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Callim's Challenge

Page 11

by Pearl Tate

  “Really, Shelly? Is this the time?” Hannah stands and looks at me with her hands on her hips.

  “Yes. It’s the time! If it was your mate sick, you’d want to hear right now too.” Ignoring her, I look back down on the huddled form in the bed. “So, let’s start with the easy one. Where are these drugs coming from?”

  “It’s alright.” He waves his hand to Hannah, trying to get her attention.

  I get her doctor oath and all that shit, but I will not put him near Callim until I know the basics. They can just try!

  “The drugs in our system are part of the food system at the Sanctuary. Have you studied them?” He’s looking at Atticus but it’s Hannah who answers.

  “We have. The drugs aren’t anything we recognize as recorded in Quasarian records.”

  He seems resigned as he relaxes back into the pillow. “That’s because they come from Marel. Because the males will be sent to them, they supply all the food for the Sanctuary housing them.”

  “You knew this? Is that why you have some of it in your possession?” I’m still trying to figure out if he really was trying to help Callim. Nothing is adding up.

  Pulling a small satchel from next to him on the bed next to the wall, he opens it and hands it to Atticus. “I had to buy these from an antiques dealer. They’re…”

  “… innups. The way they used to dispense drugs before nanups.” Atticus is fascinated and turns to show Hannah how they work.

  “Press this against the skin and fine needles shoot out from the pressure. These are so old, they can be refilled. I wasn’t aware any even existed any longer.” He looks impressed. “And you possess two plus…” He pulls out a small vial. “Is this what I think it is?”

  “Yes.” His answer makes Atticus and Hannah hug each other. Why are they so excited?

  “Wait! What?” They break apart and Hannah turns to me bouncing.

  “We can help Callim! Matthias was able to get some outdated medical equipment to us along with the men and food shipment. It was his way of making sure we never ended up in a situation like what happened to you, Beth, and Susan. He wanted no one to be when we don’t have the antidote for a known virus again. We’ll be able to clone these drugs and wean both Callim and Vekel off it, so there’s less of a chance of heart failure.”

  Tears well up as my emotions get the best of me. I realize Matthias was mostly thinking of Susan, but his thoughtfulness is helping me now.

  Throwing my arms around his waist where he’s standing between me and the door, I give him a quick squeeze. “Thank you, Matthias.” As I pull away, I spot Susan smiling behind him giving me a thumbs up.

  “But tell me more about you. Callim says you performed public whipping as the punishment for pod members? What the fuck was going on over there?” I’m still looming over Vekel. There’s more I don’t understand, but he doesn’t break my stare.

  “I was trapped there just like everyone else. In fact, I was promoted because I was smaller. I realize that now. But we all did what we were told.” Shifting in the bed, he pulls down the covers and throws one of his legs on the bed. He’s missing two toes on his foot. “This is what happens when you don’t obey the rules… well, one thing.”

  “So, are you trying to say you had to?” I'm aware people will do just about anything to survive but you don’t need to walk all over others. Is it really worth it then? Is it worth living to know that others are suffering because of you?

  “If it wasn’t me, there would have been someone else. The Sanctuary is set up as a isolated place. There's little talking with long hours of daily reflections. Our classes learn a basic education. I don’t know exactly why the Marel want Quasar males, but it can’t be for something good.”

  “What makes you say that? According to Callim, you answer directly to the Sacred Mother. So, you really don’t know what they are being sent there to do?” I hardly believe that! How can someone as far up the food chain as he was never have gotten an inkling of what they’re doing there?

  “Because they want them big, strong, and full-grown quickly. That’s what the drugs are for, certainly you all saw that?” Atticus and Hannah nod. “So, maybe labor? Slave labor? That’s my best guess.” Vekel pauses as Hannah passes him a drink, and he takes a long sip. “Twice a year, everyone is measured and sorted. The largest pods go out. The smaller members who don’t meet the minimum requirements are sent down to the next season's pod. If you stop growing, you’re pulled out and have the potential to become pod leads and eventually, like I did, pod heads. It’s a self-sustaining system.

  “But I’ve been in my position for many years now, and it’s only a matter of time before they get rid of me. When I heard about the matings and then later was informed about what Chevepak was doing with Matthias, I knew I had to try to escape. I’m here to share what I know, but I wasn’t even sure I would live through the withdrawal. It’s been so many years… I’m still not sure I’ll survive.”

  My heart twinges with pity. I don’t want to watch anyone die. Yeah, maybe he’s a monster, but he’s obviously still capable of empathy. He shared some of his precious drugs with Callim. That has to mean something, right?

  “Do you have any idea how much of this goes into everyone’s system in the food? It would be good to have an idea…” Atticus is shaking the bottle with the drugs.

  Vekel shakes his head solemnly. “No, but enough to be full grown at fifteen annual cycles. There isn’t anyone in the Sanctuary pods over sixteen unless they’re held back for being undersized. Then they’re given one more annual cycle, or two more cycles of pods going off planet to get caught up. I honestly was never informed what happens to them when they are too undersized to be sent.”

  Everyone is quietly processing what he said. Where are the “rejects” sent? It takes a few moments before everything else he said sinks in.

  “Wait.” My voice is breathless as my heart speeds up. Please, please let me be wrong about what I’m about to ask. “Everyone in a pod there at the Sanctuary right now is under sixteen years old?”

  “Yes. We’re all orphans from all over the city, maybe even the planet. We’re sent there either when our parents pass away or if we’re abandoned. There are rare cases of women giving up males when they already have too many and they’re trying for females. I’ve been there for ten more annual rotations myself…”

  My head spins as the implications of what he’s saying sinks in. The room spins and I notice tunnel vision clouding my sight.

  Immediately, I drop to the floor and put my head between my legs. I recognize my reaction and I'm aware of exactly what to do. It used to be a default coping mechanism when I was a child under stress. When I was molested by either my mom’s sick boyfriends or even in foster care. And not just parents… but also by older boys in the homes.

  Panting, I try to slow my breathing. When I notice hands on my knees, I glance up to see Beth crouched in front of me. “It’s okay, Shelly. Take your time.” Maintaining eye contact, I struggle to stop the panic attack that followed right on the heels of almost passing out.

  As I register everyone around me, my mind starts to function again. I’ve been raping a minor. Everything I’ve ever believed in and worked for has been compromised.

  It never crossed my mind to ask Callim how old he was. Looking back, it’s clear his innocence shined in his happy demeanor and quick emotions. The way he was so afraid of Vekel was just like a kid that still has authority issues.

  Damn. Fuck. Motherfucker. I really fucked up!

  “… he’s on his way.” Bren and Matthias are standing right above me as their conversation registers.

  “Who? Who is?” Please, no! Struggling to stand, Beth gives me a hand as I gratefully keep a tight hold on her arm.

  “Callim. He felt your distress and Brock can’t stop him. He’s on his way.” Bren is all casual. Like I haven’t been sleeping with a minor.

  “I need some time. I…” My voice is cracking and I’m about to cry. This is humiliati

  Hannah nods but Atticus, Bren and Matthias seem confused. “Beth and Forohn, why don’t you take Shelly back to her room. Just go down the hall to the end and there will be another lift. Bren and Matthias can intercept him from the way we came.”

  Bren’s voice dominates the room as he argues. “I can’t stop him from finding her. The mating laws are clear…”

  “I don’t fucking care!” I scream at the top of my lungs. Everyone looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. But I haven’t. This is serious, and I’m taking it seriously. “Callim doesn’t know anything about the mating laws! He’s a minor. I’ve been fucking a kid.”

  Storming out the door the opposite way we came, I don’t even peek back to check if Beth is following me. I’ll catch the elevator on this end of the hall, and they can let him know the bad news. We have years to wait before we can be together!


  - Callim

  My eyes pop open at the horror I feel. I recognize this ceiling. Glancing to the right, I see Brock sitting at his customary post in the room's corner.

  Soaked in sweat, my light wrap is stuck to my skin as I attempt to sit up. Yes. I can still sense it.

  “Where’s Shelly?” Brock peers up in surprise and immediately walks towards me. Between the horror and nausea gripping me, I can barely concentrate. “Where is she?” I’m almost yelling, my hoarse voice cracking from the effort.

  “She went to eat and then she and Matthias discovered who Vekel was. There was video footage of him coming in…” He keeps talking, but I’m ignoring him as my feet hit the floor. I will my legs to hold me. Now is not the time for weakness.

  I can discern Shelly’s fear, horror, and something else? Dismay or heartbreak? Whatever it is, she needs me.

  “Where are you going?” Brock steps in front of me, and I weave on my feet as I circle around him. He can’t stop me.

  “To find Shelly. Something is wrong. She needs me.” I can hear him talking to someone as I weave through the hall, occasionally dragging along the wall. I remember where the lift was, and I can sense she’s below me.

  When the doors open, Brock steps in with me. “I just spoke with Atticus, and Shelly is fine. She has been shocked and yes, horrified by some things she learned from Vekel. But there are many people in the room with her right now. It will be better to head back to the Medical Bay to wait for her. Don’t you feel terrible?”

  Rolling my eyes, I step out onto the floor and head down the hall towards the direction I sense her. My equilibrium shifts, and it feels like Shelly is above me again. But down the hall I see Bren and Matthias heading towards me.

  “You look like shit.” Matthias claps me on the shoulder when I come into reach. It almost pushes me into the wall because my head is spinning so terribly.

  Nodding agreement, I notice saliva pooling in my mouth and wonder if I will be sick right here in the hallway. Although Shelly’s feelings have dampened, a faint thread of fear and dismay still carry to me.

  “Where’s Shelly?” Something isn’t right. It’s almost as if I experience panic? To be away from me?

  Both men stare at me seriously. “That’s what we’re coming to discuss with you. And I don’t care to discuss it here in the hall.” Bren’s authoritative voice has me wondering if I could have done something wrong? But that isn’t possible. I’ve been sleeping most of the time since I arrived.

  “You swear that Shelly’s alright? Vekel did nothing to her?” She seems to be better now. My chest doesn’t have the same constricted feeling. She’s not scared now, but more resigned. I know I won’t feel better until I see her, but I’m sure she’ll come see me soon.

  “She’s physically fine, don’t worry. Vekel is in worse shape than you right now, so he won’t be hurting anyone in the near future. Are you going to make it?” Matthias grabs my elbow and turns me around the way I came from. Brock leads as we file into the lift still waiting on the floor.

  I don’t ask any more questions on the way back. I’m more concerned about putting one foot in front of the other. Instead of turning into the Medical Bay, Bren leads us into a small room with a table and chairs.

  When we’re seated, I realize that something serious is going on. None of them are smiling as they study me.

  “We’ve had some disturbing news from Vekel. It was the Sanctuary you grew up in that’s been putting the drugs in your food. The drugs are addictive, and we’re not sure if that was a side-effect or intentional. Vekel has some of them with him, which is the good news. We’ll be able to make more and wean you off of it slowly. That will be a lot easier on your system. Does that make sense?”

  Bren pauses and waits for me to nod. I’m still waiting for the bad. Something bad must be coming based on the pity on their faces.

  “The bad news is according to Vekel, they gave them to you to make your body mature faster. He said there isn’t anyone there over the age of sixteen annual rotations?” I just nod again. I don’t understand where this is going?

  That is normal and something I never pondered much about. We couldn’t live there forever as a burden on their generosity. Everyone in my pod was eager to be off on the adventure they promised. We would be helping them and not a weight on our society.

  “Well, you definitely appear twenty rotations or more. We’re surprised to hear that you’re so young. Shelly didn’t take it well.” Bren looks at me seriously while I try to understand what he means.

  “Didn’t take it well? She’s upset about my age? That’s what I felt?” Clutching my chest, I still endure it. Not as severe as when I woke up, but a dull throb. It’s extreme to get upset about something I can’t change.

  Matthias leans forward across the table. “On Earth, there are laws about sexual relationships including age consent restrictions. In the society that Hannah and Shelly come from, eighteen is considered the acceptable age. There are exceptions that vary by country, but it sounds like Shelly feels as if she took advantage of you. She thinks you aren’t mentally developed enough to start a physical relationship. That because of the age difference between you, it wasn’t right.”

  That’s silly. I scoff as I shake my head. “I’m grown. Look at me. How can she consider me not grown?”

  “I’m sorry, Callim. You just need to give her some time. She wanted to go back to her room and think about it.”

  “What does that mean? Think about it? What’s there to think about?” I’m frozen in shock as my head reels with anger and frustration.

  “Let’s get you back into bed. She’ll be down to talk to you soon. You’re mated. This will work out.” Brock stands with me and takes my arm. I do need to lie down. “She just needs time to reflect on it.”

  As the door slides open, I see a commotion down the hall coming our way. “Vekel is coming down to the Medical Bay. He says he was only following orders while he was at the Sanctuary. Are you going to be alright with him here with you?” Matthias grabs my other arm as he explains while we walk into the clinic.

  I hate feeling so weak. I want to argue and say no. But as I sit down on the bed to catch my breath, they bring Vekel in. He’s so thin and wasted. Like a child.

  Is this what I look like? Could this be what Shelly sees? Is that why she's decided I’m too young to be with her? If I look that weak and sickly, maybe she doesn’t want me any longer? Is it possible to no longer want your mate?

  My mind spins in turmoil as I gaze at Vekel without seeing him.

  Shaking my shoulder, Matthias crouches down to block my view. “He can’t hurt you.” Stepping to the side, we both stare at him as Hannah and Atticus scramble around, hooking him up to devices.

  “I know.” Laying back slowly, I close my eyes to block out the chaos he’s causing.

  I don’t want to think about him. My chest feels like a tight band has stretched across it and is suffocating me. Matthias pats my shoulder a few times before moving away.

  He can leave. I’d rather be alone to consider this incredible turn of
events. Everything with Shelly was so good. Perfect.

  How can she think a few years difference would matter? I could be ten rotations and she would still have my heart. Surely, she knows this?


  - Shelly

  I’m in a daze as I wander down the long hallway. My life keeps whirling around me and changing in an instant. I can’t believe how relentlessly unpredictable everything is suddenly!

  A familiar feeling coats my nerves. Despair. I should have known. It was all too good to be true. I’m surprised by the sinking sensation in my stomach. When did I get so attached? Is it just because we’re technically mated?

  I’m even more committed to him than I realized. Knowing he’s there for me—and mine… Damn, this really sucks.

  Leaning against the wall by the elevator, I wait for the car to arrive. I assume Callim’s getting closer but there’s nothing I can do. I’ll have to face him eventually, but I’m confident they’ll slow him down back at Vekel's room.

  A hand on my shoulder startles me, and I look up to see Beth has caught up to me. It probably wasn’t hard since the elevator door is open in front of me, and I’ve no idea how long I’ve been standing here.

  The pity in her eyes is tough to handle. As I walk into the elevator, Forohn files in at the last second behind Beth. He studiously avoids my gaze.

  Tears prickle the back of my eyes. Tilting my head back, I stare at the lights and will myself to hold it together. I didn't expect how terrible it feels to walk away. But it’s the right thing.

  Racing out as soon as the doors open, I power walk to my room. I'm inside before the tears start. Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I pull my shoes off as Beth begins making tea.

  “You don’t need to do that. I just want to be alone for a while. Do you mind?” She freezes, still facing away.

  “Are you sure?” Turning around slowly, she gives me a strange look. I realize she will argue so I cut her off.


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