immortal females didn’t have body hair, but human women did. He’d seen commercials for all kinds of creams and devices to get rid of unwanted leg and armpit hair.

  Perhaps he should bring a bottle of wine and two glasses?

  Which reminded him that he’d left the flask of potion in the pocket of his other jeans, and also that they would need something sweet to cover up the bad taste.

  Damn. Talk about the opposite of romantic. It felt more like preparation for a battle, or a task that had to be completed on time.

  Was there anything he could do to make it at least a little bit special? Maybe some romantic music? Whatever it was, he had to hurry up and get it done before Wendy came out of the bathroom.

  Using his immortal speed, Vlad grabbed an ice bucket, put a bottle of wine inside it, took two glasses, put two teaspoons inside them, and lastly added to his loot some leftover brownies from the party.

  Back in the bedroom, he put what he’d brought on the nightstand and then hooked up his phone to the television. Choosing a play list with instrumental music, he lowered the volume so it would serve as a backdrop and not overwhelm the atmosphere. It was mostly solo guitar performances, and not all of it was slow and romantic, but that was the best he could do in the time he had.


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