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A Chance Encounter (St. John Series Book 10)

Page 33

by Lora Thomas

  “She was a pirate,” Oliver reminded him.

  “I know, Sir Oliver. Just hearing a lady speak those words…well, it’s unnerving.”

  “Then don’t sail with her.” Oliver patted Geoffery upon the arm. “Tell my parents I will be in the sitting room.”

  “Very good, sir.”

  Madelena’s quick intake of breath caused Oliver to chuckle.


  Her eyes widened upon viewing the interior of the home. Pristine white walls and emerald curtains adorned the foyer. Upon the center of the floor was a large mosaic proudly displaying a coat-of-arms. Mahogany furnishings were a stunning contrast to the light colors of the room. As they stepped farther into the home, her eyes were drawn to the black wrought-iron railing of the banister leading upstairs. The bottom portion of the balustrade flared outward to accommodate the fullness of ladies skirts.

  Stepping into the sitting room, her inspection continued. A thick wool rug cushioned her feet. Two magnificent Venetian sofas sat in the center of the room, facing each other. The pink fabric was accentuated with pure gold outlines. Several Windsor rockers sat on each side of the picture window. An oak table sat between the two rockers. One wall contained several shelves with trinkets and a few books. A pianoforte sat at the opposite wall, the lid closed over the keys.

  Oliver closed the door behind them and stepped to the left. He approached a buffet and removed the stopper from the top of a decanter of spirits. He poured two small glasses and handed one to Madelena.

  “Port,” Oliver said. “Mother has a bit of a sweet tooth.”

  Madelena took the cup but said nothing.

  “Relax, Maddie. Mother will love you.”

  Madelena looked into her cup. “If she doesn’t?”

  “She will.”

  “I will what?” a voice said from the door.

  Madelena’s head shot up. The woman in the doorway was beautiful. Her vibrant red hair was styled in a fashionable updo. She was wearing a burgundy gown made of only the finest material. The cuffs of the sleeves were adorned with white lace. The same lace drifted around the bodice of the dress. A gold ribbon cinched her narrow waist, only making her figure more pronounced. But what captured Madelena’s attention were the woman’s green eyes. The same emerald green as Oliver’s.

  “Mother,” Oliver said, sitting his glass upon the buffet. He approached the woman.

  She smiled and held her arms out. Oliver accepted her affections.

  Elizabeth smiled and touched the side of Oliver’s face. “I was surprised when Geoffery informed me you had arrived. I did not expect you to return from Rome for another two weeks.”

  “I had a change of plans.” Oliver turned and held his hand out to Madelena.

  Madelena squared her shoulders and took a deep breath for courage. She could feel Elizabeth’s eyes scrutinize her. The kindness left and was replaced with suspicion.

  “Oliver St. John!” Elizabeth exclaimed. “If you came home married, I will skin you alive! You were my last hope of a sensible marriage. And if you came home married, and I did not get to witness this marriage, I will disown you. Don’t think I won’t!”

  Madelena inwardly cringed. Charlotte’s description had been accurate. Oliver’s mother was a harpy.

  “Now, Mother. I know you want to see one of us married in the fashion that you think we deserve.”

  “I do! I do not want my children to marry the way I did. In a rush. Hours before childbirth.”

  Madelena was taken aback that a woman would openly admit she had married just moments before giving birth.

  “Madison had a normal marriage.”

  Elizabeth sputtered. “Normal marriage? Which part? She has been married twice. Her first husband died upon their wedding night, and her second marriage was to the man who kidnapped her.”

  “We didn’t know that at the time. But it ended well.”

  Elizabeth turned her attention to Madelena. “Who are you, girl?”

  Madelena proudly raised her chin. “Madelena St. John.”

  Elizabeth tossed her hands in the air. “I knew it! I knew you would do something as foolish as finding yourself in a situation where you were forced to marry.”

  “I was not forced, Mother.”

  “Really?” Elizabeth’s eyes ran the length of Madelena. “She is stunning, Oliver. I know how St. John men are. They can charm the skirts off a nun when a woman catches their attention. She is your type. Beautiful. Did you charm your ways into her bed and then get caught like Michael?”

  “If you would quit interrupting me, I would explain.”

  “Fine,” Elizabeth snapped. She turned, her skirts swirling outward. Taking a seat upon the settee, she motioned to Oliver. “Speak.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait for Father?”

  “He is elsewise occupied by greeting his sister.” The hatred Elizabeth eluded surprised Madelena. She knew Charlotte did not like Elizabeth but to see the feelings returned was shocking.

  “Very well. Mother, Maddie and I married upon Jacob’s ship. Jacob performed the ceremony, and Matthew witnessed the event.”

  “And let me guess. It was Charlotte’s idea.”

  Oliver shook his head. “Not exactly. Maddie slipped aboard Jacob’s ship. We told everyone we eloped. They didn’t believe us. In order to protect Maddie’s reputation, Charlotte insisted that a proper ceremony be witnessed.”

  “I knew it! I knew Charlotte was behind it. She wanted to take this away from me. Just because her own child ran off and she did not get to witness the event, she thinks she can take over my children’s weddings and give them the one she dreams of!”

  Madelena’s brows came together. She did not understand Elizabeth’s rant. “What?”

  “Charlotte. She dreamed of a grand wedding for her daughter. Since that didn’t happen, she thinks she can do so with my children. I will not have it. I will not!”

  “Too late,” Oliver replied. “Maddie and I have been married for over a month.”

  “Well, I will show her what a wedding is supposed to look like. Why, you will have a wedding the likes of which Governor’s Harbour has never seen!”

  “No, we will not,” Oliver said. “Maddie and I will not be caught in the feud between you and Aunt Charlotte. You are just jealous that she took over the arrangements of Matt and Chessi.”

  Suddenly, Elizabeth’s gaze locked onto Oliver. “You mean, you were going to allow this woman to stay in your chambers, unwed? And what were your intentions, Oliver? Not good.”

  Oliver shrugged. “Well, we are St. Johns.”

  “Yes we are,” a deep male voice said from the doorway.

  The man in the doorway was older. His black hair contained flecks of white. He was tall and broad. He had the same jawline and nose as Oliver. Both had the same dark complexion and arrogance.

  “Father,” Oliver acknowledged.

  Robert looked between the occupants in the room. His gaze landed upon Madelena. Madelena was not surprised to see he possessed the same dark eyes as Jacob. However, they were not as harsh as Jacob’s. A smile pulled his lips. “I take it this is your Maddie.”

  “She is,” Oliver spoke. “Maddie, this is my father, Robert.”

  Madelena curtsied. “A pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise. You have made quite an impression upon my sister.”

  An unladylike snort left Elizabeth.

  “Elizabeth. Behave.”

  “I cannot believe your sister is here,” Elizabeth complained.

  “You should be thankful. It was the only way you would have ever gotten to meet Chessi.”

  “How did you come to that assumption, Robert?”

  “Matthew gets seasick but was willing to take on the illness for us to meet his wife. Chessi is terrified of water. She agreed to travel here only if Charlotte came with them.”

  “Why? She had Matthew.”

  “And what good would he be? For the first week, his head is in a chamber pot. Chessi lost he
r family and has adopted Charlotte as a mother. Since Matthew could not comfort her, it fell to Charlotte. Charlotte agreed to face you just so you could meet your daughter-in-law. I think you owe her a thank you on that account.”

  Elizabeth glowered at her husband. “And where are Matthew and Chessi now?”

  “With Charlotte. They shared a carriage. Since Eli’s home is before ours, they had to see her there first before coming here.”

  “How did you get here so fast?”

  “A horse is faster than a carriage.” Robert turned to Madelena. “Are you certain you want to be in this family?”

  “Why wouldn’t she, Robert?” Elizabeth asked.

  Robert’s eyes grew wide. “What? You mean you are accepting a bride of one of our sons? You have rejected all of them.”

  “And look what good it has done me. Eli spends half his time in London. Jacob sails. Matthew is in London. Michael is in America. Nathan and Noah sail. If I am to have a daughter-in-law to keep my children home, then we must find peace.”

  Elizabeth stood and approached Madelena. She stopped before the younger woman, yet kept her chin high. “Welcome to the family.”

  Madelena shook her head. “Do not speak words that you do not mean.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “I have lived my entire life with a mother who hated me, yet in the eyes of the world, pretended she was a doting mother. I will not tolerate those actions any longer. If you do not like me, then do not pretend to do so.”

  Elizabeth’s chin set in stubbornness.

  Robert tossed his head back and laughed. “My girl, you will fit into this family just splendidly!”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Madelena sighed as she looked at the men working in the distance. Oliver readjusted the ladder. He began climbing up. She loved watching him work. He was a master at his craft. Yet this time, instead of a ship, he was building their home. A home where they could raise their family.

  Her hand came to her flat stomach. She had not told him yet, but she knew he would be ecstatic to learn he was going to be a father. And he would make an excellent one. After her introduction to Elizabeth, Oliver introduced her to the rest of the family. Madelena and Jules hit it off splendidly, as well as she and Madison. For the next month, Chessi, Jules, Madison, and Maddie were inseparable. But soon, life had to return to normal. Jules left with Jacob to take Charlotte, Hugh, Matthew, and Chessi home. She was going to miss her new friends. A few weeks after Jules and Chessi’s departure she met Oliver’s oldest brother Max and his wife Kristina. She found them both delightful…despite Oliver’s description. Shortly after Max and Kristina’s departure, Elena’s past was revealed and it was just as complicated as all of the other St. John wives.

  The last six months were a mixture of emotions for Madelena. During that time, Oliver received a correspondence from Martin. It seemed that the rumor of Madelena murdering Drakos ran rampant through the city. It caused great hardship for her family. Shortly after Madelena left Rome, Sandra was found dead. Antonio stated that it was a robbery gone wrong. It was discovered that he had been the one to take Sandra’s life, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Yet, he disappeared and had not been seen since. Her sisters, on the other hand, were placed in the care of Cardinal Vico who arranged adventitious marriages for all. Madelena had conflicting feelings about her sisters. She loved them for their relation to her, yet she did not mourn their fate. Bella was the only one she was genuinely concerned over merely because of her age, and that was not an overwhelming concern.

  Robert and Elizabeth learned of Madelena’s history and quickly came up with a past for her. Their tale? Oliver met Maddie while traveling in Europe; they fell in love and married in France. Even Charlotte aided in their story by stating she knew Maddie’s family and that they were upstanding people. It surprised Madelena to see Charlotte and Elizabeth agreeing on something. Yet she was a common thread for them both. They both wanted nothing but happiness for the St. John children, and if aiding in the tale of a make-believe family would see to that, then they would get along. The name they coined for her was the name Oliver called her…Maddie. Maddie Ramano from Italy who met Oliver while on a holiday in France.

  The sound of the men gathering tools brought Madelena back to the present. She watched the men begin packing their tools away for the day. She was impressed by the progress that had been made upon her new home. The final touches were being done. Shutters upon the windows and railings for the porches. Once those were completed, it would be time to move in. Her heart swelled as she viewed her home. It was not as large as the St. John mansion, but it was not small either. It was a beautiful two-story home made of pink brick with large windows. The location was perfect. It was where his had burned down. It was close to his work and family, yet far enough away from the city to be secluded. And it rested upon a cliff near the ocean.

  Madelena approached her new home. The workers greeted her with a friendly hello. She liked Oliver’s workers. They were a kind assortment of men, each with a varied background.

  She found Oliver near the front porch. He was placing his tools into a wooden crate.

  “When can we move in?” Madelena asked.

  Oliver turned and smiled. He held out his hand. “Allow me to show you.”

  She took his hand, and a squeal left her when he scooped her up in his arms.

  “Oliver, what are you doing?”

  “It is customary for a groom to carry his bride over the threshold.”

  “On their wedding night.”

  A wicked grin came to him. “And on our wedding night, I was suffering a horrendous hangover, and you were angry at me.”

  “True, but we have been married for six months.”

  “Really? It seems like just yesterday.”

  “Oh, please,” Madelena said.

  Oliver grinned and stepped to the door. He opened the door and carried Madelena inside. Once inside, her eyes widened. The house was fully furnished. Expensive furnishings were scattered about the room. Thick rugs and beautiful paintings. Highly polished wooden floors and floral wallpaper.

  “Oliver,” Madelena whispered as she viewed her home. “Where did all this come from? We cannot afford this.”

  “We can. But if it makes you feel any better, I do have a few connections.”

  “Such as?”

  “Our neighbor is moving. He wanted his home repaired before he sold it along with the furnishings. I agreed to do the repair work in exchange for a few of the furnishings. Just enough to get us started.”

  “You shouldn’t have, Oliver. It will take up too much of your time. With the new ship Owen is designing and finishing our home, how will you have time?”

  “Our home is finished. Save for a few minor touches. Now, I have a surprise for you.”

  “Other than you decorating our home?”

  “Yes.” He took her hand and led her up the stairs into the master bedchamber. It contained only a bed and a dresser. Gifts from Aunt Charlotte. Oliver approached the chest. The small basket on the top caused her to smile. It was the one Oliver purchased from her upon their first meeting. He removed an envelope from the drawer. Turning, he handed it to Madelena.

  “What is this?”

  Oliver smiled. “Jacob has a few connections in Morocco.”

  “Connects in Morocco?”

  He shrugged. “Well, he knows a whoremonger in Morocco. Hassen is the man’s name. Anyway, Jacob did a bit of investigating and discovered your lineage.”


  “Your third great-grandmother was from Ghana whom some sultan purchased from a slave trader. She was his concubine. He had frequent European guests and used his concubines to entertain his guests. Your second great-grandmother was sired by the sultan. Your great-grandmother by a Frenchman who lived at the sultan’s palace for over a year. The next was an Englishman. Your grandmother is part Hessan, and your mother’s father was an American businessman.”

  “How do
es he know all this?”

  A deep breath left Oliver. “Unfortunately, the sultan and his guests like their entertainment young. Your great-grandmother was still alive but suffering the late effects of syphilis. Jacob found her and hoped to bring her here so you could meet her before she passed. In between her fits of madness, he managed to get information from her.”

  “My mother has family that is alive?” Madelena asked, excited but knowing the reality.

  Oliver shook his head. “She died before Jacob could free her. You do have several cousins but their whereabouts are presently unknown. I am truly sorry, Maddie. I know you would have loved to meet your grandmother.”

  “It is for the best.” She turned to leave the bedchamber but stopped. Her eyes landed upon the painting beside the door. It was the portrait from her father’s office. Her shocked gasp caused Oliver to smile.

  “Vico decided to sell some of your father’s possessions—before the French raided his office and took the rest. Martin managed to purchase the painting. He thought you might like to have it.”

  “He shouldn’t have.”

  “That is Martin. He says it is our wedding gift.”

  Madelena turned to face Oliver, worry upon her face. “Will he tell that I am here?”

  Oliver shook his head. “No. After Jacob took Aunt Charlotte and Matt home, he stopped by Rome and told Martin what happened. Martin knows the danger you face should the authorities in Rome know you are here. He will keep your location safe. I just hope Stephano does not drag it out of him. That blasted man can try on one’s nerves.”

  Maddie smiled. “Mae will be good for him. I just wish I could have attended their wedding.”

  “I know. Martin said it was beautiful.”

  Oliver watched Madelena and could see something was troubling her. She seemed distracted. “What is wrong, Maddie?”

  She looked at him and licked her lips. “I have something I need to tell you.”

  Oliver could feel his heart sink. “Anything.”

  “I’m expecting a child.”

  A wide smile crossed Oliver’s face. In two steps he was to her, picking her up and swinging her around the room.


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