The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 30

by Michael T Payne

  “I will never disappoint you, my dark princess,” Janouc smiled at her, he had no doubt he would earn her trust, he truly worshiped her. She still knew his thoughts and was pleased with him.

  “Stop calling me that, it makes me feel like I am an evil creature!” Venalina snapped her fingers and Dracon’s battle armor disappeared from his body.

  “There is no good or evil,” Janouc said, “To prey, the predator appears evil, but the predator is only feeding herself, not because she is evil, but because she must eat.” Venalina narrowed her eyes as she glared at him, thinking about what he said.

  “You are deceptively wise,” She said, “Remember what I’ve said. Obey me and all will be well between us,” she looked at the other priests in the temple, “Between us all.” She raised her hand above her head, then whipped it in a circle. She and Dracon returned to her carriage. Saida was startled and almost screamed at their sudden arrival, then she quickly attended to Dracon.

  “Is he okay?” She asked helping prop him up on the seat of the carriage, “What happened?”

  “He is fine,” Venalina was irritated and out of sorts over everything that had happened, being back with the caravan was extremely inconvenient. The only shining lights were her new followers, the daughters of Castien, “Did you say yes to me Saida?”

  “I did, my queen,” Saida knelt on the floor of the carriage and bowed her head. Venalina snapped her fingers and Saida’s gown was changed to a new one, matching the colors of her new king and queen. Saida smiled gratefully, she put her head in Venalina’s lap, collapsing and crying as she hugged Venalina’s legs in appreciation. Venalina let her be for a few moments, stroking her hair. She lifted Saida’s face.

  “I will love you, as you will love me and our king,” Venalina said looking at the sleeping Dracon, “Now, help me turn this carriage to a bed again.”

  Saida wiped her face, and grabbed Venalina’s hand, kissing it several times. She helped fold the seats away then got out of the carriage to retrieve the bedding. As she exited the carriage, she was approached by Durlan Olana.

  “Is Lord Dracon available?” he asked grabbing her by her elbow, stopping her from continuing her task.

  She jerked free of him, “Lord Dracon is sleeping, I will not wake my king, or irritate my queen, with your fearful blabbering!” Durlan looked at her with his mouth open in awe of her audacious outburst.

  “Your king?” Durlan asked,” Your queen?” he looked at her stunned.

  “That’s right,” She said after a pause, then sticking her chin up proudly.

  “You forget your place, young girl,” Durlan said in a corrective tone.

  “My queen has asked us to continue to serve her, even after we return you all to Qinkas, we will continue with her, to her court.” Saida shot back at him.

  “Your father will have no such-” Durlan started but was stopped short.

  “My father will have nothing to say, but yes! Lord, Dracon!” Saida said. Durlan looked behind Saida and gave a nod, then walked away. Saida turned around after he left to see Venalina smiling at her through the carriage window, then pulled the blinds down. Talila joined Saida and helped her gather what was needed to transform the inside of the carriage to a bedroom. Kaylin and Alyndra also returned to the carriage, realizing Venalina and Dracon had returned to it. They brought food and wine for the king and queen. Venalina received all the girls in the carriage. They were beaming with happiness, it made Venalina forget her irritation. Their presence had made Venalina happy since they joined her. They looked at her so lovingly, with such admiration, it made her love them. She wanted them around her all the time.

  “You know what I am?” She asked the girls after they had settled, after finishing with the carriage.

  “I do,” Talila answered right away. The others nodded.

  “You do not fear me?” Venalina asked.

  “You are beautiful,” Alyndra giggled nervously.

  “We wish we were you,” Saida said shyly looking down.

  “I want to show you the truth of what I am,” Venalina said nervously, “I don’t want you to serve me blindly. I said I would show you things, this is who I am,” She wiped her hand over her face and head. All was revealed. Her horns, her teeth, all but her wings. Talila moved closer to Venalina, smiling, then felt her horns.

  “They are strong,” She said grabbing them, tilting Venalina’s head. She jerked free of Talila’s grip looking at her, first, sternly, then giggled, covering her face with her hand. The other girls moved closer to look at her horns and run their hands over them.

  “Can we have horns?” Kaylin asked. Venalina laughed at her.

  “I’m afraid not,” Venalina said still laughing.

  “Why would you hide these?” Alyndra asked.

  “People would scream and run!” Talila said, “What do you think they would say, if she walked into a party like this?” Venalina put her hand on Talila’s cheek, enamored with the girl. She wiped her hand over her face making the horns and fangs invisible again.

  “Can you teach me to do that?” Talila asked.

  “And much more!” Venalina said looking at each of them. She considered bringing the girls to Janouc right then and have him teach them what he learned. She knew that would be foolish just then, but at some point, she was sure she was going to do just that, “Now, I’m going to wake Lord Dracon, so we can feed him, then we will put him back to sleep.” Venalina woke Dracon gently, after the women brought back food for him. He sat up groggily at first, then noticed the girls around him. It alarmed him.

  “What is it? What’s going on?” He asked as he looked them over.

  “My king,” Talila said, “You must eat,” She raised a plate for him. He looked at Venalina, then at the four young women. He was hungry, and slightly delirious. Dracon took the food and started to eat it slowly at first, then as if no one was in the carriage with him, he ate it like he hadn’t eaten in days. Alyndra handed Dracon a goblet of wine, he spotted it and grabbed it from her quickly, making the girls all giggle. Dracon didn’t pay any attention to the girls until he was done with the wine and food. He looked around at the girls and held up his plate, panting.

  “I want more,” He said making the girls all giggle. Venalina nodded to Saida who was closest to the door. She took the plate from Dracon and left the carriage. Venalina put her hand on Dracon’s neck from behind, massaging him gently. Talila smiled watching Dracon and Venalina, she wanted Venalina to ask her to do anything, she was bursting to serve them. She could hardly sit still. Saida returned quickly with more food, she entered the carriage, plate first, which Dracon took without hesitation. Kaylin refilled his goblet with wine while he ate. Venalina watched the girls as they all looked at Dracon with smiles, ready to serve him. She felt like her choice was a good one. Dracon finished the wine, he was no longer delirious. He looked again around the carriage. “Why are you all in here?” he asked.

  “We are here to serve you my king,” Alyndra said.

  “Venalina, can we talk a moment?” Dracon said looking over his shoulder at her. She put her hand on his cheek, running her nails across his jawline.

  “Sleep, my love,” Venalina whispered and Dracon obeyed falling completely out. The girls all giggled.

  “That’s power!” Kaylin exclaimed, “Teach me that!”

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Dracon woke in the carriage. He felt fantastic. He yawned and stretched, looking around for Venalina, he found Talila sitting next to him with a wide smile, watching him.

  “What are you doing in here?” He asked sitting up on one elbow, noticing he was naked, he was sure to cover himself with the blankets. Talila moved quickly to the window of the carriage raising the shade, “No,” He said but was too late, he shook his head and exhaled.

  “He’s awake!” she exclaimed. Shortly after, the door opened and Talila left the carriage, Venalina entered in her place.

  “My love,” She said.

  “Venalina, what happene
d to me?” Dracon asked, “I went after the Gargoyles, and the last thing I remember, I was getting dizzy, next to a fountain in the ruins.”

  “You were attacked,” Venalina went on to explain, all of it, everything up until right then. She held nothing back. They sat for a long time in silence as Dracon took it all in.

  “You ate Orist?” He finally asked smiling. She smiled back at him shaking her head.

  “That’s all you heard isn’t it?” Venalina laughed.

  “I better make an appearance,” Dracon said sitting up. Venalina dropped down next to him and grabbed his face, then kissed him deeply, pushing him back down.

  “Not just yet,” She said climbing on top of him. They spent time making love before they had to share their time with the caravan and all the people in it. Eventually, Dracon left his carriage. There was a fire roaring as if it were just set reaching its apex. He thought it must be early morning, if one existed in a land with no night. Very few people were around, servants mostly, cleaning clothes and eating utensils. He came upon Leonid who looked like he just woke up.

  “My lord,” he said, “I thank you, and Queen Venalina, for my life, you are truly mighty, the both of you.”

  “It’s good to see you well, Leonid, we would be lost without you,” Dracon said returning Leonid’s smile.

  “I seriously doubt that, but kind of you to say all the same, my lord,” Leonid chuckled, “I’m going to relieve the watch, again, my thanks to you,” He said then walked off. A carriage door opened and Durlan Olana spilled from it, almost rolling as he hit the floor. He was drunk. Dracon could tell by the way he fell out of his carriage. He stood and walked over to Dracon on unsteady legs.

  “It’s late my lord, why are you about? Is everything ok?” He asked.

  “Everything is fine Durlan, the danger has passed,” Dracon said assuring him of his safety.

  “It was a very trying day, a sudden attack, of what I am told, was Gargoyles?” Durlan said waving his hand around as he spoke, “Then your disappearance? It was extremely… unnerving.”

  “I can assure you, the danger is no longer here, we are safe. The Gargoyles have been subdued,” Dracon informed him.

  “Subdued?” Durlan looked at him curiously, “You mean killed, right?” Dracon thought a moment of what would calm Durlan the most.

  “They are no longer any concern for us,” He nodded.

  “Good, for a moment, I thought you let them live,” He said smiling, “I’m going to retire, sleep well, my lord,” he turned toward his carriage, then stopped, turning back to Dracon once again, “A curious thing?” he started, “One of Castien’s daughters made a comment to me that seemed like maybe she was exaggerating.”

  “Oh, what might that be?” Dracon could see Saida coming toward them with a bucket of water. She paused, being able to hear them from where she stood.

  “She claimed to serve you and your queen,” Durlan said.

  “Yes, that’s correct, they are here to serve us,” Dracon said.

  “I think she misunderstands her role here,” Durlan said smiling.

  “She does, does she?” Dracon asked.

  “Maybe your grace should clarify why her father sent her with the caravan in the first place, maybe order her and her sisters to comply with those orders?” Durlan asked smiling hopefully.

  “You have a point, I don’t want any misunderstandings, Saida,” Dracon called her over to them, she set the bucket of water down and walked over to the two men.

  “My lord,” She said bowing her head.

  “Lord Durlan is unsure if you, and your sisters, are aware of your role here?” Dracon said. Her face reflected her fear.

  “My lord?” she asked glancing up at him then back down again.

  “You should understand your role here after all, Saida,” Dracon said.

  “Yes, my lord,” Saida continued to bow. Durlan looked on with satisfaction and a slight smirk at her impending correction.

  “You serve me and Queen Venalina, from now on, no one else, is that understood?” He asked.

  “Yes, my lord,” She said, a smile stretching across her face.

  “You will serve our court until we say otherwise, you no longer serve anyone but us, is that understood?” Dracon asked.

  “Yes, my lord,” Saida said glancing at Durlan.

  “And Saida,” Dracon said.

  “Yes, my lord?” Saida asked.

  “You will accompany us to my lands and continue your service to me and Queen Venalina,” Dracon said also looking at Durlan.

  “With pleasure, my lord,” Saida left, retrieving her bucket, then resuming her work. Durlan nodded to Dracon.

  “Your grace,” He said then wobbled back to his carriage, dejected. Dracon looked around the camp noticing only the servants were about. He walked the perimeter of the camp, it was a boost for the soldiers on watch to see him again. They all thanked him and made some comment of their appreciation for his leadership and protection. Dracon found out quickly that the soldiers were very appreciative of Venalina, and her display of power that saved them.

  Dracon returned to camp fully rested and unable to sleep anymore, so he sat waiting. He wanted to wake everyone and get moving. Venalina eventually came out and joined Dracon at the fire. She sat next to him, placing her hand on his knee.

  “You’re anxious, my love, what’s wrong?” she asked him.

  “I feel like moving, like sitting still is wasting me away, I want battle, I want adventure, I want a fight! And I don’t want to sit here idle, hoping it happens someday,” He said, his knee bouncing nervously.

  “My lord, when the morning comes we will move out,” Venalina said, “If you like?”

  “I don’t know,” Dracon said, “I don’t feel the same, it’s like after the first time, when we, I said I would be with only you, do you remember?”

  “Yes, I do,” Venalina put her head on his shoulder.

  “Like that morning, after we made love for the first time, I feel different again, why is that?” Dracon asked.

  “I don’t know, my love. I do know that I am different, it may also effect you?” Venalina pondered.

  “You can show your true self if you like, I don’t care,” Dracon said.

  “I’m not ready for that yet,” Venalina said sitting up straight, looking around to see if anyone was listening. Venalina stood up, “Come to bed soon, it’s still early.” She went to their carriage, followed by Saida, who joined her inside. Dracon furrowed his brow, wondering why she was sharing the carriage with Venalina. A soldier approached him in a fast walk.

  “My lord,” He said speaking low to keep from waking those who slept, “Men on horseback are approaching,” Dracon stood quickly and followed the soldier to the rear of the caravan. It was a company of men, Dracon could tell right away it was the Priest of O’on. He met the lead horse, the priest dismounted and bowed to Dracon.

  “My king,” he said, “I am Janouc.” Dracon looked at him a moment considering what to say in front of Tasar’s men. He looked at Tasar’s soldiers around him.

  “What news do you have for me?” Dracon asked, then looked at Tasar’s men, “Return to your posts.” The soldiers slowly left Dracon and the battlemages, returning to their posts, “Why are you here? I thought I was clear?” Dracon said as soon as the others were out of sight.

  “You were, my lord,” he said keeping his voice low, recognizing Dracon did not want the others to overhear them, “I have news for our queen, she tasked me to study the texts and find…” Dracon held his hand up.

  “She told me,” Dracon looked at the company of men behind him, “The message is so heavy it takes that many men to carry it?” Janouc smirked looking over his shoulder at the others behind him.

  “No, my lord,” Janouc said, “With your permission, given the events with the Gargoyles and the Kina, your men here, could assist those soldiers of Qinkas, by pairing with them. One warrior, one battlemage. If any further attacks were to occur, we would have b
oth might and magic to protect the caravan.”

  “That is a good idea, Janouc,” Dracon considered him closely.

  “I can see you are leery of our intent, my lord,” Janouc said, “I hope to change that.”

  “Like Orist?” Dracon said snidely.

  “If I may, my lord, Orist was not a true servant of O’on,” Janouc explained, “He chose a poor path, and suffered dearly for it.”

  “So, you have no vengeance in your heart in his name?” Dracon asked.

  “My lord, it was we who facilitated his fate,” Janouc said and bowed again.

  “You fed him to Venalina,” Dracon asked.

  “Yes,” Janouc nodded, “For lack of a better word.”

  “I’d say that was the perfect word.” Dracon chuckled, making Janouc smile.

  “Indeed, my lord,” he said, “My lord, you rule us, we serve you. We are on your side and hope to prove it to you.”

  “You were also responsible or my…” Dracon paused.

  “Yes.” Janouc said.

  “I thought your order was formed to kill her?” Dracon asked.

  “Yes, my lord, and we were shamefully effective in it,” Janouc bowed with remorse, “After studying all we have taken from the Vordalyn, and what we learned by hunting them, we were woefully wrong in our pursuit. The Ffrei, we,” He said putting his hand to his chest, “Ordered their extermination, out of fear of the power they had. The Vordalyn ruled these lands at one time.”

  “I know that history, I’ve been told, but what changed your minds?” Dracon asked.

  “What we did to the Vordalyn was wrong. With Venalina reconnected to the power of her people, she will be incredibly powerful, more powerful than any leader we could ever have hoped for,” Janouc explained.

  “And me?” Dracon asked.

  “Without you we lose her. She serves you as her king, by that, we also serve you as our ruler, above all others,” Janouc said. Dracon thought about what he said.


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