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A Chance Encounter (St. John Series Book 10)

Page 12

by Lora Thomas

  Oliver’s right brow shot upwards. Was she propositioning him? “Very well.”

  They made their way away from the Piazza and found a small group of people dancing. The music here was slower and quieter than that of the square. She took his hand and led him to the edge of the crowd. His hand held onto hers as the other was placed upon the small of her back. Suddenly, they were surrounded by couples dancing together. He moved her with grace and ease through the crush of people. The hand upon her back pulled her closer to his body, and his scent drifted to her. It was clean and masculine. The moonlight cast shadows upon his square jawline, and the lantern light caused his green eyes to appear dark. His lips were firm and perfectly shaped. He gazed deep into her dark eyes, and she felt her knees grow weak. The strangest sensations flooded her loins and caused her legs to tingle with anticipation. There was no need for her to try to seduce him for he was seducing her with only his eyes.

  As Oliver gazed upon Madelena, he could not help but marvel at her beauty. Yet there was a vulnerability to her. She seemed like a lost lamb looking for her place in this world. However, there was passion in her dark eyes, a purpose to the tilt of her chin and a determination in her spirit. The moonlight danced over her face making her appear like a forbidden temptation. A sprite come to seduce him. A fairy come to steal him of his senses and leave him begging for more. His gaze landed on her slightly parted, full, pink lips. They called to him, and he answered. She did not fight his kiss but instead leaned into him. Their mouths lightly drifted over the other, teasing, tempting. He pulled her closer as he deepened the kiss. She did not protest but willingly opened her mouth to him so his tongue could explore her. Her body melted to his, and a whimper left her. He relinquished her mouth and locked eyes with her, fully expecting her to slap him or dart away like she had for the past three nights. Instead, she placed her hand gently upon his cheek and kissed him again, pressing her body fully against his. Her tongue jutted outward and entered his mouth. He crushed her against his body and continued the kiss. Each second that passed, the more passionate they became. He raised his head and placed his forehead to hers.

  “Would it be too bold of me to ask you to accompany me home this evening?”

  She shook her head and managed to whisper, “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Chapter Ten

  Madelena could hear her heart hammering in her ears. She tried to swallow only to find the task nearly impossible. Her mouth was suddenly dry. Yet her palms were so sweaty she feared she might drop the beautiful bouquet of flowers. She followed Oliver contemplating her rash decision. He was a fine specimen and very handsome and witty and easy to be around. However, what did this say about his character? He was willing to ask a total stranger to come home with him.

  “What does this say about your character?” a little voice inside her head asked.

  Madelena closed her eyes. She could not go through with this. As much as she enjoyed the past four evenings, this was something that was not in her character. She was no strumpet. She looked around the area where Oliver was taking her. It was one of the more elite sides of town on the outskirts of the city near a large pond. She had been to the neighborhood several times with her parents to visit Signore and Signora Cancio. How could she have been so thoughtless?! She knew that Martin Henshaw lived next to the Cancios. She could not allow her father to inflict his wrath upon the Henshaws. She liked the Henshaws. The few times she’d spoken with Signora Henshaw, Madelena wished she could have gotten to know the woman better.

  Before she realized what was happening, Madelena found herself walking up the path to the Henshaws’ home. Her eyes drifted to the Cancio residence. A faint light was in the upstairs window. Would Nichole be watching?

  “Are you coming?” Oliver asked.

  Madelena looked his way and realized that she had stopped walking.

  “If you have changed your mind, I will gladly escort you back home.”

  Madelena looked at the Cancio house again. Nichole was a close confidant of Sandra’s and most likely knew of the upcoming nuptials. Nuptials to a man Madelena knew nothing of but already detested. Her gaze landed back on Oliver. If she was to lose her virginity to a stranger, then let it be to this man.

  She shook her head. “No. I was just marveling at the landscape.”

  Oliver held out his hand, and she took it. Warmth flooded her from his touch. They made their way inside. Oliver took her flowers and placed them in a pitcher of water meant for drinking that was sitting by the doorway.

  Madelena gave him a quizzical glance.

  Oliver shrugged. “We can’t have them dying now, can we?”

  “Of course not.”

  She followed Oliver through the home, not paying attention to the décor or elaborate furnishings. All she could think of was what was about to transpire, an event she knew nothing about. Would he be angry when he learned she knew nothing of lovemaking? Would he cast her out and tell her never to return?

  The sound of the door closing behind her brought her thoughts to the moment at hand. They had made it to Oliver’s quarters. The room was dark, save for the lamp burning by the bedside table. She could tell the room was large but not much else. The woodwork and furnishings were shrouded in darkness.

  Her eyes came to his, and in that instant, her fear left. There was something about this man before her that she trusted. She knew he would do her no harm, and if she asked him to take her home this instant, he would.

  He stepped forward, and his lips found hers in a tender kiss. She returned his affections, all too aware of his presence. She pressed her body to his, and her heart rate increased from anticipation. The kiss intensified. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gasped slightly when she felt his hand upon her breast. But she was not afraid. The feel of him caressing her caused a longing sensation deep within her, a feeling like she had never experienced before.

  His lips left hers and traveled down her cheek and to her neck, stopping at the mounds of her breasts. His tongue traced them, and she closed her eyes with pleasure. His mouth made its way back up her neck to her ear and then her lips. She could feel his hands upon her back, loosening the laces upon her dress. If she wanted this to stop, now was the time.

  When her dress fell to the floor, her courage began to leave. His fingers brushed over one of the thin straps to her shift sliding it from her shoulder. Her insides quivered. She could not do this. But when she felt the heat of Oliver’s touch upon her breast as he took her nipple into his mouth, all sense of reasoning left her. Her hand captured his head, holding him in place as he teased and nipped at her budding nipple. In an instant, he had scooped her up in his arms, leaving her dress by the door, and carried her to the bed that had been turned down by the servants. He placed her down by the bed and caressed her cheek.

  She watched as he stripped out of his coat. His fingers fumbled with the cravat around his neck, and he mumbled a curse when the knot refused to be undone.

  “Allow me,” she said, closing her fingers over his.

  He nodded, and she began loosening the knot. Her fingers glanced over his flesh, and the heat penetrated her. She locked her gaze with his when the cravat was undone and allowed to hang loosely around his neck. She could not help herself. She had never seen a man without their clothing and was curious as to what he would look like. She began working on the laces to his tunic. Slowly, she removed the string until the deep “V” of his shirt was open. Her fingers found his skin, and he closed his lids. His chest was firm and tanned. But she wanted to see more.

  He sensed her need and pulled at the tunic until it was over his head. Tossing the black garment to the floor, her gaze fixated upon his smooth chest that was rippled with muscles. Instinct took over as her hand reached outward, caressing each muscle along his chest and abdomen.

  His hand found the nape of her neck and pulled her in close for a kiss. As he did, she could feel her shift slowly begin to rise upward. Over her hips, the material glided. She felt h
is fingers lightly touch her sides as he pulled her shift off and over her head. She stood before him with nothing on. No clothing to protect her. She felt embarrassed and ashamed until she heard him speak.

  “You are so beautiful. I could only imagine what you looked like under that dress. And now to see the treasure beneath, I can rest a happy man.”

  He leaned over and took her breast into his mouth again. Searing heat tore through her body. She wanted him to touch her. She needed him to touch her. Her body felt like it would go up in flames. The throbbing in her loins was maddening. Suddenly she found herself sitting on the bed, unaware of how she got there. Her gaze landed on Oliver and watched as his fingers loosened the buttons on his breeches. When the buttons were undone, he sat upon the bed and removed his boots before standing again. When he stood, he gave a quick push down and his clothing fell from his body. Her eyes widened upon seeing all of him. His shaft was right before her standing erect, thick and hard. Her curiosity took over. She had to know what it felt like. Her fingers wrapped around him, causing his eyes to close and a deep moan to leave him. Her fingers gently caressed him from where his shaft joined his body to the tip and back down again.

  “Egad, you little vixen,” Oliver mumbled, his voice husky with desire. “You are going to make me explode before I have had my taste of you.”

  She had no idea what he meant, and her expression must have shown it.

  “Don’t be afraid. I will not bite,” Oliver said as he gently pushed her shoulders. She landed on the bed and was surprised when he lay on top of her. He began the assault of her senses again. His hands were everywhere but nowhere near enough. When she felt him caress the nub of her woman core, her back arched, and she writhed in pleasure. It was amazing! These feelings coursing through her veins were ones she did not want to stop, but she needed something more.

  He stopped his touch, and she felt his weight on top of her. His knee eased her legs apart, and he kissed her again. He settled his body between her thighs. She could feel his maleness touch the outer core of her most intimate area. In the next instant, there was pain.

  “Bloody hell!” Oliver exclaimed in English, his movement in her body stopping. “You’re a virgin!”


  His gaze locked with hers, and for a moment she thought he might toss her out.

  “The damage is done,” she whispered. “I wanted a night of pleasure from you. Please do not deny me.”

  He closed his eyes and mentally cursed himself.

  Her hands found his backside as her lips nipped his neck. “You make me feel things that I have never felt before. I need to feel more. I want nothing else but for you to show me where these sensations will lead.”

  Hell, he thought to himself. He stared at Maddie. She was correct. The damage was done, and there was no bringing back her maidenhead. Her hips rose up slightly, and he could feel the heat flood again to his loins. His hips moved against her, and she joined him. As he moved inside her, he could feel her become wet from the motion. She was so warm and tight around him, and he soon found himself forgetting about her innocence. His hand found her leg and slid upward to her buttocks, pulling her leg high upon his side as he thrust deep inside of her. Her fingers dug down his back as he moved within her. Her movements were jerking and slow at first. He eased his pace, allowing her to learn her own rhythm. Soon they were moving in unison.

  Madelena did not know what was happening inside her body. She wanted these sensations to continue but wanted something more. Something she could not describe. The feel of Oliver moving inside of her caused a fire to burn within her. Her lips moved unabashedly against his. Her hands had a mind of their own as they found his backside ushering him to push harder. Her legs parted wider, and she discovered that she wanted more. He complied and thrust deep inside her. Her breathing came out in a pant, and everything within her was solely focused on finding out where these sensations would take her. In an instant, she cried out in pleasure as shuddering spasms coursed through her body, causing her back to arch. The feelings were unlike anything she had ever experienced. Her body quivered and shook from pleasure for what seemed like hours. She did not want it to end. The fire burning deep within her lessened, and she came floating back down from her pleasure. As her bliss was subsiding, she could feel Oliver still moving inside her, and then he stiffened and moaned. He buried his face in the nape of her neck and lay motionless for several minutes. When he raised his head, she looked bashfully away.

  “Do I need to ask why you wanted to do this?” Oliver asked.

  Madelena looked at him. “No. Just know I wanted to know what this was like by you.”

  “If I had known—”

  “If you had known I was a virgin, you would have never gone this far. I know. That is why I did not tell you. And, no, I do not want nor expect a marriage proposal from you. I am quite happy being unwed. I just wanted to know what it was like.”

  “Why me?” Before she could answer, Oliver spoke. “Never mind. I most likely would not like the answer anyway.” He rolled from her and propped his head upon his elbow. “You are the most unusual woman I have ever met.”

  She smiled. “Good.”

  “I could be a tyrant.”

  Her hand came to his face. “But you are not. You are good. I can see it in you.”

  Silence settled between them.

  “Are you angry with me?” Madelena asked.

  A deep breath left Oliver. He should be. He was no teacher and did not want to be anyone’s first. That is why he avoided virgins. And now? Well, now, he found that he still held onto that notion. Except now, the woman he wanted was no longer innocent—even though it was his fault.

  “I should be,” he answered. “But I am not.”


  He nodded. “Yes. I made it a mission of mine to avoid virgins. Much too clingy and marriage hungry. But you said you had no desire for marriage. And neither do I. And now since you are no longer innocent in the ways of the world, should you have a desire for me again, I can eagerly accept you into my bed with the full knowledge that you are not a virgin nor a woman of loose morals for I was the cause of your fall from grace.”

  Madelena drew her brows together as she listened to him ramble. “I am not certain if I should be mad at you or take that as a compliment.”

  “Compliment, Maddie. I find you to be the most extraordinary woman I have ever met. You are an entrepreneur. You are independent. You openly speak your mind. You seek out what you want and are not afraid of the consequences. Those are qualities that make for a very intriguing woman.”

  “Most men find those qualities reasons to avoid me.”

  “Then those men are idiots.”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Oliver asked.

  “For helping me realize that I did not make a mistake by choosing you.”

  “You are welcome.” Oliver lay down on his side and heard the clock chime four. “It is getting late. You are most welcome to stay here and rest a bit.”

  “I would like that.” She lay down upon her side. She would allow him to think she would rest. The instant he dozed off to sleep, she would slip away. The longer she lay in the bed, listening to the lulling tick of the clock and watching Oliver’s breathing, the heavier her lids grew, and she soon drifted off to sleep.

  Light flooded the room. “Oliver St. John!” a voice boomed across the room. “If you are the cause of Antonio Russo demanding entrance into my home, there will be no need for you to take a ship back to Governor’s Harbour because I will kick your ass so hard you will fly across the bloody ocean!”

  Both Madelena and Oliver sat upright as if someone was pulling them by their hair. Madelena gasped when she spied Martin Henshaw standing by the window, pulling the curtain back. A strange noise left her as she laid back down and pulled the cover over her head.

  “Sweet Judas, Martin,” Oliver complained, lying back down. “The least you could do is knock first.”

  “Knock? You want me to knock?” A curse left Martin as he tripped over articles of clothing strewn about the room. “Please tell me you are not the reason for Russo’s latest warpath.”

  When Madelena heard Martin mention her father’s name, she cringed and tightened her hold upon the covers over her head. How could she have been so careless? She was not supposed to fall asleep!

  “What are you rambling about, Martin?” Oliver asked. “And why are you here? I thought you were visiting with Geneva’s mother last night?”

  “I was. That woman is irritating. I decided to come home early. As I was making my way home, I was stopped by Russo asking me if I had any knowledge of the whereabouts of his daughter. Naturally, I told him no. He then proceeded to tell me that she had been missing all night and that he was doing a thorough search of everyone’s home looking for her for someone saw her headed this direction last night. And when I passed by Cancios, I overheard one of Russo’s men speaking with Signora Cancio and she told them she saw a woman of Madelena’s description enter my home. Please tell me that is a lie.” Martin approached the bed and glanced down. Upon seeing a figure in the bed, his eyes widened. In a voice resembling a squeak, he said, “Please tell me that is a lie.”

  Oliver moaned. “Martin, I am in no mood for your paranoia. And get the hell out! I do not barge into your room without knocking.”

  Martin ignored his friend’s sour disposition. “Show yourself, woman.” When Madelena shook her head no, Martin growled. “Do it, or I will toss these bloody covers from your body myself.”

  Madelena cringed. This was not going as planned! If she had only not drifted off to sleep. She blamed the wine. That had to be the reason she had slept so soundly as not to notice the dawn. She lowered the cover, exposing the top half of her face.

  “I need to see more than just your eyes,” Martin growled.

  She lowered the covers to her neck and watched as both of Martin’s hands went to his head. His fingers fisted around his perfectly manicured hair and pulled outward. When he released his hair, it was standing straight outward like bird wings. He turned and paced the floor, mumbling. Suddenly, he whipped around and pointed angrily at Oliver.


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