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God-Kissed: Book 1 (The Apprentices)

Page 34

by Clark Bolton

“He deals with it ok. It’s just mainly that he worries this will come to naught or worse … like you know.” She shrugged as she looked into his eyes again.

  Bowing his head to work up his courage he told her, “I’m going to come by your house soon, Onaleen, and well … talk with your father. Ok!”

  She looked apprehensive now as she paused to think. “I don’t know, O’t, he may not agree to see you.”

  “Oh he will! Don’t worry about that!” He told her as he had her sit in preparation for the start of class. She smiled hesitantly at his remarks but got no opportunity to respond as he began addressing the class.

  “Let’s get started shall we!”

  The next morning Autbek stood beside the tower watching Castor and Haspeth practice their acrobatic performance. A letter had gone out to the Baroness late the night before informing her that he would attend her next party, and so the two had planned to be ready to perform there. They all agreed that they would mention only that the Vis Mage-Councilor was attending, and not anyone else, as they wanted to remain anonymous.

  Autbek left the two to their practice and spent the rest of the morning researching runes, spells, and wards in hopes of coming up with something to meet Murac’s suggestion about increasing security. Fortunately they had a good tome on the subject and soon he had a mental list of things to try out that would help secure the tower.

  When he tired of reading he turned his thoughts to all the other tasks he had to accomplish. They included preparation for the Baroness's party, whenever that was going to be held, and arranging interviews with Onaleen, and the other two girls, that he had decided to make formal apprentices. And finally making preparation for a new librarian, though he could think of nothing they could do in advance since they had no clue as to whom to expect and when.

  He was interrupted in his revelry by a brief flash of light from the fireplace, and as he turned toward it he was just in time to see a scroll roll from the fireplace onto the floor. Autbek figured it was likely a reply from Tel Sok and so carefully examined the runes upon it before opening the scroll.

  It was addressed to him and sealed with a simple set of runes that required one to simply state one’s name before breaking the seal. Autbek spoke his name loudly and then opened the scroll, which in part read.

  … feelings of idiocy are rampant in some circles,

  though I not necessarily subscribe them to you,

  but claims of Ausic ring bearing are not conducive

  to friendships particularly in a letter of introduction.

  Apprenticeship aside, I don’t call upon myself to

  respond but for clarification, for who could have

  placed such an artifact upon said finger. Not

  yourself for sure, so please do tell of your Ausic

  master or stop with the hoax, though it is amusing.

  -Tel Sok, mage of Ingretti.

  “I do believe I’ve been insulted!” Autbek muttered to himself as he began to pen a reply. Pausing for a moment he wondered if Castor could provide some help with the reply.

  Tel Sok, I do not for a moment question your stance

  as a mage nor should you mine as an Ausic

  Apprentice, though I suppose most consider that

  above your station. As for my master I can only say

  he is an Ausic Mage of the 10th level for he relishes

  his anonymity, particularly from those he would

  consider as chanters.

  But that aside, do tell me what you know of Ausic

  traditions for I profess some ignorance here, and

  though my knowledge grows daily I would seek

  outside sources for confirmation of my esteemed


  I include this representation of my hand, complete

  with Ausic Ring, as proof of my sincerity.

  - Autbek, Ausic apprentice, 4th

  Now he just needed Castor to draw with his enchanted chalk an illusionary hand on the parchment before sending it on to Tel Sok, that and perhaps take the Ausic oath and have Neustus actually place the ring on his finger. Tracking down Castor, he had him do just that after showing him the letter, which Castor found most amusing. The result was a fabulous rotating miniature hand that hovered above the parchment, complete with Ausic Ring.

  “I could have the hand give a special little gesture.” Castor grinned.

  “Ha-ha! That is a temptation … but I better not upset him too much, after all he may turn out to be a useful contact.” Autbek did hope to hear that Tel Sok knew something of Ausic rings. He then cast the fire-note spell as he had done before to send the scroll instantly to its destination. Then he sat back and wondered if he had given too much information to Tel Sok.

  His revelry was interrupted again, but this time by Berdtom, who he had not heard arrive. The man seemed in a rush as he walked by the open library door and on up to the second level of the tower without a glance at Autbek or Castor, forcing Autbek to run after him to satisfy his curiosity.

  “You look like you're in need of something, Tom.”

  “I am, though most of what I seek I shall not find here. Nonetheless I have some things for you which I need to give to you now since I will be leaving soon for a couple of weeks.”

  “Oh, anyplace I know or is it a state secret this time?” Autbek asked knowing Berdtom was likely to tell him either way.

  “I’m returning to Atkusup Temple, actually, I want to know if they have something I very much desire.” Berdtom said, and then waited for Autbek to ask the obvious question.

  “Let me guess, you think they may have a Sta.”

  “Yes, I think they may and I will forever hate myself if I don’t confirm it.”

  Autbek furrowed his brow, “But even if they have one why give or even show it to you?”

  Berdtom smiled evilly and replied, “Because the Vis Mage-Councilor of Astrum has authorized me to seize it!” With that he produced a letter stating such and asked for Autbek’s to place his seal on it.

  Autbek read the letter then looked to Berdtom in consternation. “How is it that I can authorize such an act?”

  “Why the Earl has explicitly given such authority to the Mage-Councilor or in his absence the Vis Mage-Councilor.” Berdtom then produced another scroll; this one had the seal of the Earl of Astrum on it.

  “They are going to hate me Tom!” Autbek complained as he read the Earl’s writ.

  “Ah, now remember the circumstances should they truly have the Sta. It was taken from a Tesslodken crypt and so is not theirs to keep.”

  Autbek mused for a few moments. “You’ve got this all worked out except the part where they deny having it, or perhaps are even unaware they have it.”

  “Leave that to me.”

  “Hmm, well who is going with you?”

  “Don’t be concerned, I’ll not involve you or your friends here, it will strictly be a matter handled by the Lord Mage Captain of Arms. Who will be backed up by a number of men-at-arms.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “The trip there and back will take us the better part of two weeks. I shall make every effort to start out very soon.”

  Autbek smiled to himself, as this perhaps was the perfect opportunity to visit Onaleen. With Berdtom gone or at least preoccupied he did not have to explain himself at all, except of course to two very nosey apprentices. “I wish you luck, Tom!”

  Autbek waited impatiently for Berdtom to leave, hoping he did not commandeer all the men-at-arms since he wanted at least a couple to back him up on his first official visit to Onaleen’s home. Seeing Haspeth hovering around the cook fire, which was annoying the cook, Autbek motioned for him to come over.

  “Do you recall where Onaleen lives?” He asked as he watched Berdtom mount up and ride off with a wave.

  “Why? Going somewhere are you. Maybe you can catch Berdtom.” Haspeth then made a theatrical wave at the man.

  “Stop! Just hold on … do you remember or no


  “Well can you get directions from Castor and also get a couple of guards mounted and ready.”

  “Oh, yes sir my lord. One love parade coming up.” Haspeth exclaimed as he quickly walked out of striking range on his way to the stable.

  Autbek ignored him as he went over again what he needed to do to pull this off. First he needed some good cologne, a fresh shirt, a shave, and oh yes, a well written letter to Onaleen’s father. “A summons I think!” He said aloud as he headed for his small quarters.

  “Guess where we’re heading Castor!” Haspeth could be heard to yell off in the distance. “Get your best illusions ready boy … there is love in the air … and hopefully in the sack tonight!”

  “You’ll need my best!” Castor replied from somewhere.

  “Not for me sneak-thief!” Came a reply.

  “Is he making his move?”

  “You bet your illusionary gold he is!”

  Autbek stood nervously at the bottom of the steps as Haspeth banged loudly on the door. Castor had accompanied them, but was not to be found now, so he figured they had the right door. Looking around he was reminded that the neighborhood was better than most as the cobblestones were pretty free of mud and trash and there was several lighted braziers within sight.

  One guard held the horses while the other stood next to Haspeth in the fading light. Everyone was in a pretty good mood and had been joking most of the way with Autbek about what he should do with the girl and with her father. He had considered asking Castor to do some of the illusionary sounds the kid had been mastering. Something like a trumpet or make it sound as if there was more of them, but decided in the end that it would be too much.

  “Is there no one there?” He asked impatiently. It had taken him a long time to work up to doing this and he just now wanted to get it over with.

  “Hold on now, I see lights in there. They are likely shy a bit at all the fuss.” Haspeth replied. People from surrounding homes were peeking out their windows now and some had stepped out onto the street.

  Autbek found himself sweating profusely now as he watched the neighborhood focus on him.

  “Bang, Bang, Bang.”

  “A message from the Vis Mage-Councilor…please open in the name of the Earl of Astrum!” Haspeth called out. Looking to Autbek he shrugged, indicating it did not hurt to mention the Earl.

  “Don’t make such a big thing of it, Haspeth!” He whispered harshly.

  Finally the door opened and a rather timid looking man, Onaleen’s father, worked up the courage to address Haspeth. The man’s voice was low and so Autbek could not hear much of what was said. He did accept the letter though.

  “We shall await your reply, sir!” Haspeth said with an elegant bow. Walking back to Autbek he informed him that he would fetch his daughter.

  After a few minutes the door opened again and the father stepped out to address Autbek. “My lord, please come in.”

  Autbek could see Onaleen now behind the man and possibly one or two other persons. “An honor to meet with you again, sir.” He said with a slight bow as he ascended the steps. He and Haspeth walked into the entranceway of the home after which Onaleen’s father closed the door. Though he had met her father on numerous occasions as he was the one who most often escorted her to class, they had never spoken much to each other, as both were uncomfortable with the presence of the other.

  Speaking respectively the father then listened to Autbek’s appeal for his daughter to meet with him at the mage tower the following afternoon. “You may send a single escort of course, but please understand that it shall be a woman of Onaleen’s age or thereabouts. I will send two guards to accompany them at all times.”

  Onaleen smiled a little but kept quiet at her father's behest as she stood beside her mother. The whole conversation went quickly and smoothly and soon Haspeth was lagging behind making polite conversation as Autbek exited.

  “Onaleen, nice to see you again, looking forward to tomorrow.” Autbek said as he bowed one last time before climbing into the saddle.

  “Thank you, my lord!” She replied as she curtsied in the doorway.

  As Haspeth climbed on his horse the two braziers in the area began to glow with a fierce light, then colorful sparks erupted from them. Doing their best to ignore it the party rode away at a trot.

  “What was that?” Autbek asked as they rounded a corner.

  “Had to be Castor! Guess he thought you needed a proper exit.” Haspeth replied.

  “Hmm.” He grunted, and then asked. “What do you think, did I sound official.”

  “Very! Had mom and dad fooled anyway. I think Onaleen is on to you though as that goodbye was way over the top!” Haspeth said with exaggeration.

  “Well, just glad he did not make a scene of it.”

  “What, her father? Naw, he is hooked I can tell ya.”

  “Let’s hope so … now where has Castor and Lit’ gone off to?”

  Autbek arose before dawn. He had not slept well as he had many things on his mind, not least of which was Onaleen who he expected today. Walking out into the cold morning he figured he was the first one up but found his assumption was wrong.

  “You're up early.” Murac commented as he continued practicing one of his many sword forms. This one entailed swinging a long broadsword about while one leg was far forward of the other, though not one of his favorites Murac practiced it to keep in shape.

  “Yea, can’t sleep I guess. Too much stuff going on and not enough answers.”

  “Happens!” Murac said as he whirled the blade.

  Autbek found watching the man very satisfying for some reason, as it was kind of like a dance combined with a play. The exaggerated movements would go on for a bit then a killing stroke would come, and then the next part of the form would start, then the whole would repeat.

  “How’s your combat spells coming?”

  Autbek frowned, “Well got a few practiced now but nothing I’m so happy with.” He had a freeze spell but was hesitant to try it on someone and so far he could only cast it from a scroll. Also there was a sleep spell Haspeth had found but not tried yet.

  “Anything I can help with? Berdtom has got it in his mind that you need some motivation there.” Murac said as he continued to swing the blade.

  “Well, I suppose we could use some volunteers. I mean some of the spells are designed not to harm but … well I’ve got no master now that has experience with any of them.”

  “Neustus no help there, huh? Anyway I can get a couple volunteers this morning if you’re game.” Murac smiled.


  “Couple of the men I’m thinking. Give them some leave for their pains.”

  Autbek thought about the possible pains from being a target of one of the spells he had in mind. Other than a long nap and maybe a fall or two it was not likely to be too bad. “Ok, couple hours from now after Haspeth and Castor arise.

  “Well enough, O’t. I’m sure Berdtom will be pleased to hear of it.” Murac winked.

  “Yeah.” He muttered as he walked toward the tower. Climbing the stairs to the second floor he walked to his desk and picked up the invitation he had gotten late yesterday from the Baroness Imeldacy. There was a party next week at her residence in the city and she very much wanted him to come.

  Castor and Haspeth had declared their eagerness to attend this one and since Berdtom wanted them all to increase their exposure to the Court and related officials and nobles. He sat down and began to write a reply.

  I graciously accept your kind invitation and look

  forward to meeting you in person this time.

  Please be warned, my lady, that I am often

  Followed to these types of functions by a band

  of mystic acrobats


  - Autbek, Vis Mage-Councilor, Fourth Squire of Runeholden,

  and Ausic Apprentice, 4th

  “That should entice her.” He mumbled to himself as he sealed
the letter. The Baroness had been begging for the acrobat to make an appearance for months now. He just hoped his two friends did not overdo it.

  After several minutes of quiet contemplation while sitting at his desk he was interrupted by Haspeth, who came walking up the stairs seemingly half awake.

  “I got to do what now?” Haspeth asked as he sat down. “Murac says we are practicing spells this morning or something like that. Gods, can’t it wait until noon.”

  “Battle-mages learn to go on little sleep or so I’ve heard.”

  “Best be a healer then I guess.” Haspeth replied as he shuffled back toward the stairs. “I hope that bacon's ready.” He mumbled.

  “Oh, hey ask Murac to send those two guards to pick up Onaleen!”

  “Yeah.” Came a faint reply.

  He was really looking forward to Onaleen’s visit though he figured it would likely be painful as he really did not know her outside of class, other than the unfortunate business with Fesmbol. The brief discussion yesterday was no help as her father hardly let her speak, and the time before that when he had used a cantrip to clean her naked body was hardly something to bring up.

  When Castor showed up a short time later Autbek had some scrolls ready for this morning’s test, though he had none for Castor. The kid had found some he knew, but he wished that something more definitive had been found. The library was still unorganized and largely a mystery to all of them so sometimes he just found it too daunting a task to search in it.

  “You ready, Castor?”

  “Yep, and the battle-mage looks like he is too.”

  “Good, I’ll grab something to eat and let’s meet on the south side.”

  There they found Murac had set up a table and had brought along four of the men-at-arms. Plopping the scrolls down on the table Autbek waited for Haspeth to find one he liked.

  “You want to try that sleep spell?”


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