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Tarizon, The Liberator, Tarizon Trilogy Vol 1

Page 30

by William Manchee


  Marlais Beach

  Even though the assassin was in custody, Peter wasn't feeling very safe. Several questions kept lurking in his mind. How had his identity been discovered? Who on Pogo Island wanted him dead? What would be their next move? As to the first question, he thought of all the people who knew his true identity. Would any of them betray him? He didn't think anyone associated with the Councillor would. Nor would any of his newfound friends. That left Sgt. Baig, Luci, and Threebeard. Threebeard had already told all his people that the Liberator had come. He wondered if he'd identified the Liberator by name. He couldn't imagine he'd be that stupid. He didn't think Sgt. Baig was the culprit either as Lorin had said in her letter that they could trust him.

  Luci was another story. She was an enigma. Peter wanted to think she wouldn't betray him, but he couldn't rule her out. She had been the head guide and had personally selected him over all the others on Earth Shuttle 21. Was that a coincidence? Or, could she be an agent for Videl or one of his cronies assigned to keep an eye on him. He almost dismissed that idea because his stand-in as the Councillor’s intern had been assassinated. Why kill the intern if you know he isn’t the Liberator? Unless you want to give the Loyalists a false sense of security.

  Then Peter remembered the candidate who had probed his thoughts. Could he possibly be the one? He thought back to the day of the field tests and tried to remember if he'd seen him there. Could he have been the sniper? Probably not, but he could have been the one who figured out who he was and reported to one of the Videl's cronies. That made sense as the assassination attempt came very shortly after that encounter. If it was him and he was working in concert with Videl, then what would be their next move—another assassination attempt?

  With field training out of the way, the candidates were now scheduled for flight training. Peter's stomach felt queasy and he had a throbbing headache. He took a deep breath, trying to relax. He wondered how he'd make it through flight training with someone out to kill him. He'd already lost Tam. Now he would have to rely on Red and Sy to watch his back. He wondered if he should contact the Councillor and tell him boot camp wasn't turning out to be such a great idea. But how would he get the military training he needed so desperately if he was going to fulfill his destiny as the Liberator? It wasn't a time to panic. He had to be courageous and trust God to protect him, but then he realized God may not have dominion over Tarizon. That thought scared him, but then he dismissed it. It couldn't be true. God had to be everywhere, including Tarizon.

  Fortunately, they were given a few days off before flight training began. It was their first leave and they decided to go to the only big city on Pogo, Marlais Beach. It was a domed city of about a quarter million people and well known for its great beaches, beautiful women, and gambling casinos. It was one of the few covered beaches on Tarizon. Peter was amazed to see a dome extend out to sea and plunge into the ocean. Sy and Red were anxious to gamble and hook up with some good looking troebs, the equivalent slang for chicks in the USA. Gambling didn't interest Peter much because he didn't really need credits, as they called money on Tarizon. The TGA was providing his room and board for now and when he got back to Shisk, they'd be at war, so credits would be his last concern. Nor did he want to hook up with a beautiful woman. He still couldn't keep his mind off Luci and hoped somehow they'd get back together. He knew it was probably a ridiculous idea. He was pretty certain Luci had forgotten him, but she still had a hammerlock on his heart and there was little he could do about it.

  They took a land glider to the outskirts of Marlais Beach and then caught the local subtram to the beach resorts. Sgt. Baig had recommended the Southern Lights Resort and Casino, so they caught a public transporter, usually referred to as a PT, at the subtram station and asked the driver to take them there. After they'd checked into the plush hotel, the greeter took them to their suite and they unpacked. When they were settled, they went downstairs to the bar for a drink and to plan their activities for the next few days.

  A scantily clad barmaid showed them to a table. She looked human but Peter noticed she had a long slit beneath each breast. He looked away trying not to gawk at it.

  "Are you guys TGA?" She asked.

  Sy replied, "Yes. How did you know?"

  "We get a lot of soldiers in here from the military base. You guys have a certain look about you. It's not hard to pick you out."

  Peter said, "It's probably because we're so horny."

  She frowned, "Horney? What's that?"

  "Ah . . . well . . . that's a term we use in the Underland for when a man or woman hasn't had a mate for a long . . . long time."

  She laughed. "Well, yes then. That is a common trait of all the soldiers that come through here."

  "That's one reason we're here," Sy added, "if you catch my code."

  The barmaid gave Sy a wry smile and asked them what they wanted to drink. Sy ordered a high seas cocktail and Red asked for a double magic. Red swore by the double magic, so Peter decided to give it a try. Red promised it would relax him and make him forget his troubles. Peter hoped he was right.

  "What are those lines under the barmaids boobs?" Peter asked.

  "Boobs?" Sy chuckled.

  Peter grinned. "Ah.. . . yeah. . . . breasts, I mean."

  Sy nodded. "Oh, those are gills. She must be part Seafolken."

  "Do they work?" Peter asked looking over at her at the bar.

  "Yes, of course. She can swim underwater probably for ten loons without any problem, I'd guess—got fins I'd suspect too."

  "Fins? Where? I didn't see them."

  "They only show up when she's in the water. Otherwise you'd never know they were there."

  Peter shook his head.

  "You'd better watch her tongue, though. It's got fangs," Sy warned.

  Peter's eyes widened. "Really? Fangs?"

  "Yes, and if she bites, the venom will put you out for half a day and you won't remember what she did to you while you were unconscious."

  Everyone laughed except Peter. He didn't know if they were joking or telling him the truth. While Peter was trying to figure it out, there was giggling from a table nearby. They all looked over and saw three attractive young ladies having a party. Red and Sy immediately began flirting with them and before long the three girls came over to sit with them.

  The girls said they were hospital technicians who'd stopped by for a drink after their shift. They were impressed that they'd run into candidates in training with the TGA. After they'd talked awhile, Red suggested they take the ladies to the casino. He said they'd surely bring them good luck. Although Peter's heart wanted to resist, three double magics had weakened his resolve. Before he knew it he was at a tintan table with a killer brunette name LoreLai.

  He had no clue how to play tintan, so he let LoreLai do the betting. Luckily they'd been paid before they left camp, so Peter had a few credits to invest in the enterprise. LoreLai turned out to be a pretty good gambler and before long she had accumulated a nice stash of loot. When they were tired of gambling, Peter asked her if she was hungry.

  "Yes, I'm famished."

  "Let's go spend some of your winnings on dinner."

  She nodded and replied, "Good idea. Then you can tell me about yourself."

  Peter smiled at this idea, but knew that it wouldn't be possible. He'd tell her about his fictitious life in Queenland and then shift the questions to her. Women usually liked to talk about themselves. At least that was true on Earth. He assumed it would be the same here as well, so he wasn't too concerned about keeping the conversation going. They cashed in LoreLai's chips and then stepped out onto the boardwalk that ran along the beach. The soothing sound of the waves breaking on the shore was like sweet music to Peter's ears. LoreLai said she was cold, so he put his arm around her as they walked. The restaurant where they were going was several blocks away, so they had a little time to talk. He told her where he was from and a little about his childhood. Then he started asking her questions.

p; "How did you get into the medical field?"

  "Oh, I've always been interested in medicine. For a long time I wanted to be a doctor, but my OAS didn't support it. The only thing I could qualify for in the medical field was medical technician."

  "OAS? What's that?"

  "You know. Occupational Assessment Score. You must have gone through that testing."

  "Right. I just forgot what they called it."

  "It's horrible to be told by a computer what you must do with your life."


  "But, I guess the computers are wiser than us mortals."

  "I . . . guess. So, do you like your work?"

  "Well, it's a little monotonous drawing blood and processing it all day. I've always liked more excitement, if you know what I mean."

  They arrived at the restaurant. It claimed to serve the finest foods native to Serie and Lyon. That didn't mean anything to Peter, but LoreLai seemed impressed, so he acted like he was too. The hostess showed them to a quiet booth and gave them menus. LoreLai opened hers and began studying it.

  Peter said, "Any recommendations?"

  She looked up and replied, "I've always been fond of grilled seequille with samini sauce."

  Peter nodded. "That sounds good. I'll think I'll get the same thing." Peter had no clue what it was, but he assumed if she liked it, so would he. "So, do you have a mate?"

  She looked up from the menu and their eyes met. She hesitated a second and then replied, "Ah . . . no, he died last year and I haven't put in for a new one yet."

  As she was glancing up at him, he saw an opportunity to peak into her mind. This skill was still new to him, so he didn't know exactly what he was doing. It seemed by focusing on her eyes, some of her thoughts just flew into his mind through some kind of cosmic beam. Suddenly he realized she was lying about her mate. She did have one and he was back at a their compartment waiting for her. She turned away and he lost the connection.

  Peter wondered why she would lie about her mate. Was it something akin to infidelity? He knew with a mate there wasn't the same commitment as with husband and wife on Earth, but why make up a story about your mate's death? He decided to press the issue a bit.

  "What was his name?"

  "Ah . . . Lenord. But let's not talk about him. I'd like to hear more about you."

  "Lenord. Hmm. How did he die?"

  "Ah. . . . respiratory failure. He worked outside the dome on a construction crew and his breather malfunctioned. It was an accident."

  "So, you live alone?"

  She looked annoyed but replied, "Yes. They haven't assigned anyone to share my compartment yet. You have two cycles to apply for a mate if yours dies."

  She looked at Peter straight on again and her thoughts started streaming into his mind. There was a glimpse of a soldier, a TGA officer, and she was listening intently to him. She turned again and he lost the image. Peter's head started to ache. This was hard work he decided, but he had to find out who this soldier was and why LoreLai was thinking about him. Was he the one waiting for her back at her place? An ominous feeling came over him. He wondered what kind of a reaction he'd get if he suggested going to her place. He was pretty sure she planned on having sex with him, so the question was: Your place or mine?

  "Listen, after dinner I'd take you up to our room, but it might be a bit crowded with Sy and Red and your friends. Is your place close by?"

  "Ah . . . no it's way on the other side of the city and, well . . . it's kind of a mess."

  "That's okay. I promise I won't look."

  "No. No. Can't we just book another room? I'd feel more comfortable—"

  "Sure," Peter replied as she looked at him again. Peter felt her anxiety and tried once again to find out what was causing it. He caught a glimpse of a bottle of pills. She was pouring them out on a counter and counting out a half dozen. She put them in an envelope, opened her purse, and stuck them inside. As she slipped them in, he thought he saw a small gun. He stiffened. What was this lady up to?

  Peter's appetite suddenly vanished. His mind went into overdrive trying to analyze the images he'd seen. It suddenly dawned on him that LoreLai may herself be another assassin. If she was, then the pills were meant for him. This realization made him worry about Sy and Red. They had picked up these girls pretty quickly and easily. It almost seemed they were waiting there for them. Peter’s anxiety turned to panic. He had to go to Sy and Red and warn them. He put his hand on his forehead and moaned, "Shit, I'm getting a killer headache."

  LoreLai frowned and replied, "Are you serious? What happened?"

  "I don't know. I get these sometimes for no apparent reason. It'll go away in a few hours."

  "A few hours? But, I was looking forward—"

  "I'm really sorry, LoreLai. We'll have to get together another time."

  LoreLai just looked at Peter in disbelief. Then her face lit up and she said, "Oh, I just happen to have some lisen tablets. They'll take care of your headache in short order. Would you like one?"

  "Ah. . . . No, I've got some special medicine prescribed to me by my doctor back at the base. It works good. Like I said, by morning I'll be fine."

  Peter could feel LoreLai's mind working hard. He assumed she was trying to come up with some other angle to get him alone. He wondered how long her lisen tablets would take to kill him. Would she wait around to make sure the pills worked and, if they didn't, finish the job with a bullet in the head? Then he wondered if he was being paranoid. It was a delicate situation. He couldn't afford to accuse her of anything. If the local authorities came, there would be questions and his identity would be scrutinized. If he killed her it could even get worse.

  Peter got up and told her he was going back to their suite. She gave him a frustrated look. "I'll come with you. I'll take care of you."

  "You're too kind, but all I need is a couple of my pills and some sleep." He feared he’d find Sy and Red with a bullet in their heads if he didn’t hurry. He turned and started to walk away. She got up and followed him. At the restaurant's entrance there was a crowd of guests waiting to be seated. As he slowed to maneuver his way through them, she caught up with him. Peter saw her hand reach into her purse and pull out the gun. Before she could fire he pulled a man in front of him as a shield and pointed, "Watch out she's got a gun!"

  Everyone's eyes turned to LoreLai. A lady screamed and people began pushing and shoving to get out of her way. In the commotion, Peter slipped out of the restaurant and ran back to the hotel. At the front door to the casino he resumed a normal walk. As the door swung open, he looked back but LoreLai hadn't followed him. He hoped she'd been caught by security. Relieved, he stepped inside and looked around. Sy and his date were at the same tintan table where he'd left them. Red and his companion were nowhere to be seen. Peter strolled over to the table. "Hey, you're still here. You must be winning."

  Sy smiled and replied, "No, We've lost all my paycheck. Rhona and I were just killing time watching the game while we waited for Red to get finished with the room."

  "He's upstairs with—"

  "Rulle," Sy said smiling. “They're getting better acquainted.”

  Rhona asked, "Where's LoreLai?"

  "Ah . . . in the ladies' room . . . Ah . . . she'd said to tell you to join her. She had a problem with her dress or something."

  Rhona grimaced and looked toward the ladies’ room. When she gave him a skeptical look, he said, "You better hurry. She seemed upset."

  Rhona turned and walked quickly toward the ladies' room. Peter grabbed Sy's arm and said, "Come with me. Red's in trouble."

  On the way up the elevator he gave Sy the short version of what had just happened. When the elevator door opened they ran down the hall to their room. After slipping the key card in the door, Peter tried to push it open but it was locked from the inside. From his waistband in the small of his back he pulled out the C34 pistol and shot out the locking mechanism. The door flew open and Rulle looked up startled by the intrusion. She was half naked and brandis
hing a pistol of some sort. Just a few feet away Red was lying on the ground face down. When she started to raise her gun, Peter kicked her wrist hard and sent the gun flying across the room. Sy tackled her and, after a spirited wrestling match, finally subdued her.

  Peter knelt down over Red and felt his pulse. It was weak and his face was pale. "She must have poisoned him. Oh God! What are we going to do?"

  "Make him vomit," Sy said struggling to tie Rulle's wrists with her bra. "It couldn't have been in his stomach long."

  "Okay," Peter said, and lifted Red up into a sitting position against the bed. With one hand he opened his mouth and then stuck his hand down his throat. Red coughed, choked, and grabbed his hand trying to pull it out of his mouth. They struggled and finally vomit came out like an overflowing toilet. It was a green slime with a strong chemical smell. "We've got to get him to a hospital!"

  Sy, who had finally successfully tied up Rulle, stood up and said, "We can't call security. We'll have to get a PT."

  "Fine," Peter said. "Make the call. Have them meet us at the side exit. Fewer people are likely to see us."

  Sy went to the communicator and ordered the transporter while Peter picked up Red and started out the door. As Peter turned to go down the hall, the elevator door opened and Rhona and LoreLai strolled out. They both had their guns drawn and began shooting. A bullet hit the door jam inches from Peter's head. He staggered back into the room, lost his balance, and fell on his butt. Sy dropped the communicator, pulled out his C34, and rushed to the door and peered out. Peter struggled to his feet, pulled out his pistol, and joined Sy at the door. He motioned for Sy to cover him. Sy nodded and stuck his pistol out just far enough to take a wild shot at the approaching assassins. It missed, but momentarily put them on the defensive while Peter rolled across the carpet sending a flurry of bullets in their direction. One of them hit LoreLai and she fell to one knee. When Rhona looked at her fallen comrade, Sy stepped out and dropped her with a single shot from his C34. LoreLai coughed, blood spurted from her mouth, and then she fainted.

  "Come on," Peter said. "We've got to get out of here."

  They rushed back into the room, got Red, and started to the elevators. A bell rang indicating someone was about to step out of it, so they made a quick about face. Just as they made it into the stairwell, security police swarmed into the hallway. Fortunately, they hadn't seen them go into the stairwell, so they made it down to the bottom floor without incident.

  The PT was waiting outside the side entrance. Sy had told the dispatcher there'd be a big tip for whoever got there first, so the driver was eagerly awaiting.

  They jumped in and told the driver to take them to the nearest hospital. About ten loons later he dropped them off. Peter gave him some casino chips and then offered him a few more if he'd forget he ever saw them. He took the chips and nodded eagerly. They carried Red inside to the casualty unit. A nurse asked them what had happened.

  "Ah . . . I'm afraid our friend went to a party house and they must have given him some drugs or something. When he didn't come out, we went in and got him. He was cold and pale when we found him. We made him vomit, but—"

  The nurse frowned. "Oh, Sandee. Men are so stupid."

  Sy and Peter shrugged. The nurse shook her head and started writing some notes in the new file she had made on Red. She asked us his name. They had to be straight with her because they didn't have fake identifications and didn't want her to doubt their story. When she was done asking questions, they went to the waiting room. Luckily it was empty.

  Sy said, "What are we going to do about the resort? They are going to know we were involved in the shooting. All our gear is back in our room and the door is shot to hell."

  I thought for a moment and replied, "We better call Sgt. Baig. Maybe he can help us out."

  Sy took a deep breath and replied, "Yeah, maybe, but what if he uses this incident as an excuse to wash us out. I'd love to see Tam again, but not on the Isle of Muhl."

  "Don't worry. Sgt. Baig will help us. He has no choice. He's already chosen sides and has a big stake in our success. You stay here. I'll find a communicator and call him."

  Moments later Peter was on the communicator with Sgt. Baig. He said he feared there would be another attempt on their lives, but didn't think it would happen this quickly. He said he'd call the local authorities and make up a story that would put them in the clear. Peter breathed a sigh of relief and went back to the waiting room. Sy was talking to the doctor when Peter walked in. He joined the conversation.

  "He's going to be okay, but it was good you made him vomit. Whatever he ingested could have killed him. Where was this party house? I need to report it to the authorities."

  I looked at Sy and he looked back at me. "Gee. This is the first time we've been to Marlais Beach. I'm not sure I could find the place again. Do you remember where it was, Sy?"

  Sy shook his head. "No, I was so busy with Red and didn't pay any attention to the name of the place. We can try to go back over there and if we find it again, write down the information and call you back."

  The doctor nodded, "Do that. I need to have them shut down. They could have killed your friend."

  The next morning they released Red and the three of them made arrangements to go back to the base. Their vacation hadn't turned out so well as vacations go, but they'd survived and knew this was just the first of many battles to come. The important thing was that they had learned a lot about each other, gained a little combat experience, and, most importantly, survived. From that standpoint it had been a very successful vacation. On the way back to the base Peter thought of Sy's comment that he didn't want to visit Tam on the Isle of Muhl.

  "I wonder how Tam is doing?" Peter said.

  Red shook his head, "I don't know. I'd hate to be in his shoes."

  "If he keeps his mouth shut, he'll probably be okay," Sy said, "but knowing him he's probably already on the list to have a pain implant inserted in his head."

  Peter nodded. "You're probably right. That's why were going to have to rescue him here pretty soon."

  Red and Sy both looked at Peter liked he was crazy. Peter laughed. "Don't worry. We have to get through flight training first. We'll need a ride to Pegaport before we can pull him out of there."


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