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Page 4

by Savina Joyce

  She worked so hard that she didn't have much in the way of a support system. The person she most wanted to call right now was Thorn and there was no sense in doing that. Gabriella looked around her empty apartment and she suddenly wished she had a pet, a roommate, anyone to talk to. She had to remind herself that her best friend, India, didn't live too far from here. She worked at an animal rescue in Newport. Gabriella didn’t like to bother India. She had her hands full with taking care of and placing dogs no one else wanted. But these were desperate times. India picked up on the second ring sounding bright and cheery as ever.

  “Hey girl. I was wondering what happened to you. I haven’t heard from you in ages.”

  Gabriella tried to choke back tears so India couldn't tell that she'd been crying. It was nice just to hear familiar voice she didn't need to wear India down with her drama. Fortunately for her India knew better.

  “Why do you sound like that? What happened? Is something going on with the team? What's wrong.?” India asked jumping into mom mode.

  “It's not the team exactly. It’s Thorn.”

  “Thorn? What happened? Is he starting trouble? Last I heard it was just smoothies.”

  “We've sort of been seeing each other.”

  “After all these years you snagged your college crush. Why do you sound so miserable?”

  “We had a big blowout at work and I don't know what to do —” before Gabriella could continue she dissolved into tears.

  For a moment India sat in stunned silence. She hadn't heard Gabriella cry since middle school. India was used to being more emotional one where Gabriella was the hard as nails get things done by any means necessary type of girl. India quickly recovered [I need to make this more from guerrillas point of view.]

  “Say no more, I’m on my way.”

  “No India, it’s late. You don't need to come here, it's not that serious.”

  “Since when does it need to be serious for me to see my best friend? I spent tons of nonserious time with you and you’re hurting so you need me. So I'm coming. Do you have wine?”

  “I’m drinking wine now.”

  “Great. You have an open bottle. I’ll bring a fresh one. We will work this out. I’ll be there in five.”

  “India takes longer than five minutes to get here from your place.”

  “Always the practical one. You know what I meant. Either way, I'll be there. Don't call him. I'll see you soon,” India said, ending the call.

  Gabriella felt a little guilty. She hated to have India come out here for something so silly as hurt feelings. But even she had to admit she needed her best friend.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Thorn groaned. He didn't know where he was but he was uncomfortable. His neck hurt and he had a headache. He opened his eyes to find himself upside down on his bed. But, he wasn’t dehydrated or nauseous which means he wasn't hung over. Thank God.

  He couldn’t remember what it felt like to go through hard times without the social lubricant of alcohol. He still felt terrible. Who would've thought that heartbreak could give you a headache.

  Since it wasn't a hangover migraine, he actually appreciated the warmth of the sun coming through his curtains on his face. He was also starving. He didn’t have to worry about what he could eat or keep down, he could pretty much eat whatever he wanted. If only he had an appetite. Most mornings when he cooked, it was for Gabriella. He just didn't have the heart to go through all the trouble without her here. It wasn’t the act of cooking that made him happy. It was the act of cooking for her. Over these past few months Thorn had gotten to know her and built so much of his life around her that he didn't know what he would do if she wasn't there.

  Thorn didn't believe in wallowing. He did enough of that after his career had blown up. It hurt that she was gone, but he had to get on with his life. He might never date again, but the least he could do was go to work and do his job.

  He looked around his house and was even more surprised that he wasn’t more hungover. There were empty beer cans all over the place. It was like a frat house in here. Is this what drunk Thorn was like? A slob?

  Thorn had to admit that he had become a better version of himself since he started seeing her. He was doing great at his job, drinking less, and in the best shape of his life. The minute he started having trouble with Gabriella, he went back to has crappy ways. How could this have happened.

  Then it hit him. He loved her. He was acting like a jealous manchild because he didn’t want to lose her, and he had no idea what to do about it.

  He called the only person who would know better, Lucas. Thorn knew he would never hear the end of asking Lucas for lady advice, but these were desperate times.

  “Lucas the Love Doctor, how can I help you?”

  Thorn sighed. This was going to be harder than he thought. “Funny you should ask, I messed up.”

  “And water is wet. What else is new?”

  “This is serious. I lost her.”

  “Oh man. What happened?”

  “I’m embarrassed to even admit it to you. But here goes.” Thorn launched into the whole stupid story not leaving out any mistakes that he made.

  Lucas sat in dumbstruck silence for a few minutes before responding. “Dude, you made a mess.”

  “Least helpful advice ever, man.”

  “I thought it might help to start out by stating the obvious. I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “Did you or did you not say you were a love doctor?”

  “I did.”

  “Then prove it.”

  “Ok well. I think you need to start with you. Stop drinking and stop cyber stalking her. That is crazy and you need to do better than that.”

  “You’re right. I’m disappointed in myself.”

  “You should be, but you need to tell her that too. Aside from that you need to pull out all the stops if you want to keep her. Do you want to keep her?”

  “Of course I do, I love her.”

  “Woah. I thought you only loved football.”

  “I thought so too. Looks like we were both wrong.”

  “This is a strange feeling. I don’t think I’ve ever been wrong before. It doesn’t feel great.”

  Thorn laughed. “Your bedside manor could use some work, Love Doctor.”

  “I’ll make a note of that. But seriously, good luck man. I hope you get your girl back. If you can pull off this Hail Mary, I’ll sing at your wedding.”

  “I’m going to hold you to that.”

  Thorn felt better after talking to Lucas, but he knew this wasn’t the time to rest. He needed to get to work if he wanted Gabriella back. His first step was a series of text messages. He sent them off rapid fire. This was not time to worry about double texting. He sat by his phone and waited to see if she would reply.

  Chapter Fourteen


  India got to Gabriella's house faster than she could have anticipated. While Gabriella had calmed down, she still burst into tears as soon as India walked into the door. Through her tears Gabriealla told her sad tale while India poured the wine. Like a true friend, India commiserated, but not for long.

  “Gabriella sweetie, do you think that Thorn may have had a point. That you saw him as a project?”

  “Of course not. Did I want him to take better care of himself? Of course. But I didn't want him to change and be someone else. I love him.” Gabriella froze. She did love him. She'd never admitted that to anyone else before, but it was true. She wondered if he loved her. This was the worst possible time she could have decided that she loved him because now he was gone. Just thinking about that made her cry even harder. India sat next put to her and put an arm around her.

  “I take it that's new news to you too?”

  Gabriella just nodded through her sobs.

  “If that's how you feel, we’ll work with it. It seems like you weren't aware of this, so maybe he isn't either. Maybe you should tell him. It hasn't been that long. You might b
e able to fix this.”

  “If he loved me, he wouldn't have acted that way.”

  “You have no way to know how he would act. You've only known him for a few months in this capacity. Just do something and see what happens. You don't have to make a decision about what you're going to do right now. Right now, we are just going to blow off steam. I have another bottle of wine. And they're showing a bad sci-fi movie marathon on tv tonight. Alligator sharks will take your mind off of everything.”

  Gabriella laughed. Crappy sci-fi movies were her kryptonite. The worse the better. At least it would take her mind off going. “I'll make the popcorn.”

  She decided that India was right. She didn’t have any way of knowing how Thorn would act just as she couldn’t have predicted some of her actions lately. Feeling jealous of her coworkers and making digs at him at work was really not like her. Plus, he could have his own insecurities that he was working through. She really wanted to talk to him but not tonight.

  While she was pulling the microwave popcorn box out of the cabinet she saw her cell phone light up. It was a message from Thorn. Gabriella was glad that she had her phone on silent. If not, India would have heard the message too. She wasn’t sure if she would want her to see it until she read it first.

  She quickly unlocked her phone. It was a series of photos of the two of them taken in happier times. There were gym selfies, restaurant photos, and some pictures of her that she hadn’t even known he’d taken. In every picture Gabriella was smiling. There was one text.

  I was wrong. If you give me a chance, I’ll never make you cry again. You should always have that radiant smile on your face. I’m sorry.

  Gabriella was shocked. She wasn’t expecting an apology, especially not this early. She started to type back to him more than once, but she didn’t know what to say. She was so caught up in it that she didn’t notice India sneaking into the kitchen.

  “Was I not clear about not making a decision tonight?”

  “I didn’t do anything. Thorn sent me messages and I was just looking at them.”

  “Oh boy let me see,” India said holding out her hand.

  Gabriella handed her the phone. Hopefully, India would have a better response idea than ok. That was all Gabriella had come up with so far.

  “Thorn is good at this. This a great start to an apology.”

  “A great start?”

  “Yes, a start. Based on what you said you were being a little petty, but he caused a scene at the office. A private apology is just a start. A public one would be nice too.”

  “I guess that makes sense.”

  “You don’t have to guess. It does. Now where is my popcorn?”

  “But what about Thorn?”

  “He’s too far away to make my popcorn.”

  “I mean, what do I say?”

  “Nothing at all. Like I said, this is a great first apology. See what happens tomorrow. People fight, that’s normal. But Thorn hurt you in person, he can apologize in person.”

  Gabriella nodded. She couldn’t help but notice India still had her phone. India passed her a glass of wine.

  “You drink this. I’ll put your phone on the charger. Tonight, we feast on campy movies. Tomorrow, you can deal with Thorn.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  By all appearances, Thorn went about business as usual for the first few days. While he might have been avoiding Gabriella’s office, he sent her flowers every morning. Fruit and chocolates were delivered every afternoon. She hadn’t replied yet, but he hoped that would change any day.

  He knew he was being a coward, but he didn’t think he could stand to have her reject his apology in person. All the deliveries included his handwritten apology notes, so he was sure that she knew he was sorry.

  None of the players on the team mentioned Gabriella or their blowout, but he knew they all knew about it. He had heard whispers and received concerned looks. Some looked like they pitied him. Sooner or later he was going to have to face Gabriella.

  A player came rushing into Thorn’s office from the field. The team physician had requested him specifically. There was some sort of accident on the field during practice. Thorn didn't waste any time rushing out of his office. All the time in the gym paid off as he sprinted effortlessly to the field with the woman who alerted him to the accident. The whole team was huddled in a circle blocking him from seeing the injured player.

  Thorn tried to ease his way through, and the women stepped aside. Gabriella stood there with a bouquet and football. All the women on the team grinned at him. He wasn't sure what was going on. Thorn stood there with his mouth hanging open.

  “Thorn, I'm not here to beg your forgiveness and I'm not here to tell you what a great guy you are. I hope that you forgive me, and I just sincerely want to apologize for my part in all this. You are never a project to me. You help me to take the time and enjoy life again. It wasn't all about work. And while it seems to me that you've made some improvements, I would still love you even if you didn't. You don't have to be romantically involved with me, I just wanted you to know. But if you do, I promise to watch at least one football game with you.”

  Thorn laughed. “I might have you ghostwrite my proposal someday” he said pulling Gabriella close to him. “But I will hold you to that football game.” He kissed her while the team cheered.

  He took a step back. “I apologize as well. I was way out of line.” He looked around at his team, “I want you all to know that. Gabriella is a wonderful woman and I am damn lucky she is giving me another chance.”

  The women all laughed and some yelled out that they already knew that. He kissed Gabriella again. After they kissed she smiled up at him. Then she switched right back to business mode.

  “Alright ladies. Thank you for all your help, but we’re still here to work. Back to practice. We have a big game coming up.”

  The team laughed again as she led Thorn off the field. A few of the women whistled at them as they walked away.

  “We make a great team,” Thorn said.

  “You’re absolutely right.”

  “There are some other moves I want to show you.”

  “Should we head back out to the field?”

  “These moves are better suited to an indoor environment.”

  Gabriella raised an eyebrow. “Like the gym?”

  “More like the bedroom,” Thorn said as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

  “We can probably sneak away after the game. The team might not even notice.”

  “That sounds like an excellent idea.”

  Continue reading with Bad Boys Love Book 2: Marcus

  Check Out Book Two: Marcus

  Bad Boys Love Good Girls

  Fresh off deployment, Marcus was back in Newport. He wasn't looking for anything serious, he just wanted to blow off some steam. He decided the best way to do that would be a game of ex-girlfriend roulette. He planned to shoot his shot at each one of his exes and bed anyone willing to take the bait. He wasn't counting on India. She was his high school sweetheart and still held a piece of his heart.

  India had no time for reckless bad boys. She expected commitment and nothing less. After giving her heart to Marcus in high school, she swore she would never make the same mistake again. She only had room in her heart for the dogs that she rescued. Not a man who could deploy again at a moment’s notice.

  Can a rescue dog steer Marcus and India back into each other’s arms? Read more in the second book in the Bad Boys Love Series by Savina Joyce. Find it here!

  About the Author

  Savina Joyce wants to help you forget about your daily worries and get swept away by a little romance. Her stories are fun and flirty. Some are even hot! She draws inspiration from real life whenever she can. If that’s not possible, she makes it up. That’s the best part of being an author. Savina can shape her own reality.

  Come fall in love. You might find a new book boyfriend,or two!

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  Also by Savina Joyce


  Starting Over

  * * *

  Vineyard Affair

  Sweet Treat

  * * *

  Exposed to Love

  His Shot

  Her Focus

  Their Perfect Picture

  Exposed to Love: The Complete Series

  * * *

  Love In

  Love in February - Week 1

  Love in February - Week 2

  * * *

  Bad Boys Love







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