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Gummy Bears & Grenades

Page 8

by Charlie Cochet

  Mack grunted. "Looks like we got ourselves a couple of crazy fuckers."

  "Oh, baby, you have no idea." Austen turned and bolted for the slide, with Mack taking off after him, followed by another three of his guys, leaving the two cougar Therians to charge Dex. He almost felt sorry for them. Dex ducked under a right hook and dodged a left jab. They moved fast, but he was quicker. Both Therians came at him, punching, kicking, and trying to grab him when they couldn't land a hit. He spun away from one guy and the other guy threw his arms around Dex. He tried to lift Dex off his feet.

  "What the hell?"

  "What?" the first guy asked, stopping in front of Dex.

  "He weighs a fucking ton."

  "Stop fucking around, Lonny."

  Dex used Lonny's weight to prop him up as he kicked out with both legs, his boots slamming into the guy in front of him and sending him reeling back and onto his ass, but not out.

  "What the--"

  Dex thrust his head back, the crack of Lonny's nose resounding through the playground. Lonny released Dex, cursing up a storm. Dex dropped to one knee and punched Lonny with all his strength on the side of Lonny's knee. The howl of pain as he hit the ground caught the attention of his friends. Austen took advantage, grabbing on to the steel rod from one of the swing sets and hurling himself around it, using the momentum to swing himself up and wrap his legs around one Therian's neck. While the guy flailed in Austen's iron grip, Mack left the other two with Austen and headed for Dex.

  "What the hell is going on? You two can't get rid of one Human?"

  Lonny shook his head and garbled something unintelligible as he writhed in pain. Dex stood serenely as Mack and the first guy Dex had knocked down circled him.

  Mack narrowed his eyes at Dex. "You're not just any Human. Are you?"

  Dex smirked. "Nope."

  Mack scoffed, then froze. His eyes went wide. "No way." He looked Dex over. "That's just a bullshit rumor."

  A belt whipped around the remaining lion Therian's neck. The guy flailed and grabbed the thick black fabric belt before he was hauled off his feet, hitting the ground with a painful thud. Dex had to hand it to Austen, the guy was resourceful. Size meant shit to a TIN operative, and Austen proved as much. He used whatever he had on hand to get the job done.

  A third almost out. Three to go. Dex smiled at Mack. "You're running out of guys. Not that I'm complaining."

  Mack nodded at his two remaining men. They charged Dex, and Dex held his ground. He blocked their punches, ducked, and dodged, looking for the right opportunity to strike. Close quarter combat was clearly one of their proficiencies. One of the many techniques Dex had been learning showed him how to get the job done as quickly as possible, meaning using his strengths to his advantage, and as few moves as possible. It was about hitting quick and hard. No fancy moves. Not when he was outnumbered. He protected his knees, his kidneys, his head. An uppercut came his way. Dex dropped and threw a right hook, putting all his new Therian strength behind it, following with an uppercut under the guy's chin as Dex came up.

  Four down.

  Mack stared at him. "No Human can hit that hard."

  "Unclassified piece of shit," Mack's friend spit out.


  "I don't think so." Mack shook his head. "He's not a Therian." His expression darkened, and he reached behind him.

  "Gun!" Austen shouted as he struggled with the lion Therian whose shoulders he was now sitting on, the belt pulled tight around the guy's neck as Austen tugged hard. Dex tackled Mack to the ground, both fighting for the gun. Dex elbowed Mack in the face when he was grabbed from behind. That's it. He'd had enough of this bullshit. The last thing he needed was for some poor bystander walking by to get hit by a stray bullet. As it was, someone must have heard the shouting by now. Dex gritted his teeth, his claws piercing his skin.

  "The hell is wrong with your eyes?"

  Goddammit. He really needed to get better control of that.

  Dex slapped his hand back, his claws sinking into the cougar Therian's arm, making him roar.

  "What the fuck are you?" Mack punched Dex on his side, and Dex growled against the pain. That would have cracked a few ribs at one time. Now it just hurt like hell and pissed him off. Sinking a claw into Mack's wrist had him releasing the gun. Austen snatched it up and pointed it at the cougar Therian holding Dex.

  "Back the fuck up."

  The guy did. Those who weren't out or writhing in pain put their hands up.

  "We gotta go," Austen told Dex, the gun pointed at Mack, who slowly got to his feet. "Who sent you?"

  Mack didn't reply. Not that they expected him to.

  Austen cocked the gun, and Dex turned to him. "What are you doing?"

  "They know about you now, and they'll tell whoever sent them."

  Dex shook his head. "So now we're killing everyone who finds out?"

  "I'd heard rumors," Mack said, eyeing Dex. "Not Human. Not Therian. I thought it was bullshit. Yet here you are. And they call us freaks."

  Dex swallowed hard. He was Human. Always had been. His mutated DNA didn't change that. Did it?

  "Don't listen to him," Austen hissed. "He's just pissed off because he got his ass kicked by a Human."

  Dex looked down at his hands. Human-Therian hybrid kept getting thrown around when someone talked about him, like he'd been created in some lab. It didn't stop him from being Human. He couldn't shift. He wasn't a Therian, and he didn't feel like a hybrid. Some things were different, but inside, at his core, he was still him.

  "Stop," Austen growled at Dex, snapping him out of it. "You really gonna let this asshole tell you who you are?"

  Austen was right. Dex grabbed the gun, and in seconds took it apart, the pieces clattering to the ground. "Let him tell whoever the fuck he wants." Dex met Mack's eyes, a challenge in his gaze. "The next time someone comes after me, they won't be walking away. This is your only warning."

  Dex waited as Mack and his crew grabbed their fallen guys and hauled ass out of the park. Just as they disappeared into the shadows, Ash, Seb, and Zach came running.

  "Fuck. You two okay?" Ash asked, his expression filled with concern. "We came as soon as we could. Those assholes slipped out and locked the place up. It was a damn mess."

  "We took care of it. They won't be coming back." At least Dex hoped not.

  Ash looked from Dex to Austen and back. Dex knew Ash was dying to ask, but Zach wasn't privy to their TIN connection, or Dex's new filing status as Human-Therian hybrid. Not that there was such a filing status at the moment. He'd just tick off the same box he always did.

  "What now?" Seb asked.

  "Now we go back to the club, thank everyone for the awesome evening, and call it a night."

  "You sure?" Ash didn't look convinced, but Dex patted his shoulder, letting him know they'd talk later.

  "Yes. I doubt those guys will be back, but if they do, it's best none of us are here."

  Zach turned to go, and Dex gave Austen a not-so-subtle nudge as he motioned to Zach. Rolling his eyes, Austen caught Zach's arm. Zach paused, his eyes on Austen.

  "Thanks for worrying about me. I'm sorry I called you thick-skulled. You know my mouth works quicker than my brain. Fancy sharing a cab?"

  Zach smiled and nodded. He walked with Austen side by side, their immediate differences making Dex chuckle. Zach towered over Austen, a huge bear Therian weighing in at over three hundred pounds, with muscles that had muscles. The strong silent type had nothing on Zach. Then there was Austen. All one hundred and forty-something pounds of jittery, smart-mouthed, sinewy cheetah Therian. And here Dex thought Cael and Ash were mismatched.

  Dex followed his friends toward the club entrance but paused as he walked by an open gate. It was a dimly lit fenced-in section where the club housed its trash bins and other junk.

  "I'll be right in," Dex said, motioning for them to go ahead without him. They hesitated, sensing something was up, but Dex was grateful when they did as he asked. As soon as they'd disappe
ared inside the club, Dex turned and walked into the shadows. He didn't have any trouble seeing the tall, elegant Therian in the three-piece suit and matching tie.

  "You're still here."

  Wolf smiled as he stepped out from the shadows. The lighting from the security lamp fastened up on the wall made it look like Wolf had a glowing halo behind his head. Dex snorted. The angel of death himself.

  "I wanted to inform you that the message you sent to the Makhai has been delayed rather permanently."


  "Mack and his friends will not be telling tales anytime soon."

  Chapter 9

  "ARE YOU kidding me? We just left those guys." Was he for real? Then again, Dex had to remember who he was talking to.

  "They were wounded. Hardly a challenge to catch up with."

  "And, what? You just took it upon yourself to get rid of them?"

  Wolf shrugged, his hands in his trouser pockets. "They were ruining your party. Though I must say that was a rather foolish move on your part, Dexter. It's far too early in the game to reveal your hand to the Makhai. They suspect there's something special about you, but as of yet, they've not been able to figure out what it is."

  Had they even seen Wolf coming? Not one hair was out of place on his neatly styled head. His gray three-piece suit was impeccable, his tie pristine, and his shoes flawless. The man was terrifying.

  "Okay, so you have a point, but did you have to kill them?"

  Anger flashed through Wolf's steel-blue eyes. "I'm sorry, Dexter, but what is it you think those men were going to do to your precious little brother and his friends? Raise their voices? Give them a slap on the wrist? No. They were going to beat them mercilessly, use them, and then put a bullet in them before dumping them in the trash. Had they managed to discover which one was Sparks's spotted little pet, I imagine his fate would have been far worse."

  Dex swallowed hard. Wolf was right, and Dex hated it. "And you're so much better." The moment the words left his mouth, Dex realized the mistake he'd made. He was slammed against the wall, Wolf's gloved hand around his neck, and his face inches from Dex's.

  "I like you very much, Dexter, so I will allow that reprehensible comment to slide this once. I may be many things, but don't you ever compare me to those animals again. Do you understand me? Make no mistake. Not even my affection for you will keep me from putting a bullet in that sweet little head of yours."

  Holy shit. Wolf was... pissed. Not just annoyed pissed, but truly pissed. All because Dex had compared him to those assholes. Why? Wait.... "Do you... care what I think about you?"

  Wolf loosened his grip on Dex's neck and patted his cheek gently with his free hand. "I didn't have to tell you about those men, you know. I could have taken care of them in the club, left the bodies to be found, but that would have put a damper on your evening. It was preferable to have you draw them out."

  "You didn't want to put a damper on my evening," Dex said, eyeing Wolf.

  Wolf stepped away. "My brother was enjoying himself. He was happy. After everything he's suffered in the last year alone, he deserves a night off."

  "So, you did it for Hudson?"

  Wolf studied him.

  "Can I ask you a question?" Few--if anyone--were given the opportunity Dex was being given. Wolf was intrigued by him, felt "affection" for him--whatever that meant in Wolf's world. Dex would have to be an idiot to throw whatever this was between them away for revenge. Wolf had been one of TIN's best operatives. He knew Sparks, and what's more, Sparks owed him. For now, it would be in Dex's best interest to play nice.

  "See you soon, Dexter." Wolf turned to go, but Dex spoke up.

  "If you've been around for a while, what happened the night Hudson was shot?"

  Wolf stilled, his back to Dex. Either he believed Dex wouldn't make a move while his back was turned, or that Dex wouldn't be a match for Wolf if he did. The guy stood there for so long without saying anything, Dex was about to give up on a reply.

  "I was out of the country. The man who was supposed to have been keeping an eye on Hudson in my stead believed my brother was safe enough, and decided then would be a good time for a shag." Wolf looked over his shoulder at Dex, his expression hard. "He won't be shagging anyone, or breathing for that matter, anytime soon."


  "Your guests are oblivious to what's transpired and continue to enjoy your party. You should join them, and if you wouldn't mind leaving our little rendezvous between us, I would appreciate it."

  "I won't lie to Hudson."

  Wolf seemed to think about that for a heartbeat. "You're loyal to him, and I respect that. It will hurt him."

  "He's all grown-up now. He can handle it."

  Wolf smiled. "That he can."

  Was that pride he heard in Wolf's voice? Before Wolf could disappear, Dex had to know.

  "Why me?" Maybe Dex should listen to Ash on occasion and keep his mouth shut.

  Wolf turned and strolled over, then stopped inches away from Dex, their bodies almost touching. It was no easy feat, keeping himself from moving away. Dex may have escaped Wolf's capture once, and even managed to hold his own against the guy--could hold his own now--but he was under no illusion that he could actually take Wolf down on his own. Being this close to Wolf brought home just how much more skilled and lethal he was. Dex was alive because Wolf wanted him to be. Simple as that.

  "One day," Dex said, his voice quiet, "I will be better than you." He hated the slight tremor in his voice. The last thing he wanted was to sound intimidated. It didn't make his statement any less true. One day, Dex's training would allow him to surpass Wolf, and that would be the day Dex brought him down.

  Wolf smiled. He dropped his gaze to Dex's lips before moving his eyes back up to meet Dex's. "I'll be waiting with bated breath, darling." Wolf lifted his hand, and Dex chastised himself for flinching, knowing he wasn't as over what had happened to him as he pretended to be. "Do I still haunt your dreams?"

  Dex clenched his hands into fists, his jaw muscles flexing.

  Wolf leaned in, his thumb caressing Dex's cheek and his lips brushing over Dex's temple as he whispered, "Perhaps one of these nights we'll meet in your dreams under more pleasurable circumstances."

  "That's never going to happen," Dex said through gritted teeth.

  "Hm, we'll see."

  "Get away from him."

  Wolf turned, his expression softening. "Hello, little brother."

  Hudson marched over and pushed himself between Dex and Wolf. "What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?"

  Wolf chuckled, amused. "Are you reprimanding me?"

  "Yes." Hudson crossed his arms over his chest. "You know full well that Dex is marrying Sloane."

  Wolf winked at Dex. "But I'm so much more fun."

  Dex cursed under his breath. Why was his life so fucking weird? How had he garnered the attention of an ex-operative turned assassin? And why was he standing in some dank, piss-stained alley while his friend explained fidelity to his supposed-to-be-dead brother? Hudson poked Wolf in the chest, and Dex's jaw dropped. Wolf seemed as startled as Dex.

  "Alfie, you keep this up and you deserve whatever Dex and Sloane do to you."

  "Did you just poke me?" Wolf asked, his eyes wide.

  Hudson looked down at his finger as if just realizing what he'd done. His head shot up. "I did."

  Wolf glared at Hudson, and Dex readied himself for a fight. If he had to protect Hudson from his own brother, so be it.

  "You know how much I bloody hate that," Wolf growled at Hudson.

  Hudson simply growled back. "That's why I did it, you arse!"

  Wolf opened his mouth to reply, then closed it. He thrust a finger in Hudson's face. "Well, don't do it again."

  "Fine, then stop trying to get into Dex's pants."

  Dex covered his face with his hand and groaned. Oh, sweet Jesus. Was this really happening?

  "If he lets me in, then whose fault is that?"

  "Yeah, that's not happeni
ng," Dex hissed. "Ever."

  Wolf's grin was sinful. "I do love a challenge."

  "Oh, for crying out loud, Alfie. Were you list--"

  Wolf loomed over Hudson, snarling at him. "I told you not to call me that!"

  "You think I'm afraid of you?"

  Dex had to give Hudson credit. He was calm and collected. No hint of fear in his tone. Was he really not afraid of Wolf, or was he just good at hiding it?

  In one swift motion, Wolf took hold of Hudson's jaw. Eyes stone-cold, he squeezed until Hudson flinched. When he next spoke, it was through gritted teeth. "Well, you should be."

  Hudson's tone softened. "Alfie...."

  "Alfie's dead. I suggest you remember that." Wolf released Hudson and started to leave as Hudson called out after him.

  "Please, don't leave me again."

  Wolf let out a heavy sigh, his words barely audible but loud enough for Hudson and Dex to hear. "I won't."

  With that, he disappeared into the shadows. Dex had so many questions. If anyone could give him the inside scoop on TIN without holding back, it was Wolf. Maybe if he could get the guy to talk rather than just flirt, Dex might be able to learn some useful information. Sloane wouldn't like it, but Dex had to get him to see the bigger picture. It was all starting to seem so real now.


  "Hey. Sorry. What were you saying?"

  "I asked if you were all right."

  Dex threw his arm around Hudson's shoulders. "I'm fine, Dr. Hobbs." The fact that Hudson still blushed when someone called him by his married name made Dex smile. He was adorable. "I think it's time to call it a night. What do you think?" They'd talk about Wolf showing up, but not tonight. Dex was ready to go home to Sloane.

  Hudson let out a sigh. He let his head rest against Dex's. "That sounds like a smashing idea."

  Other than the guys trying to kill him, the psycho with personal space issues, and the drug dealers, Dex had had an incredible time. He could have done without all the weirdness, but no one could say his bachelor party hadn't been memorable.

  Back inside the club, Dex headed for his shirt, his brother following worriedly. "Are you sure, Dex?"


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