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Relentless Fire (A Novel of the Dracol Book 2)

Page 6

by Michelle Howard

  Curls of green smoke slipped past his lips in the only visible sign of his annoyance. A shot of adrenalin struck and Inez braced herself, but his tone remained calm as he answered. “Larz is in a remote area on my land. It would take you days to walk. You either come with me or I do this on my own.”

  Although she wanted to argue, common sense ruled and once more Inez grabbed his rough hand. If sparks went off in her most private places, she ignored them. “It would help if you explained yourself before taking off the next time.”

  His grunt wasn’t an agreement or refusal. “I am King. I don’t explain.”

  The landscape changed in a blur. Inez blinked and they were several feet away from a small alcove. Behind them, the edge of the jungle gave way to this cleared area. It wasn’t hard to see the small fire burning from a pile of wood nor the male mumbling to himself as he paced.

  Larz was bigger than Varyk in body mass. A broad chest strained his green vest and the dark leathers he wore burst at the seams to contain his thick thighs with each step he took. Brown hair cut short fell over his brow and thin lips pressed tight as he fell silent, but didn’t move far from Rylin’s stolen shell.

  “I will distract Larz and you protect your kin.”

  Yes, her kin. This child, once born, would be a new addition to her family. Their gazes met. Compassion. She hadn’t expected the rare show of understanding. Since Inez couldn’t find fault with Varyk’s whispered suggestion, she nodded and slid away to the left. She withdrew her sword in case and crept toward the back in order to approach from the opposite side.

  In position, she questioned her faith in Varyk. It didn’t cross her mind not to trust him in this situation. Surprise and an insidious sliver of doubt penetrated her guard, but then Inez shook it away. Now wasn’t the time. She’d ponder the matter more later.

  Varyk walked forward boldly, drawing Larz’s attention. Inez tried not to stare at the cut of his masculine features or the stoic expression he wore. When she’d discovered him in the trap, he’d been worn down by the poison thanks to treachery. His voice had lacked the arrogant cadence she despised and the rare show of vulnerability triggered a sympathetic chord within her.

  Defenseless no longer, Inez stared in awe as he confronted the other male. Power punched the air around them with vibrancy.

  “What did you hope to achieve with your actions, Larz?”

  The member of the Green turned. Shock widened his gaze and his mouth opened. Then his brows slashed low and his hands clenched. “The King of the Black doesn’t deserve such gifts.”

  Varyk stopped within touching distance. Inez held her breath. “I’m always open to ways Rylin failed. What has he done to provoke you to this extreme course? Harming the unborn is an automatic death sentence.”

  Terror flashed, but was quickly doused as Larz regained his bravado. His step back put him directly in Inez’s line of sight, no longer at an angle. She squatted low in her hiding place, on edge as she waited for her opportunity. There was no way she could move the shell and escape unscathed, which meant Varyk wanted her as defense. Inez would protect the young with all of her might.

  “Mina and I have tried and tried, but the Goddess has forsaken us. My essence rises for her and yet the shell does not hold the life.”

  Inez tightened her hold on her sword even as her heart softened for the heartfelt revelation. Varyk folded his arms over his chest and tipped his head to the side. Nothing gave away his thoughts as he took his time in responding. “How is this the fault of the Black?”

  “Because.” Larz thrust out an imploring arm in Varyk’s direction. Inez froze, the hair at her nape curling. “He’s stolen a gift meant for others. Why should he have five thriving shells when I have none?”

  “This is not your child, Larz, nor can it replace the ones you and Mina have lost. I will offer you this one chance to correct your error and return the shell without consequence.”

  Larz started to speak, but Varyk cut him off with a violent slash of his hand. “Do not test my patience and forgiveness for what you’ve done.”

  Inez’s breath stuttered at the switch from calm to outright anger. Varyk wasn’t just pissed or annoyed. He was livid. Fury simmered about him in waves and a pulse of unchecked energy swelled in the alcove. She shifted her gaze to catch Larz’s reaction. His head lowered, defeat curving his shoulders inward. Inez relaxed a fraction. This might end well after all.

  “Fuck Rylin and his lira,” Larz snapped as his head jerked up to glare at Varyk. “This is his fault. He’s stolen the blessing of the Goddess and left nothing for the rest of us. Mina and I will have a child.”

  With the threat lingering on the air, Larz stretched behind him and palmed the top of the pale, motionless egg.

  “No!” Inez leaped to her feet and lunged forward, sword at the ready.

  Too late. Larz vanished along with Rylin’s child.

  “Fuuuck!” Varyk roared.

  Desperation tripled the beat of her heart. “Use the mantle. Get him back!”

  Chapter 9

  Inez’s scream echoed around him. Varyk wanted to tear apart the small glade. With no outlet for his rage, he struggled to bury the feeling until he could deal with it later. He faced the stricken female across from him. He’d have to keep her with him. Inez made it very clear she was determined to be a part of this. “Prepare to ride.”

  Her mouth formed a small O. Varyk shifted into his Dracol form, barely feeling the change and grasped Inez carefully in his clawed hands. Then he lunged into the air, the mantle allowing him to track Larz effortless.

  For her part, Inez didn’t scream as he raced through the sky. Varyk locked onto the definitive signature belonging to Larz and flashed to the new location. As he entered the clearing, he snaked his head about and tasted the air with his tongue. Familiar scents, ones he recognized easily because he ruled this land. One distinct smell stood out among all others.

  Larz stepped out into view, blocking the egg and fisted his hands on his hips. His chest rose and fell from the exertion of teleporting back to back and with a passenger. Stealing one of the shells from the secured home of the Black had taken a toll on him. Only Varyk could manage such long-range endeavors without strain.

  Using care, Varyk landed far enough back from Larz to prevent a surprise attack. He set Inez on her feet and curved his tail in front of her to ensure her safety. The unusual protective gesture startled him but he went with it and growled low in warning to Larz along the mantle.

  “This is mine, King Varyk.”

  Varyk shifted in order to speak. He hoped logic would penetrate the haze he sensed in Larz’ mind. “She belongs to Rylin. You can’t steal the daughter the Goddess of Fate blessed him with.”

  “Daughter?” For the first time Larz stumbled in his determination. He leaned in close to the shell and rubbed one finger over the flickering gold glow. “You can’t know this. No one can.”

  Varyk forced himself to relax as he cajoled. “He knows.”

  Truth or lie, Varyk was willing to try anything to recover the young one. Larz huffed and paced about. Once more Varyk could see the male contemplating his action. Varyk tried to manipulate his compliance along the mantle.

  “Do the right thing, Larz. I will speak with Mina as well. Time will grant you the child you seek.”

  Much to his relief, Larz stepped away from the shell.

  “The child is not yours for the taking,” Varyk continued adding emotional pressure.

  Remorse trickled through their connection. A little longer and Varyk could put this behind him. All the while he prayed the life still thrived inside the shell.


  In a flash, Larz assumed his Dracol form and cradled the delicate shell in his hand. Almost four foot in height and two feet across, it now appeared fragile in the palm of the clawed hand holding it. Larz looked up, nostrils flaring and met Varyk’s gaze. The dual lids lifted and the emptiness glinting back did not bode well.

  Behind him,
Inez inhaled, her body moving in a way that spoke to her desire to rush forward. Varyk nudged her back with a hand to her chest. Her squawk distracted him until Larz used it in his favor to set the shell aside and charge forward.

  Varyk had a split second to react. He called forth the mantle and a rush of power slammed over him as he took on the form of his raptor. The impact of two fully grown Dracols would crush Inez. His tail lashed out and looped around her waist. She grunted as the tensile muscle contracted and he mentally apologized for the painful grip then tossed her toward the trees behind them.

  Larz slammed into Varyk’s upper torso, driving him backward. He clawed and bit, sinking deep into the protective scales of Varyk’s belly as they fell. Varyk countered and dug for the tender skin beneath Larz’ throat.

  They crashed sideways then broke apart. Larz snapped powerful jaws in Varyk’s direction, but he ducked and hissed a stream of deadly green vapor in return. The poison was harmless to one another, but enabled Varyk time to swivel about.

  Taking position behind Larz, he ripped his clawed hand down the neck nodules. Larz screamed and twisted, throwing Varyk off. The momentum sent Varyk flying. He landed in a grove of trees, cracking the trunks in half from the force of his massive body.

  Varyk rolled to his feet and roared. Larz accepted his challenge and returned it with a loud guttural cry. They thundered toward each other attacking and striking.

  Small cuts bled on Varyk but he’d done more damage to Larz. A gaping wound gushed red fluid from the other male’s chest and front forearm. Varyk followed through with a vicious rake down Larz’s back, causing him to squeal in agony.

  Larz’s large webbed wings flapped in a frantic attempt to fly away. Varyk reached for the tender joint between the accordion folds of Larz’ wings intending to ground him. Larz jerked away, screeching madly. His hind legs dug into the ground, creating gouges in the green expanse as he resisted.

  Varyk pumped his upper wing muscles until he hovered in the air. Larz snaked his neck up and trumpeted in rage. Madness gleamed from the depths of his eyes.

  Mentally, Varyk urged Larz to surrender.

  But not even the mantle could get through and Varyk realized his only choice was to kill one of his people. He’d done it before, but it never got easy. He’d feel the loss of Larz’ soul and suffer the anguish upon his death, as he did with all his people when they traveled the wind to meet the Goddess.

  Varyk flew up high and turned to dive and deliver the death blow. Instead of facing him, Larz swooped up the shell, curled around it and ported.

  “Stop him!” Inez rushed out, sword at the ready.

  Varyk landed and transitioned to two legs with a curse. Larz blasted a message to him over and over. One that kept Varyk from pursuing, as much as he longed to.

  “He’s gone, Inez.” He snapped his hand downward and green silk covered him at the hips.

  “Use the mantle. You’re the damn King. End him before it’s too late.”

  Pale and shaking, she’d lost the confident manner. Varyk gripped the back of his neck. He wanted to give in to her plea and because he couldn’t his voice was unusually harsh. “I can’t. He’s telling me he’ll smash the shell if I pull. The essence inside isn’t fully formed. Close but not yet. If Larz releases the child and it survives, it could imprint on him.”

  If that happened the child would never accept Rylin and Dara as her parents. Finley would be committed to Larz, destroying any chance they could kill him without harming her undeveloped psyche.

  Inez stumbled but stayed on her feet. Her face blanched and her eyes stood out in contrast to her normal hue. Neither of them wanted that.

  Varyk stared longer than necessary, seeking any sign she’d give up or didn’t have the stamina to see this through. “Can you handle this?”

  Her back shot up and her glare dared him to argue. “I’m here. I won’t quit.”

  His respect for her grew. Against his better judgement, Varyk decided not to force her back to her territory. He was within his rights, but nothing about this situation was normal.


  Inez was a soldier. Fighting came to her naturally, but this was beyond her experience. No one had ever committed such an atrocity. Stealing another’s unborn was akin to begging the Goddess to take out her vengeance on you.

  “I mean it, Varyk. I plan to see this through.”

  Weary acceptance wiped away the neutral expression on his face. Inez’s senses tugged, urging her to reach out and hold Varyk. It wasn’t the flicker of annoyance, it wasn’t the tamed frustration which surely was aimed at her. It was the yearning appeal which glimmered briefly. There and gone so fast she’d almost doubt she witnessed it. This other side to the belligerent king fascinated.

  “Very well. For now, we must go to my home. Take my hand.”

  She wanted to ignore the imperious command, but until they rescued Finley, Inez had to stick by his side. Their hands touched, fingers entwined and a flare of heat burst in her belly. When Inez glanced round, they no longer stood in the wild jungle and its balmy humidity.

  In front of her, a large painting depicted Green Dracol in mid-flight battling the Black. Heads fell beneath swords and blood flowed freely. Flames licked the edges of a smoke-filled sky and the artist managed to convey the sense of poison filled air.

  Inez grimaced at the graphic display. Nice. It was from one of the great sect wars and not a pleasant memory for those who’d lived during the violent clash of time. She’d listened to the stories from the elders and didn’t relish revisiting such a brutal time period.

  This was Varyk’s home. His bedroom no less. And he chose to decorate it with a memorable moment in history reflecting conflict. Did he no longer notice it? Was her feeling from earlier off base?

  She’d lain in his arms, given herself unselfishly to save him in a desperate act which lingered via the ache between her thighs and the sudden nervous clench in her stomach as he stood across the room from her. Waiting.

  Inez glanced around. Other than a massive bed draped in gold sheets dominating the space, the room was sparse. She eyed Varyk with trepidation, her heart a rapid quiver in her chest. “Why are we here?”

  “Larz is no longer capable of reason. I’m not at full strength. Until I rest, it would be foolish to continue.”

  Anxiety tickled at the back of her mind and the complaint burst forth. “We can’t wait until morning.”

  Inez held back the length of hair falling into her face. They needed to go after Larz now before more time passed. Rylin would expect an update and Inez refused to tell him they didn’t have his child. At the back of her mind she felt his impatience hammering along her connection to the mantle but he waited for word from her.

  “Inez, there is nothing to do tonight. Larz is on his guard, wary and riding a very thin line. If we push too hard, he’s made it clear he’ll do anything. Anything, Inez. Including kill.”

  She flinched, gorge rising up in her belly. Lowering her hand, she fingered the handle of the knives she wore. She needed reassurance. When she’d left tonight, her belief they’d track the culprit quickly and restore the child back to Dara and Rylin had been naïve.

  “Let me check with Rylin.” Communication wasn’t clear for Dracols—only liras could speak mind to mind. They could, however, detect strong currents and surmise a close approximation. She didn’t wait and sent her query through the mantle.

  Rylin must have hovered on the cusp of her mind, waiting. Cascading emotions slammed into her. Inez tried to convey her thoughts on the situation and sharp colors of black, silver and hints of purple pounded at her as his rage sought a target.

  The desire to hunt Larz down and eat his beating heart before crushing his skull between brutal claws was a clear image in Inez’s mind. She flinched. Urgency followed the blood thirsty representation and a warning.

  The shells were close to hatching. They would heat and blaze with the fire of the Black Dracol before cracking to release the new babies soon

  “The babies will be born soon,” she said in aside to Varyk.

  Shadows reflected in his gold touched orbs. “First light, Inez. You have my vow.”

  Reluctant, Inez agreed. There really wasn’t a choice. She pushed the need for trust along the connection. Reluctance and hesitation slid around her conscious before she sensed Rylin pull away and blinked. “Looks like I’m staying.”

  An abrupt nod followed. With measured steps, Varyk walked toward her, only stopping when bare inches separated them. He cupped her jaw, tilting her face up to stare into her eyes. “Rest. Tomorrow I’ll be fully recovered.”

  Inez quirked her brow, some of her humor and balance returning. “Does this make us partners?”

  His smile chilled. “No.”

  Chapter 10

  Fists banging on the door first thing in the morning dragged Inez from a deep slumber. After she tossed and turned all night in the unfamiliar surroundings, sleep had finally come. The memory of sex with Varyk teased, giving her erotic dreams which left her panties drenched and her body craving.

  One mere time together shouldn’t have this sort of impact on her. Lovers before hadn’t warranted a second thought from Inez unless she wanted to continue the relationship on her terms. She’d yet to find anyone she wanted long term, not that she was opposed. Now after one encounter with Varyk she found herself thinking and dreaming of him.

  “Come in,” she called out and pushed herself up to a sitting position.

  Varyk entered through the double doors of the guest room he’d assigned her, flinging them wide open. Inez couldn’t deny the thrill of excitement. Today his green waves were pulled back from his face in a loose nub. The traditional green vest clung to his body, the high collar drawing attention to the sharp cut of his jaw. His black pants appeared painted on and it took will to pull her gaze from the noticeable bulge in the front.

  “Time to get up.”


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