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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 40

by Amira Bradford

  "You want to join me?" she purred at me, before putting the plug in the drain to fill the bath, and added some bubble mixture. I jumped in as the water rose over us, and ran my sudd covered hands over Piper's body, as she did with me. I lay back against the end of the bath and she laid back also, her back to me. I gently rubbed her shoulders as she rubbed the bottom of my legs with one hand and reached around to rub my neck with the other. We sat for a while and basked, with lots of gentle caressing, the hot water soothing our temperatures, and like the rest of the night, not saying anything.

  Soon though our needs took the better of us. She raised herself out of the water and sat on the edge of the tub. She spread her legs wide and ran her fingers through her pussy, all the time looking me straight in the eye with half closed eyelids. I knew what she wanted, and I leaned in to run my tongue over her once again, concentrating on her clit, sucking it slowly to stay with the mood. Running my tongue from her butt all the way to her clit and back, then sliding it into her pussy over and over, I couldn't get enough.

  We exchanged places and Piper gently sucked me, while gently fondling my smooth balls. She would run her tongue along each side of my cock, then directly underneath and a gentle suck on a ball, before sucking me back in. It was like she was trying to replicate what I had just done to her in whatever way she could.

  After a while the water started to get cold, so we jumped out and towelled off. As we walked out to the bedroom she rummaged in her bag, pulling out her camera. With a glint in her eye she asked, "Can take some action photos?" She handed the camera to me and lay on the bed.

  She spread her legs and started to play with herself, running her fingers along her pussy lips before sliding them inside. I couldn't believe her stamina! I took some pictures close up of her hands busy in her glistening pussy, before changing the settings to make short movies and started the camera rolling, taking footage of her finger sliding in and out of her pussy over and over, between rubbing her clit. I took a few more still pictures of her before changing it back to movie mode and taking a video of me running my tongue over her clit and into her pussy. We continued with pictures and movies of her sucking me and me fucking her in different angles where the camera could still be held. It was all very different for me and turned me on extremely, but the quick couplings and then position change while resetting the camera was starting to make me lose my hardness. Now I knew why the professionals had fluffers!

  We discarded the camera and Piper lead me over to the balcony through a sliding glass door. By this stage most of the hotel was in darkness but a few people were still in the pool below. It even looked as though one couple were getting into it in the spa together. She bent over the railing and presented her rear to me, totally naked and visible to anyone who looked up through the glass that held up the railing because of the light coming from inside our room. She looked over her shoulder at me and wiggled her bum, her eyes inviting me to impale myself on her again. "Come and fuck me!" she whispered. I wasn't going to argue.

  I guided myself in, again with her help. This time it was all slow, grinding in and out to my full length. Her pussy was still as wet as when we first started the night, and had no problems with my thickness in her. I reached under her and lightly played with clit, as she moaned her approval.

  It was starting to get a little cold out outside, so we went back inside. "Lay on your stomach," she demanded to me softly, and I heard her going through her bag again as she got out her massage oils. She came back over to me and spread some oil over my back, before rubbing it in deeply and slowly. It was brilliant! She worked her way over my shoulders and back, then my butt and legs, dragging her boobs along my body at the same time, her boobs slowly oiling up from the contact. When she had gotten to my feet she asked me to roll over, which of course I did.

  She then worked her way back up my legs, her boobs now running over my toes and kneecaps. As she got close to my crotch she worked her hands to my sides and bypassed my cock, teasing me as she continued up to my chest. She did however let her boobs run over either side of my cock, letting it slide through her cleavage with the oil that had accumulated there.

  She then slid back down and pouring more oil directly onto my cock, started to rub it up and down, and rotating her grip at the same time, with both hands. She then would run her hands down under my balls, and push them gently up, allowing them to slide out of her hands with the help of the oil. I tried to rub at her boobs but she merely pushed my hands away.

  This continued for a short while, nothing being said, me just enjoying what Piper was doing, and it seemed she was enjoying doing it. "How do you want to fuck this time?" she asked while continuing to massage my cock.

  "Reverse Cowgirl?" I had never had reverse cowgirl before, and it's my favourite position to watch in porn. She mounted me on the bed, in front of the wall mirror, and slowly rode my cock as we both watched our reflection. We stayed like this taking it easy, enjoying ourselves without getting too hot and sweaty, watching my cock slowly disappear inside her, before slowly reappearing. She lay back on me, and I reached under to pull her legs up, and I started to slide in a bit harder and forcibly. Her body started to slide up and down over my oiled chest.

  After taking the time we had she was worked up enough to cum almost as soon as I picked up the speed, and she shuddered to another climax. "How do you want to get off?" I asked after she had recovered.

  "I loved it so much when you fucked me from behind before, so let's do that again," she asked. She put herself kneeling at the edge of the bed this time, with me standing on the floor next to the bed, as she guided me in once again. "Put a foot up here next to me!" she asked once I was inside. This made it a slightly different angle but the feeling was so different! I could feel the front of her pussy wall pressing along the underside of my cock, it pressured me in just the right way that I almost came straight away.

  "Oooh, this is nice," I told her. "But it will make me come quick!"

  "Well slow down a bit and enjoy the feeling," she responded. I did slow down for a while but it must have been getting too much for her also, as she started to push herself on and off me. This made me increase my pace until I was close to coming. She could tell by my breathing, and spun around and took me in her mouth as I came, spurting down the back of her throat. Some spilled out the side of her mouth though as she greedily took it all, her eyes moving between watching my cock as she withdrew it from her mouth, and my eyes as she sucked it back in. She pumped my cock slowly in and out of her mouth sensually, ensuring there was not a drop left.

  It was a great way to finish of the night. We soon lay down and fell asleep, rising the next morning for breakfast and a little caressing, but after the night before neither of our bodies could go another round.

  We both parted ways in the car park after checking out, but not before after another session of kissing. When I got home I had emails from her with the pictures and footage taken on the camera the night before. I watched videos of her mouth on my cock, my tongue on her clit, and my cock sliding in and out of her. I couldn't wait for what the next week at work would bring...

  The End.

  Angela at the Cabin

  "There you go ma'am, are you sure you will be all right?" The old man set down the suitcase he was carrying and wiped a thin sheen of sweat off his bald brow with an old red handkerchief from his pocket. When he set the suitcase down the rickety boards groaned slightly in complaint at this weight being put upon them. Angela smiled at him softly.

  "Yes Jonas, I will be perfectly fine, I promise." He looked at her and nodded and she gave a half-laugh and hugged him. Jonas had been the caretaker for this cottage for a number of years. He lived not terribly far from the cottage and received a small amount monthly to check in now and then to make sure it was still in livable condition. When he received word a few weeks ago Angela would be coming here he worked hard to try to clean and repair the place as best he could. He was even kind enough to pick Angela up from the ai
rport and drive her the four hours it took to get to this lost spot way out in the woods.

  Without another word Jonas shuffled down the steps and into his beat-up old pickup truck. He rolled his window down and then started the engine and it gave off a puff of smoke. He waved his red kerchief out the window as he made his way down the dirt lane. Angela stood on the porch and watched him go. She squinted into the new summer sun as she waved goodbye to Jonas until his truck faded from view. She was so grateful for his help and a part of her was sad to see him leave, but for the most part she was ready to start her new life and standing on this old porch she was beginning to feel the strength that she could do it. When Jonas was completely out of sight she turned towards the old, wooden door in front of her and pulled out the brass key she had for the front lock. Why there was a lock on the door was beyond her, as this small cottage was miles from anyone around. Still, she knew that lock would give her some comfort when she slept at night.

  Taking a deep breath she inserted the lock into the keyhole and opened the door. The door swung into the small room beyond, and the light that showered over her shoulder illuminated a small area that appeared to serve as a family room and living room all in one. From what Angela could gather the place was very old, and upon first inspection it certainly did match that description. She sighed to herself softly and said out loud to no one in particular "well, a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" and then she crossed the threshold of the doorway into the house.

  The light sound of Angela's voice carried into the room in front of her, and the sound waves traveled down through the floorboards and into the basement below. These waves continued to travel to an old well in the back of the basement. This was a well that was very deep and had long since been forgotten because it has been covered over by growth and dirt over the years. The waves off her voice made their way to the bottom of the well, and they were then picked up by the auditory system of the creature that was asleep there. The words she spoke played over the creature very much like the light played across the room above when she opened the door. The creature's senses were still very much asleep, but a part of it heard this voice, and its other senses detected a faint odor that was distinctly not male. It "felt" the vibrations of the floorboards above as Angela entered the house. These sensory stimulations triggered something in the creature – a sense of intrigue. It then began to roust itself from the long hibernation it had been in, a hibernation it put itself in years ago in order to wait for that right moment to awaken again.


  The next few weeks for Angela were certainly not easy for her, but they were not without their rewards either. She spent most of her days cleaning and performing minor repairs around the house. It was hard work at times but also very liberating. On this day she decided to give the upstairs bathroom a good scrubbing and as she worked her mind, as it usually did, would drift to the past events that led her to this place.

  Angela had spent the past thirteen years as a model, and a very good one at that. She started small with local shoots and mall promotions, nothing major. Then she was "discovered" by an agent that started her on the fast track to doing very well for herself. Her life picked up speed and the lazy days of her youth were suddenly far in her rear view mirror. Every weekend was a new shoot around the world and parties to attend, and during the week she worked hard to maintain her exposure through high end promotions and by constantly working on her website and connecting with her fans. Very quickly this life spun out of control, and she began to lose the things she held dear to her heart one after another. She distanced herself from old friends, began to shut out her family, and soon even the man she had been with for many years found another to replace her since she was no longer around that much. To Angela all this had happened so suddenly she really didn't have time to take it all in and notice how much damage she was causing. Eventually she almost lost herself to the lifestyle, and the few days she spent in the hospital from exhaustion, stress, and alcohol abuse gave her a chance to really take stock of where she was and who she was becoming. She discovered that when she looked into the mirror she did not like the person looking back at her. Not at all.

  As Angela scrubbed the upstairs bathroom of the secluded cottage she frowned at the memories of those dire months. While in the hospital she received a lot of love, but that love faded very quickly when it became obvious that she had lost the taste for that life that wasn't hers. All of her new "friends" disappeared from view and all her contacts were quickly no longer to be contacted. When it was all said and done Angela found that she was all alone. So very alone, and she wanted nothing more to do with that life.

  Fate, it would seem, is funny in so many ways. Angela had returned from the hospital to her posh apartment to find a ton of bills waiting for her, and amongst the bills was an official letter from a local attorney. Turns out that a great aunt of Angela's had passed recently, and with Angela being the last remaining relative on that side of the family she ended up inheriting the small estate her great aunt left her. Angela took the money from that inheritance and paid off her debts and made a decision to start life fresh and new from that moment on. Also as a part of her inheritance was the deed to a small cottage that was far from civilization. This is what got Angela thinking about starting over, and what could be a more perfect place to do so?

  She made the arrangements to transfer the title of the cottage to her name, and the caretaker of the cottage by the name of Jonas was then informed a new owner would be moving in within a month or so. Angela settled the rest of her affairs at home, turned off her website and disconnected her phone. She closed out all her accounts except for one that would be at a small bank somewhat near the cottage she was going to live in. Thus, sight unseen she took a leap of faith into her new world, leaving all the evils of the modern world behind. She was on a quest to rediscover herself, and to rediscover her passion for life.

  Angela finished with cleaning the bathroom and by now had a really good sweat worked up. Tired and sore she stripped out of her work shorts and tiny tank top and climbed into the antique but workable tub with an attached shower. The hot water felt good caressing her skin and she just let the water dance over her while she relaxed. The hardest part of her first few weeks was just being alone. She had been so plugged into the world for so long that being unplugged was a very frightening and difficult thing to handle. Each day got better, however, and today was a good day for her. She accomplished quite a few chores and as she stood in the shower she was unaware that her left hand was casually playing with her left nipple. The sweet sensations that shot down her body brought her out of her daydream and she realized that now both her hands were massaging her plentiful breasts in a loving fashion. She was somewhat flustered at this but then quickly shrugged it off as she knew she was alone, and Lord knows it had been a long time since she had a good orgasm. The chores must have really worked her up, because she felt that heat between her legs and she just smiled her mischievous smile and let her hands caress her body.

  The combination of the warm water dancing around her and her hands playing began to drive her wild. She let the water mat her long blonde hair behind her and took the body soap off of its cute little rack and began to rub the soap in earnest across her chest. The slick soap worked into her sensitive skin and the bubbles began to froth all over her body. Angela had always been a very sensual and sexual woman, though that part of her disappeared when all the troubles began. Here, alone in the woods, that part of her was slowly returning...and it felt amazing. Her breasts and nipples were always so sensitive and she loved to have them played with and teased. Her hands worked up and over her breasts, and her fingers began to pinch and tweak her nipples. She played with them lightly at first and then more and more rough. She certainly did not mind a little pain to go with her pleasure either. The sensations were mind blowing and she could feel her knees getting weak as she fondled her breasts.

  Unable to contro
l herself any longer she then removed the shower head from the wall and held the head closer to her nipples, letting the full force of the water spray over her chest and sending chills down her spine. The water hit her naked flesh with full force and caused her to take a deep breath quickly as the new surge of tingles that went throughout her body were a slight shock. The water quickly washed the soap off of her chest and down her body, and as the water caressed her top half she stood with her legs further apart so that the hot soap and water could wash over her lower half, and it felt simply awesome. It was like she was softly being played with by many little fingers at once.

  By now her nipples were rock hard and were ready to explode. She couldn't take teasing herself any longer so she slowly worked the shower head down her stomach, and she bit her lower lip as she spread her legs further and let the water from the shower head spray over her clit. The sensations were maddening and she eventually let the shower head rest between her legs fully as the water shot out and began to hit her in all the right places.

  "Ooohhhhhh" Angela moaned, and her hips began to rock back and forth and the shower head was her new lover that was going down on her. The water was its tongue and it was licking and teasing her and she loved it. She then lay down in the giant tub and spread her legs and wide as she could, placing one leg outside the tub and another up the wall to her right. The shower head was firmly between her legs and it was very persistent with its loving. Her hips were still rocking back and forth as she slid the shower head up and down and side to side, catching those hot spots and causing her to start to breathe really hard. She slid the shower head from one hole to another, teasing the outside of both rims and it was incredible.

  In her mind she imagined her fingers intertwined in the hair of the lover who was between her legs and she could hear them sucking at her juices and she imagined their fingers working deep inside her as they played. It did not take long for her body to begin to shake violently and her first orgasm hit her so quickly and suddenly that she had no choice but to cry out in ecstasy. The orgasm was incredibly strong and she lost her breath and saw stars for a moment as it washed over her. When it finally subsided she was working hard to catch her breath and she felt like she had just run a marathon. It had felt so incredibly good, but her pussy was still much very on fire, and she knew she had to keep playing. She quickly got out of the tub and made for her bedroom, not even bothering to dry herself off.


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