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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

Page 47

by Laura Acton


  “Have we met before?” Noah’s gut told him yes.

  “No, can’t say I’ve had the pleasure because I’m still alive … barely.” Scott forced a cough, making himself appear weaker and less of a threat. If Loki went with Noah, it would allow Scott to grab the weapon and potentially turn the tables on the Bartons.

  Loki clenched his jaw, hoping his reaction didn’t show on his face. If either one of the brothers recognized Dan from the Central Bank heist, things would take a definite turn for the worse.

  Noah smirked. “True. You and Yasmin stay here. If I see either of you in the hall, I will kill Vanessa and Loki.”

  Scott faked another barking fit to reinforce his incapacitation, and without realizing it, Yasmin helped to bolster the impression by turning a worried expression on Scott and helping him to sit up again. Scott deliberately pitched his voice to sound weak and breathless as he said, “Understood.”

  Noah turned to his younger brother. “You’re gonna be fixed soon, Jonas. Then we will leave. I promise you.”

  When the elder Barton turned away, Scott winked at Loki and gave him a quick lopsided grin. Loki now understood Scott’s ploy. Make Noah believe he was helpless. He gave an almost imperceptible nod to Scott before crossing the room, wondering how much was an act and how much was real.

  Hospital – Surgery

  While Doc Landry rested, Ron glanced out the small window in the door and down the hall towards the ER. His stomach rolled. “Oh, geez! Noah Barton is coming. He’s got the gun to Vanessa’s head, and Loki is pushing the gurney with Jonas on it.”

  Minna’s eyes widened. “Do you see Yasmin?”

  Ron shook his head and raced to the recovery room door. He pushed it open and urgently whispered to Maisie, “Be very quiet. Barton’s coming this way. Stay in here.”

  “But what if Landry needs my help?”

  “I’m certain Vanessa will assist him. Maisie, please stay here. I don’t want you anywhere near him. Please.”

  Maisie nodded.

  “I’m going to lock it from my side to try and keep you safe.” Ron pulled the door closed, glad he sent Jeremy and the Trimbles upstairs and wishing he told Maisie to go with them.

  Hospital – Hallway

  Disappointed Noah’s mind worked strategically in tandem with his own, Loki found his options for taking action dropping from minimal to nil once Vanessa restrained his hands to the gurney and Barton retrieved his Glock from the floor and put the mag back in. Many scenarios rolled through Loki’s mind, but in every one, many people ended up dead.

  Boss, I wish you were here to talk Noah down, but right about now, I’d settle for Jon or Lexa taking a Zulu shot. I don’t think we're getting out of this alive. Ma’s going to be devastated. I’m sorry, Ma. I did my best, but I don’t think it is going to be enough.

  “Stop,” Noah ordered outside the surgery double doors. Raising his voice, he said, “Open the doors. I don’t care if you are done or not. My brother is getting operated on NOW! He’s waited too long already.”

  The portal remained closed. Loki swallowed hard as the barrel of Noah’s pistol pressed to his temple. “I’ll kill this cop if you don’t open those damned doors. I got rid of Ramsey after he shot Jonas, so what’s one more dead cop?”

  When Ron’s face appeared in the window, Loki nodded. “Ron, open up. He’s got two guns and will shoot everyone if you don’t. We need to comply.” In his head, he added, ‘For now, ‘cause I’m not giving up yet.’

  As Ron followed Loki’s instructions, he spotted both Loki and Vanessa cuffed to the gurney’s frame and wondered about Scott. “How’s Scott?”

  “Alive. Yasmin is taking care of him.” Noting there was no room to do so in the OR, Loki rotated Jonas’ bed into the right position in the hall.

  Hospital – Surgery

  Stepping back into the room, Ron found Minna had wheeled Landry to the far back corner against the recovery room wall and shielded him with her body. Likewise, providing protection, Ron positioned himself in front of Minna.

  Loki pulled the gurney inside. Relief washed through him as he spied Dan’s intact and bandaged leg. Thankfully, the doc saved his leg and completed the surgery before they arrived. However, the heart monitor leads concerned him, as did the lack of sling. He wanted to ask if Dan became delirious again, but decided not to draw attention to his teammate.

  Once entirely inside, Loki wished to move as many people to safety as possible. “Noah, it is a bit crowded in here. Perhaps Ron and Minna can transfer Dan to a gurney, so the table is clear for Jonas.”

  “Yeah, we should move him to recovery,” Ron interjected, getting Loki’s drift and desiring to protect Minna by getting her out of this room.

  Though smallish, there was enough room for everyone, and Noah had no intention of allowing Ron out of his sight. “No. We’re all staying right here. Ron, close and lock the doors.”

  Ron hesitated, not wanting to leave Minna.

  “NOW! Or I blow Vanessa’s brains out, and there will be nothing the surgeon can do to save her.” Noah’s eyes darted around the room, taking everything and everyone into consideration.

  Ron moved to the surgery doors and did as told before returning to his spot in front of Minna.

  Noah stepped back from Vanessa but kept the gun trained on her. “I’m running out of patience. Doc Landry, you will remove the bullet and prepare my brother for travel. No funny business or I kill everyone in this room.”

  He pulled Loki’s gun from the back of his pants and pointed one at Vanessa and the other at Loki. “I’m ambidextrous and shoot quite well with both hands. I’ll take out each one of you before you can do a damned thing. Your lives are meaningless to me. Only Jonas matters. Do as I say, or this place becomes covered in all your blood.”

  From behind Minna, Landry said, “I must scrub in, and I’ll need Vanessa’s and Minna’s assistance, and we need to move Jonas into a better position.”

  “Okay.” Noah released Vanessa’s wrist from the restraint.

  “Minna, please push me to the sinks and, Ron, move the mobile operating table to this corner then shift Jonas’ gurney more into the center. If you angle both of them, they’ll fit in the space better, and the overhead lighting can shine on Jonas’ upper torso.”

  As Minna squeezed past him with Landry, Loki said, “Noah, I’m in their way. I need to move so the doctors can operate on Jonas.”

  Though he didn’t want to release him, Noah realized they couldn’t access his brother’s shoulder with Loki handcuffed at the top of Jonas’ bed.

  Loki noted the indecision and kept his voice calm, hoping his choice of words would keep Barton rational. “You’re in charge. Everyone is doing what’s best for Jonas. I won’t do anything stupid if you release me. I’ll stand exactly where you say and not move. I want everyone to stay safe today.”

  Accepting the cop must move, Noah kept his gun trained on Ron and pointed the other weapon at Loki. “Ron, after you move the tables into position, uncuff him. Loki, you will stand over there.” Noah motioned to the foot of Dan’s bed near the recovery room doors. “Keep your hands visible at all times and don’t move a muscle, or I’ll kill you and everyone in here without batting an eye.”

  Ron uncuffed Loki before cautiously backing up until he was in the archway between the operating room and the sterile supply area. He glanced towards Minna, Vanessa, and Landry as they washed and wondered if any of them would be alive after they finished working on Jonas. Ron deduced he and Loki posed the greatest threat to Noah, so they would be the first to be killed.

  With deliberately slow movements, Loki walked to the indicated spot and put his hands up at his chest level with palms out to show Noah he was no threat and submitting. “Complying as directed. Perhaps you can lower the guns. They’re making everyone a little anxious. Doctors who are nervous might have shaky hands, and that won’t be good for operating.”

  Noah lowered the pistol aimed at Ron but kep
t one on Loki. “Doc, if you don’t do what you need to for Jonas, Loki’s death is on your head.”

  “Understood, but young man, I want you to know, I took a vow to do no harm. It makes no difference to me whether the person under my knife is an angel or a devil. Everyone receives the best care I can give them.” Landry meticulously washed as he gave Vanessa a grandfatherly smile, hoping to reassure her when he noticed her shaking.

  After Minna put on fresh gloves, she stopped next to Ron on her way to gather supplies. “You need to bring Landry in.” When he nodded, she continued to obtain clean surgical instruments and other necessary items.

  When Landry finished, Ron wheeled Landry into position and stayed behind the surgeon. He raised both hands like Loki because if Noah became spooked and started shooting, they were like fish in a tiny barrel in here.

  Though he didn’t want to admit his limitations and hated to put the young doctor in a precarious position, Landry couldn’t change the fact his legs would buckle if he tried to stand. “Vanessa, I need you to be my hands and operate. My legs are rubber and won’t be holdin’ me up. I’ll walk you through the procedure. Without an anesthesiologist here, the safest path is to numb the area with lidocaine and bupivacaine.”

  Having roused on the trip to the operating room, Jonas’ eyes widened as he peered at his brother. “I hurt really bad, Noah. Make them give me something to take all the pain away.”

  Pointing the second gun at Vanessa, Noah said, “You heard Noah. Give him the strongest pain meds available. If he even winces in pain, he won’t be the only one suffering.”

  Vanessa assessed their options with the available meds in the room. Turning to Landry, she suggested, “I can administer morphine intravenously before we begin.” The sedative effect might help Loki … only one Barton to handle.

  “I concur. An excellent solution. We should also start him on a mixture of nitrous and oxygen like we used on Dan.” Landry’s steady gaze met Noah’s. “I assure you Jonas won’t experience any pain.”

  “He better not. Is what you need in this room?”

  “Yes,” Landry responded.

  “Alright.” He waved the gun at the ski patrolman. “Get what they need.”

  Landry peered at a bewildered Ron who had no idea what they needed. “The nitrous-oxygen cylinder, the one with the blue and white top, is located under the operating table. Please move the tank under the head of the gurney.” When Ron nodded, he turned to Minna. “Would you grab a sterile mask and tubing when you get the morphine for Vanessa?”

  As they gathered the necessary items, Noah turned to his little brother. “You’re gonna be fine. I’ll take care of you. I always have. No pain.”

  Wholly trusting his older brother, Jonas nodded and closed his fearful eyes as Vanessa added the medication via the IV port, and Landry placed a mask over his nose and mouth, started the flow of gas, and instructed him to breathe slow and deep. Jonas began to relax, and a floaty sensation overtook him not long after.

  As the operation began, Loki studied Dan. His gaze first landed on his lower leg and sent up a silent prayer of thanks his friend remained whole. Shifting up his body, he noted Dan’s eyes remained closed and his breathing even, but Loki wondered if his buddy might be playing possum since laughing gas tended to wear off fast.

  He decided not to tempt fate by touching or speaking to him because if Dan woke in a delusional state and attack mode again, it would be bad for everyone. Although, if he strangled Noah…. Loki didn’t complete his thought as the turtleneck encircling his sore neck tightened like invisible hands.

  Gradually reaching up to tug on the restrictive fabric, he redirected his gaze to Noah. He must remain vigilant, and hoped his motion didn’t provoke a deadly response. Loki sighed when he discovered Barton’s eyes were currently on Ron. As he lowered his arms, Loki glanced at the clock and prayed help arrived before Vanessa finished.

  Although soldiers storming in here wouldn’t be the best solution, given the Bartons’ reputation and the number of innocents they callously murdered, Loki found himself decidedly unsympathetic to the brothers and wouldn’t mind so much if a sniper neutralized Noah. His mind shifted to Scott, wondering if he possessed marksmanship skills like Dan and if he would be able to take another person’s life to save many more.

  Keeping his eyes rotating between Ron and Loki, Noah recalled he required Ron’s keys to facilitate their get-away. “You, Ron. Put the snowcat keys on the counter over there. Then move back.” He motioned with the gun.

  Not wanting to be shot, Ron nodded. “They’re in my right front pocket. I’m going to pull them out.” He unzipped his ski pants pocket, reached in, and slowly withdrew the keys. Taking measured steps forward, he set the keychain down where directed.

  Although scared to speak, Minna said, “Ron, you need to re-glove. Your keys aren’t sterile.”

  “Oh, okay.” Ron gave her a sheepish grin, pulled off the soiled gloves, tossed them in a bin, and retrieved another pair before returning to his former position. After tugging them on, he raised his hands again, glad Noah didn’t order him to stand next to Loki. He liked being close to Minna, and he would safeguard her if possible

  Dan listened to the voices surrounding him as he remained in stealth mode. Though somewhat fuzzy, Dan comprehended enough of the situation to realize he was in no condition to assist Loki against Noah Barton. He used his ears to help him determine everyone’s position. Loki stood at his feet, on the right farthest from the double-door, but closest to the recovery room. Jonas’ gurney was on his left, as were the others. He placed Noah closer to the hall entry doors and sinks.

  Though he fought valiantly against the downward pull and struggled to stay awake, his raging fever and infection-ravaged body forced him back into the pit of darkness. His final thoughts before slipping down were of his cousin and friend. I can’t sleep now. Loki can’t do this alone. Scott will help. He’s never let me down.

  Faces of Courage


  November 24

  Hospital – ER Treatment Room

  After waiting several minutes to ensure Noah didn’t come back, Yasmin helped Scott into a wheelchair. With her knees knocking and her stomach in her throat, she cautiously peeked out the door and noted the hallway to be clear. Turning back to Scott, her voice shook as she asked, “Are you sure you are up to doing this?”

  “I’m sure.” When the nurse frowned, Scott flashed her a smile and quipped, “Can’t be letting my younger cousin be the only hero in the family. My turn to save the day.” His attempt at lightening the mood fell flat, so he reached for her hand. “Yasmin, I’m well trained for this. My family has been serving the Crown for generations, and from the time we are kids, we study tactics and are well-versed in handling firearms.”

  “But you’re ill and injured.” Yasmin sucked in a ragged breath, worried sick about Scott and everyone else.

  “True, but I’m not as bad off as I portrayed. Faked a lot of the coughing. Needed Noah to view me as incapacitated and no threat to him or Jonas.”

  “You sure fooled me, and I’m a trained nurse.” Yasmin slung the backpack on her shoulder. “Are you sure you don’t want the other gun?”

  “No. Give it to Ian Trimble. Thank you for sharing with me he’s an avid hunter. Tell him it is only to be used as a last resort if Noah comes upstairs, though I don’t intend to allow that to happen. Also, make sure he is aware soldiers may be showing up at some point, so he doesn’t fire at friendlies.”

  “Okay.” She peered down the corridor again and gripped the wheelchair’s handles, pushing Scott through the doors on shaky legs, which didn’t want to be doing this. “There are two small windows on the OR doors, but if we hug the right wall, we’ll remain out of sight.”

  Hospital – Hallway

  Yasmin continued down the hall, her fear rising as she bit her lip to keep from making a sound. Coming to the T-intersection where if she turned left, she would be at the OR, but if she maintained a straight co
urse, she would reach the stairs, her white-knuckled grip was the only thing keeping her from running back to the ER. Filled with trepidation, she forced one foot in front of another and breathed a sigh of relief once they made it to the stairwell.

  “Well done,” Scott praised the frightened nurse. “Now, upstairs with you. Locate Mr. Trimble, give him the handgun, then lock yourself into one of the rooms.”

  Yasmin whispered, “Are you sure you can do this?”

  “My cousin needs me. I’m not letting Danny down again. I should’ve done more when Sara died,” Scott spoke his heart without meaning to.

  “What?” Confusion mixed with Yasmin’s fear.

  Scott tucked the decades-old thoughts into the back of his mind. “Sorry, rambling. I’m here to back up Loki if things go south.”

  “You’re so brave … just like Dan when he saved me as a little girl. I wish I possessed an ounce of courage.” Yasmin released a shuddering breath.

  “Why are you questioning your mettle? You are courageous.”

  She shook her head. “No, I’m not. I’m scared to death.”

  Giving her hand a little squeeze, Scott said, “I admire your pluck, and I’m proud of you. You’re taking action to help others when all your body is telling you to do is run and save yourself. That shows me you possess courage.”

  A slight smile came to Yasmin’s face as she squeezed his hand. “Too bad, you’re married. You stay safe.”

  Scott nodded, and Yasmin headed into the stairwell.

  Lowering himself to the ground, Scott scooted to the corner, then flattened himself on his stomach and used his arms to crawl past the surgery doors. He sincerely hoped Dan had been moved to recovery, and he might be able to extract whoever was with Dan without drawing Noah’s attention.

  Hospital – Recovery Room and Hallway

  Maisie stayed as quiet as a church mouse as she eavesdropped at the operating room door. Her dear Landry’s confident voice now guided Vanessa through the intricacies of removing the bullet. Aware Jonas’ surgery would take some time, she sat in the chair near the corridor to rest her old bones.


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