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The Rougher Explicit Collection of Stories Box Set Compilation

Page 112

by Amira Bradford

  After several teasing and mind shattering minutes, she has me fully inside her, flicking her erect clit at the base of my wet cock. She starts to ride me harder and with longer strokes. Her fingertips make their way to my nipples and she pinches them softly and then fiercely pulls them, pinching them so hard that my whole chest feels hot.

  Leaning over me she takes my earlobe in her teeth and pulls it hard while she rides my cock, her juices flooding over my shaft and starting to cover my balls beneath her. Her full, supple breasts with their firm, erect nipples are pressed against my chest.

  I wrap my arms around her and pull our bodies together as she fucks me faster and harder. The sweat of our bodies grows and she slides atop me, giving me the feeling that she is fucking my entire body as she strokes me. I run my hands down her back and ribcage, then to her incredible hips. I hold her buttocks in my grip, feeling her muscles moving in my fingers as she controls my entire body with hers. She rises her torso up and with her nails dug into my chest, begins to moan loudly, biting her lip and leaning her head back, face to the sky. The feeling of her approaching orgasm makes me so hot and I feel my thighs begin to tighten, my feet grow almost numb and my head rushing with blood.

  She writhes with her hips at my sex and I feel her thighs tighten around me. Suddenly, she looks down to me and with her long nails, tears across my chest, breaking the flesh deeply. The shock races through my body and every nerve is screaming with intensity. She caresses my open flesh with her fingertips and lifts them to her lips, taking in my juices.

  She rides me harder and I feel her body quivering atop mine. She tears again upwards from my stomach to my collarbones, again taking her bloodstained fingers to her mouth. My head is rushing with thunder and shock from something like I've never experienced before. She leans down to kiss me and I taste my blood in her mouth.

  Grinding at the base of my cock with her swollen clit, She leans her head on my wounded chest and moans loudly, riding me faster and growing incredibly wet. I slide deep inside her and feel her inner muscles gripping my cock and stroking me as she moves atop me. Oh, my body is pounding and my vision starts to go to just flashes of light. My breath tightens and the pitch of my breath rises higher. I feel her hot breath as she whispers in my ear, "Yes, give it all to me. Cum for me."

  At this, I release my will to hold back any longer and penetrate her deeply, locking my hips at full depth, erupting inside her. She sucks on my neck while I pour myself deep inside her inner pleasure zones and my neck begins to feel hot.

  I feel an incredible amount of pressure at her mouth and soon my shoulder is wet with the flow of warm liquid and I instantly realize that it isn't sweat or saliva. She has bitten into my flesh and is drinking me in hungrily. My head gets light and I feel dizzy, vertigo overcoming me. My vision fades and I fall into darkness with the sound of her laughter echoing in my head. Then, all is silent.

  I awaken in what must be the next sunset and feel extremely cold. She has gone and the door to the barn is left open. I reach my shaking hand up to my neck and feel for the damage. My wounds have been cauterized, burned and sealed shut. I am weak, but feel my heart beating hard.

  I gaze towards the door to check for the bike, my exit and my way home. I move my eyes to the edge of the door and the light burns my eyes like an acid. I lay back and wait for the setting sun to travel behind the hills. Soon, darkness comes and I feel strength coming back to me, only stronger than ever before, I rise to my feet in the darkness and fog and am feeling more alive than ever. I look out in to the night sky and it seems that I can see forever, every detail in my view. And I grow with thirst...

  The End.


  "Set a course to rendezvous with the starship Galaxy, Ensign Travis," ordered Lieutenant Haskell.

  "Yes, Lieutenant," replied Ensign Travis.

  He laid in his course settings and reported, "Course: two-two-seven point six, mark three."

  "Make that two-two-seven point five," ordered the Lieutenant."

  "That will take us awfully close to the star, Delta Vega," warned Travis.

  "It will also shave nearly a day off our trip home," replied Haskell.

  "But, Lieutenant, I don't think we should take that risk," Travis advised.

  "May I remind you, Ensign James Travis, that you are the junior officer aboard this shuttlecraft?" scolded the Lieutenant.

  "Yes, Ma'am!" came the reply. "Course: two-twenty seven point five, mark three," he reported.


  "Aye, aye!"

  The two Starfleet officers settled in for the tree day journey to the Galaxy. They had been assigned to make a detailed survey of habitable planets in this sector and report back to their captain with their findings. In nearly a week's worth of searching they only found one planet capable of sustaining life. They were tired and ready to go home.

  Ensign James Travis, only six months out of the academy, had already made a name for himself piloting shuttlecraft and was well on his way to becoming chief helmsman on board the starship Galaxy.

  Lieutenant Cheryl Haskell, a brash, young officer was the highest ranking second tier crew member aboard the Galaxy. Captain Rice often assigned her to take junior officers on training missions because of her leadership ability.

  "Well, James," said Cheryl, "let's settle in and relax. We've got a long ride home."

  "Yes, Ma'am. Three days," replied the Ensign.

  "James, my name is Cheryl. We can speak informally until we get back to the Galaxy."

  James always felt a little uneasy around Lt. Haskell. She was a strict officer who commanded respect from her juniors. She was also strikingly beautiful. She was tall and lean with shoulder length, dark brown hair which contrasted her green eyes. She always wore her Starfleet uniform buttoned up to the collar, even when she was off duty. It was a rare occasion when she showed her ample cleavage under her tight fitting clothes. Most of the male junior officers clamored to be assigned to her command. James usually felt awkward around women but he knew that his comrades envied his position. Every one of them would have given their eye teeth to be stuck in a shuttlecraft with her for ten days.

  "I'm sorry, Lieutenant... I mean, Cheryl," stammered James, "it's force of habit."

  "Well, during informal situations, officers may be permitted to speak on a first name basis."

  "Thank you," smiled James.

  The two of them sat back in their chairs and relaxed. James took out an electronic book and read silently while Cheryl put on a pair of earphones, leaned back and listened to some music. The shuttlecraft was on autopilot and only needed to be monitored occasionally to be sure it was on course. It would be a long, monotonous journey back to the starship.

  A short time later, Cheryl put away her earphones and tapped James on the shoulder. "Why don't you go back to your bunk?" she said. "I'll take the first watch."

  "You don't have to," replied the Ensign.

  "Protocol," she answered. "You've been piloting the whole mission. You need some rest. You'll have to be sharp when we return to the Galaxy for docking.

  James agreed. He headed aft to the bunks and turned in. Cheryl took a position at the helm and dimmed the cabin lights. She slouched down in her chair and stared at the forward view screen. It was the same featureless view of space she had been looking at for six days. "I just want to get home," she thought to herself. It wasn't long before her eyes fell shut and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

  James was jolted awake by the sudden buffeting of the cabin. The entire ship rocked violently to starboard. He was almost shaken out of his bunk. He sprang to his feet and sprinted for the helm. "What's happening?" he shouted.

  "I don't know, I fell asleep," answered Cheryl as she sprung to attention. The sound of the ship's alarm jarred her back to reality.

  "Darn it!" shouted James. "It looks like some kind of flare from that star!" he exclaimed, wrestling for control of the ship.

  "WARNING!" sounded the computer voice. "Stellar
flare approaching!"

  "Shields!" shouted the Ensign.

  "Not responding!" replied the Lieutenant.

  "Well, then, HOLD ON!" he said, "This could be rough!"

  The flare overtook the tiny shuttle, shaking the crew violently and overloading the ship's computer systems. The engines failed then the entire cabin went dark.

  "Damn it!" exclaimed James. "I knew we shouldn't have come this close!"

  "I'm sorry!" replied Cheryl. "I just wanted to get home!"

  "I shouldn't have listened," he growled. "Now we're dead in space!"

  "I think I can bring some reserve power on line," said Cheryl.

  "Mayday! Mayday!" James called into the emergency transmitter. "This is Ensign James Travis and Lieutenant Cheryl Haskell aboard the shuttlecraft Alpha... Mayday! Mayday!" he repeated. "We have been hit by a plasma flare from the star, Delta Vega. All major systems are off-line!"

  "Ensign!" called Lt. Haskell. "Remember, there's a habitable planet in this star system!"

  "Yes, I remember!" the Ensign replied. "The third. Right?" he asked. Lieutenant Haskell nodded in confirmation.

  "Impulse engines are back on-line but only seventy percent power," reported the Lieutenant.

  "Hold on!" he said. "I can bring her in but it's going to be a bumpy ride!"

  They both fastened their safety restraints and braced themselves. The Ensign fought for control of the ship.

  "This is Lieutenant Cheryl Haskell aboard the shuttlecraft Alpha," she spoke into the microphone. "We are making an emergency landing on the planet, Delta Vega Three. Please send rescue party immediately!" She ejected the locator beacon just as the ship began to enter the planet's atmosphere.

  "Okay! We're going in!" reported the Ensign, "Brace for entry!"

  Lt. Haskell braced herself, put her head down and said a silent prayer, hoping that Ens. Travis wouldn't notice. Ens. Travis strained to keep the ship under control. He, too, hoped his companion wouldn't notice him praying under his breath.

  It only took a few minutes for the ship to reach the surface but it seemed like hours. It was a hard landing but Ens. Travis was able to bring the ship down safely. They both breathed a sigh of relief when the it finally skidded to a stop.

  "Nice flying!" commended the Lieutenant.

  "Thanks," he said, "but, with all due respect, Ma'am, would you please listen the next time I give advice?"

  "Sorry!" she replied, "I just wanted to get back to the ship."

  "Now, look where we are!" he shouted back.

  "Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk!" she exclaimed, "Let's figure out a way to get off this planet... Ensign!"

  "All engines and communication systems are down," reported Ensign Travis, "life support is on emergency backup."

  "This planet supports life so we should be all right," Lieutenant Haskel said, "let's hope the Galaxy finds our emergency beacon."

  "They'll come looking for us after we're more than twenty-four hours overdue," said Travis.

  "We've got six day's rations left," Haskell said, "we should be able to hold out until they come for us."

  The two sat in silence for a few moments while they collected their thoughts. "Any injuries?" asked the Lieutenant.

  "None," he said. "You?"

  "Just a scratch on the elbow," she replied.

  "Break out the med kit and patch it up," said Travis, "then, let's rest up before we go explore the planet."

  "I'm not going out there!" exclaimed Haskell.

  "Well, excuse me, LIEUTENANT HASKELL..." said the Ensign with an annoyed voice, "We have to find food and water then set up camp. We don't know how long we'll be stuck here."

  "As your superior officer, ENSIGN..." retorted Lieutenant Haskell.

  "Let's not fight!" interrupted James, "It doesn't matter how we got here, anymore. If we're going to survive, we have to work together. Right, Cheryl?"

  Cheryl was taken aback by James' sudden grip on authority but she felt a certain sexual excitement at the same time.

  "Agreed, James!" she answered, "I'll collect the first aid and the rations. You try to salvage some communications gear."

  They both worked silently, as they went about their agreed-upon tasks. James stopped briefly, when he thought Cheryl wasn't looking, to sneak a look at the curvaceous lines of her uniform. The Lieutenant always noticed when the guys checked her out but she never let on that she knew. James was a young officer, fresh out of the Academy. He was strong and muscular. Cheryl knew that protocol prevented her from fraternizing with officers her junior but that didn't stop her from appreciating his firm, muscular ass under his tight fitting pants.

  Lt. Haskell was a good officer. She was one of the best that Captain Rice ever had on his team. She was stern and efficient. She was, perhaps, a little too stern for Captain Rice's taste. That is the reason she never caught on to the fact that, Travis, the best looking young officer on the ship, just happened to be assigned to her command so soon after being posted to duty aboard the Galaxy.

  "I might have a tricorder working, here," James reported, "but it's not 100 percent."

  "Good work!" Cheryl exclaimed. "Anything's better than nothing."

  "I don't know how much daylight there is left," said James. "We should probably do some exploring before it gets dark."

  "Right!" said Cheryl.

  "Ready to go?" he asked.

  "Ready!" she replied as she picked up the tricorder and turned it on. "It looks like the atmosphere is breathable. Life form readings are inconclusive but I don't think there are any hostile beings out there."

  "That's good because both phasers are dead," said James.

  Cheryl shook her head. "No sense worrying about it, now," she said as she punched the button on the airlock and opened the cabin doors. "Be my guest!" she said.

  "Oh, no!" James smirked, "I'm the one wearing the red uniform! I'm not going first!" James often joked under pressure.

  "You big baby!" laughed Cheryl as she playfully pushed him out the door. "You're supposed to protect the ladies," she said.

  James and Cheryl stood just outside the ship, surveying the landscape around them. They looked around for several minutes while Cheryl scanned the area with the tricorder. James kept his eyes and ears open for signs of people or animals.

  "It doesn't look like there's anybody here but us," said, Cheryl.

  "Okay, let's move out," said James.

  James and Cheryl hiked over the hilly terrain for several kilometers. The landscape was rocky and barren with only a few plants growing in sparse clumps. Cheryl stopped to adjust the tricorder. "This thing only works intermittently," she complained.

  "The stellar flare must have overloaded its power supply," James replied. "Our communicators and phasers are completely dead," he added.

  "We'll have to stick together for safety," Cheryl ordered. She didn't want to admit that she felt afraid.

  James sensed her anxiety and tried to reassure her.

  "Shuttle pilots have to go on several survival missions before they can be certified for duty," he said. "When was the last time you camped out?"

  "Never in the wilderness," she replied.

  "All right," he said, "stay close by and follow my lead. I can pull us through this mess until the Galaxy arrives."

  James' act of bravado seemed to be working. Cheryl became visibly more calm. "What do we do first?"

  "We're going to need to locate a source of water. Then we can try to find a place to signal the Galaxy from. They'll need a safe place to land the rescue craft." James said.

  "Can't they beam us out?" Cheryl asked.

  "Do you want to transport through that plasma storm?" James replied. "They'll have to make a landing rescue."

  The Lieutenant nodded in an attempt to play down her ignorance. The Ensign pretended he didn't notice.

  "Keep your eyes peeled for any possible source of food or water," instructed James, "and do not touch anything until we know if it's safe!" he added.

/>   "Don't shout orders at me, Ensign!" barked Haskell.

  "We're marooned on this planet, no thanks to your mistake!" Travis shouted. "I'm not going to let you pull rank and get us into another mess!" He paused a few seconds for effect. "Besides, this is survival. There is no such thing as rank, anymore. We have to act as a team!"

  Lt. Haskell knew that Travis was right but she didn't want to admit she was in over her head. She made no reply. She was tired and didn't want to fight anymore. They pressed onward, climbing uphill in search of a vantage point from which to survey the area. Ens. Travis stopped to give his crew mate a hand climbing the steep grade. They reached the top and stood, looking out over the landscape. The weather was hot and humid. Lt. Haskell took out her canteen and took a long drink as she wiped the sweat off her brow.

  "Go easy on that water!" warned Travis, "That's all we've got to survive!"

  "I'm hot and thirsty!" complained Haskell.

  "We've got to conserve water until we find a source," Travis said.

  Cheryl put away the canteen then began to unzip her uniform. James stood silently, pretending not to notice as she pulled her zipper all the way down to her waist. He carefully strained to get a peek at the body that, until now, had always remained hidden beneath heavy fabric. The front of her uniform swayed open revealing a glimpse of her ample breasts, supported by her low-cut bra. James quickly looked away when she glanced in his direction. Cheryl knew that he was noticing her. She pretended to be unaware as she loosened her top, exposing her lean stomach. "Whew! It's hot!" she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

  James followed suit. He unfastened his own uniform and pretended to fan himself with the flaps. Cheryl made no attempt to hide the fact that she was looking at James' muscular chest and well defined abs. He felt a little bit embarrassed and aroused at the same time. "I guess we've got to make due in this heat," said James as a thinly disguised excuse. They stood in awkward silence for several minutes, looking out over the horizon.


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