The Vordalyn 1

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The Vordalyn 1 Page 31

by Michael T Payne

  “Vordalyn, Kina, I don’t understand the difference?” Dracon said, “I’ll gather the soldiers of Qinkas and explain what’s going on.”

  “May I speak with her highness?” Janouc asked respectfully. Dracon nodded his assent before walking away. Dracon suddenly stopped and turned back to Janouc.

  “Janouc,” He said walking back a few steps to him, “I find you very unlike the Priests of O’on, who I’ve battled all my life, how is it you are not trying to advance Terrax’s agenda?”

  “Under Terrax, we waged war with everyone for no reason, we did not advance any purpose, we did not fight for dominance, or to conquer. We were aimless under him. Every battle would end, and we would return home, without reward, without new lands. Win or lose, was always the same result. We gained nothing, it was futile. It only served to kill, for no gain. We are weary of being aimless my lord, we desire purpose, and the world is changing. You are a legitimate king, with you we may return to the world as part of a nation, your nation.” Janouc explained. Dracon nodded then left, without another word. He was still unsure whether to believe anything Janouc said and decided he would still watch them closely.

  Dracon found Leonid and had him assemble the men. He introduced the battlemages to the soldiers of Qinkas and explained how they would be paired up for the rest of the trip and why. Leonid and Dangelo were open to the change, even relieved to have the extra assistance after their encounter with the Gargoyles. The other soldiers were less than welcoming, but did as they were commanded. The representatives were also told of the change, and for the next few days, the people from Qinkas were edgy and fearful, but eventually got to know some of the battlemages on a personal level, as the Ffrei they were. Learning the names of the once mysterious men, made them more comfortable to be around, relaxing the people of Qinkas to accepting the Priests of O’on in their midst. Janouc spent time with Venalina, first, informing her that the ability to control her appearance would eventually return to her. Furthermore, she was no ordinary Vordalyn, but an Arch-Vordalyn. Janouc was very happy to tell her that. For him, it meant a lot, but to Venalina it was just another, on an already long list of names for what she was. She wished more than ever to speak to her mother. Janouc told her much about herself and her people that she did not know. He explained to her that she, unlike other Vordalyn, could give birth to a Vordalyn without a mate, and none of her offspring would be Kina. She could repopulate the Vordalyn alone. She was what the priests called a mother. Janouc was excited that she was such a creature, never seen before, presumed extinct like the rest of her kind. Venalina did not know what to believe, she knew he believed what he told her, but she thought he had to be mistaken. How could he possibly know all those things?

  The caravan travelled north once again, the road became almost impassable, making travel very slow. It had been some time since anything of size had passed along the road, making it extremely overgrown. They had made their way clear of the jungle, but the brush still covered what was once a wide road. It was days before they came to an area clear of brush or forest. They were close to reaching the waters of Cold Lake. Dracon held the group up in the clearing, ordering camp to be set.

  “Janouc,” Dracon called him over, he was walking with Venalina, he looked like a teacher walking with a student. Venalina was interested in whatever it was he was teaching her.

  “My king,” He said as he approached.

  “How far is the lake from here?” Dracon asked.

  “We are close, sire,” He said looking over Dracon’s shoulder to the north, “I would say hours, less than a day?”

  “Have you been there before?” Dracon said looking around at the bustling servants and representatives stretching their legs, while camp was being set, Durlan Olana signaled Dracon, indicating he wished a word with him.

  “Not personally,” Janouc also looked at Durlan, following Dracon’s attention around the camp. Venalina walked up joining the two men.

  “What is it, my love?” She asked.

  “I want to take some men and scout ahead for the lakes edge,” Dracon told her.

  “I will be coming this time,” Venalina said.

  “No.” Dracon commanded.

  “My queen, it is only a scouting trip, nothing further, no more than a perimeter check, really,” Janouc said, “My lord, you too should stay behind,” He said to Dracon.

  “Ok, Janouc, but I want to know immediately when the lake is found, scout no more than an hour or two ahead, and while we’re at it let’s do a perimeter check, before you go.” Dracon commanded.

  “As you command,” Janouc went about carrying out Dracon’s orders.

  “You seem to be getting on with Janouc well. I take it you have no objection to his presence?” Venalina asked.

  “I have no objection,” Dracon took her hand and pulled her closer to him, then placed his hands on her hips. She smiled at him.

  “You wish to make a display in front of these representatives?” Venalina said putting her hand on his chest, gently pushing him back from kissing her.

  “Let them look on,” Dracon said, “You have those girls in our carriage all night long, you have no shame before their eyes?”

  “That’s different,” She patted his cheek, “How do you know they are in the carriage all night?” Venalina was surprised, she made him sleep so soundly, nothing would wake him until she allowed it.

  “Every time I wake up, they are sitting there, watching me,” He said, “Is that something you have them do?”

  “They love us, my king, and we promised to love and protect them,” Venalina leaned in hugging him, whispering it into his ear.

  “Oh, did we now?” Dracon asked.

  “We did,” Venalina whispered.

  “Are you hungry my lady, my lord?” Talila asked interrupting their moment. Dracon chuckled.

  “Yes, I am famished, Talila,” Dracon answered, Talila curtsied and ran off, “Where did you get those gowns for them?”

  “I made them myself,” Venalina said as they began to walk hand in hand toward the fire that was being set.

  “I didn’t know you could sew?” Dracon said.

  “Sew? What is sew?” Venalina asked giving him a sideways glance and smirk. Dracon laughed.

  The representatives were all sitting around the fire discussing the politics of Qinkas. Dracon listened to their discontent one moment, and their happiness in the next. It was a lot of idle discussion’s leading to several back and forth disagreements among the men. Janouc returned a little later than an hour. He and the men who went with him tethered their horses, then most made their way to rest, while Janouc went to Dracon and knelt next to him to report what he had found.

  “My lord, we have found the lake, it is shrouded in a mist. We didn’t see any city or village, there was a pier or dock of some sort, leading out into the water, but that was all.” Janouc reported.

  “Very well, eat, rest. We’ll investigate after we’ve rested,” Dracon told him, he spoke low keeping their conversation to themselves. He and Venalina made pleasant conversation with the representatives from Qinkas and the men that accompanied them. Eventually, Dracon excused himself at the height of a spirited debate on economy, between Durlan and Filbon, another representative. They hardly noticed Dracon slip away. Venalina stood, which did get their attention, the men all stood and bowed, bidding her goodnight. Castien’s daughters all followed Venalina to the carriage. She stopped before opening the door.

  “Wait here, I will call you in, after a few moments,” Venalina told them.

  “Yes, my lady,” they said in unison and curtsied.

  Venalina went into the carriage, joining Dracon, “Are they to stand watch over us?” he asked as she shut the door behind her. Venalina smiled at him.

  “You just let them be,” She said.

  “As you wish, my love, I make no demands on their time, you can have them all to yourself,” Dracon chuckled. Venalina pushed Dracon on to his back, then snapped her fingers and he wa
s naked, she smiled climbing on top of him.

  “I have something for you,” She said straddling him and rubbing her hands on his chest.

  “Is it your clothes disappearing?” he asked, she tossed her head back and laughed, then leaned forward letting her hair land on his chest and stomach as she looked up at him, smiling deviously. She leaned back, lifting her hands off him and produced an amulet, displaying it for him, by holding it end to end by its golden chain for him to see. She laid it on his chest and let its chain slide around either side of his neck, it magically locked into place. “What is this for?”

  “I want you to be able to summon your armor at will,” She said again rubbing his chest, “If you insist on leaving me behind to protect the sheep, then I need you to be able to summon your armor and sword.”

  “How does it work?” He asked, “What do I have to do?”

  “When battle is upon you, it will appear. If you are attacked, it will appear, if you wish it, it will appear,” She said whispering to him, putting her face close to his, “Sleep,” She whispered touching his cheek with her fingertips and caressing him gently with her nails. He shivered from the sensation of her fingernails on his skin, then exhaled. His eyes closed, and his body went limp below her, “Come in,” she called, and the women outside entered the carriage quickly, moving to either side of Dracon. Venalina still straddled him rubbing his chest. She looked at each of them, then back to Dracon, “Come,” She said to Talila, they were on their knees next to Dracon’s naked body, Talila and Alyndra on his right, near the door, while Saida and Kaylin were on his left. Talila moved closer to him giggling. Venalina took her hand and used it to rub Dracon’s chest like she was doing, “With love my dear, do it with love,” She said then looked at Kaylin who was across from Talila. Kaylin didn’t need an invitation and started rubbing Dracon’s chest from her side. Her eyes were wide, she was smiling, and biting her lip. Venalina slid along Dracon’s body down to his legs then knelt between his legs. She grabbed his thigh and started to rub it, all the while looking at the other two, Saida and Alyndra each began massaging his thighs. They giggled looking at each other and the naked Dracon. Venalina snapped her fingers and the girl’s gowns disappeared and they too were naked. They continued working on Dracon. Venalina moved like a snake behind them, slinking up to whisper words in their ears, they began to repeat the words as they worked on Dracon. They continued, chanting, and massaging Dracon, helping Venalina make him stronger. She spoke to them as they worked on Dracon, telling them about the magic they were casting on their king. It made the girls chant louder and rub harder, learning they were casting magic. They pleased Venalina.

  “He is so powerful!” Saida said as she rubbed his thigh with both hands.

  “Yes!” Talila agreed rubbing his arm and bicep, excitedly. She noticed Dracon was getting aroused, as did they all. She giggled, “Should I make it stronger too?” Talila asked releasing Dracon’s arm and reaching toward his member. Venalina appeared behind, her grabbing both her hands from behind, and guiding them back down to Dracon’s arms. She chuckled in Talila’s ear.

  “You’ll have your chance,” Venalina said, “Learn this first.” Talila resumed rubbing Dracon’s arms.

  “My lady, it doesn’t make you jealous, having us touch him like this?” Alyndra asked then resumed chanting.

  “You pledged your love to me, I pledge my love to you, what’s to be jealous about?” Venalina said, “We work together, in all things for now on. Jealousy is a useless human emotion.”

  There was a knock at the carriage door. The girls all froze and looked at each other like they were doing something wrong. It made Venalina laugh.

  “Who is it?” Venalina asked.

  “Janouc, my lady,” Janouc answered. Venalina waved the girls to continue, then crawled to the door. She moved the shade from the window on the door revealing just her face.

  “What do you want?” She asked him.

  “My lady, your chanting can be heard when passing your carriage, it will unnerve these people,” He said looking over his shoulder at the people near the fire.

  “Ok, Janouc, thank you,” Venalina let the shade drop again.

  “My lady?” Janouc called again. Venalina returned, “May I come in and speak to you?”

  “Why?” Venalina said skeptically.

  “Can we discuss it inside?” Janouc said again looking around. Venalina opened the door and Janouc quickly entered. He sat on the floor just inside the door. The seats had been removed to make the carriage a bed. Janouc looked at what was going on in the carriage. Dracon was covered in a blanket, but he could tell he was naked and the girls were rubbing him and chanting, “You need to silence the carriage, my lady,” He said to Venalina, “What are you doing with these women? When they return to Qinkas they will expose anything they’ve learned of you.”

  “We aren’t going back!” Talila screamed at him. They were dressed in their gowns again when Janouc entered.

  “Calm yourself, my sweet,” Venalina said, “Janouc, these are my ladies, and until death they will serve myself and Lord Dracon.”

  “My lady, it would be wise to cast a spell of silence on this carriage, in any case. You do not want what you say in here, overheard by them,” Janouc looked at the door.

  “I will heed your warning, Janouc, but my ladies are untouchable, they are mine and they have my protection, I will kill for them!” She said wanting the girls to hear those words.

  “Of course, my lady, as you wish,” Janouc bowed.

  “I expect you and our men to protect them as well, like my princesses, they are my princesses,” Venalina smiled at him. Janouc nodded, then left the carriage. Venalina snapped her fingers and the girls were once again naked, they resumed chanting and rubbing Dracon all over his body. Venalina resumed slinking about behind the girls whispering to them different things to chant as they worked on Dracon.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Queen Menina hosted the first council meeting of the governor’s in charge of each region. Velen was the first to arrive. He had quite the entourage, having all Dracon’s legions return home bolstered Velen’s position and the region it protected. Charnio arrived next, but again without Alkwin, like before, he did not trust Menina. He had returned from the dead to take charge of his region once again. With Dracon’s looming return, the farce was no longer necessary or strategic. Torak and Darrin arrived together, meeting in the road just outside Urixis and Renic, was already at the capital city, as an advisor to his sister, Queen Menina.

  In the meeting hall, only Queen Menina and her brothers were allowed to attend, and of course, Velen, as Dracon’s representative. She made sure they were alone to reassure her brothers there would not be a repeat of their first get together after her mother’s death. She could still see they were uneasy despite it.

  “I’d like to welcome governor Velen to the table, representing the lands of Dwerma. And, thank you for the most generous surplus of goods in your last shipment to Urixis,” Queen Menina smiled at him. Velen nodded with a smile in return. Charnio made noises of disapproval at every word that came out of Queen Menina’s mouth.

  “Lord Renic’s transports have successfully reached Urixis, in full, as well as Lord Torak’s and Lord Darrin’s,” Queen Menina said. Charnio chuckled, “Yet, the recently resurrected Lord Charnio has yet to send anything to Urixis.”

  “You are truly insane if you think for one second I will ever send you anything!” Charnio slapped the table.

  “Why are you here?” Renic leaned forward in his seat looking at Charnio.

  “Why are you?” Charnio asked in return. Renic sat back in his chair shaking his head at him, “You’re a coward. You two as well!” He said looking at Torak and Darrin.

  “Charnio, if you are not here to discuss the trade agreement between the regions, then why attend?” Queen Menina asked calmly, “You can leave at any time.”

  “I came to see for myself if you three are seriously joining her in this
charade,” Charnio sat on the edge of his seat.

  “Charnio,” Renic started, “We all agreed that what happened before was a mistake, Menina was frightened, a lot was going on,” Renic said looking at Torak and Darrin who nodded their agreement.

  “You’re excusing her?” Charnio said standing.

  “Charnio, I apologized,” Queen Menina started.

  “Shut up Menina, you tried to kill me!” Charnio yelled pointing at her.

  “I tried to protect myself from you!” Queen Menina said standing, pointing right back at him with a scream. A magical burst of energy shot back at him, strong enough to send him into his seat, “It was because of you! I did what I did, and I did it without harming any of you! Or anyone else!” Queen Menina shouted, “But you, Charnio, you murdered men, elves, our countrymen, it was you he drew blood, killing your own people. When you did that, I knew I was right to expect you would try to steal the crown from me as I waited for Dracon to return!” Everyone was quiet for a long time. Queen Menina calmed and the snarl on her face left. She sat back down. Charnio watched her suspiciously, he knew her magic was strong. She had been trained in the arts since she could form words in her mouth. He knew better than to push her too far while being unsupported, and alone, “What do you want Charnio? You clearly want something, or you would not have come, so what is it?”

  “Is it true what you said about mother?” Charnio asked glaring at her. Queen Menina had a choice to make. Tell the truth and lose what she gained from her brothers, or take it what she said back. She needed that familial bond from them, it would at least keep Renic on her side, and with him, Torak and Darrin. It would mean nothing to Charnio, however. Velen watched on curious, not understanding the root of the question posed by Lord Charnio.

  “No,” She said, “I just wanted to hurt you. Especially you! For making me take such drastic measures.”

  “My lord, Charnio,” Velen started, “If I may?”


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