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Divided Paths

Page 21

by Katrina Cope

  I spit air from my mouth in a sound of disgust. “Hogwash. An angel is an angel and should stick to angelic rules and… look like an angel.”

  “A lot has changed since you fought with us, Zacharias. The demons are expanding, and their powers are growing. We are short of angels to protect the humans, so we have had to recruit them.”

  I pace with my hands clasped behind my back. “What? Recruit them! From where?”

  “From humans,” Michael says quietly.

  I stop pacing and study Archangel Michael to see if he is trying to mock me. “Are you mad?” I look at the three beings again. Their get-up is starting to make sense, although I'm not familiar with the clothes. It has been a while since I was out in the world. “From humans.” I glower at him. I can't believe he has stooped so low.

  “Yes, but unique humans, ones who have lived three innocent lives and have been murdered each time.” Michael stares at me. “Ones who have earned it, even though they did not know they had a chance of an angelic life.”

  I eye him thoroughly. “So you want me to babysit these humans?”

  “They are not humans. They are new angels.”

  “As I said, you expect me to babysit these humans?” I point at them as I stare into Michael's eyes. It doesn't matter what he calls them now. They are still humans in my eyes.

  “No.” Michael stands firm and stares at me. “I want you to train them.”

  Holding my stomach, I feign a laugh. “You're hilarious.” I slap him on the shoulder. “Thanks for the laugh.” I dramatically wipe the smile from my face then snap, “Get out.” I point to the door.

  Michael stands firm. “Zacharias, you are the best trainer there is, and they—we need your help.”

  “I'm not training humans,” I spit.

  “Angels,” Michael corrects. “And their powers are strong.”

  “I don't care. Why can't you train the humans yourself?” I scrutinize them.

  Michael shakes his head and sighs. “I have trained them, but they need more, and I am required in battle.” He looks at me, the strain of the argument and visit clear on his face. “As I said, we need you.”

  “Well that's too bad, then, isn't it?” I stand intimidatingly close to Michael. “I'm not training humans. So get out,” I hiss while pointing at the door again.

  Michael doesn't move. “I think you will find this job a rewarding one. Actually, I know you will find it rewarding.”

  “I'll never find babysitting humans rewarding again. Now, I don't have all day, so as I've said—leave.” I turn my back and make my way to the wall on the opposite side.

  The words come out clearly and defined. “Separus is after them. One in particular.”

  That does it. He has my full attention now.

  I will get involved, but I'm going to make Michael work for my help. It could be the start of my revenge.


  - Which Book to Read Next -

  Divided Paths follows Zacharias’s journey before he became earthbound. If you have not read the first three books in the Afterlife series, they make perfect follow-on stories and continue the story after Zacharias meets the human angels. If you have read Fledgling, The Taking, and Angelic Retribution and wanted to find out more about Ava, her story is following this one. It is currently in the making at the release date of this book.

  - Acknowledgments -

  I want to thank my readers who have waited patiently for this book, even though this was a surprise addition. The grumpy angel has always had a soft spot in my heart, after all, he has been through so much. I had to tell his story. It was initially meant to be a novelette, but the joining of Ava, whose life is vital to future stories, it turned into a full-length novel. In case you are wondering what happened to Ava, her story is the next book in the Afterlife series. I’m working hard in hopes that it will be released soon.

  I especially thank the readers who have contacted me and stating that they can’t wait for the next book, the ones who have shared their love of the book on social media, and the ones who have taken the time to leave a review. You make an author’s heart sing.

  My husband has been a helpful alpha reader and at times been a dedicated motivator, with hints of ideas to help me through the blanks. The support from my three sons has also been overwhelming.

  A huge thank you to my editors Kate and Irene at Red Adept Editing for their editing and writing tips, and suggestions for changes to make my stories more understandable especially to the American readers.

  Thank you to all of my readers who have loved my work, and continue to read my stories.

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  Katrina is an author of several Young Adult and Preteen/Middle Grade novels. Each of her released books reaching the top 100 in certain categories on the Amazon’s Best Sellers Rank – a few even as high as number one.

  She resides in Queensland, Australia. Her three teen/preteen boys and husband of over fifteen years treat her like a princess. Unfortunately though, this princess still has to do domestic chores.

  She holds a 2nd Dan in Taekwondo, which she likes to incorporate the experience into her stories. When she has enough time away from her writing to commit to training, she will be going for her 3rd Dan.

  From birth, she has been a very creative person and has spent many years travelling the world and observing many different personalities and cultures. Her favourite personalities have been the strange ones, yet the ones under the radar also hold a place in her heart.

  During her last extensive travels, she spent 16 nights in a bomb shelter on a Kibbutz 8 kilometers off the Lebanese border. It was to avoid Katyusha bombs that the resident volunteers decided to name her after (she is still trying to work out why).

  PS. Do NOT try to scare her in a dark alleyway even as a joke. Just saying!

  Katrina’s online home is at

  You can connect with Katrina on:






  - The Sanctum Series -

  The Sanctum series is a middle grade series. It is available for purchase as ebooks on Amazon or free to Kindle Unlimited subscribers. It is also available in paperback.




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