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Page 30

by Matthew Kennedy

  Chapter 30

  Ludlow: “I have trodden the winepress alone”

  It didn't take him long to find the key. He already knew where the keys to all the cells were kept, so he simply walked into the guard room and pocketed all eight of them. It was just barely past noon now. The watch had just changed, which accounted for the absence of the room's usual occupant. That meant he had maybe a few minutes before they noticed the keys were missing from their drawer.

  Strolling to the nearest staircase, he ran up the stairs two at a time to the roof. He paused to catch his breath. This was going to take some finesse.

  Hollings was on duty on the roof. He turned in surprise as he heard the footsteps behind him. “Hello, Mr. Ludlow. What brings you all the way up here?”

  Ludlow grinned. “A vice,” he said, pulling a cigarette from a pocket. “One the Governor doesn't approve of.” Then he pretended embarrassment. “Oh, dear, how rude of me. Would you care for one? I always keep a couple rolled just in case.”


  He handed it over, then patted his pockets theatrically. “Oh damn, I forgot my everflame. Could you do us both a favor and go see if they have one on the next floor down?”

  Hollings hesitated. “I'm not supposed to leave my post.”

  Ludlow raised his eyebrows. “Oh come now, it'll only take you a minute. I'll take your place and keep watch for you until you get back. The watch just changed, after all. It's not as if your replacement will come up here and find you missing. Unless it takes you eight hours to fetch an everflame or a candle.”

  The guard shrugged. “You're right. I'll be right back.”

  Ludlow smiled, watching until Hollings was safely inside the stairwell. These people were so trusting, it was hardly a challenge at all to out-maneuver them.

  Once the guard was gone, he picked up the signaler and aimed it carefully, angling it so that it would reflect the sun's light from the south to the east. Quickly, from a skill born of secret practice, he flashed out a message.

  After a moment, he saw the answering flashes.

  He replaced the instrument where he had found it. After a minute Hollings emerged from the stairwell, the cigarette in his lips, its tip already glowing red as he inhaled.

  He took it out as he approached and held it out. “Sorry about that. Howard wouldn't let me take his everflame, so I started without you.”

  “No worries, corporal,” said Ludlow, touching the tip of his own cigarette to the glowing tip of the other and inhaling to light his. “I would have done the same.”


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