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Sinful Truth

Page 8

by Ella Miles

  She doesn’t know that I won’t physically hurt her, but she’s a smart woman. She will quickly figure it out if I’m not careful, and then she will try to run. And if she runs, Julian could find her before I do. And he’s a real monster. The kind that will hit a woman. The kind who will rape her. Torture her. Kill her.

  My eyes water thinking about any man hurting her. I don’t know how I’ve already grown attached to her. Was it because she saved me? Did I fall in love with the sound of her voice when she sang to me? Her skin when she touched me? Did I grow soft watching her on stage? Or was it this moment watching her do everything to defy me that made me fall for her?

  I don’t know. But my heart definitely has a soft spot for her. That’s my problem. I let people in too easily. And then I get fucking hurt. But Siren is innocent. She has a big heart. She wouldn’t have saved me in the ocean if she was a cold criminal. I owe her my life.

  When I get to my house, I’ll get to work on debugging it, so I can eventually tell Siren the truth and form a plan to get her off this island—to get us both off this island. But until then, I will have to make Siren fear me. Fear will keep her weak, malleable. Fear will break her spirit. Every time she fears me, it will hurt. But it’s the only way to protect her.



  Zeke turns the car down a familiar road. The last road on the island I want to be on. A road I’ve traversed before. A road that became my most painful mistake. A road that led me to be sold as a sex slave.

  I shift uncomfortably in my seat as the seat belt constricts across my body. I can’t breathe. I can’t go back. Not here…

  I squeeze my eyes shut, hoping to block out the impending panic attack. But it’s too late to stop it. The panic lives in me now.


  Zeke’s voice breaks through the fog. It’s so calming and assuring. His voice can stop the panic; his alone has that kind of power.

  My eyes open cautiously, looking into his profound, intimidating eyes.

  He narrows his gaze, trying to figure out what I’m hiding behind my panicked eyes. But I’ll never tell. I’ll keep my secrets.

  But I hope Zeke spills his.

  His truth is the key to escaping. Who is Zeke? What makes him tick? Where did he come from? What motivates him? Is his heart as evil as every other man’s on this island?

  I need the answers. Because with the answers comes power. I can take back control. I can earn back my freedom.

  Zeke turns his attention back to the road as my breathing calms at his command. But he didn’t order me to breathe. He didn’t instruct me to be calm. My body responded to his on its own.

  Fuck me—why does my body have to be attracted to such a cruel man? Now that his gaze is off of me, I almost want it back. I forget about any panic and only feel him. His stare makes my toes curl, my heart flutter, and my lips wet.

  I’m a sex slave that wants to be fucked by her master. How sick is that?

  I won’t let it happen, though. I won’t let him rape me. I will fight every second. If he asked, I might give in. I like sex as much as any other warm-blooded woman. But Zeke won’t ask for sex; he’s the kind of man who will demand it—the kind of man I hate.

  I hear the gravel change to pavement as the road changes under the tires of Zeke’s truck.

  I swallow the lump in my throat and turn my gaze to the most beautiful property on the island. All white—like an angel descended to make everything pure. But there is nothing pure about this place.

  I want to ask if Zeke lives here, but I don’t want to give away my own truths. I don’t want him to know I’ve been here before, so I stay silent. It seems is Zeke prefers it—silence. He doesn’t speak unless he has something important to say.

  We drive past the main house, Julian Reed’s home.

  I hold my breath the entire time, hoping we aren’t going to make a stop here, praying Zeke didn’t buy me just to give me to Julian. I know it’s not going to happen. Julian was the one who sold me to Oscar, who, in turn, sold me to Zeke. There would be no reason for Julian to buy me back. But it still worries me until we drive past the main building.

  There are dozens of buildings on the property. Most belong to Julian’s servants. I don’t take Zeke as a servant, but he could have become one of Julian’s employees.

  Lights guide our way down the paved streets until we stop at a house on the edge of the property. This one isn’t lit up like the rest. It seems to be hiding in the shadows, instead of shining brightly in glory like the rest of the buildings do on the property, proudly displaying their wealth. This house is still massive, but it’s hidden beneath overgrown vines. Paint is chipping on its exterior. And based on how dark it is, I wouldn’t have guessed anyone lives here.

  Zeke shuts off the car and steps out without a word to me.

  I sit in the car as he walks around the front of the truck, still not looking at me. I expect him to open my door and escort me inside, but he doesn’t. He just walks tall and confidently toward the front door of the house. His ass is swaying nicely in his suit pants. He opens it, not needing a key. Apparently, he doesn’t lock the door. He walks inside, still not giving me any attention.

  Maybe he forgot about me?

  Maybe he wants me to run so he can chase me? Punish me?

  I don’t know what game Zeke is playing at.

  He hasn’t given me an order.

  And yet, every bone in my body is begging me to get out of the car and follow him inside.

  I could run, try to escape. But I wouldn’t dare, not with Julian Reed lurking nearby. Zeke can’t be worse than him. Right?

  I saved Zeke’s life, even if Zeke doesn’t see it that way—I did. That has to count for some kindness on his part.

  I fold my arms. Maybe I’ll just stay right here in this truck? Zeke can’t hurt me if I don’t follow him inside.

  Car lights from the road flash in my direction. And suddenly, I don’t want to be alone anymore. I want inside.

  I jump out of the car and half walk, half run inside the open door. Convincing myself that for the amount of money that Zeke paid, he will protect me. At least until he gets what he wants from me.

  I pant heavily as I look around the foyer of Zeke’s house for him. But I don’t find him immediately.

  I hear car tires squeal behind me. I sense an approaching man. I feel the danger nearing.

  I need Zeke.

  My eyes widen as I try to search, but I can’t see in the dark. And I have no idea where the light switches are or if they will even work. Maybe this isn’t even his house? Maybe this is just the dungeon he plans on keeping me in?

  I grip the edges of my robe between my breasts, holding it tighter to my body.

  “Zeke?” I ask into the shadows.

  A light flickers on as Zeke appears in front of me. He’s leaning against a pillar, his arms folded across his chest. He’s lost his suit jacket already, his tie is gone, and his collar has been loosened, exposing the dark hair of his chest. His sleeves are rolled up until I see the start of his familiar tattoos. I remember them covering his body from when I saved him.

  “Yes, Siren. Did you need something?” he asks smugly. He’s won. He’s showing me he has the power—the control. I followed him inside, and he didn’t even have to say a single word.

  I look like a desperate woman who wants to be controlled. I look weak—vulnerable. And I fucking hate it.

  There is a knock at the door, and Zeke looks from me to the door. Like I might run to the man behind the door for help. He doesn’t know the only man in the world who can truly terrify me is behind that door. I would trust Zeke time and time again over Julian.

  Zeke doesn’t give me an order, but he senses my fear. And he feels me move behind him, using him like a human shield as he goes to the door. I consider running and hiding, but I don’t have the chance before Zeke opens the door.

  I take a deep breath and then puff out my chest, determined to not let Julian see my fear.
  “Julian, what do you need? I wasn’t expecting you at such a late hour. I thought you had a client you needed to attend to,” Zeke says, not showing Julian any respect.

  Interesting—everyone shows Julian respect. In fact, I’ve never heard anyone call Julian anything other than Mr. Reed.

  “I saw your truck drive in just as I got back, and I wanted to have a chat about how your meeting with Oscar went,” Julian answers as he steps inside, pushing Zeke back even though Zeke never invited him in.

  Zeke doesn’t relent. And the two men’s shoulders collide in a show of testosterone and power.

  Zeke gives Julian an angry look as Julian smirks.

  I’m not sure which man won, but clearly, neither of them plans on backing down.

  Zeke doesn’t bother to shut the door. I hope that means he isn’t planning on letting Julian stay long.

  Julian spots me, and my world stops.

  The evil glint in his eyes brings me back to that night. The night I met him and became acquainted with the man, the monster, the devil. That was the night I learned just how vile he truly is.

  Julian runs his tongue over his bottom lip as if remembering that night as well.

  “And who is this beauty? Oscar said you had bought yourself a little treat at the event; I just didn’t expect you to buy this exotic creature,” Julian says.

  Zeke studies Julian carefully and then my reaction to his words.

  My fist tightens around the robe until my knuckles are white. Anger heats my cheeks and straightens my back until I’m at eye level with Julian in my heels. But fear—fear licks at my heart.

  Julian notices the anger.

  But Zeke, he notices the fear.

  “Yes, I couldn’t resist her,” Zeke says. The way he says it seems like I’m the one with the power, but he’s just teasing. It’s clear he doesn’t plan on letting me have any.

  Julian’s attention flickers back to Zeke as Zeke walks in front of me.

  I exhale a small breath when Julian can no longer get a direct view of my body. I don’t know why Zeke is standing in front of me. Did he see the way Julian was looking at me? Is Zeke possessive? Does he not want to share me? Or is he protecting me?

  “Oscar seems to think I’m the man for the job. I’ll have the deal closed and the shipment handled by the end of the month,” Zeke says.

  “Yes, Oscar told me. It seems that by buying the slut, you ensured your loyalty to him. Especially since you were the highest bidder of the night,” Julian says.

  “As I’ve said before, I’m the best. I do good work. You have nothing to worry about. These house calls aren’t necessary,” Zeke says.

  Julian steps closer to Zeke, but I realize it’s so he can look at me, not him. “I didn’t stop by because I didn’t believe you could do your job. I consider you a friend, Zeke. I thought we could discuss how our nights went over a drink and enjoy your new pet.”

  That word—pet. It’s like being pummeled with bullets when he says that word. I hate it. I never thought I could hate a word, but I hate that word.

  Zeke laughs, completely unaffected and unaware of how Julian is gazing at me like I’m his, not Zeke’s. I see the promise in Julian’s eyes; he will come for me. He will remind me of our night together. He isn’t finished with me.

  “Goodnight, Julian.”

  Julian looks from me to Zeke. He’s been dismissed—without an explanation of why he can’t stay.

  My mouth gapes. It’s clear Zeke is currently working for Julian, but he doesn’t let Julian boss him around. He’s his own man, with his own desires and own control on life.

  Julian frowns, but he doesn’t argue with Zeke. He’ll save his fight for another night. At least, that’s what his eyes promise me.


  Zeke doesn’t walk Julian to the door. He stands solid, an unmoving statue. He won’t let any man come into his house and order him around, that much is clear.

  “The door,” Zeke says, his voice booming as Julian exits.

  For a moment, I don’t think Julian is going to shut the door. I think he’s going to leave it open. But at the last second, he changes his mind and closes the door behind him.

  Huh? Maybe I’m not the only one under Zeke’s spell.

  Zeke turns and looks at me. He looks menacing, like a beast. He’s muscle, tattoos, and hair. The suit he wears is practically bulging off of his body. It’s clear he doesn’t belong in it. He’s too manly for a suit. Too big. Too much beast.

  “Come,” he says as he starts walking.

  I consider defying him. But Julian is too close. I won’t defy him when the alternative is Julian.

  Zeke walks down the hallway, but he doesn’t turn on any lights. He just walks. And I follow, desperate to feel more in control.

  I want out of these clothes. I want to wear something more respectable. I want out of this caked-on makeup. I want a bubble bath. I want food in my belly. And a bed to sleep in.

  But I doubt I will get any of that. I’m sure he’s leading me to some shackles for my wrists and ankles. Then to my cage. And if he isn’t a patient man…he’ll try to rape me.

  I start looking for a weapon. Something I can use to prevent that from happening. But it’s so freaking dark I can’t see anything. I assume that’s part of his plan to keep me captive.

  Suddenly, he stops.

  “Sit,” he commands.

  I look around but can’t see a foot in front of my face. I doubt he wants me to sit in a chair anyway. So I start to sit on the floor.


  I stop mid crouch.

  I hear the scraping of a chair being pulled out. “Sit here.”

  I feel for the chair he’s placed in front of me and take a seat, I realize at a table.

  My heart thumps, trying to guess what is going to happen next, but I can’t figure Zeke out. He’s the most mysterious man I’ve ever met. When I saved him, I thought he could be different. I thought he could be one of the good ones, but it turns out he’s working for Julian, and I’m now his slave. I can’t gleam any more since he hardly speaks, though.

  I hear him banging around, opening drawers and cabinets. What is he searching for? Rope? A knife? Something to hurt me with?

  I hold my breath as I feel around on the table, but I don’t find anything for a weapon.

  Finally, Zeke returns, plopping something on the table in front of me.



  He sighs, taking the seat next to me. “Is your hearing bad? Or do you just like asking questions you already know the answer to?”

  I frown, even though I doubt he can see it. “I don’t like being ordered around.”

  “And I don’t like having to work out, but it doesn’t stop me from doing it every day. Now eat.”

  I cross my arms. “You working out and me taking orders from you aren’t exactly comparable.”

  “Eat,” he huffs, like he doesn’t have the energy for this.

  I grin. I’m learning something about him already. Talking must wear him down. If I can exhaust him, he’ll be too tired to rape me. He might even let his guard down and tell me more about himself.

  “How do I know you haven’t poisoned it?”

  “Why would I spend millions of dollars on you only to poison you?”

  “Fine. How do I know you won’t drug me?”

  “You don’t. But you’re hungry, so you don’t really have a choice.”

  “How do you know I’m hungry?” My stomach growls, giving me away.

  “Because you are. Oscar wanted you to look your best so he could earn top dollar. That means skinny, not bloated with food. You’re hungry. Eat.”

  “I can’t eat in the dark.”

  He growls loudly.

  It shakes every nerve in my body, causing me to tremble. But not in fear—in excitement. I like the way his voice sounds. I like his commanding echo. If we were in a consensual relationship, I would want him to boss me around in the bedroom. Bu
t we aren’t, which means I have to fight.

  “Then, I guess you won’t eat.”

  I hear the sound of him chewing his food.

  And I stare into the darkness at the table in front of me. Why does he like living in the darkness? Just another question without an answer.

  I want to defy him. I want to go without eating, but I’ll need my strength to face him. To have a chance against him.

  So carefully, I feel around on the table until I find a fork. Then I move it around on my plate, and I stab a piece of food and lift it to my mouth. I smell it hesitantly—broccoli.

  I curl my lips down in disappointment. I could go for some French fries or a burger or pizza—something heavy on the carbs. But of course, mister zero percent body fat and all muscle only eats vegetables.

  But once I put the broccoli in my mouth, I don’t care. It practically melts in my mouth. I don’t know how it’s cooked so well. I put my fork down on the plate again, but realize I’m stabbing meat instead of broccoli this time.

  I frown. I’m going to have to nibble on the meat with my teeth. I’m sure he didn’t give me a knife.

  Hesitantly, I feel around on the other side of my plate, and there I find the sharp edge of a steak knife.

  I have a weapon!

  As quickly as I lift it, I feel Zeke’s hand grip my wrist.

  I freeze. At his touch, my hair rises on my arms, wanting to feel more of him. My breath catches, and my heart slows. I bite my lip, waiting to hear what he says.

  “You show your thoughts easily, Miss Martinez. If you are planning on killing me with this knife, I suggest you have a plan to kill Julian as well. Because the only thing standing between him and you is me.” He releases my wrist and goes back to eating. I decide it’s best to only use the knife to cut my steak instead of Zeke’s throat—at least for the time being.

  How did Zeke so clearly read my thoughts? No one can ever read me. I’ll have to be more careful, so he doesn’t learn my secrets before I learn his.


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