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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2)

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by Michelle Howard

  Unfortunately, proving his strength in such a harsh way created an unexpected side effect. Females grew leery of him or pursued him for a thrill, thus necessitating his distance. Gradually, he found it easier to avoid them unless need demanded. After a while, if Varyk thought of a lifelong companion, he became consumed with a suffocating sensation. The feeling grew until Varyk knew having a lira wasn’t an option.

  He was too afraid. King of his sect and he was overwhelmed with fear.

  Accepting that fueled his rage. The essence of his Dracol rose within, seeking the source of Varyk’s displeasure. He calmed his darker side absently and held the door open for his sister.

  The heat of the mid-day sun created a line of sweat at his temples. The pleasure slid from Milana’s face and her steps slowed. Varyk squeezed her hand and she tipped up her head in his direction, the smile for him alone.

  Their bond had grown over the years because of what they’d seen, what they’d gone through. Nothing would be allowed to break the tie. The paved stone path from the exit curved around a circular fountain shaded by a large tree with sprawling branches providing temporary relief from the heat.

  “Do you wish things were different?” Milana asked.

  “No.” It was an honest answer. Varyk was a good King. He brought strength to the Green.

  Milana let his hand go and trailed her fingers through the clear water flowing over the top rim and pooling in the lower level. Beside the fountain, standing well over ten feet was the reason he’d had the garden created and none save his sister had permission to come here unaccompanied.

  Varyk backed up a few steps to get a clear view of the towering form of Uvem cast in stone. He’d been a guiding force in Varyk’s life. Perhaps not the strongest King, not even one chosen by the mantle, but he’d been a Dracol with heart no other could match and he’d made sure Varyk and Milana grew up with nothing but love after the death of their parents.

  More than that, Varyk owed his life to his mentor. If not for Uvem, the mantle would have destroyed Varyk.

  “Ready?” Milana asked after a few moments of silence.

  Not really, but Varyk nodded and they approached the huge vault on the other side of the pathway. He placed his hand over the words he’d had inscribed on the door.

  In life and death, he shall prevail.

  The inner workings clicked, releasing the locks. Varyk pushed the door opened and inclined his head. Milana took a deep breath and moved forward, shoulders braced. He understood her reticence. Together they walked toward the sole piece of furniture in the ten by ten room. The large bed held center stage, lighting provided by two wall sconces with flames of glowing green vapors. On the bed, the occupant remained unmoving, body still and preserved exactly as he’d been in life.

  Milana hurried toward the bed and ran a hand in gentle affection down the forearm folded over a chest still broad. “Uvem, old friend.”

  In repose, Uvem’s features appeared stern, lips pressed tight, brows dipped low. In reality, he’d been far from it, a smile permanently stamped on his mouth. Varyk stood on the opposite side of his sister and lay the palm of his hand on the crisp white sheets, close but not enough to touch. In all the years of visiting day, Varyk never touched Uvem’s frozen form. Guilt, fear, so many emotions held him back from forming the physical connection.

  Wearing a green vest and green pants, his mentor hadn’t aged a day past his one hundred and fiftieth year. Unheard of, yet possible because Varyk refused to let Uvem go. Dark brown strands remained short, neatly brushed back from his forehead. Uvem’s hair had never turned the green of a king which should have been a sign to everyone, but no one questioned what they thought to be the goddess of fate’s choice. As a youth, Varyk hadn’t understood enough to question either.

  “Uvem,” he murmured, voice gone husky.

  There was no answer for Varyk as there’d been no answer for Milana. It didn’t deter them. As always they spoke of matters concerning the Green, sharing important issues and humorous stories as well on the off chance he could hear them. Things Uvem had once enjoyed.

  After some time passed, Milana patted Uvem’s arm and stood. “Should we let him go?”

  She asked each visit. Varyk stared at his mentor and waved a palm over the sleeping face. Green trails of smoke played about his fingers then shot into Uvem’s nostrils and beneath the closed lids. Uvem’s chest rose on a shudder then settled.

  Every visit he imbued Uvem’s body with a sliver of his essence, unsure how it worked. This time was no different. Varyk pulled back his arm and faced his sister. “Not yet.”

  Relief crossed features so like his own. She wasn’t ready to let go either.


  “Why must Rylin invite them all?”

  Inez fought hard to hold in her grin at the blatant frustrated tone. Dara was new to being Queen of the Black Dracol, but it was evident she held no fondness for the other Kings who would soon be arriving.

  “It’s etiquette and proper protocol.” Her answer came out cool and reflected none of her inner amusement.

  Dara glared and sped up down the long hall. It didn’t matter. Inez knew where they headed. Each morning her Queen stopped in the room below, where only a select few had permission to enter. The guard at the door stepped aside immediately when he saw Dara.

  He smirked at Inez as their gazes met but the former annoyance didn’t materialize. Once upon a time she’d have reacted with visible anger for being assigned to guard the human from Earth. Inez went through intense training and was skilled in combat with the sole intent of becoming a close guard to her cousin and King, Rylin.

  Instead, she’d been given what she’d considered a role any Dracol in its infancy could handle—formal personal guard to Rylin’s lira. It didn’t take long for Inez to reevaluate her opinion of Dara. For all her naivete and alien ways, Dara was a highly intelligent being and one who enjoyed dragging Inez into meaningless conversations about the strangest things.

  After months of being at Dara’s side, Inez no longer regretted Rylin’s command. Allowing her lips to curl at Quinn’s look, she slid past him and slammed the door on his startled face. He could easily come in, but it was understood that Dara preferred privacy when she came here. Unless Rylin joined her.

  Every single member of the Black would give their life for Dara because of the contents of this room. Inez took a moment to search for potential security risks, though she expected none. Bright light from wall mounted fixtures kept the interior well lit. Cushions and long lounging chairs crowded the corners but at the center, on a pile of black hand woven blankets stitched by elderly female Dracols, rested five waist high eggs.

  Five! Gifts from the goddess. A blessing unheard of. When a male Dracol’s love rang true for his lira and life partner, his essence rose to fertilize one of the eggs kept beneath the home of the King. Rylin had mated once before, but his lira had demanded separation because of the lack of children from the mating. Sana had become lira to Rylin’s best friend, Mikal, immediately after and welcomed a daughter into their lives.

  Inez leaned against a wall, arms folded over her chest and crossed her legs at the ankles. It was ironic really. All those who’d harbored a modicum of doubt about their King now followed without question.

  Because of the dark-haired woman squatting next to an egg with her palm planted on the shell.

  “What happens when you do that?” Inez really wanted to know but had never dared ask.

  She accompanied Dara each morning and Rylin accompanied her most nights. Without fail, Dara didn’t miss a visit. One by one she sat beside each egg and talked. Inez couldn’t see that it did anything, but Dara left with a warm secretive smile and an inexplicable bounce in her step. Today, curiosity got the better of Inez.

  “It helps me focus.” Dara didn’t move but she lifted her head in Inez’s direction and grinned. “Plus, they kick now.”

  Something shifted in Inez’s chest. Dara made absolutely no effort to hide her joy.
“They move?”

  Until Dara, those gifted with a child in the shell, waited until the glorious day of release and the new life was celebrated with an elaborate party. No one visited prior. It just wasn’t done.

  Dara rose and moved to the next egg. The moment she reached out, it wobbled and started to glow. Inez jerked upright, her arms falling to her side. She was pretty sure that was not normal. Then again, maybe it was a sign the King and Queen would be parents soon.

  “They move,” Dara confirmed once settled. “Inside I can feel them rolling, flipping. Sometimes laugh—”

  “Laughing?” Inez couldn’t help the doubt in her tone. “You can actually sense all of that?”

  Dara stumbled to her feet, green eyes wide, then slipped back to her knees. “Inez, you can’t—”

  “I’d never tell,” Inez interrupted as her heart pounded.

  Was this what Rylin wanted hidden? No one spoke of such.

  Dara heaved a sigh and pressed a hand to her chest. “Thanks. Rylin’s not sure why or how. But he says something is different. We…I touched the other shells when I shouldn’t have while still covered in his essence. That’s why there’s five.”

  Amazement held Inez immobile for a moment. Sometimes when a mated pair joined, the essence of the male would rise, creating the potential for a child. One child. Never more. “But…they all survived.”

  Dara nodded then chuckled, but the sound ended on a sob. Inez hurried over and dropped to her knees beside her. “Dara, I’m sorry if I touched on a private moment between you and my king. My vow, I will not reveal what you’ve shared.”

  Inez placed a hand on her Queen’s shoulder, unsure how to handle this burst of emotion. Luckily the storm was brief. Sniffling, Dara patted Inez’s hand. “Don’t worry. This has all been a lot. Ranald’s attack, babies, living with dragons.”

  Inez flinched. Dara snickered and rose shakily to her feet. “Dracol. I meant Dracol.”

  Inez stood as well. She understood Dara came from a world where creatures known as dragons were mythical, but the term was still insulting. Dragons were nothing like the fierce raptors who roamed the world of Vovin. Inez was proud to be Dracol.

  “Let’s get you to Ry, or do you need to finish?”

  Dara cleared her throat and straightened. “I need to touch the others. It soothes them.”

  This time Inez paid closer attention and had to admit the sheen on the shells when they left was brighter than when they’d arrived. Perhaps she’d never paid enough attention before. What did it mean for the Black? Or all of the Dracol sects?

  Chapter 3

  “Some things never change.”

  Inez glanced sideways at the dark mutter. Bejon glared at the man entering the throne room with an arrogant swagger ahead of two males from his sect. Today started the week of Fate’s blessing. Before the birth of a child, kings from each Dracol sect were invited to the home of the hosting king, bearing gifts.

  It was customary, but none before Rylin ever expected more than one. Inez agreed with her fellow soldier and guardsman though. King Varyk wore his lofty attitude like a thorny crown.

  He was handsome enough she supposed, gaze lit with taunting amusement as he surveyed the gathered crowd. Shoulder length green hair fell about his face, longer than Rylin’s short black waves. The traditional vest in the green of his sect brought out the amber tones in King Varyk’s eyes. His gaze paused briefly on her. Amusement transition into something dark, wicked. Against her will, Inez shivered and her nipples budded with interest.

  No, absolutely not. She curled her lips in dismissal. As if. His response was a knowing tilt of his chin as he acceded to her rejection easily. Probably another reason no one called him out on his behavior. When he showed for public events, it seemed as if he went out of his way to be abrasive. But in the next breath he shrugged off whatever slight he received. She’d also witnessed him tear another Dracol apart for harming a female.

  King Varyk stopped in front of Rylin’s dais and barely tipped his head in acknowledgement. The sneer on his face spoke volumes. It was obvious he only came out of duty. Rylin, showing true grace, waved his hand toward the left of his seat where Dara stood by a table already overflowing with gifts. Then he ignored the leader of the Green by speaking to the next in line.

  Varyk snorted at the casual dismissal as he turned away with a half recognizable bow in Rylin’s direction. Inez was proud of her Queen. Her smile never wavered as Varyk stormed in her direction, a wrapped box clutched in his right hand. He tossed it on the table, causing the other items to clink and shift.

  Inez was in motion without thinking. Dara tried to signal her away, but the slight couldn’t be ignored. As soon as she was in ear shot, Inez growled, “Have you no sense of respect for the mantle you claim?”

  Varyk swiveled around to face her, smirk firmly in place. “Ah, another one who has fallen under the alien’s spell, I see.”

  “What’s your problem, King Varyk?” she asked from between clenched teeth.

  “It’s not important, Inez. Let it go.” Dara grasped her forearm.

  The noise and laughter dimmed as they drew stares. Rylin in particular focused his attention on them. Inez forced a smile to her lips, the gesture tight with checked frustration. There was only so much recourse for her. This was the head of the Green. If provoked, the king could slaughter her where she stood with little effort.

  “Yes…Inez, let it go.” His smug superiority goaded.

  The opportunity to push the issue tempted her, but Inez relaxed and blew out a breath. King Varyk elicited this reaction from others all the time. Apparently, she wasn’t as immune as she’d like. “You’re not worth it.”

  “On the contrary—” His sneer twisted into a smile of seduction. His posture adjusted as he turned fully to face her. Arrogance morphed to enticement. “I am worth it. Very much so.”

  Inez restrained the urge to take another look. She hated that she agreed with him to some extent. Surrounded by beautiful males on a daily basis, she shouldn’t be affected. She’d learned the hard way that character counted for far more. Yet here she stood with hard nipples and a thudding heart rate.

  Assuming a relaxed stance, Inez arched a brow. “Guess I’ll never know.”

  His gaze narrowed, the air between them heating. Unwanted desire continued to tease at her senses. Her eyes dropped to the v neckline of the vest he wore. The sliver of a bronze chest hinted at the muscles which lay beneath.

  She swallowed. Not going there.

  “Thank you for the gift, Varyk.”

  Dara’s voice broke the growing tension. Varyk slanted a glance toward her queen, dismissing Inez with seeming ease. If he said something insulting to the human from Earth who’d won all their hearts, nothing would stop Inez from shoving her boot in a certain place.

  Dara’s ankle length black gown hugged her slight figure in a manner that enhanced her slim body. Inez expected the king to leer, but he didn’t. “Enjoy.”

  He sauntered away, stopping only to grab a glass of wine from a nearby table. Quinn and Layne, close guards to Rylin, appeared out of nowhere and followed him at a respectable distance.

  Inez sighed again, unsure why the leader of the Green got to her. She’d been in Varyk’s presence on a number of occasions and always had such an irritable reaction toward him with a strong dose of attraction. Afterwards, she’d counsel herself to do better the next time. It never worked.

  “Are you alright?” Dara touched her arm lightly.

  “Not a problem.” Inez worked up a smile and met her gaze. Seeking to distract, Inez pointed out a young male with brown hair and a lean form on the verge of manhood. He stood in earnest conversation with Rylin, who swiped at his cheeks as laughter spilled from his pursed lips. “Isn’t that your first unofficial guard?”

  Olivan had once been responsible for protecting Dara and took the role very seriously. Because of him, the Earth female survived an attack by a Dracol gone mad. It was also because of that incid
ent Rylin realized his Queen would need her own personal guard. Inez had been assigned to Dara right after.

  Dara’s gaze brightened and she stepped away from the table, shedding all decorum. “Van!”

  The young Dracol turned and grinned. Showing admirable restraint, Van finished with Rylin before coming their way.

  Inez eased back and allowed the two a semblance of privacy, if such was possible in a room with a crowd of excitable Black awaiting the birth of their king’s children.

  Any day now.


  Varyk muted the growl trying to rip free. Every one of the Black with their presumptuous ways grinded on his nerves. The female…Inez was no different. Varyk watched from the corner of his eyes as she chatted freely, never straying far from the female Rylin had made his lira and Queen. On top of that, the alien did something totally unheard of—she was about to gift Rylin with five young.

  It reminded Varyk of the unusual circumstances surrounding his own birth. The Goddess of Fate apparently considered Dara worthy, which meant Varyk would have to keep a closer eye on her.

  “Why do you seek to antagonize them?”

  Varyk didn’t startle as Faris, King of the Silver, came to stand at his side. “Plenty of reasons, starting with Rylin.”

  Faris snorted, his gaze roaming the crowd. “One would think it your personal mission to try and destroy an important sect which makes up our very existence.”

  Sliding his hands into his pants, Varyk glared at everyone around him. Spirits were high, laughter in abundance. Still, he didn’t want to be here, wished to be anywhere else, but even he wasn’t as uncouth as to avoid the celebrational gift giving. When a shell sparked with life, all gave thanks. Multiply that by five and it was an event not to be missed.


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