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Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Page 8

by Nikhil Parekh

disease on earth with its acerbic rays; imparting reprieve from darkness to those in tribulation .

  It was as flexible; as the euphoric wings of violet butterfly,

  Perching handsomely on solitary corners in the night; flying as nimbly as an aircraft all day.

  It had incorporated in itself; minuscule tinges of all existing color,

  And It didn’t fade a bit with the unveiling of time; instead fortified to mammoth proportions as life progressed,

  O! yes, the rainbow of love was the most mesmerizing thing to blend with; till the time we blissfully lived.


  She wanted to reach the summit of the mountain in a royal aircraft,

  While I wished to walk on the scorching streets barefoot; basking in the full


  She wanted to drape her demeanor with fabric of the richest quality flocculent


  While I desired to camouflage my body in rags; and stare unrelentingly at the moon.

  She wanted to use the most luxurious soap available; to scrub her dainty skin and face,

  While I was quite contented washing my hands with natural mud; use twigs of the tree to brush my teeth.

  She wanted a compact swimming pool to dip into; sedately swim; with an enclosure of crystal sequestering the same,

  While I fantasized about plunging into stormy waves of the ocean; relishing the

  scent of salty spray.

  She wanted clinically processed milk in late hours of the morning; to be

  served by her bedside with sizzling hot scones,

  While I had an insatiable urge to garrulously devour large pints of milk directly from the rustic cow.

  She wanted a striped umbrella to walk blending with her queenly gloves; irrespective of sunshine or rain,

  While I ingratiatingly desired to drench my silhouette completely in

  showers from the sky.

  She wanted a grandiloquent watch wound tightly to her wrist; with its luminous

  dial; radiating glow,

  While I vehemently resisted contraptions on my hand; relying exorbitantly on the positioning of the Sun and stars.

  She wanted to use a concoction of honey and rose to wash her cascading hair,

  While I vigorously rubbed my hair with raw lime; annihilating remnant traces of abhorrent dandruff.

  She wanted to play intricate games of billiards; chess and cards; within the plush interiors of her palace,

  While I simply went berserk; bursting with waves of euphoria at executing swashbuckling strokes with my baseball bat.

  She wanted a cavalcade of cars pursuing her wherever she went; a battalion of

  cameras to snap her photograph,

  While I wanted to be left solitary on the street; uttering a volley of expletives when provoked.

  She wanted the cool air of air-conditioner to incessantly pacify her heat,

  While I was quite contented to feel the stringent summer breeze blow wildly across my face.

  She wanted a fresh vase of flowers to embellish her room; throughout the

  tenure of the acerbic day,

  While I roamed about in the jungles; hunting large fish; caressing my lips to

  the pungent aroma of blackberry shrub.

  She wanted to be a glamorous model; with a plethora of people admiring her

  ostentatious jewelry,

  While I simply detested the high society; was supremely ecstatic when given a chance to mix with innocuous children.

  She wanted to love me like a commodity; besieging my neck in a straps of leather;

  While I had this overwhelming desire of guarding her against evil; wiping her tears when it mattered the most,

  We were actually; excellent illustrations of conflicting personalities; God had ever created on this earth.


  When I smeared my lips entirely with brilliant scarlet paste,

  they looked voluptuous and mesmerizing; but they produced obnoxious blemishes on whatever I kissed.

  When I applied stringent white chalk powder on the intricate periphery of my lips,

  They looked comically distorted; enticing innumerable individuals to bestow upon me a plethora of frivolous smiles.

  When I dipped my lips in an infectiously sweet mixture of molten jaggery,

  They looked tantalizingly intense; with a battalion a red ant clambering with euphoric fervor to devour the same.

  As I stuck my supple lips to fresh acrylic paint projecting from the chiseled wall,

  They appeared stitched to each other in a vise like embrace; depriving me of the indispensable ability to speak.

  When I applied a curry of black pungent mud on my articulately sculptured lips,

  I resembled a bedraggled ragamuffin on the street; with pedestrians mistaking my identity for a homicidal beggar.

  When I rubbed my lips in lush green blades of wild grass,

  They acquired a poignantly slimy texture; prompting me to obstreperously sneeze.

  When I submerged my lips in steaming hot frosty milk,

  They developed peels of innocuous milk; and I looked like an organism having just taken birth.

  When I painted my luscious lips in a concentrated extract of carbon ink,

  The outcome was ludicrously funny; I seemed like a novice at writing literature; and the stains were intractably cumbersome to remove.

  When I applied a blend of cement and water to my lips,

  They amalgamated together like a solid rock; and it became virtually invincibly to separate them.

  And eventually when I passionately kissed the lips of my beloved,

  There were thunderous fires igniting frigid arenas of my persona,

  My lips now looked enchanting after marathon hours of being lackluster, and for the first time I uninhibitedly smiled.


  When a conglomerate of thunder clouds collided in the cosmos,

  Infinite splinters of water pelted down in fury; gently bruising naked patches of my skin.

  When multiple balls of bulky glass clashed with tumultuous fury,

  Acerbic splinters of jagged mirror pierced with hostile fervor through my skin; prompting crimson blood to flow.

  When I dexterously sliced colossal chunks of tree lumber with my serrated pickaxe,

  Pulverized splinters of saw dust flew in unsymmetrical unison; inundating my eyeball with series of allergy.

  When obdurate balls of round steel smashed tenaciously with each other,

  Minuscule splinters of metal settled haphazardly on my scalp; with obstreperous cacophony tickling my eardrum.

  When I pricked the gargantuan balloon with a rusted pin; tones of air blew out at overwhelming speeds,

  Soft splinters of rubber descended down on my feet; and I slipped while walking inadvertently on the same.

  When menacing masses of ice tumbled down the mountain; they formed a monstrous


  Which diffused into incommensurate splinters after striking the ground; stabbing my flesh like a quiver full of arrows.

  When I shook a barrel full of fermented cream vigorously in the air,

  Decayed splinters of milk splashed disdainfully across my face; with a stench of rotten rat emanating; besieging all in proximity.

  When I placed a mammoth elephant tusk in amicable contact with circulating

  blades of the ceiling fan,

  Bountiful splinters of powder blended with small bone infiltrated into my nostril; making me vociferously sneeze.

  When I entered the unscrupulous ambience of the darkened cloth factory,

  Irascible splinters of cotton fiber camouflaged my cheek; instigating me to voraciously scratch.

  And eventually when the immaculate crystal of her splendor; burst with a bang

  over my forehead,

  A myriad of victimized arenas in my silhouette; relinquished pain instantly,

avenues of my heart and soul perpetually healed; after being injected with splinters of her unprejudiced love.


  Shaking a cluster of hair vigorously; was a symbol of euphoric ecstasy,

  Moving the feet unrelentingly; was a symbol of acute nervousness,

  Punching the fists vehemently in placid air; was a symbol of impetuous indignation,

  Opening the lips partially towards the moon; was a symbol of celestial dreaming,

  Fluttering the eyelids viciously; was a symbol of flirtatious mischief,

  Clenching the fortress of teeth in a grimace; was a symbol of incorrigible anger,

  Whistling incessantly to tunes of unheard music; was a symbol of frantic fantasizing,

  Biting the supple nail coat of calcium from fingers; was a symbol highlighting sheer contemplation,

  Beads of cold sweat uncannily trickling down the forehead; was a symbol of intense fear,

  A battalion of crimson pores emanating from tender skin; was a symbol

  of contracting disdainful measles,

  Excruciating pain in the bones while hoisting the bucket; was a symbol of distressing fracture,

  Frequent sensations of emptying the bladder; was a symbol of anticipatory excitement,

  A plethora of goose-bumps diffusing from soft flesh; was a symbol of shivering in austere cold,

  Waking up with startled jerks a few hours after midnight; was a symbol of witnessing a ghastly nightmare,

  Obstreperously swallowing gargantuan gulps of cold water; was a symbol of insatiable thirst,

  Gasping for precious breath after long sprints of running; was a symbol of tumultuous exhaustion,

  Unruly stubs of hair projecting from the disheveled face; was a symbol of refraining to shave,

  Intractably staring at piles of glittering gold in the treasury; was a symbol of malicious cupidity,

  Licking the lips voraciously after consumption of

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