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Victorious, a Tame Quantum Novel

Page 19

by Marie Force

  My parents come out to greet us when we arrive. Wearing a champagne-colored gown, Mom is fairly sparkling with excitement. She’s waited a long time for this day, and it makes me happy to give her something she has wanted for me. Dad loves any and all time he gets to spend with his family, so he’s also beaming as he welcomes us with hugs and kisses. He’s decked out in a sharp black tux that makes him look twenty years younger than he is.

  “Your mom has gone all out,” he tells me.

  “I have no doubt. I warned Natalie.”

  Dad’s booming laugh echoes through the foyer as they escort us upstairs to the second floor.

  “Come see.” Mom throws open the doors to the small ballroom that has hosted many of the most important Godfrey family events over the years. Inside, tuxedoed workers are scurrying about, applying finishing touches.

  “Oh my God,” Natalie says, her eyes glittering as she takes in the elegant, intimate scene before her.

  I try to see it through her eyes, as if I’m seeing the room for the first time with its high ceilings and elaborate crown moldings. The centerpiece is a huge crystal chandelier that bathes the room in soft, romantic light. Mom has put a tasteful emphasis on Valentine’s Day through red accents but thankfully hasn’t gone overboard with the hearts. Round tables are laden with china, crystal, candles and red roses.

  “It’s absolutely beautiful, Stella,” Natalie says, her eyes shimmering with tears.

  “I’m so glad you’re happy with it, honey. We’re thrilled to officially welcome you into our family.” As Mom hugs Nat, I contend with a huge lump in my throat. It’s at moments like this when all the crazy shit that surrounds me fades away, and I’m reminded of what’s truly important in this life. “Come,” Mom says, taking Natalie by the hand. “You two can relax in Flynn’s old room until the guests begin to arrive. We don’t want them to see the gorgeous bride and groom before we’re ready.”

  She deposits us in my old room, which is exactly as I left it, right down to the vintage poster of Farrah Fawcett on the wall, the Dodgers pennant, the surfing posters, the trophies from my short-lived career as a lacrosse star and posters of the metal bands I’d worshiped in high school.

  While I flop down on the bed and wish for more time alone with my wife in my old room, Natalie looks at everything. “Metallica? Seriously?”

  “It was a phase.”

  “Tell me you didn’t have a mullet.”

  “Okay, I didn’t have a mullet.”

  “Did you?”

  “I dare you to find a picture of me in this room where I have a mullet.”

  “I’ll ask your sisters. They won’t lie to me.”

  “Come over here, Mrs. Godfrey, and make all my teenage boy fantasies come true.”

  “No way am I coming near you when I’m all ready. You like to mess me up too much.”

  “You’re wearing the panties, right?”

  “Yes, Flynn,” she says with a long-suffering sigh that makes me smile. “If you turn them on when I’m talking to friends of your parents, I’ll kill you. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  A knock on the door makes my heart beat faster with excitement because I know who it is, and I can’t wait to see her reaction. I pretend to check my phone. “Can you get that, hon?”


  Natalie heads for the door, and I keep my phone out to take pictures. I want to capture every second of this to show her later. She opens the door to Candace and Olivia, who are wearing matching red silk dresses.

  “We heard you needed bridesmaids today,” Candace says.

  Natalie lets out a shriek that reminds me a little too much of other times she’s made that particular noise, but I quash those thoughts to fully wallow in her joy at seeing her sisters. It’s the first time she’s seen Olivia in person in more than eight years, and the three of them cling to each other, all of them talking at once.

  I told Addie to tell Nat’s makeup artist to use only waterproof mascara. I’m glad now we thought of that.

  The girls are still carrying on when Leah and Aileen appear in the doorway.

  “Is this a private party, or can anyone join the fun?” Leah asks.

  Natalie lets out another scream and launches herself at her friends, who wrap her up in hugs. “Oh my God! I’m surrounded by liars!”

  “It was so hard,” Aileen says. “We all felt terrible telling you we couldn’t come.”

  I’m pleased to see her looking a thousand times better than she did the last time we saw her. My father’s doctor friend set her up with the top breast cancer doctor in New York, and he has made some changes to her treatment that have her feeling much better. She and Leah are also dressed in the red gowns the four of them chose to wear as Natalie’s attendants.

  Natalie turns to me, shaking her head. “And you… You did this.”

  I go to her, put my arm around her and kiss her forehead. “You couldn’t get married—again—without your people here.”

  “Thank you so much.” She looks up at me with those eyes that have held me in their thrall from the first time I ever saw them. “Thank you.”

  “Anything for you, my love.” I release her to hug my sisters-in-law, who are pretending not to stare at me. “I’m Flynn. So nice to finally meet you both.”

  “Doncha love how he says that?” Leah asks with a giddy grin. “‘I’m Flynn.’ Like the whole freaking world doesn’t already know that.”

  “He’s got manners, Leah,” my wife says dryly. “You might want to get some.”

  “Manners are so overrated.”

  Laughing, I hug her and then Aileen. “Did you have a good trip?”

  “The private plane totally sucked,” Leah says. “We all hated it.”

  “I worried that you might.” She cracks me up. To Aileen, I say, “Where are the kids?”

  “Oh my God,” Nat says. “Logan and Maddie are here, too?”

  “Yep.” Aileen glances over her shoulder. “They’re downstairs with your nephews, raising hell out by the pool. I just hope they don’t fall in.”

  “Is Ian with them?” I ask of my eldest nephew.

  “He’s the one who looks like you, right?”

  “So I’m told. He’ll keep an eye on things. My dad says he was born a thirty-year-old.”

  Speaking of the devil, my dad appears at the door carrying a huge box of flowers for the girls, red for the attendants and white for Nat. Mom has truly thought of everything.

  “We’re ready whenever you are, kids.”

  Natalie clears her throat. “Max… I wondered if you might be willing…” She takes a deep breath, seeming to fortify herself. “I could use an escort downstairs.”

  “It would be my honor, honey,” he says softly.

  Okay, I’m done. You can stick a fork right in me. She’s so fucking sweet, and she just totally unmanned my dad and me with one adorably hesitant request.

  I hold out my hand, palm up. “I need to borrow your ring, Mrs. G, so we can do this all over again.”

  She’s as hesitant about removing her wedding ring from her finger as I am about removing mine.

  “Just for a short time, and then they’ll never come off again,” I whisper to her as I kiss her. “See you downstairs?”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “You’d better be.”

  As I go down the stairs in the home where I grew up and head out to the yard where my wife and I will exchange our vows in front of our family and friends, everything is right in my world.

  I can’t believe he flew in the girls, although I probably should’ve expected something like this. He thinks of everything. I have to give them credit—they were all very convincing telling me they couldn’t come and sounding appropriately heartbroken to miss out on a chance to attend a big Hollywood party.

  “Are you mad that we lied?” Livvy asks in a small voice that tugs at my heart.

  I hug her again because I can. “I’m thrilled that you lied and gave
me the best surprise of my life. I was so sad that you couldn’t be here, but I didn’t want to admit it even to myself.”

  “It was all Flynn’s idea,” Leah says. “He thought it would be fun to surprise you, and it was! You should’ve seen your face when we walked in here.”

  “I thought I was seeing things.”

  A yip from the hallway has me running to the door again, where I see Addie leading Fluff on a leash. I bend to scoop up my baby, who runs to me when she sees me. “What’s she doing here?” She’s wearing a special new red collar and a red bow on the top of her head. I can’t believe she allowed that.

  “Flynn made sure the security guys brought her over. He knew you’d want her here.”

  “After he told me she’d be happier at home. He’s too much. Thank you, Addie, for anything and everything you did to make this day so special for us.”

  She hugs me. “My pleasure. Ladies, let’s get you downstairs.” Addie lines up the girls so Leah and Aileen go first, followed by my sisters.

  Max extends his arm to me. “Shall we, my dear?”

  “Yes, please.” I tuck my hand into his elbow, struck by how sad it is that my parents’ choices make it so they can’t be part of my life. Although, looking back on it all now, I wouldn’t change a thing because everything that happened in my past led me to Flynn.

  Though nothing about this house is familiar to me, it already feels like home in a way. For the first time since I left my home so many years ago, I feel like I’m exactly where I belong. Who knew the home of my heart would be in Beverly Hills among superstars known the world over by their first names?

  Accompanied by the sounds of a string quartet, Max escorts me down the winding stairs and out to the yard, where a gazebo and chairs have been set up for the ceremony.

  We emerge from the house into warm, soft late-afternoon Southern California sunshine. The yard is full of people, but the only one I see is Flynn. He is standing with Hayden, Jasper, Kristian and Emmett, the brothers of his heart, by his side, and he is zeroed in on me as I come toward him on the arm of his father.

  Max delivers me with a hug, a kiss and wishes for a long, happy life together.

  Flynn receives a hug from his father and takes my hand, smiling widely at me. His joy is mine, his happiness essential to me. And I’ve never seen him look happier than he does right now.

  I hand my flowers to Candace so I can hold both his hands while the judge, who is a close friend of Max’s, leads us through the recitation of our vows. It is no less emotional the second time I pledge my life and my love to this extraordinary man who has changed my life so profoundly.

  “Flynn and Natalie have pledged their lives and their love to each other, and now they wish to share some personal thoughts. Natalie?”

  Since Flynn and I agreed to do this, I’ve thought a lot about what I want to say to him, but now that the moment is upon me and people are watching, my brain is frozen until he squeezes my hands, smiles and gazes into my eyes in that intense way of his. I forget about everyone else and focus only on him.

  “If someone had told me six weeks ago today that I’d be standing in this lovely yard in Beverly Hills, gazing into the eyes of Flynn Godfrey and pledging to love him forever, I’d have had that person committed. Things like this don’t happen to people like me. Or so I thought until I met you and found out that dreams really do come true, that true love exists, that fairy tales aren’t just for the movies. I never could’ve imagined being loved by anyone the way you love me, and I’ll be thankful for and protective of that love for the rest of our lives. I can’t wait for what’s ahead for us, and I look forward to every minute of our lives together. I love you so much. You’ll never know how much.”

  His eyes brighten with unshed tears as he listens to me, and when I finish, he kisses me, sending a soft wave of laughter through the rows of guests looking on.

  “I’ll never forget that life-changing moment in Bleecker Park,” he begins, gazing down at me as he speaks, “the first time I ever laid eyes on you and I knew, I just knew you were the one I never expected to find. I love that you couldn’t care less about my job or any of the baggage that comes with it. I love that you see me, just me, the way no one else ever has. I love that I can be fully myself with you and that you accept every part of me.”

  A flush of heat travels from my breasts to my face at his reference to the parts of him that I’ve fully accepted. I tamp down the urge to laugh at his outrageousness, which only I and a few others will recognize as such.

  “I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure I’m worthy of all the priceless gifts you’ve given me, Natalie. I love you now and forever.”

  We kiss again, and the judge clears his throat, reminding us we’re not done.

  Laughing, we exchange rings—again—and kiss more intently after the judge declares us husband and wife. Again.

  Though it felt as real as it could get in Vegas, this time it feels official because those we love best witnessed it. Fluff circles our feet, barking and yipping.

  Flynn bends to pick her up and places her in my arms before leading me down the aisle between the rows of chairs where his sisters, their families and others I haven’t met yet cheer for us as we go by.

  We take hundreds of pictures in the Godfreys’ beautiful garden, some by ourselves and others with family and friends. We drink champagne and kiss as often as we can before we’re ushered inside and upstairs to the ballroom for the party. The wedding party I didn’t know I had until today is announced, until only Flynn and I remain outside the doors, holding hands and kissing with Fluff dashing between our feet.

  “I would’ve said we didn’t needed this,” I tell him, “but I’m so glad we did it.”

  “I am, too. It feels somehow more official now that we have all these witnesses.”

  “I thought the same thing earlier. No getting out of it now, Mr. Godfrey.”

  He kisses me again, lingering longer than he probably should have with a room full of people waiting for us to make our appearance. “No desire to get out of anything, Mrs. G.”

  From inside the room, we hear, “Please join us in welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Flynn Godfrey.”

  “That’s our cue, sweetheart.” He extends his arm to me.

  I slip my hand into the crook of his elbow.

  The room erupts into applause when we enter, Fluff trailing along beside us like the star of the day that she is. Without her, none of this would be happening. Candace picks up Fluff, and I send my sister a thankful smile. I still can’t believe she and Livvy and Leah and Aileen are here. I blow kisses to Logan, who is beaming, and his sister, Maddie.

  I’m absolutely stunned to see a ten-piece orchestra, a stage and Jason Mraz.

  Jason Mraz?

  “Surprise,” Flynn whispers as he leads me to the dance floor as Jason sings “I Won’t Give Up,” the song we chose as our wedding song that night in Vegas.

  “Oh my God, I can’t believe this!” I’m overwhelmed by the incredible surprise as we dance to the song that will always bring back such beautiful memories of the first time we said “I do.” And now this, too… “Amazing surprise. Thank you so much.”

  “You’ll have to thank my mom. She called in a few favors with the record company.” He draws me in closer to him, close enough that I can feel his arousal hard and heavy against my belly. “I won’t give up, Nat. No matter what, I’ll never give up on us.”

  I rub against him as shamelessly as I’m able to without making a scene. “I won’t either. I promise.” I gasp when the vibrating bullet in the panties he made me wear comes to life between my legs. I experience the same thrill I got at the club when people were watching us.

  “Save some of those moves for the honeymoon.”

  Raising my head off his shoulder so I can see his face, I say, “What honeymoon? We’ve been on our honeymoon for weeks.”

  He scoffs. “Please. Give me a break. Hanging out at home is not a honeymoon.”


  “Shhh.” He kisses the words off my lips. “Enjoy your wedding.”

  When the song ends to resounding applause, Jason calls Estelle Flynn to the stage and hands the microphone off to her. Thankfully, Flynn turns off the vibrator, and I sag against him in relief. My entire body is humming from the drumbeat of desire. I’m beginning to accept that as a permanent part of my new life with Flynn.

  “Thank you so much, Jason,” Stella says. “Wasn’t that amazing?” She leads another round of applause for the singer, who takes a courtly bow and blows a kiss to us before he exits the stage.

  I try not to swoon in the arms of my new husband.

  “Max and I are so pleased and honored to welcome Natalie to our family. We have hoped and prayed that our wonderful son would someday find someone who brings him the kind of joy he’s experienced with Natalie. We love you both, and we’re so happy for you today.” After some more applause, Stella continues. “I understand my new daughter-in-law and I have something in common, so I’d like to dedicate this to her and to my beloved son.” She nods to the orchestra, which plays a familiar tune that immediately brings tears to my eyes.

  “Oh, Flynn…”

  Stella sings “Something Good” from The Sound of Music, and I absolutely melt into the arms of the man I love as his mother serenades us. It is, without a doubt, one of the most incredible moments of my life.

  The entire evening is something out of a dream. I meet extended family—Max’s sister, Stella’s brother—Flynn’s cousins, family friends, a few of them celebrities, but nothing about this day is about celebrity. It’s about celebration and love and family and all the things that matter most in life. We enjoy a delicious meal, cut our cake and drink more champagne—headaches be damned.

  After dinner, I tell Flynn I’ll be right back and get up to speak to Leah. “Come with me for a second.”

  “Um, okay. What’s up?”

  “You’ll see.”

  I lead her over to the table where Marlowe is chatting with Flynn’s sisters. I introduce them all. “Marlowe, I want you to meet my roommate from New York, Leah. Leah, Marlowe.”


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