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Divided Paths

Page 16

by Katrina Cope

  “That's good news,” I say. “But have you told Jehan who you are yet?”

  She shakes her head. “I'm going to see him again tomorrow. Alone.”

  “That's a good idea. I’m happy to join you if you want some moral support.”

  “No, that's okay.” Sadness flickers across her face. “If he doesn't accept me for who I am, I know I can come straight home to you for comfort.”

  I hug her tightly around the shoulders. “You've got that right.”

  - Chapter Twenty-Eight -

  That night, I pace around the little cottage until the sun fills the sky with the magnificent orange hues of the morning. Usually, when the birds start to chirp, it fills me with joy and anticipation for the new day, especially lately, because I often discover something new that Ava is capable of doing. This morning though, the birds' song fills me with a different type of anticipation. I am a nervous wreck. I am nervous for Ava. She is about to expose herself and what she is capable of to Jehan. I worry about her mental health if he rejects her. Sharp pangs of worry also strike me when I think about her physical safety, although I know I shouldn't be so concerned. After all, she is a dragon, shapeshifter, and witch. I should be more worried about Jehan. There’s no telling what could happen if he rejects her.

  Ava wakes right after the first light fills the sky. She has a hurried breakfast, scarfing down a couple of boiled eggs. Then she kisses me on the cheek and hits the road within a few minutes of waking, leaving me home alone to wallow in my worry. She looks much braver than I feel. I so badly want her to be happy and move on. She deserves a good life.

  To keep my mind busy while she is away, I decide to build a small barn. It will come in handy to store extra food and equipment. Now that Ava is socializing, it will also be an excellent place for an additional person to sleep if we have any visitors. As I construct the barn, the memories of what happened back at her farm fill me with sadness. She has been through so much in her life, losing two sets of parents, both brutally murdered in different ways. She has already loved and lost a lot. I hope she will be successful with Jehan. If she finds a different kind of love today, then her life will take on a different meaning.

  With my angelic powers, it doesn’t take long to construct the barn. I should’ve done this years ago. Because we store all of her food, we have run out of space before winter many times. The barn will also give the animals more shelter during the cold months. I build a cozy area inside with a fireplace to radiate heat for people or animals.

  Once I’ve finished the inside, I realize it is only about lunchtime, proving my angelic powers to be both a blessing and a curse. I should’ve stuck with pure strength and a human pace so I filled in more time. She still has all afternoon to go, and I'm already starting to fret. I have to find something else to do.

  I feed the animals and tend to their pens. I decide to plant some beans. There is just enough time for them to grow before the snow sets in.

  An eagle soars overhead, and I study it to see if I can recognize it. It doesn't show any signs of being Ava. If it were her, then I would be anxious, wondering if things didn't go that well for her. In one way, I’m glad when it doesn’t land and transform into her.

  I turn back to my work and plant the beans, at the same time planning several more rows. A noise in the bushes grabs my attention, and I straighten my back, searching for the cause. Out of the forest, a pony emerges. Its mane and tail are luscious and white, and the brown fur on its back and legs is thick and especially suited for the cooler weather in France. On the pony's back sits a young man, who climbs off when it stops. He jams his hands into his pocket as he observes the small cleared patch that leads to the cottage, the new barn, and the pens housing the farm animals. He rocks on his toes in the distance, and I think I recognize him. There is an air of familiarity about him.

  After a few moments, the pony shimmers and transforms into Ava.

  The young man turns and smiles tenderly at her, and she grabs his hand, dragging him forward. Her eyes are wide as she studies the barn.

  “Zacharias, you've made a new barn. You have been busy,” she calls across the plain.

  I study the young man as they approach. It is definitely Jehan, and seeing that Eva just transformed from a pony into herself right in front of him, I gather that she has told him the truth. It must have gone well. I smile at him and slap a hand on his shoulder lightly when he approaches.

  “Welcome, Jehan,” I say before I turn to Ava. “I see you must've told him your secret.”

  She nods. “So far, he is holding up well.”

  The way she says it makes me think that she hasn’t told him everything. She is a woman with many hidden talents, and she has a lot to reveal.

  Jehan looks at me and says, “I knew she was special. I just didn't realize how special.”

  “Are you okay with everything?” I study his face for any sign of uncertainty. I can't see any.

  He smiles under my scrutiny. “Don't worry. Her secret is safe with me. If anything, it is made her more intriguing.”

  I raise an eyebrow at him. “Really?”

  He nods. “I wanted to find a special woman, and it looks like I've stumbled across her by accident. Who knew selling my family's products would bring me to this?”

  Remembering his business, I ask, “What about your stall? Who's running it today?”

  “My brother agreed to run it today. Ava said she was coming to visit, so I asked him to step in and help.” He looks down at her hand and squeezes it tighter, and she smiles. A slight redness colors her cheeks. “That would mean I can spend quality time with her, not just sit behind the stall. Thankfully, he agreed.” I watch the interaction between the two of them. Affection is evident in his eyes and his mannerisms.

  “It's great that he could do that for you,” I say. “After all, Ava was only going to see you.”

  While still looking at Ava and clearly enjoying her blush, he says, “I had a feeling Ava wanted to tell me something important today. I guess my instincts were right. It was even more reason why I didn't need to be sitting at the stall. We needed privacy and to be away from other people's ears and sight.” He smiles at Ava again then looks at me.

  “Ava telling you that she turns into different animals is definitely something needing privacy. We don't tell many people. Now that I think about it, no one other than us knows,” I add cautiously, not sure exactly how much he knows.

  He nods then turns back to look at Ava. “She said there was more to show and that she would rather do it outside of town. I was happy to come for a ride and learn more—in fact, everything I can—about Ava.” His voice is questioning but confident.

  “Are you sure?” I eye him warily. “Because some of the things Ava is about to show you got her parents killed.” I watch this information sink in. “Are you sure you're ready for that? It's a huge commitment.”

  “People killed her parents because of this?” He spins around to look at me. Horror fills his eyes.

  I nod. “I believe someone killed her birth parents because of the gift. This is because they must've had the gift themselves. The people who killed her parents mustn't have realized that their daughter had it too, and she escaped before they could find her. Her father entrusted her to his best friend before he died.”

  Although shock still distorts his face, it mellows. “I'm still willing to know. I want to know this wonderful woman inside and out. As I said, I’ve never met anyone like her.”

  “You had better prepare yourself so Ava can show you what she can do.” I sit. It’s not necessary for me to remind Ava that I read his mind the first day I met him and saw that he had no ill intentions toward her and that he could turn out to be a loyal friend. I know he is open-minded but no more than that. I’m not sure how he will react to the full truth. I look at Ava. “You know, if it doesn't go well, I can always wipe his memory.” I don’t care that he is sitting in front of me.

  His mouth drops open as he looks at me. “Wha

  “Yes, you heard right,” I say, almost laughing. “But don't worry. I'm pretty sure you'll be fine. I don't usually like messing with human brains, anyway.”

  “Zacharias!” Ava looks at me in shock.

  “What's wrong?” I ask. “Is it that I said to show him, or because I said I would wipe his memory if need be?” I lift an eyebrow at her.

  “B-B-Both,” she sputters. “I don't want you playing with his memory all of the time.” She pauses, and a frown creases her forehead. “And what exactly did you want me to show him?” She crosses her arms over her chest.

  “I'm sure everything will be fine if I need to wipe his memory. As for what part, it is whatever you please.”

  She rubs her upper arm then uncrosses her arms. “I guess I should show him the most impressive animal.” There is a small lift of the corner of her mouth, almost forming a smile.

  “That's a good option.” I can't hide my wry grin.

  Jehan gapes at her. “What is this animal?”

  She holds out a hand, asking him to stop. “I don't want you to worry. What you're about to see won't hurt you. I have full control over it.”

  “Okay,” he says hesitantly. “I have no idea what animal could be so intimidating, other than a lion. Maybe a tiger or a wildcat of some kind. Or maybe a snake.”

  Ava shakes her head in a decisive manner, but she still looks agreeable. “Yes. They are quite intimidating animals. But this one's a lot different.”

  “What is—” His mouth stops. He stares at her eyes, and his mouth drops open.

  Her beautiful green irises have split down the middle, and her body starts to evaporate into particles.

  “Is she about to turn into one of those horrible creatures?” His eyes are full of panic, and he refuses to take them off her.

  “Just wait and see,” I say. Within a few moments, she shifts and appears in her dragon form. Her gorgeous green scales shimmer in the sunlight. She is impressive and beautiful.

  “This is what I was talking about,” I say, indicating her glorious form.

  Jehan tiptoes as though trying not to make any sound while he circles her, obviously not wanting to startle her or cause her to attack. I know that she won’t, as her posture is relaxed.

  “What are the traits of this creature?” His eyes remain full, and he still looks as though he is ready to bound away.

  “This creature is a young dragon. She is extremely powerful and also in full control of her body and mind. You don't have to worry.”

  “Can I touch her?” He reaches a hand towards her then pulls it back when he realizes what he is doing.

  “Yes. You can. You are safe to pet her. She is on our side.” Tentatively, he steps closer to her, placing one hand on the side of her head and another on her neck. She breathes steam out of her nose. He takes a step back and eyes her warily. After studying her for a few moments without incident, he moves forward and embraces her some more.

  “She feels so different, so magnificent. Kind of like a snake, but not. The scales are rough and protective yet so soft at the same time.” He gasps as he strokes her side, his eyes filling with wonder. “There is nothing that compares to that beautiful green color except her eyes.” The fear is gone. “She is beautiful. There is nothing that compares to this. What is she?”

  At first, I look at him in astonishment. He has already been told this a few times, but then I realize that he must have been so nervous or in shock that it didn't have a chance to sink in. “She's a dragon, a fierce warrior and protector. This woman can protect anyone she loves with no reserve, especially in the form of this animal… But also by other means.”

  His hand halts on her side, and he spins to look at me. “What other means?”

  “That is up to her to show you.”

  At first, he seems upset that I won't tell him, but then he turns and continues caressing her side.


  SHE NUZZLES HIM, and he throws his arms around her neck. A slight rumbling sounds in her throat, and it almost sounds like a purr. She nudges him harder toward her back and up her side until he climbs on and grabs hold of the spikes at the base of her neck.

  I laugh. “Such a cute couple.”

  Slitted green eyes glance at me with amusement before she pushes off the ground and takes to the sky. I can see Jehan's knuckles turn white while she flies low over the farm and circles the area. It takes a while, but eventually, a “yahoo!” echoes across the farmland, and he grins from ear to ear until he finally lets go and flies hanging on only with his knees. When she eventually lands, Jehan's face is ecstatic as he climbs off her back.

  “I didn't know such creatures existed. Are there more like her? I would love to ride them all.”

  I shake my head, partially in disbelief and partly because I know he won’t be happy with the answer. “She is a rare and glorious dragon,” I say, emphasizing “rare.”

  Ava begins her transformation back into a human, and Jehan watches. “So what do you call whatever it is that she can do?”

  “She is a shapeshifter.” I watch him study her transformation, his eyes full of fascination. “But that is not all.”

  That catches his attention, and he pulls his eyes from her briefly. “What do you mean, that's not all?” he asks, looking at me. He turns back and gazes at Ava, his face turning from complete adoration to inquisitive.

  When I realize that I've put my foot in it, I brush over it quickly. “It doesn't matter. You'll find out when the time is right. I'm sure you've had more than enough surprises today. Come. You should get some food.” I reach to grab his arm and pull him gently toward the cottage when I feel resistance. His feet are glued to the ground, and he is still staring at Ava.

  I can see the worry in Ava's eyes, and he must've seen it too because he moves forward and places a hand on her cheek. “It's okay. You can tell me. I won't think any less of you.”

  “It's just…” Ava says, stopping short. She stares deeply into his eyes as though trying to read his thoughts.

  “It's just that people kill people like her,” I finish for her.

  “Why would people kill people like her? She is beautiful inside and out.” He scoops her face in both hands.

  I see that she is still finding it hard to explain, so I do it for her. “It's because they're afraid. People don't like what they're afraid of. And they get rid of it whether it's a threat or not.” Remembering again what his thoughts told me when I read them, I say, “Show him, Ava. It's okay. I have your back. Remember, I can always remove his memory. It’s an advantage that others like you don’t have.”

  She knows what I can do. She stares at me, her eyes full of curiosity and pain, clearly keen to move on to the next step, yet afraid that he will push her away.

  She stands in front of him, and I watch as she gently removes his hands from her face and places them by his side. At the same time, I can see her mouth moving, and I guess she is quietly saying the words from the incantation, so quietly that I can barely hear it even with my angelic hearing. I’ve seen her do this several times before, and have a good idea what she’s about to do. Then, right before us, she turns invisible.

  “Where did she go?” He starts to reach out and feel the spot where she was standing. I can see by his actions that his hands have landed on her, and he feels up and down her shoulders and around her head.

  A small giggle sounds. “I'm still here.”

  “Amazing! Can you reappear?”

  After a few moments, she reappears in front of him, her eyes full of hope. No signs of giving up on her show on his face, and he doesn’t show any hint of hatred or disdain. He grabs her hands and asks, “How did you do that?”

  “I am a witch. I have powers that humans do not. I hope you don't think any less of me.”

  “Don't be stupid. Marry me! I've been looking my whole life for someone as special as you.”

  Ava laughs. “You didn't even know someone like me existed. How could you be looking for some
one like me if you didn't know I exist?”

  He shrugs. “You know what I mean.” He spins around to look at me and say something, when suddenly something strikes him. “Wait.” He looks confused. “You said you could wipe my mind. What are you?”

  I smirk. “So you remembered that phrase, did you?”

  “Ah, yeah.” He nods with enthusiasm.

  “I've been Ava's guardian for the last ten years. And I’m an archangel.” I reveal my wings and my warrior uniform.

  “So you’re not human at all.” He points at me in disbelief.

  “No. And if you tell anyone, I will have to kill you.” I put on my straightest of faces.

  He blinks at me a couple of times without saying anything, and I laugh.

  “No. I'm joking. I don't kill innocent humans. But I will have to wipe your memory if you can't keep the secret—about Ava or myself.”

  “No problem there.” He spins back to face Ava. “Seriously. Will you marry me?”

  A tear trickles down Ava's face, and a smile lights up her eyes then spreads to her mouth. Her voice cracks with emotion. “Yes.”

  I leave her that night. A small chapter in an angel’s life has left a gaping hole. It breaks my heart to leave her and this small section of my life. I'm going to miss her. But my calling to protect her has ended, and it is time to move on with my other responsibilities. I hope we will meet again. But Michael needs me, and I will go.

  - Chapter Twenty-Nine -

  The demonic uprising has been growing. There are more disturbances every day. Michael and I go around and see to them in the hopes of preventing another war. With most of these visits, the gatekeeper is involved. He doesn’t hesitate about bringing the demons from hell, and he is always glad when we’re near, making sure he causes trouble for us. He has never forgiven us for Michael taking his eye.

  It was an accident. Michael was only trying to push the demon from him. At the time, little did Michael know that the demon was part of him, not inserted into him. He wasn’t possessed. Instead, he was born part demon, part human—a requirement for gatekeepers. While trying to cast the demon out of him, Michael caused injury to his eye. It had exploded with the pressure of the angelic light as it was inserted into him, and it never healed.


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