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WHITEOUT: Above And Beyond (Beauty 0f Life Book 10)

Page 56

by Laura Acton

  “I’ll stay with him while you’re gone,” Yasmin offered.

  Ray nodded. Boss wouldn’t mandate his presence if unnecessary. “Thanks.” He patted Loki’s leg, “Be right back, Bro,” then followed Bram.

  Hospital – Café – 9:20 p.m.

  Nick glanced up as Ray, Bram, and Lexa approached the table. “How are our guys?”

  Lexa sat next to Boss and kept her report brief, excluding how she comforted both Dan and herself by stroking his hair. “Dan woke again in a little less pain and more coherent. I updated him on Loki and Scott, but he drifted off right after.”

  “And Loki?” Jon asked as Ray chose the seat next to him.

  “Woke only for a moment. He’s confused and worried he lost Dan in the storm.” Ray turned to Nick. “Would like to go back to him as fast as possible, in case he wakes again and needs me to reassure him everyone is alright.”

  Nick nodded. “Understood. Just waiting for a few others to join us. Captain Tadman went to retrieve the unit’s second in command.” As he spoke, the captain strolled through the door, pushing a wheelchair containing Master Corporal Forbes.

  Tadman positioned Forbes at the table. Turning to face Forbes, he raised his voice, annunciating his words, “Stay put.”

  Rolling his eyes, Doug retorted, “I could’ve walked.”

  “Doctor’s orders and General Broderick would be none too pleased if one of his men took a header down the stairs because he was too stubborn to listen to reason.” Tadman pulled out a chair and lowered himself into it as he scanned those gathered.

  “How are your ears and head?” Nick asked Forbes.

  “Ruptured eardrum is messing with my equilibrium and hearing, but the headache is manageable.” Doug met the TRF sergeant’s gaze. “And your men?”

  “On the mend.”

  Forbes nodded. “Wish we arrived a few minutes sooner. Might’ve prevented the explosion.”

  The response Nick wanted to make, absolving the unit of any blame, halted on his tongue as Zach strode into the room, followed by Captain Lundgren. Both headed straight for their table for the meeting.

  Selecting a seat beside Lexa, Zach gave her a Broderick grin. Lily’s advice had been spot-on, and he was pleased he refrained from unloading on Lexa when he learned about the relationship with Dan. “Hey, how’s my cousin?”

  Lexa stared at Zach, perplexed why he continued to be friendly to her. His behavior disconcerted her, and she waited for the proverbial shoe to drop. The younger Broderick turned out to be as hard to read as Dan, and she wondered if it might be an ingrained trait in all the men after so many generations of being in the military. She returned the smile. “His fever is down, and he’s coherent now. Still in pain, and the meds put him to sleep again.”

  Captain Tadman cleared his throat and said, “I spoke with Dr. Pastore and Dr. Peterson regarding the status of all injured. I asked you all here to discuss coordinating exfil. We have both Toronto and Ottawa contingents to med-evac as well as the TRF team to be returned. Sergeant Pastore, when does your team need to be back in Toronto?”

  “Commander Gambrill shuffled schedules and arranged coverage for tomorrow and half our shift the following day. We’re somewhat flexible.”

  “Good. Weather permitting, I would like to exfil the most critical first, which includes the Brodericks and Baldovino. Due to the risk of infection, the doctor would like to keep all three separated during transport. Second Lieutenant, how does the weather look for the morning?”

  Zach straightened as he addressed a higher rank, “Sir, the forecast shows clearing near the RCMP substation, and Toronto appears the better destination. The storm is moving towards Ottawa, and at present, all flights there are being diverted to Toronto. Predictions are at least two days before we can land in Ottawa.”

  “Alright. Constables Baldovino and Broderick will go first. Baldovino will be transported via the ambulance snowcat, and Daniel Broderick in the fifteen-passenger snowcat so he may lie down on the bench seat. The TRF—” Tadman halted and turned to the pilot when he interrupted.

  “Excuse me, sir.” Zach hated to cut-off the captain, but he had orders from his uncle.


  “General Broderick wants his son flown home, not Toronto.”

  Incensed, Jon stated firmly, “Dan’s home is Toronto, not Ottawa.”

  Though annoyed by Jon’s overbearing attitude, Zach took the diplomatic route. “Dr. Pastore says Dan will need assistance after he is released. Dan lives alone, and it is a ten-flight trek up to his apartment. We decided he should recoup with family, where we can take care of him properly.”

  “What does Dan say?” Jon wanted Dan nearby to follow through on his promise to assist with his rehab. He wouldn’t be able to do that if Dan ended up four-hours away.

  Zach opened his mouth, ready with a sarcastic reply that Jon had no say in Broderick family matters, but Bram interjected his opinion first.

  “Ottawa might be best. Dan’s truthful with Scott about his health like he is with Jim. And Dan’s elevator never works. I can’t imagine him climbing all those stairs on crutches, although he’s stubborn enough to try.”

  Sitting back, Jon crossed his arms. He detested being unable to fulfill a promise, but his posture relaxed as he thought about what Bram shared. Since Dan didn’t deflect with Scott, Ottawa would be better. And the elevator in Broderick’s complex was a real issue too.

  Jon inclined his head in agreement before he inquired, “Will they be admitted to the base hospital or a non-military one?”

  Zach relaxed at Jon’s change in tone. He didn’t wish to enter into a pissing match with Jon but would if necessary, and he would’ve won. He dealt with mule-headed cousins for years. However, his brother provided him the most practice. Adam blustered and raged like no other, and rarely changed his mind once he made a decision, but Zach mastered a few techniques which tended to net the desired results.

  “Neither,” Zach answered Jon’s query, before elaborating, “My uncles want me to be conservative. Most likely, I’ll fly them out in two days, three tops. By then, they may be able to go directly to Scott’s home.” He snickered and quipped, “And with Dan snowbound here, he can’t sign out AMA.”

  The members of Alpha chuckled, while both captains and Forbes appeared confused. Nick clued them in. “Dan isn’t fond of hospitals.”

  Jon snorted. “Understatement of the year. I’d keep an eye on him still. Blizzard or not, and leg hanging by a thread, he might try to leave anyway.”

  “Possible he tried already,” Ray stated, reflecting on Loki’s words about searching for Dan.

  Lexa, Bram, Jon, and Nick nodded as the others only stared.

  “So, I guess we’re leaving in the morning. Anything you need me to do, Boss, or can I go back to Loki?” Ray peered at Nick.

  Realizing the remainder of the discussion didn’t require Ray’s input, Nick said, “Go. I’ll take care of your gear. If Loki wakes again, tell him I’ll pop up a little later to check on him.”

  “Copy.” Ray stood, strode towards the coffee urn, and poured himself a much-needed cup. He must remain alert tonight in case Loki needed him. He could always sleep tomorrow night.

  Bram asked, “Mind if I go sit with Dan?”

  “Smart course of action.” Jon grinned. “Bram can be our official babysitter tonight, so we don’t find ourselves searching for Dan in the snow.”

  When Nick gave him a nod with a slight smirk, Bram pushed back his chair. Yes, he found Jon’s remark funny, but he also worried Dan might experience nightmares and wanted to be close to help him through them.

  Lexa eyed the cots, fatigue enveloping her, but remained in her seat as the conversation turned to the details for transporting everyone back to their home bases. Ron, Landry, and Maisie joined them, and Ron offered to take the elderly couple home, but both refused, determined to stay to care for the local patients, including Vanessa and Minna, until Dr. Howard returned and took over.

Without realizing it, Lexa dozed off and only woke with a gentle shake of Boss’ hand as he instructed her to go to bed. She didn’t resist and fell back asleep almost before her head hit the pillow.

  Hospital – Loki’s Room – 11:45 p.m.

  Ray fastened his pants and washed his hands before exiting the connected bathroom. His excessive consumption of coffee would keep him fully awake all night. The downside, the diuretic effect caused him to pee like a racehorse. Moving to the chair at Loki’s bedside, he resumed his vigil.

  In the past two hours, Loki roused several times, luckily, once while Boss visited. Ray observed the tension leaving Nick’s body when Loki grinned at him with recognition and spoke coherent words. When his brother slipped back to sleep a few minutes later, he and Nick breathed easier. The lucid interval lasted long enough for them to realize Loki recognized his location and accepted everyone was safe.

  On a caffeine high, Ray didn’t fear nodding off, only the boredom. He pulled out his cell phone and accessed photos of his fiancée. He missed Maurita, and couldn’t believe he had lunch with her and his parents only two days ago. With everything that occurred, it seemed like almost a lifetime ago. He smiled at the snapshot he took of Maurita standing with his mother.

  A raspy, “Why so happy?” caused Ray to lift his head. His grin grew as Loki’s eyes greeted him. “Thinking about Maurita. Want another glycerin swab?” As Loki bobbed his head, Ray stood, shoved his phone in his pocket, and reached for one of the thick foam-tipped sticks he used to moisten Loki’s chapped lips.

  Wishing for something to wet his parched throat, Loki asked, “Water?”

  “Not yet, Bro. This is the best I can do.”


  “Sleeping down the hall. Scott, Vanessa, and Minna are resting comfortably also. Everyone except the Bartons are alive and on the mend.”

  Loki’s hand moved to his throat. “Sore.”

  “I bet. You’ve got major bruising. When did Noah try to strangle you?”

  “He didn’t.”

  “Then who did that to you? Jonas? I thought he was incapacitated.”

  Still a little befuddled, Loki spoke without censoring his words, “Dan choked me.”

  “Dan! What the hell?! Why?”

  Blinking rapidly at Ray’s reaction, Loki tried to explain. “Didn’t mean to. Fever took his mind elsewhere. Not me he choked. Don’t tell him. Please.”

  Ray calmed, and he put a hand on Loki’s shoulder. “Relax. I won’t say anything. He woke completely out of it in the ER also. Took Bram, Jon, and four of the army guys to hold him down before they sedated him.”


  “Yep. His fever is down, so unlikely that will happen again.”

  Loki’s mind flittered back to the cabin when he tended Dan alone. “Ray?”

  “Yeah, buddy?”

  “You believe in angels and Heaven, don’t you?”

  “Sure. Why?” Ray worried what might come out of Loki’s mouth.

  Loki’s eyes met his brother’s. “Dan doesn’t.”

  “How do you know?”

  “A conversation we had when we were trail riding one day. Actually, he’s agnostic, but well, Dan talked to angels.”


  Loki licked his lips. “He spoke to my pa like he stood right beside me.”

  “Probably hallucinating.”

  “I thought so too, at first, because he thought I was Blaze. But, um, you’re gonna think I’m nuts.”

  “Already do, so what’s new?” Ray chuckled.

  “Ha-ha.” Loki sucked in a breath and exhaled slowly. “I saw Pa after Noah tried to kill us. He and a couple of other angels shielded Dan and me from the blast and moved Dan on top of me. They saved our lives. As close as we were to the explosion, we should be dead.”

  Ray gaped. “You know what exploded.”

  “Yeah. Dan fought Noah to save us. No idea how he had the stamina to hold on to him. Threw a scalpel at him right before a soldier shot Noah. His finger twitched as he fell and squeezed off another shot, hitting the pressurized cylinder. Spark. Boom.”

  When Ray continued to only stare at him, Loki asked, “Did I hallucinate?”

  “Frankly, I can’t tell you. We did find Dan on you, and his weight kept you from bleeding out. But, yeah, I guess what you believe happened did. We don’t have an explanation for why you two survived. The surgery doors blew off their hinges, throwing the two soldiers at the OR entrance into the far wall, and the doors landed on them.”

  “They okay?”

  “Will be with some time to heal. Concussions, a couple of broken bones, and internal bleeding which stopped on its own.” Ray patted Loki’s leg and smiled. “God works in mysterious ways. Cool your Guardian Angel is your pa.”

  Loki grinned as the pull of sleep caused his eyes to close. “Yeah. Also explains why Dantastic hasn’t died … bet his angel goes above and beyond and deserves a long vacation.”

  Ray and unbeknownst to both, Leonardo, chuckled at Loki’s humor. “Truer words were never spoken, mio figlio.” Smiling as his son drifted to sleep again, Leo decided now would be a perfect time to regenerate. As he faded, his fears for his boy’s psyche diminished, and he drew strength from Ray’s words, “Rest, brother. I’ll be here all night.”

  Hospital – Dan’s Room – 11:55 p.m.

  “Loki!” Dan jerked awake, his eyes darting around as he shook.

  “Easy, buddy. Nightmare.” Bram moved a little closer, unsure if Dan might lash out. “You with me, Dan?”

  Nodding, Dan released a ragged breath as the image of Loki on the floor of the surgery began to ebb away, and Bram came into focus. “Hospital?”

  “Yep.” Bram grabbed the damp cloth on the rolling table and wiped Dan’s sweaty brow. Not gonna attempt to leave AMA again, are you?”

  Dan gaped at Bram. “Did I?”

  “Not certain. Loki woke earlier and thought he lost you in the snow. Want a drink?”

  “Yeah.” Dan opened as Bram guided the bendy straw to his lips. He sipped to wet his cottony mouth before taking a long drink to sate his thirst. “Thanks.” Dan grappled with recalling everything Lexa said earlier. “Bartons dead?”

  “Still dead. Didn’t Lexa tell you?”

  “Yeah, but my brain is a little foggy.”

  “How’s your pain? And don’t make me bring Scott in here.” Bram grinned.

  Dan huffed. “Feel like shit. Could use some relief.”

  Bram hit the call button. “Coming up. Wanted to check with you on something. Should be your decision.”

  “What?” Dan shut his eyes, the throbbing in his head, shoulder, and leg getting the better of him.

  “Your dad wants you to go to Scott’s home to recoup with family. Makes sense to me since your elevator is out of commission more often than not, but if you would rather be in Toronto, you could stay at my place. You’re always welcome. Kellie and the girls would love to be your nurses.”

  Considering the options, Dan opened his eyes. “Thanks for the offer, but going to Ottawa is fine … okay. Don’t want to scare your girls … and well, I’m bound to be dealing with nightmares for a while. I thought Loki died.” Dan swallowed hard as emotions welled up.

  “I understand.” Bram clasped Dan’s left bicep. “Remember, you can call me anytime, day or night—”

  “Even if I just want someone on the line and don’t want to talk,” Dan finished what Bram always told him.

  “Absolutely right!” Bram squeezed Dan’s arm.

  “How long is the team staying here?”

  “We leave tomorrow. You’re here a few more days until the weather clears.”

  “Wish I could visit Loki before he goes.” Dan’s lashes lowered to hide the emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

  “This isn’t your fault.”

  “Sort of is. I gave the Bartons opportunity and motive. Noah recognized me, and that’s when he shot Loki. Scott wouldn’t be hurt if I rescheduled the trip. If only I neutraliz
ed the Bartons in Central Bank … so many people would still be alive.”

  “Hey. Look at me.” Bram waited until Dan lifted his eyes. He read the unwarranted guilt in them. “You. Are. Not. To. Blame. You did your best in the bank. And if you hadn’t lowered your weapon, I would’ve shot you. Did you know that?”


  “I’m glad you complied because killing you would’ve been a terrible thing. You had no control over Constable Wright when he failed to keep an eye on the supposed hostages. Wright blamed himself, and his unrelenting guilt drove him to suicide. His demise didn’t bring back all the people the brothers murdered. He only added one more unnecessary fatality to the list.

  “As for this trip. You brought your antibiotics and took them. We’re all well-aware you shun pain meds, but you aren’t stupid, and you’re diligent when it comes to infections. Unfortunately, your bacteria are resistant to the meds the doctor prescribed. You were enjoying skiing when some ditzy woman rammed into you. You didn’t put the moose on the road nor cause the blizzard. And you damned-well aren’t responsible for the Bartons being here.”

  Dan interrupted, “Yes, I am. They would’ve frozen to death in the car if Ron didn’t go pick up Doc Landry for me.”

  “Perhaps. We won’t ever know for sure. But here is a certainty, little Ethan Trimble needed Dr. Craig, and the boy would’ve died of a ruptured appendix if not for the chain of events which brought you all here.” Bram halted as Stacy entered, this conversation not for her ears.

  “I brought pain relief. It’s time for another dose.” She injected the painkillers into the IV port then began making notations of Dan’s vitals.

  Dan closed his eyes, letting Bram’s words roll around in his mind as he began to drift off into a drug-induced sleep.

  Bram resumed his seat and settled in for the night, hoping Dan would take to heart what he said and focus on the bright spot in this entire mess. A sweet, innocent child lived because God guided Dan, Loki, and Scott down a perilous path. And not for the first time, Bram thought Dan must have one heck of a guardian angel … and Loki now too.

  Anything for a Friend



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