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Edward - Interactive

Page 34

by Mike Voyce


  After Word

  In the years which passed after this story my thoughts ever came back to it.

  You will not be surprised that, over time, I explored the world of Spirit and Reincarnation. I renewed my interest in the Society for Psychical Research and I attended events at the head-quarters of the Spiritualist National Union; eventually coming to lead a Spiritualist circle.

  Others have found ‘Grail quests’ unrewarding (at least, according to the public record). I allowed that to fade and the ‘Nine Worthies’ to merge with the ‘Board of Judgement,’ of which I still remain conscious. The members of the board have not done with me; but even without them, Edward was truly the start of my spiritual awareness.

  Angharad passed from this life suddenly, to my very great distress, but even a new marriage would not cover the questions Edward posed me, and it remained to resolve the undying problems of the last chapter.

  With so very much more experience of psychic investigation, at last I came to the terrible wrong which underlay and brought about the problems of Edward’s life. That wrong was the abstraction of ‘the Princes in the Tower’ and the usurpation and killing of Richard III by Henry Tudor and his fellow traitors. The chief architect of these events was John Morton, bishop of Ely; later Archbishop, Lord Chancellor and Cardinal. Behind him was King Louis XI of France and a threat to England of which History has been thankfully oblivious.

  I confronted Morton, who only appeared somewhat in Edward’s story, and King Louis. I wrote a book about the actions I took, and to find what I did you will have to read it, ‘The Necromancer.’

  It leaves me a question, have I done enough to leave Edward finally at peace? At Stansted Hall, this summer, I was able to pose that question to a medium for whom I have great respect; from the perspective of an investigator he has the advantage that he had not read Edward and nor had I discussed the story with him. He only came to the edge of it, and that fresh and unprejudiced.

  The medium’s answer was positive but less than complete.


  List of Hyperlinks

  Brief Introduction to the EBook


  A Genealogy of Edward

  Edward Stafford website

  Medieval Music Links

  Medieval Chant of the Templars. Antiphona: Salve Regina

  Music for a Knight - Ambrosian Chant

  15th century English Music - Alleluia : "A Nywe Werke"

  Quene Note

  Sumer Is Icumen In

  Chapter 1 - The Beginning

  Penshurst Place

  Chapter 2 - Duke Henry

  Duke of Buckingham

  Bishop Morton

  Thomas à Kempis

  Chapter 3 - Edward

  Lady Katherine

  Chapter 4 - The Way of the Word

  Giordano Bruno

  Chapter 5 - A Kaleidoscope

  King’s mother

  The Presence of Other Worlds

  Chapter 6 - The Kings of England

  Henry IV’s crimes

  Sir Henry Stafford

  Edward IV was not legitimate

  Dominic Mancini

  Polydore Vergil

  Sir Thomas More

  Chapter 7 - Marbles and Hawks

  King Henry

  Book of St. Albans

  Chapter 8 – Edward and Eadie

  Chapter 9 – Christmas

  Wynkyn de Worde

  ‘Le Morte D’Arthur’

  quest for the Holy Grail

  Chapter 10 – Peterborough

  cathedral of St. Peter at Peterborough

  Julian of Norwich

  Chapter 11 – Changes

  Akashic Script

  Chapter 12 – Wales

  Sir Reginald Bray

  Sir Rees ap Thomas

  Vaughans of Tretower

  Chapter 13 - Unhappy Differences


  Chapter 14 – Separation

  Stafford castle

  the Knight of the Swan

  Chapter 15 – Sarah

  Ericksonian metaphors

  Chapter 16 - Penshurst and Cambridge


  Buckingham College

  Chapter 17 – Abigail

  Chapter 18 – Celebration

  William Caxton

  Chapter 19 - Growing Up

  Sir George Buck

  William Stanley

  Jasper of Hatfield

  Chapter 20 - Father Joseph

  Richard Wingfield

  King Louis

  Chapter 21 – Meanings

  Sweating Sickness

  Chapter 22 – Goodbye


  spirit guides

  board of judgement

  Chapter 23 - Of Life and Death

  Templars’ church

  Cornishmen’s revolt

  Chapter 24 – Lincoln


  Nine Worthies

  Chapter 25 – Endings



  Chapter 26 - The Box

  ‘dolorous stroke’

  battle of Hopton Heath

  Note from the Author

  Joseph Campbell

  After Word

  The Necromancer


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