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Hide and Seek - part 5 - Rhyming & Non Rhyming Poems

Page 12

by Nikhil Parekh

stood in mute silence; leaning on periphery of the colossal water tank; as I

  witnessed the mesmerizing sight of the Sun going down.

  As the seconds zipped by; dusk unveiled itself into starry night,

  The sky now; was entirely obfuscated from the Sun; looked enchanting with a cavalcade of stars,

  Emanating mystical light; illuminating the darkness with a bountiful sparkle,

  I watched her innocuous features; the beauty of her form a few feet below;

  thanked the Creator for putting her to sleep,

  Incorrigibly vowed to spend many more days on my roof top terrace; as her

  sighs now converted into deafening snores.


  When I pricked a large bubble impregnated with acid; infinite droplets of fumes flew all over my persona,

  Transforming my glowing skin; into complete shambles of pathetic brown; and I emitted a few tears unable to bear the anguish.

  When I pricked minuscule bubbles of soap emanating from the bathtub; a pungent

  spray flew in my eyes,

  It was as if someone had hurled tones of chili powder; and the interiors of my eye developed a severe red allergy.

  When I pricked rotund bubbles incorporated with honey; sweet globs of liquid

  fell on my face,

  I felt nice in the beginning; but it soon became a disdainful nuisance; as clusters of stinging ants clambered up at fast pace.

  When I pricked plastic bubbles looking thoroughly inflated; a sudden gush of

  stale air rushed across my lips,

  There was a deafening roar produced that inundated my ears; and for the next

  few minutes I was unable to decode sound.

  When I pricked bubbles filled with crimson blood; my immaculate clothes

  acquired blotches of red,

  A sickening smell encompassed the ambience; and I felt like vomiting out

  consumed food; wanting to eliminate the process of death.

  When I pricked bubbles compactly filled with frozen ice; tiny nuggets of ice

  cascaded down my neck,

  Umpteenth hair on my body stood up due to impact of the bitter cold; and my

  teeth started to violently clatter.

  When I pricked frothy bubbles wafting out of a stray dogs mouth; a fountain of

  water gently caressed my face,

  A fetid stench arose in the air; and I knew I had an overwhelming chance of contracting deadly rabies.

  When I pricked bubbles drifting from the periphery of sizzling hot tea; blistering sprays of water collided with my face,

  Scalding sensitive arenas of my silhouette as they trickled down my chest; also my body smelt of tea leaf for remainder of the day.

  When I pricked bubbles generated by the ravishing sea waves; salty foam struck

  me stringently in my face,

  My eyes started to profusely water; with an inevitable sensation to scratch painstakingly developing all throughout.

  Eventually when I pricked the colossal bubble of our perennial love; there was

  a rainfall of fragrant water; that imprisoned us in bonds of immortal embrace,

  And there were many more such bubbles which proliferated every unleashing

  minute; uniting us for the present and many births to unveil in the distant future


  He babbled incoherently at innocuous pedestrians traversing through the streets,

  Clenched his fist high in the air; barking a malicious volley of rustic expletives,

  Spat loads of colored saliva on the ground; blending superbly with the loosely sprawled mud,

  Danced languidly listening to the slightest of music; eventually collapsing in a bedraggled heap on the ground,

  Swayed frivolously at fair skin; only to be slapped with fervor on his bearded cheek,

  Occasionally stumbled badly on sharp pieces of stone; hurtling at fast speeds to get a taste of disdainful soil,

  Scratched his hair in wild rhapsody; with a ravishing hunger in his blood shot eyes,

  Took deep breaths every once a while; as if getting strangulated by bouts of suffocation,

  Wailed passionately; vociferously proclaiming his unrelenting misery and tyrannical pain,

  Was thoroughly oblivious to his boisterous surrounding; lost in realms of sedative fantasy,

  Had lost all appetite for cooked food; relinquished to chew and eat,

  Looked waywardly towards the sky; trying to decipher his blurred destiny,

  Rebuked his children severely at home; at their most innocuous of provocation,

  Kicked acerbically intricate furniture in vicinity; dismantling the sanctity of

  household to threadbare junk,

  Illegibly scribbled few lines of script; making a ridiculous mockery of calligraphy,

  Slapped his wife with tenacity on her ear; for disobeying his dictatorial rules,

  Audaciously revealed startling facts about his life; which he had embedded

  deep within his heart,

  Was saved by the scruff of his neck on umpteenth an occasion; from high powered cars; and monstrous traffic,

  He had completely lost the dignity to speak; the ability to stand firm on his knees; distinguish the light illuminating air from darkness,

  In the end; he collapsed in a disheveled heap on the ground; awaiting the first rays of brilliant dawn to terminate his sleep; wash all traces of the barrel of red wine; he had obsessively consumed the previous night


  Granules of silver sands drifted into my eye; tormenting them to the threshold of irritation,

  Wild draughts of wind blew across my face; almost annihilating all the hair inhabiting my scalp,

  Black wisps of clouds hovered disconcertingly close to my persona; circumventing me from all sides,

  Scraps of strewn paper; threads of innocuous cotton rose high in the breeze; settled nimbly on my freckled nose,

  Frothy waves of the sea struck me with tenacity; diffusing into pearls of ravishing foam,

  Gigantic lizards slithered harmlessly on the soil; gallivanting their way upwards into the crevices of the tree,

  Rustic leaves of the foliated trees swirled violently; occasionally dropping on the ground with a thud,

  Infinite blades of grass got dismantled from their roots; lay massacred in a pathetic heap,

  Bountiful amounts of dust adhered to immaculately polished windows; the sparkling exteriors of statues transited to blotted and scarred,

  Metallic signboards in the street fluttered turbulently under the midday Sun; belting under pressure,

  Fleets of birds in the sky glided ecstatically; without generating effort from their aerodynamic wings,

  Scores of rusty iron nails entangled themselves from crevices; rubbed themselves vigorously against sandpaper corrugations of the wall,

  The bells in the church chimed incessantly; striking their fangs tenaciously against pallid bronze,

  Slender needles of the tower clock revolved haphazardly; displaying

  erratic fluctuations of time,

  Hordes of mice retreated hastily in their burrows; shriveling to half of their original size,

  The potbellied tortoise sunk way beneath into its shell; profoundly contented with its perennial warmth,

  Steaming coffee cascaded all over into a rampant spray; as I tried to pour it dexterously from the kettle,

  A battalion of fish tried to escape from the boisterous waves of the sea; find some respite from the torrential reverberations of the water,

  Tightly fitted contemporary caps were swept like rolling pins from scalps; the crisp demeanor of my office shirt developed a plethora of crease,

  I simply relinquished all power to open my eyes; hoist my head towards the sky; and her breath seemed closer to me like never before,

  As the wind blew at swashbuckling speeds; inundating the stillness of atmosphere with the euphoria of vibrant adventure


  They blasted it with the most pugnacious of explosive; planting corrugated

  sticks of dynamite around its periphery,

  It bravely bore the onslaught; didn’t sway a single inch; instead fortified its roots firmly into the ground.

  They fired a volley of bullets from my compact pistol; caressing the air at

  swashbuckling speeds before striking the wall,

  It stood unperturbed like a handsome prince; and there was not the slightest

  of indentation.

  They hurled at it colossal buckets of fuming acid; drenching its demeanor with

  blistering liquid,

  It refrained to change its complexion; and sparkled even more after the aftermath.

  They incessantly sprinkled it with disdainful petrol wildly bursting from hospices; then ignited the same with a blazing torch;

  It however refrained to catch fire; shimmered mystically under the pearly moon.

  They attempted to chop it down with their acrimonious axe; indiscriminately

  slashing at its body,

  It neither bled nor wept; while the axes after a while seemed to be

  thoroughly battered and bruised.

  They dug the earth to fathomless depths; feeding its foundation with a

  battalion of parasitic termites,

  It resisted their ominous attack; the termites after several days felt exorbitantly exhausted and eventually slept.

  They tied it with chains and iron shackles; tugged at it with from all sides

  exerting tumultuous strength,

  It didn’t utter the slightest of whisper; neither did it move a centimeter; proving their vindictive attempts worthlessly futile.


  They left a fleet of hostile vulture to devour it; pulverize its persona to threadbare rags,

  It remained as stoical as ever; and the birds flew away without trying to invade and harm it.

  They then banged and pummeled it with their fists; as a manifestation of their

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