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Bria and the Tiger (The Shifters Series Book 5)

Page 13

by Elizabeth Kelly

  “Starving!” She dug into the meat with relish. When his stomach rumbled, she grinned at him and fed him some of the meat before sharing her glass of juice. “I hardly ever eat raw meat. God, this is so good.”

  When they had finished off the meat, she reclined against the pillows and gave him a sweet look. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m going to have a quick shower, all right?”

  She nodded, her eyes already beginning to drift shut. He guessed he had about three hours before she was hungry for him again. He kissed her forehead as she turned on her side and burrowed under the covers.

  He would have to buy new sheets. He grinned to himself. She had shredded through all three sets before he’d gotten smart and tied her to the bed. Being restrained had ratcheted up her desire to an all new level, and she didn’t hold back her screams and growls of pleasure. He supposed he was lucky his neighbours hadn’t called the damn cops.

  He stroked her back, pulling another warm purr from her throat, before heading to the master bathroom. He studied his bitten, scratched and bruised chest in the mirror before turning and staring at his back. God, the little tiger had sharp claws. If he hadn’t restrained her, his back would be hamburger by now. It was going to take longer than usual to heal from the deep slashes.

  As he turned the shower on and ducked under the hot spray, he smiled again. He would have to restrain her much earlier during her next heat. He didn’t mind scratching and biting, in fact it raised his own desire, but even he had his limits. She was the smallest tiger shifter he’d ever met but she was feisty as hell. He flinched as the water rained down on his back. Hell, feisty might be a bit too tame for her.

  He showered quickly, washing the dried blood from his back and chest before sliding into the bed next to Bria. She didn’t move, and he curled on his side, studying her smooth back before tracing his finger down the curve of her spine. He would pick up some silk scarves, maybe even handcuffs, before Bria’s next heat.

  How do you know she’ll come to you for her next heat? This cycle came early and took her off guard. It’s the only reason she asked for your help. If you hadn’t come back to the office, she’d be in some other shifter’s bed right now.

  His tiger growled angrily at the thought. Trying to soothe it, he shifted closer to her and wrapped his arm around her slender waist. She tucked into him, purring in her sleep, and he kissed her neck before closing his eyes.

  He woke a few hours later to the feel of Bria’s warm, wet tongue sliding across his chest. He groaned when her small hand wrapped around his cock and fisted him into hardness. She purred and straddled him, rubbing her wetness against his cock before sliding him deep inside of her. Despite her slender size, she took him easily and he caught her wrists before she could sink her claws into his abdomen.

  “I love your cock,” she said breathlessly as she rode him. “It’s the best cock ever.”

  His rumble of laughter turned into a harsh moan when she squeezed him with her inner muscles. “You’re so thick. I’ve never been with anyone as big as you.”

  He groaned as she squeezed him again. “You’re going to fuck me every heat. Say it.”

  “I’ll fuck you every heat.” He braced his feet on the bed and met each of her thrusts.

  She tried to pull her wrists free and growled at him when he wouldn’t let her go.

  “No, baby. No more scratching.” He tightened his grip on her wrists and stopped her when she tried to rake her claws across his stomach.

  “You’re mine,” she said.

  “I’m you -”

  Holy hell, what was he doing? He clamped his mouth shut and tried to distract her with a few rough thrusts of his pelvis.

  She hissed at him. “Mine. Say it.”

  He flipped her onto her back and entered her with one hard push. He caught her wrists and pinned them above her head. She hooked her legs around his waist and hissed again at him.

  “Say it!”

  He bent his head and sucked on one perfect pink nipple in a desperate attempt to distract her, and to stop himself from saying he was hers. She arched upward, making low moans and purrs before coming hard around his cock.

  He fucked her into three more orgasms before she whispered, “Better.”

  He released her wrists and she moved her hands to his waist. Sated for now, she didn’t sink her claws into him and he propped himself up on his hands above her. He plunged in and out of her with quick, hard strokes before climaxing. Her pussy gripped him tightly and he moaned her name before burying his face in her neck. He licked her damp skin and purred to her. She purred back before licking the bite marks on his shoulder.

  When he rolled off of her, she gave him a sleepy look of contentment. “So good, honey.”

  “Go to sleep, baby,” he said. She curled into him and he tried not to wince when her hand brushed across his back. Ten minutes later she was fast asleep, and he was still staring at the wall. She had said he was hers. She hadn’t meant it. Cat shifters always got possessive and weird during their heats. Still, his immediate urge to agree with her, to tell her that he was hers, was unnerving.

  You know that’s bullshit. None of the other cat shifters you’ve helped during their heats ever got possessive of you.

  Bria hadn’t meant what she said. Just like he hadn’t meant to almost tell her he was hers. They had both just gotten caught up in the moment, nothing more.

  Chapter Nine

  Bria blinked at the bright afternoon light that was streaming into the bedroom before stretching gingerly. Her entire body was sore and there was a particularly deep ache in her pelvis and thighs.

  She lay quietly for a moment. Her heat cycle was over and now that the overpowering need had disappeared, she could feel every ache and pain in her overused body. God, she needed to do more yoga or something. She had never hurt this badly after her heat cycle before.

  You never had this much sex before.

  That was a good point. The last two days were a bit hazy – all right, really hazy – but she remembered enough to know that she and Jace had more sex than she thought was possible. The need to take him, to claim him, had been so intense. A little shiver ran down her spine – what was happening to her? Her previous heat cycles had never been like this.

  It’s just because you aren’t having sex on a regular basis, that’s all. You’re not a freak.

  Right – so why did she feel like such a freak?

  She glanced behind her. Jace was burrowed under the covers with just the top of his dark hair sticking out. She felt a wave of affection that made her stomach twist with nervousness. She was not starting to feel something for her boss – that was just the lingering effects of her heat cycle. She really should have a shower and go home. Jace had to be tired of her by now.

  She eased out of the bed. She wouldn’t run away like she did the last time, she was an adult for God’s sake. She would make him breakfast, it was the least she could do after he helped her for the last two days, and then make a graceful exit.

  She stumbled on her first few steps to the bathroom. A ribbon of sheet was wrapped around her calf and she unwrapped it before lifting the quilt and peeking at the sheets. She would have to buy him new ones. These were completely destroyed.

  Nearly an hour later, Bria hummed softly as she turned the bacon in the frying pan. She was feeling much better after her hot shower, and the ache in her pelvis and thighs was more bearable now. She’d borrowed one of Jace’s t-shirts and she touched the smooth material before grabbing some eggs from the fridge. She started to sing, her alto voice filling the small kitchen, as she placed the eggs on the counter before turning the bacon again.

  She thought of Jace asleep in the bedroom, his naked body cocooned in the warmth of his bed, and a thread of lust went through her. Maybe after eating she could convince him to have a quickie before she returned to her own home.

  God, Bria. What is wrong with you? You just had a marathon round of sex with him for the last
two days and you want to sleep with him again? Have some self-control, for God’s sake. He’s not going to want you again.

  Probably not, she mused as she picked up an egg, but maybe if she pretended she was still in her heat cycle he would let her have her way with him again. Hell, she could actually focus on his pleasure this time – he would like that.

  The details of the weekend were hazy, but she knew from past experience, that she wouldn’t have gone down on him or given a moment’s thought to his pleasure. It was all about her during her heat cycle and normally that didn’t bother her. In the past, there had always been the in-between times of her heat cycle to focus on her partner’s pleasure. But if she was only going to be with Jace when she was in heat, well – that didn’t seem entirely fair to her. She really needed to maintain better focus during her heat. She would try during the next one, try to remember that Jace needed pleasure as well.

  Who says you’ll be with him during your next heat cycle? He only helped you because you begged him, remember?

  Her face flushed with embarrassment. That was true but Jace had made it perfectly clear that he was willing to help her.

  Yeah, and you rejected him. Just because he took pity on you this time doesn’t mean he will the next time. Even if he does – is that really what you want? Do you want to be that girl who uses a guy once a month to scratch an itch? You want a relationship, you know you do, and Jace doesn’t. You’re better off concentrating on finding a nice shifter who wants you for more than –

  “Well, hello there.”

  The sound of the unfamiliar voice made her squeeze the egg in her hand. It cracked and its insides slithering into the sink. She dropped the shell in the sink and whipped around. She stared wide-eyed at the man and woman standing in the kitchen and her tiger made a warning growl.

  The man held his hands up. “Easy there, girl.” He sniffed in her direction before glancing at the woman standing beside him. “She’s small for a tiger shifter, huh?”

  “Wh- who are you?” Bria stuttered.

  “I’m Robert Shepherd and this is my mate, Velma. Who are you and what are you doing in my son’s kitchen?” The man raised his eyebrows at her as Velma made a small, tinkling laugh.

  “I think it’s obvious what she’s doing, Bobby.”

  “Bria? Is that bacon? I’m starving.” Jace strolled into the kitchen wearing nothing but a pair of pajama bottoms. A small moan escaped Bria’s throat.

  His chest was covered in bites, bruises and claw marks, and bile rose in her throat. He looked like he had been through a battle of epic proportions. Her cheeks burned with shame as Jace blinked in surprise at the couple standing in the kitchen.

  “Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?”

  “Honey, your chest!” Velma said in a horrified voice. “What happened?”

  “I think it’s obvious what happened, Velma,” Jace’s father snickered.

  Both his parents stared at her and Bria turned bright red.

  “What are you guys doing here?” Jace repeated.

  “We were supposed to have lunch an hour ago,” Velma said. “We were worried when you didn’t show up and decided to check on you. You weren’t answering your cell phone.”

  “I’m sorry. I forgot, but you can’t just walk into my house without knocking.” Jace ran a hand through his dark hair.

  “We didn’t realize you had company,” his father said.

  “Um, I,” Jace glanced at Bria, “this is Bria. Bria, these are my parents, Robert and Velma.”

  “Oh, we’ve met,” Robert said cheerfully.

  “Right.” Jace stared blankly at his bruised and bitten chest. “I’ll just, um, go grab a shirt.”

  He turned, and Velma’s horrified gasp echoed through the small kitchen. “Oh, Jace!”

  She turned an accusing stare to Bria.

  Bria couldn’t hide her own look of horror. Jace’s back was even worse than his chest. It was completely covered in deep slashes, and her pulse beat thickly in her ears as she stared at the torn flesh and bruising. What the fuck had she done to him?

  “It’s fine, Mom.” Jace left the kitchen.

  Bria, blinking rapidly to hold back the hot tears, gave his parents a sick look of embarrassment. “I – I should go. I’m sorry.”

  She ran from the kitchen and hurried into Jace’s bedroom. He was in the bathroom and she dressed quickly before grabbing her purse.

  “Bria? What are you doing?” He came out of the bathroom, pulling a shirt over his head. She flinched again at the sight of his chest.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, “I – I didn’t mean to hurt you so badly.”

  “You didn’t. It’s already starting to heal.”

  “It was worse?” Her stomach rolled and for one moment she thought she was going to barf all over his bedroom floor.

  “It’s okay.” He gave her a look of alarm. “Bria, sit down. I just need a minute with my parents and then we’ll talk about -”

  “No,” she said. “I – I really need to go. I can’t, I mean I shouldn’t, stay any longer. Thank you for helping me. I’m so sorry about hurting you like that.”

  “You don’t have your car here. Let me give you a ride home.”

  “I can call an Uber.” She gave him another sick smile of shame. “Please tell your parents I’m sorry for making you miss your family lunch.”

  * * *

  “Bria, wait!”

  Jace cursed under his breath as Bria ignored him and ran out of the bedroom. He punched the wall when he heard the front door slam shut. He took a few minutes to calm his tiger before returning to the kitchen. His mother was cooking some eggs and his father was sampling a piece of bacon from the frying pan.

  He grinned at Jace as he crunched the bacon down. “She seems nice. Tiny for a tiger shifter but apparently quite the wildcat.”

  Jace blushed and Velma whacked his father with the spatula. “Bobby, you’re embarrassing him. Grab some plates from the cupboard.”

  As his father grabbed the plates and utensils, she smiled at Jace, but he could see the uneasiness lurking beneath the surface of her smile. “So, are you and Bria serious?”


  “You’re sure?” His dad said. “She looked pretty comfortable in your kitchen.”

  “We’re not serious. I was just helping her through her heat.”

  He didn’t miss the look of relief between his parents. His stomach churned but he understood why they were relieved. After what happened with Jonah, he couldn’t blame them. Not to mention the way he himself had been after he and Tabitha ended things. It was no surprise that his parents were leery about him dating.

  “Are you driving with us to Ashley’s engagement party this weekend?” His father ate another piece of bacon.

  “No. I’ll take my own car,” Jace said.

  “Are you driving up Friday night or Saturday morning?” His mother added two eggs to a plate as the toast popped up.

  “Probably Saturday morning.” Jace buttered the toast and added it to the stack on the table.

  “Why don’t you drive up Friday night and we’ll have dinner at that restaurant – Bobby, what’s the name of it again?”

  “Franco’s,” Bobby said.

  “That’s right, Franco’s. Your aunt says they have amazing pasta.” Velma put eggs on the remaining two plates before placing the bacon on the table.

  “I have a showing on Friday afternoon. I may not be finished in time to drive up and meet you for dinner.”

  “All right, but make sure you leave in plenty of time on Saturday morning,” Velma said.

  Jace joined his parents at the table and quickly ate a piece of toast and most of his bacon. He really was starving. Starving and tired and more than a little sore.

  His tiger made a low growl of satisfaction. He had pleased his mate well this weekend and that made him happy, despite the pain in his back and chest.

  Shit. He stared at the food on his plate. His appetite had disappeared. and
nausea had taken its place. His tiger was still calling Bria his mate. He was so screwed.

  “Velma, did you tell him?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Tell me what?” Jace glanced at his mother.

  “Marilyn will be at the engagement party.”

  He groaned and pushed his plate away before standing and pouring himself a cup of coffee. “Why? Ashley and she aren’t friends.”

  “No, but their mothers are,” Velma said.

  “You should bring Bria,” his father said.

  Jace’s mouth dropped open as his mother said, “Why on earth would he do that? They’re not even dating.”

  She turned to Jace, the anxiety evident in her voice. “You’re not dating her. Right, honey?”

  “No, I’m not,” he said.

  “I know,” Bobby said. “But Marilyn doesn’t know that. He could use that wee tiger shifter to fend her off.”

  “Marilyn outweighs that little thing by sixty pounds. She’s big even for a female lion shifter.” Velma ate some eggs before sipping at her coffee.

  Bobby shrugged. “After seeing Jace’s chest and back - my money is on the wee tiger shifter. Think about it, son – you know Marilyn is like a dog with a bone when it comes to you. If you show up with a date, it’ll help cool her off. She doesn’t have to know that Bria means nothing to you.”

  Jace didn’t reply and his father glanced at his mother. “You know what, forget I said anything. It’s a dumb idea.”

  “It’ll be fine,” Velma said. “Just be polite to Marilyn.”

  “And when she tries to corner you in the bathroom for a quickie, duck and run,” Bobby said.

  “Dad!” Jace glared at him. “Seriously?”

  “Why does he get so grossed out when I bring up sex around him?” Bobby said to Velma with a grin. “It’s like he thinks we don’t have sex or even know what it is.”

  “Keep talking about sex and I’m kicking you out of my house,” Jace said.

  His father laughed as Velma patted Jace’s arm. “It’ll be fine, honey. Maybe Marilyn has a mate now.”

  “Maybe I should just skip the engagement party.”


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