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THAT MAN: Holiday Box Set Books 1-5

Page 38

by Nelle L’Amour

  “Oh, Blake. I need you inside me. Will you fuck me?”

  Another kiss. “No.”

  “Oh.” She sounded disappointed.

  “I’m going to make love to you.”

  “Oh!” Her disappointment became instant elation.

  For the first time in my life, I made passionate love in my bed to a woman I adored. We were side to side, face to face, eye to eye, bodies and souls melded. Her soft moans, our love song. A hymn. My arm draped across her sweet ass, I gently rocked her as my slow, sensuous strokes brought us closer to orgasm. The emotional intensity was as deep as the physical. Calling Dr. Phil. I swear, my eyes leaked tears as every fiber in my body screamed, surging to the edge of ecstasy. My cock was home. Oh, baby.

  We came. She roared.

  There was no taming my tiger.

  Although I was sure I’d knocked off a few stripes.



  Four Months Later

  New York City

  My first upfront presentation. I had no idea what to expect, but I certainly didn’t expect this. A full-blown event with hoopla galore at New York City’s Lexington Avenue Armory attended by all of SIN-TV’s key personnel, including affiliate managers from around the country, as well as by top advertisers. I was seated in the front row next to Libby on one side and my parents on the other. They had flown in for the event and to meet Blake’s parents. Yes, my mother now knew I worked for a porn channel and my father had been right. While I actually hadn’t heard her shriek when Dad broke the news, he’d told me that her “Oh Lordy” had scared away the mailman. Somehow, she’d gotten over it, and I had to say she was handling the upfront with its barrage of erotic programming clips and almost naked, well-endowed presenters quite well. Okay. She occasionally covered her eyes and look away. But I found this so cute.

  Blake was a natural born showman. On stage, he was at ease, warm, and witty. And so damn sexy. He looked devastating in a brand new tapered charcoal suit with the jacquard tie I’d picked out for him. More than once, he stole a glance at me and my heart hammered. It was no secret at our office that we were a couple, but we were making it work.

  After he presented the prime time and late night blocks, he introduced his grandma. I’d learned she was a regular fixture at this event and that affiliates and advertisers alike adored her. Wearing a gray velour jogging outfit and holding a large shopping bag, she joined Blake on stage to cheers and applause.

  “So, Blakela, should I tell everyvun vhat’s new?”

  “That would be a good idea, Grandma.”

  I held my breath as Grandma introduced SIN-TV’S new daytime block. MY SIN-TV. “Trust me, ladies, you’re going to need vun of these. You’re going to be shvitzing.” She tossed the contents of her bag into the audience. Fans! “Finally. Some sexy, shmexy programming for us vomen.” Loud gasps sounded in the audience, but you could have heard a pin drop when they watched the video presentation I’d put together with the help of Jaime Zander and his ad agency, ZAP! It included parts of my PowerPoint presentation to Gloria plus trailers for the upcoming slate of telenovelas and interviews with the authors and big stars who’d committed to them. Fifteen anxious minutes later, it faded to black. My heart pounded. Did they like it? Loud applause and cheers erupted. I even heard wolf whistles and shouts of bravo. And some were fanning. Oh my God! They did! My mom hugged me and Libby squeezed my hand.

  Gloria Zander came up to the stage to tell everyone how much she believed in this block of programming and that she had committed major advertising dollars. Then, to my total surprise, Blake introduced me—the girl with the brains behind this “ballsy” block of programming. Standing up, I felt myself blush with an ecstatic mixture of embarrassment and pride. He asked me to join him on stage.

  True to fashion, Calamity Jen almost tripped running up the steps to the stage. Catching my breath, I eloquently and humbly thanked the potential sponsors for their support.

  “I love this girl!” exclaimed Blake. “And you’ll be to be hearing a lot more from her. She’s a fucking tiger!”

  While scantily clad Gloria’s Secret supermodels paraded on stage for the upfront finale, my man took me in his arms and smacked my lips with a passionate kiss. I had no idea how it was perceived. But I didn’t care.


  My father said Jennifer McCoy was the best thing to happen to Conquest Broadcasting in ages and the best thing to happen to me… ever. My old man was not always right, but he was never wrong.

  Dressed in one of my T-shirts and skimpy lace bikinis, she was snuggling next to me in the luxurious bed in our suite at the Walden Hotel where we were staying for the upfront. The five-star hotel was owned by Jaime Zander—one of his many holdings besides his advertising agency. Gloria and Jaime were also staying here along with many SIN-TV affiliate managers. So were my parents and Jen’s. They were going out for dinner. And Grandma was tagging along. She’d promised not to talk about my shmekel.

  A SpongeBob cartoon was playing on the TV, but neither of us was really watching it. Wearing just a pair of boxers, I was reading one of the erotic romances Jen had gotten me addicted to. Seduced by the Park Avenue Billionaire by Nelle L’Amour. Yeah, call me gay or tell me I needed a sex change, but I was totally hooked. Jen was deep into reading the script for our first erotic romance telenovela based on the bestselling Pearl Trilogy by Arianne Richmonde. The story: a forty-year-old documentary film producer falls in love with a much younger billionaire Frenchman.

  “Are you excited about going to Paris?” I asked, tugging on her ponytail to gain her attention. Production for the movie began next week. Jen was going to stay in New York and then go directly to France to oversee the shoot. Cameron Diaz had been cast in the lead role, her first TV role ever, and some hot French hunk who’d I never heard of was playing the love interest.

  “Oui!” She’d been boning up on her French and beamed a smile my way. “Are you going to miss me?”

  “Nah,” I said nonchalantly. Fuck yes! The thought of my tiger being away from me for even a minute drove me totally crazy. I’d become as possessive of her as I was protective—just like all those obsessed book boyfriends.

  She set the script down on the duvet. “What if I fall in love with a handsome twenty-five-year-old Frenchman? Or the actor playing the part? He’s single and was voted one of the sexiest men in the world by People magazine, you know.”

  Inwardly, I cringed. I’d never been the jealous type until I met Jen.

  “You’re going to pay for saying that, my little tiger.” Big time. I was crazy in love with her, but right now, I was going to fuck her like I loathed her. No thinking. No mercy. In one swift move, I tore off the duvet and her scrap of lace and then yanked her smooth legs apart. With a savage growl, I mounted her.

  “What are you doing?” she gasped.

  “Punishing you. I’m going to fuck your brains out, Jennifer McCoy, until they hear you come in France. My name is going to be the new French national anthem.”

  “Oh.” She smiled brightly.

  The thought of wasting her made my cock instantly harden and swell. It was a lit up stick of dynamite. A fire raged from my groin to my blasting cap. Without wasting a second, I rammed it into her. She moaned with a mixture of pain and pleasure as my ruthless rod pumped in and out of her with ferocity and velocity. And I made sure she felt my teeth as I pressed my lips all over her neck and shoulders and marked her.

  Her harsh pants and moans were like music to my ears. I had to let her know there was only one man in her life. Yes, one man. As they say, in French, moi. Seulement moi.

  “Assez! Assez! I need to come,” she begged in French, raking her nails through my flesh with one hand and fisting my hair with other. The pain only made me push my cock harder into her hot, drenched pussy, her muscles clenching each powerful thrust. Her nipples brushed against my pecs, hardening with the friction of my chest pressing against hers.

  My mouth was a palm’s width away
from hers, and my eyes shone fierce on her. I tugged the heart pendant she never took off. “Tell me, tiger, who do you belong to?”

  “You,” she breathed out.

  I wasn’t going to let her get away with one-word answers. “Say: I belong to you.”

  “I belong to you,” she rasped, her voice as desperate as her need to come.

  “Mine,” I growled, the possessive beast I was. “Only mine.”

  “Yours,” she panted back. “Only yours.”

  A satisfied smile slithered across my heated face and I moved a hand to her throbbing clit. I stroked it vigorously. Then, with a pinch of her fiery bud and another deep thrust, she shuddered all around me with a deafening roar of my name as I simultaneously detonated. My explosive climax met hers.

  Oh, my tiger! I had captured her and was never going to let her go. After stilling ourselves, I carried her to the shower—where this time I fucked her the way I loved her with kisses and caresses. After the mind-blowing sex, we got dressed for the Conquest Broadcasting upfront party, taking place later tonight at the New York hot spot, Touch.

  Before heading over to Touch, we had promised to meet up with Jaime and Gloria and several others in the Walden Bar for a few celebratory drinks. My tiger’s daytime block of erotica programming targeted at women had fucking blown away advertisers and affiliates alike. Calling it “brilliant, breakthrough, and ballbuster,” advertisers were clamoring to buy time in it. I was so fucking proud of her. Despite my initial doubts, she’d proven to me she was right and fought hard for what she believed in. Just before we left the suite, I told her that I’d left something behind. She shot me a puzzled look.

  “Oh, it’s just a little something for Gloria to thank her for all her support.”

  Jennifer’s frown morphed into a smile. “Oh, Blake, you’re so thoughtful!”

  Inwardly, I smirked. Yup. That was me. Mr. Thoughtful formerly Mr. Asshole. How my little tiger had changed my life. I hurried back to the bedroom and yanked open the bottom drawer of the dresser, grabbing the bag with the little toy that was going to make her mine forever and off limits to any predator that came our way. Including any French frog.

  My tiger belonged to only one man.

  I was that man… that lucky man.


  The champagne was flowing; our booth in the corner of the Walden Bar was a circle of raucous laughter and chatter. We were celebrating the success of the upfront. My block for a women’s erotic lineup had been received with overwhelming enthusiasm. In addition to Gloria’s Secret sponsoring the package of erotic romance telenovelas, other advertisers were eager to buy time on SIN-TV at a premium price. I had come up with a breakthrough idea that had opened the door to a whole new wave of advertisers. Blake and his father couldn’t be happier. Or prouder of me. In fact, I had been promoted to Director of Daytime Programming.

  There were ten of us at our table. In addition to Blake and me, our entourage included Gloria and Jaime Zander; Gloria’s PR guy Kevin and his partner Ray, who happened to be Jaime’s art director; Libby and her brother Chaz, who was in New York for a fashion show; and lastly a powerful woman I’d grown to respect and love, Vera Nichols, our Vegas affiliate manager, and her delightful husband Steve. “Roar,” a song close to my heart, was playing on the sound system.

  “Let’s play a game of Truth or Dare,” insisted Chaz after popping another bottle of champagne.

  The hair on the back of my neck bristled. Anything but Truth or Dare. The last time I’d played that game my life had changed forever. Blake caught me biting down on my lip and smiled. It had changed his life forever too. I wasn’t up for this game. I didn’t want my life to change. It was perfect just the way it was.

  Before I could protest, Chaz’s suggestion was met with loud claps and cheers.

  A Cheshire grin spread across his face. We drew straws to determine who would go first. It was Jaime.

  “Okay, what’s your favorite piece of Gloria’s lingerie?” asked Chaz.

  “Darling, you can’t answer that!” Gloria quipped, tugging at Jaime’s T-shirt. “It’s too personal.”

  A cocky, dimpled smile flashed on her husband’s handsome face. “Truth. Anything I can I bite off her gorgeous body.”

  Gloria gasped with embarrassment, then smashed her red-lacquered lips against Jaime’s. The sight of them so in love sent a tickle of chills down my spine.

  I was up next. I wanted to slide under the table. “Please, not me!”

  Chaz shot me a fiendish grin. “Yes, you. Who wants to pose a question to Jennifer?”

  “I do,” said Blake, sitting cattycorner to me.

  His eyes bored into mine. “Truth or Dare, Ms. McCoy? How many orgasms have you had tonight?”

  I felt myself flush as pink as the Cosmopolitan cocktail I’d ordered. I could hardly look him in the eye. There was no way I was telling in front of our friends, no matter how intimate they were.

  “Dare.” I shot the word at him.

  A triumphant smile curled on his lips, lighting up those heart-stopping dimples. “Okay. I dare you to say yes.”

  I scrunched my brows. “Yes to what?”

  “To this.”

  My eyes stayed locked on Blake as he dug his hand below the table. Oh my God! Was he going to stand up with his gigantic cock fisted in his hand and ask me to suck it in front of everyone? I shuddered. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  When his hand reappeared, I inwardly sighed with relief. A small glass sphere filled with water was perched on his palm. A snow globe. As I stared at it more closely, I noticed it contained a photo—the photo of the snow angel we had made together over Christmas. I stifled a gasp.

  He handed me the snow globe. “Shake it, Jen.” His eyes, glinting with a hint of mischief, stayed fixed on me as I did as he asked.

  My heart did a somersault and my mouth dropped to the floor. I simply couldn’t believe my eyes.

  Sparkly flecks of snow danced in the water. But that was not all. Drifting among the shower of shimmering particles was a magnificent diamond ring. And not just any diamond ring. It was a large, multi-faceted snowflake diamond. Breathtaking! My hand trembled; in fact, all of me was trembling as the earth shook inside me.

  As I fell further into a state of shock and stupor, the sounds and faces around me disappeared into thin air. It was just Blake and me.

  While I sat there shell-shocked and speechless, Blake calmly took the globe from my shaking hand and turned it upside down. He twisted off the base, and using the index finger of his other hand like a hook, he scooped out the sparkling ring and set it on the table. My eyes, wide as marbles, never strayed as he put the snow globe back together and then set it down next to the ring. Around me, I vaguely heard my mates oohing and aahing. The ring was simply dazzling.

  Blake’s sexy voice brought me out of my stupor. “Well, Ms. McCoy. You haven’t taken me up on my dare.”

  I couldn’t get my brain to communicate with my mouth. Words stayed jammed in my throat. “Could you please refresh my memory?” I finally managed. I teetered between awestruck and dumbstruck.

  “I dared you to say yes.”

  “Yes to what?” Dumbstruck was winning.

  “To the ring.” Blake paused and gazed deep into my eyes. His eyes didn’t blink a wink nor did mine. In front of everyone, he got down on one knee. “Jennifer McCoy, will you marry me?”

  The words whirled about in my mind like the tiny dancing snowflakes. When the latter settled to the base of the globe, reality settled in my mind. Oh my God. Blake had asked me to marry him. The tears that had been threatening began to fall freely. My heart was roaring so loud in my chest I could barely hear myself breathe out one simple word: “Yes.”

  Cheers and applause broke out, so loudly it was contagious and the whole bar joined in. Blake gently grasped my unsteady left hand and slipped on the ring. I couldn’t stop staring at it.

  “Oh Blake, it’s so, so beautiful.” I choked out the words. With my other hand,
I caressed the side of his face.

  “Like you, tiger.” Happiness danced in Blake’s sapphire eyes. He stood up and lifted me with him. Before I could say another word (as if I could), he yanked my head back by my ponytail, and his lips crashed down on mine.

  In a fierce kiss. Just like the kiss that had started it all in a game of Truth or Dare.

  And as I melted like a snowflake into Blake—that man who had dared me from the beginning to be his, I thought about how different my life might have turned out had I not accepted Chaz’s outrageous dare that night six months ago. I knew at this moment life is full of truths and dares. Sometimes we have to eschew the truth to discover it. And sometimes we have to risk a dare. When life gives you dares, be daring. Be as brave as a tiger. Something rare and beautiful may reveal itself the way the moon does when a cloud uncovers it. Something that can change your life forever like…‹‹

  Love. And melting as I was, our love was frozen solid. I had just dared to say yes to my new forever. And his kiss was just the beginning. That man was mine.

  Want more of scorchin’ hot Blake Burns and his tiger? Read on! Their whirlwind wedding story (Books 4 and 5) is up next!

  Nelle L’Amour’s USA Today bestselling THAT MAN series continues with more laughter, more drama, and more scorchin’ hot Blake Burns.

  You are invited to the wedding of the century…

  1000 guests and counting.

  All Blake’s tiger wanted was a small wedding in her parents’ backyard.

  But with Blake’s controlling mother calling the shots, not to mention the wedding planner from hell, Jennifer’s patience is tested.

  Meanwhile, Blake has to deal with a skeleton in the closet: a jealous, delusional woman from his past who harbors a secret.

  A big secret…one that threatens to tear the perfect couple apart.

  Will Blake and Jennifer get their happily ever after?

  Hope you equally love my favorite couple’s wedding story! If you’re taking a short break, be sure to sign up for my newsletter, to join my Facebook reader group, Nelle’s Belles, and to follow me on other social media


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