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Revealing a Rogue

Page 6

by Rachel Ann Smith

  Landon turned to look out the carriage window, and she did likewise. Streaks of sunlight glinted off shop windows as they rolled onto the main thoroughfare.

  “Do you not fear I will be an embarrassment to you amongst the ton?”

  “Pfft. I care nothing for the opinion of the ton.” He continued to stare out the window. “Mama, Theo, and Christopher all agree—I’ve made a sage decision.”

  “I’ve not met either your mama or Lady Theo.”

  “Apparently, my brother has supplied my mama with enough details that she believes in her heart that you are perfect for me. Theo has her own sources and is extremely excited for our return and to make your acquaintance.” Landon chuckled and then turned to face her. “Some might say she ordered me to present you to her posthaste. Which I’ll happily do as soon as we are in accord.”

  “Are we in disaccord, my lord?”

  “Aye, as you aren’t comfortable yet calling me by my Christian name. But I hope to rectify the situation by the time we arrive in Gretna Green.”

  Oh, how she wished she’d managed to sleep the night prior. Landon had a sharp mind and was a master at disarming his witnesses. She’d need to keep her guard up and wits about her at all times.

  Chapter Eight

  Four years studying law at university and six years of cross-examinations in court had not provided Landon with the skills necessary to break down Bronwyn’s defenses. Emma was wise to ask him to be patient. For two days, Bronwyn steadfastly refused to give him any glimpse into the passionate woman he suspected lay beneath the remote exterior. They traveled in easy companionship, but as soon as a topic that bordered on a personal nature arose, Bronwyn would tactfully redirect their conversation.

  His fiancée blinked as she rose from a nap. She’d been fitful in her sleep, and Landon had carefully repositioned her in order for her to rest her head comfortably upon his shoulder.


  “Yes, my dear.” He fantasized about kissing her again, but she hadn’t shown any interest in repeating the act that kept him semi aroused.

  She sat up abruptly. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Why are you apologizing?” He caressed her cheek, where the seam of his coat had left an indentation. “As your fiancé, it is my duty to see to your comfort and needs.”

  The flare of interest he’d been hoping for blazed in her blue eyes. Landon trailed a finger down her neck and along her collar bone. Her breath hitched.

  Bronwyn’s gaze fixed on his mouth. Was she waiting for him to kiss her?

  He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to hers. She released a moan that prompted him to trail his tongue along the seam of her lips. She parted her lips, and the desire to devour her was overwhelming. From years of working alongside her, Landon had learned Bronwyn was a quick study, but the enchanting shift of her lips against his had him eager to explore and discover which of his caresses would send her over the edge. Would she entrust him with her body? There was but one way to find out.

  He pulled back slightly. Bronwyn was not ready to end the kiss. She pressed closer, extracting a deep growl from him as she reclaimed his mouth. He eased his tongue back into her mouth to explore and then began to withdraw. She surprised him as she captured his tongue between her lips. Oh. How he wanted her lips to circle other parts of his anatomy.

  Nibbling on her neck, Landon mumbled, “If you continue to kiss me that way, we’ll have to cut our journey short and wed by special license.”

  Bronwyn hooked her arms around his neck and guided his head back to her. Rather than reclaiming her rosy lips, he dipped his head lower and licked the valley between her breasts. Bronwyn’s sharp gasp was followed by a sweet purr. She edged forward, rocking her hips closer to him. As if connected, his body mimicked her movements. Ignoring the raging need to explore further, Landon grunted as he loosened his hold. He wasn’t about to take Bronwyn for the first time in a bloody coach. His body rebelled at his morality.

  Short of breath, she asked, “How much longer until we reach Scotland?”

  “We’ve merely begun our journey. At least another three or four days.”

  Bronwyn straightened and sat, staring wide-eyed at him. “Three days?”

  “At least.”

  Bronwyn’s brow creased into a frown, but her eyes were bright, still lit with desire.

  “I promise I’ll do whatever necessary to see to your comfort.”

  Her lips twisted into a smirk. “You promise?”

  Her cheeks were flushed, and her lips beckoned for kisses. He’d agree to anything at that moment. Landon swallowed hard and nodded. “On one condition…you have to tell me specifically what causes you discomfort.”

  It was Bronwyn’s turn to swallow hard.

  She slid her hand over his shoulder and began kneading the back of his neck. Her touch melted some of his anxiety over her answer. Leaning forward, she flicked his earlobe once before capturing it between her lips. Damn, the woman had learned his preferences fast. With a groan, he pushed her back, placing another inch of distance between them.

  He needed her agreement first. He wanted all of her—both heart and body.

  Firm but gentle, he said, “I need you to tell me, not show me.”

  “But…but I’m not sure what…how to describe my discomfort.” Her eyes fluttered closed.

  He couldn’t give in. “Please. Try.”

  His heart sank as Bronwyn sat back and busied herself, adjusting her skirts from side to side. He had ruined the moment. But there was too much at stake. If he was to fulfill his promise to Bronwyn’s best friend Emma, he needed to discover Bronwyn’s thoughts. The best way to achieve that was to gain her trust and have her share with him her feelings and opinions ranging from the trivial to intimate details like he had just requested.

  Back stiff, she leaned back against the cushioned coach bench. “I want to tell you…but I’ve not the words.” She wiggled her hips. With a side glance, she lowered her gaze to his breeches that were tented.

  Perhaps he was asking too much of an innocent. “Would you like me to assist with suggestions?”

  “Please.” Her eager tone was encouraging. He might be able to salvage this leg of the trip after all. He twisted and scooted back into the corner.

  He wrapped his arm around her back and tugged her to his side. “Relax.” Without hesitation, she did as he asked. His heart fluttered at the small indication of pure trust.

  He wasn’t certain how to begin. Balancing his two objectives would be difficult. “Shall I share with you my discomfort?”

  Damnation. What had he been thinking of positioning them where he could not read her features?

  “Your discomfort was obvious, my lord, but you cannot observe mine.” Bronwyn’s teasing set the tone of his reply.

  “Ah, but you are wrong, my dear.” He raised his hand to cup her breast. “I saw your taut nipples.” He ran his thumb over the pebbled bump in the material, and the gentle push against his hand was all the encouragement he needed to continue his exploration. “They’ve ached for attention from the moment I tasted you.” He slid a finger between the valley of her breasts. The back of his hand brushed against the soft velvet material of her gown.

  Bronwyn’s hand covered his, their fingers interlaced. She said, “Your caresses cause sensations that are befuddling. I simultaneously want…”

  Landon squeezed her nipple between one of his and her fingers. His actions elicited a moan of pure pleasure that, in turn, sent a surge of desire straight to his loins. To ease the ache, he shifted to settle Bronwyn comfortably against his chest. With his left hand, he gathered up handfuls of material until he had hiked up her skirt high enough to slip his hand over her thigh. He pushed her garter and silk stocking down until his palm rested against her warm skin.

  Tracing the curve of her ear with his tongue, Landon inched his fingers closer to her slit. He said, “I must confess most of my uneasiness centers between my legs, but my heart beats erratically, and my thought
s are scattered. I can’t decide where I want to touch you the most.”

  Bronwyn’s head rolled to the side, allowing full access to her beautiful neck.

  On a half sigh, half moan Bronwyn replied, “My skin is hot. I’m damp between my legs, and my breasts feel heavy.”

  His lips curved into a smile as he settled them upon her neck. Torn between settling for her description of her physical discomfort and the need to extract more from her, he gave her a gentle bite. “Is that all?”

  She wiggled her hips. Landon’s finger dipped lower and was coated in warm, delicious wetness. He wanted to withdraw his hand and put his finger in his mouth, eager to find out what she would taste like.

  “No, my lord, that is not all.” Bronwyn’s breathy response halted his hand’s retreat. “I’ve secretly imagined you stealing a kiss or two over the years, which caused a fluttering in my heart. But your kisses…they do much more than create a flutter. They generate a much deeper ache.”

  Oh, how he desperately wanted to ease her ache and make love to her. But for now, he would reward her bravery and honesty. He slid his finger along the wet slit between her thighs.

  He whispered, “Open for me, love.”

  Again, without hesitation, Bronwyn obeyed and spread her legs.

  “Wider.” Eyes closed, he mentally visualized himself kneeling between her thighs at the ready to taste her. He moved his fingers, mimicking the motions his tongue would perform one day soon.

  Arching her back, Bronwyn clenched her hand that remained atop his, over her breast. Even as a child, he was a skilled multitasker, able to rub his tummy and pat his head at the same time. In adulthood, that talent had translated into the ability to finger a woman while he simultaneously fondled, pinched, and teased her breast until she reached her peak. Circling the tender nub at her center with his left hand, he moved his right to Bronwyn’s neglected breast. Landon flicked the nipple to attention, and Bronwyn writhed against him. The curve of her bottom brushed against his hard member. He eased a finger into her channel and used his thumb to press and circle the sensitive skin above her entrance.

  Rotating her hips, Bronwyn released moan after moan.

  He withdrew his finger and tapped the swollen nub at her core. “Do you like that?”


  She jutted her hips as his fingers slapped against her. The thrill of learning Bronwyn’s preferences spurred him to continue. He alternated between sliding a finger into her and light taps.


  Her purrs of pleasure continued. Bronwyn’s inner muscles clamped tighter as he slid a second finger into her already stretched and ready channel. Sensing she was close to reaching her peak, Landon pumped his fingers, inching deeper until his palm laid flat against her. Seconds later, her back arched and she stiffened. He twisted to cover her mouth with his as she cried out in pleasure. Reluctantly he released her sweet lips, but he continued stroke his wife-to-be until her pulsating muscles relaxed and her body collapsed against his.

  His own breathing was ragged and labored. Landon withdrew his hand and licked his fingers. “Hmm…”

  Wide-eyed, Bronwyn asked, “You enjoy the taste of me?”

  “Aye, and I can’t wait to taste you properly.” The woman was a blend of sweet and salty and he was eager to experience the flavor fully.

  She swiveled and leaned back against his chest. With a curt nod she said, “I too am looking forward to it.”

  Landon chuckled. Aye. The devilishly smart minx was a fast study.

  Removing his hand from her chest, he adjusted himself without success. He’d have to refrain from touching Bronwyn and hope his body would relax. His fiancée had other ideas. She pressed closer and snuggled against his side. He rested the back of his head against the coach wall and recited the alphabet in French, German and Latin.

  Landon blinked his eyes open. He must have dozed off.

  Bronwyn had her arms wound tightly about his waist. Now that she had trusted him with her body, would she trust him with her emotions?

  As the day came to an end, he gently shook Bronwyn awake. “We shall be arriving at the coaching inn soon.”

  With a broad smile, she peered up at him. “Do you think this one might have a hip bath available?”

  The day before, they had arrived late at the Network inn, and Bronwyn hadn’t wanted to add to the staff’s duties. Neither Peyton nor she were accustomed to traveling and had fallen fast asleep in one of the two rooms Landon had reserved for their stay.

  “I shall see to it that one is brought up for you.”

  “Will you always be accommodating, or once we are married, will the staid, proper Landon return?”

  Staid and proper. Ha. If she were a mind reader, she’d have known years ago his thoughts were anything but gentlemanly. He asked, “Which version do you prefer?”

  “I’ll admit at first I was caught off guard, finding myself betrothed to a rogue…”

  “A rogue? I don’t believe I’ve ever…”

  Bronwyn shifted, and her hand came to rest on his thigh, halting his speech.

  “Not literally. I’d never believe you to be dishonest or a scoundrel, but in the vein that you were behaving most unpredictably.”


  Her cheek brushed against his chest as she nodded. “Yes. Or perhaps a better descriptor would be impulsive.”

  “My dear, apparently, my mind remains foggy from your kisses. I’m not following.” He wasn’t exaggerating. Her innocent movements were playing havoc with his body and mind.

  “Your actions have been contrary to what I’d come to expect from you. The man I spent the better part of every day with, assisting in preparing court arguments and dissertations, would never act rashly.”

  Had his behavior altered that noticeably over the past two years? He waited, and when she finally peered up at him, Landon said, “Please outline for me what behaviors I exhibited that were out of character.”

  “With pleasure. First, you proposed to me, of all people. Second, you acquiesced to my demands without any real attempt to negotiate. Third, your kisses make my toes curl in my shoes.”

  A chuckle bubbled up from his chest. “Let me reiterate once again my reasoning for proposing to you, Bronwyn Cadby. Apparently, I’ve made a hash of my prior two attempts.” He didn’t take his eyes off her. “For the past two years, since I inherited the Hadfield title, there has only been one woman who entered my thoughts daily, and that is you.” He gave her a quick kiss to punctuate his statement. “There is no other who knows me as well as you do, nor one as brave as you to marry a PORF.” He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his chest. “You have stated that I’m oblivious as to who you really are, yet you have rebuffed my every effort these past days to become better acquainted with you.”

  She curled her fingers into his. “I shall promise to be forthright with you if you promise to remain the rogue who kisses me unexpectedly.”

  He tugged her closer. “You have my word.”

  The coach door handle rattled.

  Bronwyn pulled away and ran a hand over her mussed coiffure. “How do I look?”


  “You are a terrible liar. Your dimple gives you away every time.” Bronwyn lifted her skirts as the coach door opened—a footman stood ready to assist her.

  The woman did know him well. He needed to convince his fiancée that he knew her just as well. He could recall every minute detail of her features and mannerisms. But if questioned about her likes and dislikes, he might need to make further inquiries. He did know, with absolute certainty, she enjoyed his kisses and caresses.

  Chapter Nine

  Perched precariously on the coach bench, Bronwyn wrapped her arms about her midsection and gasped for air between bursts of laughter.

  Landon’s forehead was scrunched and his lips drawn into a tight line, his attempt at imitating Mr. Rutherford.

  Gasping for air, Bronwyn pleaded, “Stop. You must st
op; my stomach aches.”

  She rolled back, and Landon caught the back of her head before it hit the wall of the coach. His impressions of various members of the Network were on point.

  Her fiancé had kept the mood light the entire day as if Landon had sensed her growing apprehension toward arriving in Scotland. For the past three days they shared both serious and humorous stories of their upbringing. Landon, in turn, had kept his promise and provided her with kisses at the most unexpected moments.

  As they neared their destination, her fear of failing him grew. He was a remarkable man who needed an extraordinary woman for a wife. Not a shopkeeper’s daughter who happened to be born with a mind for debate and a tongue that longed for the taste of him. Despite his reassurances that she was the wife he wanted, the persistent suspicion that she wasn’t good enough for him waged a war upon her confidence.

  Landon gripped her hand. “Are you nervous?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve no concerns about marrying you.”

  Landon reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the rondure and a shiny ring with a unique stone in the center. Landon slipped the coin back into his pocket. The freedom to be herself over the past few days had lulled her into believing he was simply a man ready to wed. But in truth, Landon was an extremely wealthy and powerful man in need of a wife. How could he have no misgivings about marrying her?

  She didn’t believe love was required to make a marriage successful, but as the days had passed, she had begun to wish for him to utter the foolish words. He desired her, as she lusted for him. Was it enough?

  Landon reached for her hand. “This ring is for you, a symbol of my true intentions. But before I give it to you, I want you to know that while it is my wish to marry you, I will not force you or order you to marry me.” He placed the ring in the center of her palm and closed her fingers over it. “If you decide to wear it, I’ll know you believe me when I say there is no other woman for me.” He placed a chaste kiss upon her hand and exited the travel coach, leaving the door open behind him.


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