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Wild Card: A College Sports Romance (Rake Forge University Series Book 1)

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by Ashley Munoz

  Taylor mentioned that when she’d gone home to recover, my dad asked that we come into the city for a meeting. She’d ended up staying at home for two days, and we were finally getting our first chance to talk about the party.

  After arguing over whose car to take, Taylor drove us downtown. It was a measly three blocks away from Kline Global, but not once had I ever considered popping in to say hi to my dad during one of my therapeutic excursions.

  “So, it totally sucked?” Taylor asked as we veered from the freeway toward the exit that would take us to my dad’s building.

  “Yeah…the guy never even showed up. Isn’t that crazy?” I adjusted my seat and dug in my purse to put my sunglasses away and locate my lip-wear. I liked lipstick for color, but I needed moisture. I was also trying to avoid my stepsister’s reactions as I gave her a version of the truth that I hoped wouldn’t end up biting me in the ass. I essentially omitted the part where the guy showed up and then kicked me out.

  “You didn’t know who it actually was though?” She fiddled with the buttons on the dash, turning the air conditioner on. She was dying to know who’d invited her, but if I told her it was Elias…then what? He was a total asshole. I mean, I didn’t feel unsafe around him or like I was in danger…but still. What a dick.

  “No…they only told me to wait in the room and said he’d be there shortly. Except he never showed up.” I shrugged, feeling my face burn at the lie. I would have rather died than admit I gave in to whoever it was that had invited her. It was mortifying enough that he’d kicked me out once he realized I wasn’t her. There was no way I was telling her.

  “Well, I’m sorry about your article. I was hoping you’d get something juicy out of it.”

  I shrugged again, feeling like it was my default mode. “It’s fine. At least I got to see the process and everything. Which reminds me…” I dug around in my massive purse to see if I’d brought my notebook. “Did you get to keep a copy of the contract you signed?”

  She nodded, putting her blinker on. “Yeah, it was really basic, but I still have it.”

  I could have wept with joy. “If you can get me a copy, I would be so grateful.”

  “Mal, you aren’t going to share it in your article, right? You won’t share my name…?” She worried her lip, slowing for the red light ahead of us.

  “No way. I’d never do that to you.” I looked over at her. “You know I wouldn’t, right?”

  She glanced at me briefly before the light turned again. Quietly, she replied, “Yeah, I know.”

  Good. I wanted to be done with this conversation, because I hated lying to her.

  “What do you think Dad wants?” I asked as Taylor maneuvered in the parking garage.

  Her small sigh told me she’d been talking to him behind my back. Sometimes during family brunch, the two of them would start talking business and I’d usually just check out, but with graduation creeping up on us, I wondered if there was something I had missed.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” I flipped the mirror down, adjusting my makeup and applying my lipstick. I didn’t really need it, but I liked to look professional when we entered my father’s building.

  “Don’t freak out,” Taylor softly requested while tugging her mirror down and pulling her lipstick free.

  I turned my face to watch her apply the soft coral color to her lips, waiting for her to spill. I should have asked the question on the trip here, and now I was on pins and needles.

  “Look, I know you don’t want anything to do with the company, but I do. I’d be stupid not to get involved with it. There’s going to be someone who takes over for him when he retires, and since you don’t want it…” She trailed off, snapping the lid of her lipstick back on.

  I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth. I knew we’d just get into an argument if I said anything. So, I opened my door and got out.

  “You’re not mad?” She chased after me, locking the door on our way to the elevator. The loud chirp echoed off the white cement at our feet.

  “I’m not mad. I just want you to be happy, Tay. That’s all.” And free from the disgusting men who would eat my little stepsister and her fat bank account for breakfast. Someone would inherit my father’s fortune through her, and she was naïve enough to accept that guy even knowing he might only be there for the money. She’d do all this to fulfill some misplaced desire to please the only father she’d ever known. My dad wanted one of us—actually, both of us—to work for him. I was sure he wanted to play us like chess pieces, corporate moles, or arm candy for the men he wanted to negotiate with. I wouldn’t play his games, and I had hoped my stepsister wouldn’t either.

  We rode the elevator to the lobby, where we disembarked and checked in with security. Once we had our badges on, we ventured toward the gleaming chrome elevator doors that would take us up to his office.

  Twelve floors later, we were exiting and padding across marble floors that had recently been waxed. Glass windows stretched along the walls, showing off the city and the gleaming sun, blue skies, and zero clouds. It was a gorgeous day, and I could almost feel the heat as we bypassed my father’s secretary and pushed open the glass doors to his office.

  My father wanted a completely transparent ‘brand.’ He didn’t hide anything, and in turn, he hoped whoever he did business with wouldn’t hide anything either. It had worked wonders for him so far, and my stepmother Jackie liked that he could never be alone with anyone or cheat on her in his office. Maybe she liked to ignore the fact that he did have blinds, and with a push of a button—total privacy. But my dad wasn’t a cheater…he just wasn’t built that way. Not after losing my mom.

  “Girls!” he exclaimed, standing from his chair and walking toward us.

  We both leaned into his hug before taking the comfortable chairs in front of his desk. Once upon a time, there had been only one chair and a much smaller desk…but once Taylor came along, he always made sure there was a chair for each of us when we came to visit him. Memories of being sixteen and stuck in his office for the day came barreling back. His money was new to me, just like his new wife and daughter, and while they all seemed to get along swimmingly, I was left in the deep end, treading water.

  “I wanted to talk to you about an upcoming dinner event.” He perched on his desk, his Tom Ford suit barely shifting as he tucked his hands into his pockets. I liked that he always got right to the point. No mincing words or fluffy pleasantries. “This dinner will be an important one, and I’d like you both to attend. I plan on having a few investors and shareholders at this event. As you know, they’re weighing in on the future of Shaw Corp…” He trailed off, bringing his hand up to his chin. My father’s hair was still mostly dark, just a single streak of grey running along each side. His tan skin looked darker than normal, evidence of his recent trip to the Caribbean. He liked to take Jackie every chance he got.

  “We always attend your events, Dad—what’s so different about this one?” I asked, curious about his behavior. He never felt the need to warn us or have a special conversation prior to other events.

  He hesitated, looking at Taylor for just a brief second. “You both graduate this year, and you’re going to be more involved with business meetings and events…I just want you to be prepared. Don’t wear those ratty tennis shoes you like to wear.” He leaned forward to grab my shoe in jest.

  I relished the soft smile he gave me because, for a second, he looked like the Charlie I grew up with. Ratty shirts, flannel, denim, and coupons…we had practically been poor once upon a time, back after Mom’s accident. For five years, I had him all to myself, and those years I’d cherish for all eternity.

  “I’ll dress appropriately, Dad.” I laughed softly, gently kicking him with my shoe.

  “You need to bring dates as well, please.” His gaze went toward Taylor again, and the smallest wince seemed to spear his features.

  I looked over at Taylor, whose head was lowered, her arms tucked in tight.

I asked the question, but she was nearly screaming it with her tense jaw and dipped eyebrows.

  A muscle jumped in my father’s jaw while he looked down at his desk. There was obviously something the two of them weren’t telling me. The tension between them could have been cut with a knife, but I didn’t understand why he’d wanted to see me along with her if they were just going to keep it a secret.

  “I just need you both to have a date. I can’t make it seem as though you’re available. Even if it’s that friend of yours, Juan—he’d be fine to bring. Just don’t come alone, okay?” He stood, walking slightly past our chairs, which was his silent request that we leave him alone. It had taken nearly thirty minutes to get here. I’d skipped an important class to come, and he was already dismissing us?

  Taylor and I stood, giving each other quizzical looks, but we didn’t ask anything more. His terms were easy enough to understand. There would be hunters attending this party, men looking for an easy ticket to my father’s fortune, and he wanted us to appear unavailable, which was good. For a second there, I had thought he’d be willing to marry one of us off to secure a lucrative deal, but if he wanted us to look taken, he obviously wasn’t interested in trading us like we were the latest commodity to hit the market.

  I walked out, feeling the slightest bit of relief rush through me. I kissed my dad on the cheek on the way out and joked, “This definitely could have been texted, old man.”

  He laughed and pulled me into a hug while tugging Taylor under his other arm. “I know, but how else am I going to see my girls?”

  We walked with him as far as the elevators, and for a second, I didn’t mind sharing my dad with Taylor. For a second, I felt like I could share anything with her if it felt like we were really sisters. Later I would wish I had known that feeling would come back to slap me in the face.

  Chapter Ten

  Information was a form of currency in this school. If you went off my bank account, I’d be considered practically destitute. Every penny I made, I either used for rent or gas or sent back home to Kyle to help with bills. My mom would never take my money, but she was either going to lose the house my father had built for her, or she was going to take my help in the form of Kyle intervening. But, if you went based off the number of favors people owed me and information I had on people, I was rich as fuck.

  I ignored the way the group of players locked their jaws and squared their shoulders as I passed by them. They’d heard one version of what had happened between Elias and me over a year ago and decided to start up shit, spreading rumors about me. I was fine with that; it only added to my credentials as a hardened criminal, so people didn’t double-cross me when they fed me information.

  “Frankenstein.” One of them coughed the name into their hands, and I withheld the urge to trip the fucker.

  Once I knew they were gone, I stretched my hand at my side, feeling the familiar ache. It only made me want my revenge all that much more. Walking down the east hallway toward my philosophy class, I threw my backpack down and slouched in the back row. A few girls passed, flirting with their eyes and batting their lashes. It wasn’t uncommon for one of them to drop into the seats around me so when class was over, they’d be the first to walk out with me. It was a boring routine, and honestly it didn’t hold much appeal. It wasn’t like I dated a ton…I didn’t have time to date, or to even hook up.

  Shit, the last time I had gotten anywhere close to hooking up was when I was in that room with the girl who wasn’t Taylor Beck. Thinking of her made me remember her little appearance in the parking lot the other night. I had no idea how or why she’d come to be in my parking lot, but I didn’t like it. The idea that someone had put their hands on her, had mussed that hair…it just…well, fuck, it bothered me and I had no idea why. I didn’t know the girl, had been a prick to her when I essentially kicked her out of the room. Then with the way I talked to her in the parking lot…

  But there was something about her that felt…just different. Something like freshly cut grass, the leather on a baseball, and home.

  “Finally,” my friend Juan said accusingly as he sank into the desk next to mine.

  I laughed at his comment and dipped down to open my backpack.

  “Finally what? You’re the one who’s late.”

  He eyed the front of the room before peeking over his shoulder. “You missed like the last three days of class—what in the heck happened?”

  My family happened. Elias changing plans and punching my kid brother happened. Working my ass off so my mom didn’t lose her house happened.

  “Not much, just picking up a few extra shifts.” Not that he’d understand that. I heard his parents owned several restaurant chains and he was rich. I hadn’t known Juan for very long, just the length of this course, which had started back in January. He was cool to talk to, he liked sports, and he didn’t bullshit. I knew he lived around my apartments too, but we’d yet to hang outside of class.

  “Well, Flynn Rider has been in a mood. I’m glad you’re back,” he joked, lowering his voice to a whisper.

  I smirked at the use of our teacher’s beloved nickname from some Disney movie, then looked over at him and noticed he was barely dressed. He had on a pair of sweats with a hockey emblem on them, the one for our local team, the Hornets. He wore black Adidas sandals with socks and a large black hoodie, and even his hair was mussed like he’d just woken up.

  “Did you just wake up?” I laughed because it was almost noon.

  “Dude, my two best friends wrangled me into a TV marathon last night. They wanted to watch this new series on Netflix, and I should have told them no, but they made a seven-layer dip.”

  My shoulders shook with laughter while I leaned forward, arranging my notebook in front of me. “Sounds like your friends are chicks, and if they’re single then you should definitely invite me to the next marathon night.”

  Mr. Flynn started handing out sheets of paper, talking about the quiz at the end of the week while Juan leaned closer.

  “I make it a point not to know if they’re dating anyone, although one of them seems to have a pesky habit of getting herself into trouble. Either way, they’re both handfuls—I think I’ll spare you.”

  I laughed once more and considered again the red-haired beauty from the night at the Devils’ house. I needed to stop thinking about her. Instead I needed to focus my efforts on the girl who’d stood me—Elias—up. I needed to go see Daniel, deal in the only currency I had plenty of, and find Taylor Beck.

  I opened the front door of the team house, hearing laughter echo up from the basement. My freshman and sophomore year had been spent down there, drinking, playing pool, and organizing card games with everyone else. After Dad’s accident, everything changed, and it just didn’t hold the same appeal—not to mention that some of the team now liked to fuck around by calling me names.

  I walked toward the kitchen, looking for Marcus. I needed to know if anyone was talking about the last card game, the fact that Elias hadn’t shown up…or if they knew I had. It was no secret that I hadn’t gone to one since the incident with Elias.

  There, nursing a beer while sliding his thumb along the screen of his phone, was my best friend. Dark ink wrapped around his equally dark skin, a stark reminder of why he was usually the one the ladies hit on when we went out. He stood a few inches taller than me and, regardless of the monikers the sports bloggers gave him, was genuinely a nice person. He’d helped me open more cans of beer, water bottles, and Gatorades after my accident than anyone should have to, worried that I wouldn’t stay properly hydrated. He had even made meals for both of us, acting like it was part of one of his courses…but he was full of shit. He just wanted to make sure I was fed.

  “Baby D.” He smiled.

  I rolled my eyes at the nickname he had for me. He had started calling me that our freshman year when we faced off against a team and another player nearly dwarfed me. Marcus thought it was hilarious how tall the dude was, and since my name started with D
, he began calling me baby D.

  “What are you up to?” I leaned in with my hand for a shake and a quick slap on the back. His classes were sporadic enough that our schedules didn’t match up often.

  “Just making appearances.” He looked around, making sure no one overheard him.

  I nodded. “Same here.” I looked around, seeing one of the underclassmen walk past with his phone up to his ear. As members of the team, we may have been provided special allowances to live outside of the house, but we were required to show up, to show our solidarity and, for lack of better words, team spirit.

  The owners wanted to cultivate a brotherhood on the team. For generations, they had successfully done so, weaving a network of loyalty and unwavering dedication. Once a Devil, always a Devil; they took care of you as long as you followed the rules.

  “I need to know something, man.” I reached over, grabbing a beer and keeping my gaze on the entrance to the kitchen.

  Marcus tipped his head, encouraging me to continue.

  “Anyone talking about the card game…or what happened to E?”

  Two players walked in and opened the fridge, describing a chick’s chest in graphic detail, then grabbed two beers and headed out.

  “A few are. Said the wrong girl showed up…once E said it was your little brother who fucked up his little brother, no one really questioned anything, but I don’t know if they’re curious about the girl who showed up. She wasn’t authorized to be down there.”

  No shit.

  I hadn’t told Marcus of my plan to be down there that night, taking Elias’s spot, setting up the car accident with my little brother so Elias’s Mom would call, nagging him to drive over to Pinehurst to check on him. The plan was supposed to be for Elias to get stuck on that call for thirty minutes then explain why he couldn’t go. By then he’d walk in on me fucking this girl he’d handpicked, and I’d walk away with a smile on my face.


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